Chapter 166 Primary Chaos?

“Is he realized some of the secrets of chaos, and cultivated into the body of chaos by this?”

Duobao suddenly said, “This is a good way to practice… Chaos is the source of all things, the source of the world, and the level is high enough, so all forces lower than Chaos can’t break the defense.”

“Hey, don’t say it, this is really a good way for Wanfa not to invade.”

“How? Is there a way?” Di Jun asked nervously.

Duobao came back to his senses: “Ah, this, it’s not a big problem.”

“Really?” Dijun and Taiyi were pleasantly surprised.

Duobao smiled: “There is no problem, it’s just that the energy level is higher.”

Wanfa doesn’t invade, it’s so mysterious, but it’s just a quality gap.

Just like the difference between ice and air, chaos is like ice, and other attacks are equivalent to water and air. Under the difference in quality, it is either completely useless or requires a lot of accumulation to barely break the defense.

“In that case, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower is also because it is transformed by the Kaitian merits, so it has the effect of Wanfa’s non-invasion?”

Suddenly, Duobao thought of something, and he smiled suddenly.

“Duobao, what can I do?” Taiyi asked.

Duobao came back to his senses, suppressed his thoughts, and looked at the two of them: “Actually, you can handle this matter yourself.”

“Let’s do it ourselves?” Emperor Juntai glanced at each other, seeing the doubt in the other’s eyes.

If they can handle this, why bother to find Dubo?

It was precisely because they couldn’t handle it and had exceeded the upper limit of what they could handle, so they had to come to Duobao for help.

“Hey.” Seeing the doubt in their eyes, Duobao shook his head: “At first glance, you didn’t care about the Magic Treasures I sold you.”

“??” Di Juntai looked puzzled.

What do you say?

Duobao sighed: “According to your statement, the real body they cultivated is too strong, and it is almost as non-invasive as Wanfa.”

“The reason for this is actually very simple in my opinion.”

“Simple?” The doubt in Di Juntai’s eyes turned into shock.

Is it easy for Wanfa not to invade?

This is only Sage’s ability!

Even if it is Lingbao, there are not many that possess such ability in the prehistoric times, and even a few Xiantian treasures do not possess such ability.

The reason why the Chaos Demon God is so powerful is that they possess the real body of the Chaos Demon God.

The real body of the Chaos Demon God is conceived in the chaos and possesses the power of chaos. Xiantian comes with Wanfa’s ability to not invade.

Even if they are not strong, they still have this ability.

In addition to Sage, no matter how strong he is, it is difficult to cultivate such an ability.

Why does such a powerful thing seem to be so simple in Dubao’s mouth?

“Where is it simple?” Taichi couldn’t help asking.

Dubao explained: “It’s really simple.”

“It’s just the difference in quality.”

Too Yi was puzzled: “The quality problem?”

“Right.” Seeing that the two were really confused, Duobao slowly explained: “It’s just the difference in quality.”

“It’s like the same spell, in your hands and in the hands of ordinary cultivator, can it have the same power?”

“Even if they just use the same Magic power, they are far from being able to break the spells you cast.”

“What is this?” Duobao asked.

Di Jun thoughtfully: “Is it quality?”

“Right.” Duobao nodded: “It’s quality.”

“The quality of Magic power!”

“The so-called Wanfa is not invaded, but it’s actually the same.”

“According to my guess, the real body they cultivated is only because of the power they used, the level is too high, it is chaos.”

“Therefore, for them, there is a quality gap in the attacks below the chaos level, and it is difficult to break the defense.”

“It’s actually easy to solve it, as long as the quality Ascension is up.”

Taiyi asked in a hurry, “How about Ascension?”

Duobao looked at him: “I said before, you are not caring about the Magic Treasures I sold to you.”

“How is it possible?” Tai Yi immediately retorted: “We are all precious and cherish.”

The Magic Treasures that Dubao sold to them are very powerful. After they are given to the people below, they will cherish them very much. They are very precious.

In the early stage, I am afraid that they would not help but want to sleep with these babies.

Isn’t this considered a heart?

Duobao is noncommittal: “Really?”

“If this is the case, then why would you still come to me for such a thing?”

Too dazed: “What do you mean?”

“Hey!” Duobao shook his head: “Among the Magic Treasures I sold to you, if you can focus on it and use your power to the limit, then it won’t be a problem to break through these chaotic bodies.”

“Is that so?” Taiichi asked suspiciously.

Dubao was speechless: “Of course, it’s just a mere quality problem. The Magic Treasures that I refined are hard to say in other aspects, but in terms of quality, there is absolutely no problem.”

“Any piece of Magic Treasures, when used to the limit, can touch the chaos level.”

“In this way, naturally, it will not be blocked by the real body of the mere primary chaos level.”

“Oh!” Taiyi seemed to understand the general response, and then suddenly reacted, his body was shaken, and he stared at Dubao closely: “What did you just say?”

“What did you say?” Duobao was startled by Taiyi’s reaction, and he was also a little confused: “What did I say?”

Tai Yi’s eyes were staring at Duobao, and the dijun next to him was also staring at Duobao: “You just said… the real body of the primitive Chaos level?”

Trivial… Primary Chaos… These two words firmly grasped the minds of the two of them, so that the two of them could no longer be calm.

Does Chaos also have elementary, intermediate, and advanced points?

A mere word… can chaos be described by this word?

Dubao didn’t know, but they did.

What they are facing is the real Chaos Demon God.

Their true bodies are also true Chaos Demon Gods, but they are not ordinary true bodies.

Such a real body of the Chaos Demon God is absolutely supreme at the level, how can it be described in two words.

“Yeah?” Duobao looked at the two of them puzzledly: “What’s the matter? Is there any problem?”

It is indeed a primary chaos, judging from the aura that the two gave to own chaos, it is only equivalent to the quality of ordinary chaos.

In his case, it really can only be regarded as the primary chaos.

Compared with the chaos after he condensed himself, it was far worse.

In comparison, Duobao feels a bit overestimating them when it comes to the primary chaotic real bodies.

After all, it’s just the opponents faced by small forces like Emperor One and Emperor Two. How strong can they be?


After being confirmed by Duo Bao, Tai Yi and Di Jun were shocked and their throats rolled.

Taiyi was suddenly a little frightened, and cautiously asked Dubao: “If this is the primary chaos true body, then I don’t know how it is considered advanced chaos?”

Dobo blinked and thought for a while, there is nothing to say about it.

Reach out.

The two looked at it together.

Spreading out his palms, a strong chaotic air appeared in Duobao’s hands.

Looking at this chaotic air, Taiyi and Dijun’s hearts trembled: “This…this is?”

The two were shocked, is this chaos?

Is there such a powerful chaos?

Just such a chaotic aura made their bodies tremble.

Not afraid, but instinctive trembling.

This proves that the level of this Chaos Qi is far beyond what they are now.

There is no need to verify, the two will know, don’t look at this is just a chaotic air.

If it weren’t in the hands of Dubao, it would cause them great troubles if they encountered it in other places.

They have also dealt with Chaos for a long time, but this is the first time they have seen such a powerful Chaos Qi.

It is foreseeable that if the chaos they are in is all such chaotic aura, it is afraid that with their current strength, it will be difficult to survive in it, let alone do other things.

“This is barely an intermediate level chaos.” Duobao said slowly: “It can be stronger…but I can’t do it yet.”

“I can definitely do it in the future.”

Tai Yi, Di Jun heard this and immediately looked at Duo Bao with a ghostly expression.

Such a powerful Chaos Qi, you actually said that it is only Intermediate Chaos, still reluctant?

Does this speak human words?

Suddenly, the two of them didn’t know what to say, they were relatively speechless.

“Well, these are all digressions.”

Duobao put away the chaos, and said, “Let’s get back to the subject.”

“The chaos body is only a basic level, very simple.”

“As long as you sell the Magic Treasures I sold to you to the extreme, you will naturally be able to break it.”

“It’s not difficult.”

“Not difficult?” Di Jun and Tai looked at each other. For a long time, Di Jun asked quietly: “I don’t know, what kind of strength is needed to fully exert the power of those Magic Treasures?”

“Simple, the weaker true immortal is fine, the stronger, the Xuanxian is about the same, the strongest…” Duobao looked at the two of them: “With your current strength, it should be about the same.”

Di Jun: “…”

One: “…”

Okay, got it.

Sure enough, Duobao said it was not difficult, it was just for him.

The true immortal in his mouth, Xuanxian, if they really think it is an ordinary true immortal, Xuanxian, it would be too stupid.

“That…” Di Jun looked embarrassed.

Duobao saw what he meant and said in surprise: “No, are you so weak?”

“It’s just a mere mortal, Xuanxian, can’t we make it all together?”

Tai Yi, Di Jun is indifferent and can’t speak.

True immortal, Xuanxian is of course not a problem, it’s normal, let alone true immortal, Xuanxian, Taiyi golden immortal, Daluo golden immortal and even quasi-sage, they all have them.

However, the true immortal, Xuanxian in Duobao’s mouth, was different.

Their quasi-sage’s strength is only the golden immortal here in Duobao, and it is far from reaching the golden immortal limit. Then what strength should the profound immortal, true immortal, in his mouth be?

Da Luo is equal to Xuanxian?

Taiyi equals true immortal?

Or stronger, or weaker?

There are Da Luo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian in his monster clan, but I don’t know if there are other problems. Anyway, they didn’t find out what Duobao said.

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