Chapter 165 Demon Race’s Great Enemy

In the simulated predicament, Duobao sent away a group of witches, standing in the simulated predicament, thinking.

“This world…seems to be able to develop.”

Looking up, there are countless places in the world where creatures are born.

The ghosts after Samsara.

“I sealed the Kunlun Mountain, and all the younger brothers, the younger sisters can’t go out.”

“Cultivation alone is too boring.”

“Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest, so that the efficiency will be higher.”

Duobao pondered slowly: “Since the simulation has such potential, why don’t I transform it into a resting place.”

“Furthermore, it does not need to be completely closed, and some outsiders can also be brought in, and it is also convenient to understand the flood and famine situation.”

“Amidst the prehistoric nature, it forms a playground.”

Duobao’s eyes lit up: “That’s it.”

“The Kunlun Manor is a place for cultivation, and it is used as a place to rest, combining work and rest.”

“If you want to come, as long as it’s exciting enough, those junior brothers, junior sisters will not sit still, thinking about going out.”

“In my own home, it doesn’t matter no matter what the waves are.”

Duobao had an idea and immediately started to act.

According to own idea, quickly transform the entire simulation predecessor.


On this day, in the simulated predicament, two people with dignified faces suddenly came.

“Dobo, are you there?”

Outside a manor, the gate was closed, Tai Yi and Di Jun stood outside, Tai Yi shouted.

“Emperor One, Emperor Two… why are you here?”

Duobao’s voice came from the manor.

Immediately, the door burst open: “Come in.”

In the manor, there are rockeries, streams, gardens, and woodlands.

Upon entering the manor, you can immediately see a winding path leading to the depths of the manor.

Looking along the trail, my sight was quickly blocked by a rockery.

The rockery fell in a pond.

After walking across the pond, Tai Yi turned his head and glanced at it. It was full of crisp running water. In the running water, hundreds of carps, either golden, red, or golden-red, were swimming freely.

A glimmer of envy and shock flashed in his eyes.

The water in the pond is not ordinary water, but the law of water condensed by Duobao with the power of the law of water.

Its effect is much stronger than that of the most powerful Shenshui, Sanguang Shenshui.

Drinking a drop can increase your comprehension of the law, not only that, if you cultivate the corresponding Taoism, it can also greatly enhance the degree of cultivation of the corresponding Taoism.

In Taiyi’s view, the spiritual water in these ponds can be regarded as the strongest divine water in the prehistoric times.

It is a pity that such a powerful baby was treated as ordinary water by Dubao, placed in the pond, and wasted by these ordinary carps.

Of course, in such a spiritual water, even if these carps were ordinary, they are no longer ordinary.

Although it was not the first time I saw him, Taiyi couldn’t help but feel distressed every time he came to see such a treasure being wasted by Duobao.

Such a waste!

Di Jun patted Taiyi on the shoulder and shook his head: “Let’s go, don’t forget our business.”

Tai Yi looked away from the pond helplessly and sighed.

To be honest, if it weren’t for fear that Dubao would discover something, he would have liked to take away all the water of these laws.

If they were given to him the monster clan, his monster clan’s strength would be greatly increased as a result.


Walking across the pond, Tai Yi couldn’t help but sigh as before.

After passing the rockery pond and through a green forest, the shock in Tai Yi’s heart lasted for a long time.

Although it was not the first time I saw him, his heart couldn’t be calm every time he came.

Because, in this ordinary manor, except for the creatures in it that can be said to be ordinary, everything else can be regarded as a peerless treasure.

Even… it’s a grass on the ground.

Put it outside, enough to make people stand Immortal Ascension.

Because these things were all made by Dubao.

Passing through the green forest, you see a wind pavilion in your eyes. In the wind pavilion, there is a coffee table. Duobao is sitting behind the coffee table, and Di Jun beckons to Taiyi.

“Come, come and sit down, the tea will be ready soon.”

Dijun and Taiyi walked into the wind pavilion and sat down, watching Duobao slowly making tea there.

Duobao’s movements are slow and slow, with a peculiar rhythm, just looking at it, it makes people intoxicated.

The drunkenness flashed in Tai Yi’s eye, and then he woke up.

Before he could speak, Duobao suddenly raised his head and looked at Taiyi and Dijun: “What happened to you today?”

He is making tea, but his actions are secretive and legal, and every move has its own way.

Most people can naturally develop some insights when they see him making tea.

Then immerse in it, savor carefully.

Previously, the same was true for Emperor One and Emperor Two.

But now, they actually woke up.

Before he finished making tea, he woke up.

This is not a normal awakening, but a forced awakening.

Therefore, Dubo is very puzzled.

“Duobao, we are in trouble.” When Duobao asked, Tai Yi said directly without concealing it.

“Trouble?” Duobao raised his eyebrows: “What is the trouble?”

“Is it targeted by the Wu Clan?”

In his opinion, Emperor One and Emperor Two are monster races with huge power, and for them, only the Wu Clan can be considered a trouble.

“In this case, I have some friendship with the Wu clan.” Duobao thought for a while and said: “You can tell me specifically, if you can, I will be a peacemaker and talk to the Wu clan. It shouldn’t be a problem. ”

“It’s not the Witch Clan, it’s…” Tai Yi was about to say it all, but was pulled by Di Jun in secret.

Taiyi immediately reacted with a cold sweat on his forehead.

“Forgot, I almost missed it.”

Taiyi covered her mouth.

Duobao looked at them puzzledly: “Why? Can’t you say?”

Di Jun shook his head and said solemnly: “We have met a big enemy, the very strong one, we are not opponents.”

“The specific situation, because there are some reasons that cannot be elaborated, please forgive me.”

Duobao suddenly said, “It’s okay, don’t say it if you can’t say it.”

“Then why are you looking for me?”

“Pray for a powerful Magic Treasures…help us retreat from the enemy.” Di Jun stood up and bowed solemnly to Duobao.

Before, after waking up to his own responsibilities, the monster race had been in chaos, swallowing the chaos, and growing the wild world ever since.

It should have been no problem.

Having obtained the Gate of Multi-Treasure Dimensions, the strength of the monster race has greatly increased, and the speed of devouring the Qi of Chaos has also increased countless times.

Following this, the prehistoric world was slowly increasing due to their actions, Ascension, so it gave back a lot of merit and luck.

The karma accumulated by the Yaozu was slowly eliminated in the process.

I thought it would continue like this.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, countless Chaos Demon Gods suddenly appeared in the chaos.

Seems to be attracted by their actions and discovered the prehistoric world.

That is the real Chaos Demon God, not the Demon God Phantom, powerful and incredible.

Especially their real body of Chaos Demon God, it can be said that Wanfa is not invaded.

Almost all attacks that fell on them were returned to their origins, turned into chaotic air, and then absorbed by them.

Not only did it not hurt them, but it also helped them become stronger.

It is also by virtue of the Gate of Dimension, that the power of hundreds of Universe Star Dou arrays can barely keep the Chaos Demon God out.

But this is also very reluctant, and it will not last long at all.

No, after arranging the monster clan, Emperor Jun and Taiyi couldn’t wait to ask for help.

Apart from Sage, the only person they can think of who can solve this matter is Duobao.

After listening to Dijun’s change, Duobao slowly narrowed his eyes and said in disbelief: “Even the gate of dimensions can’t help you break the enemy?”

Is that the gate of dimensions?

It is one of the strongest Magic Treasures he can refine now.

If any forces get it, their strength will increase by multiples.

It is a treasure.

But that’s it. With the help of the Gate of Dimensions, they can barely support it?

“Yes.” Di Jun nodded helplessly.

It’s not that they are not strong, but that the other party is too fierce.

Chaos Demon God!

“You just said…” Duobao asked slowly: “They all have a real body, Wanfa does not invade? Most of the Taoism, magical powers, are they ineffective?”

Di Jun, too First Stage nodded: “Yes.”

“Hiss~” Duobao took a deep breath: “Is there such a real body?”

I have only heard of Wanfa’s non-invasive Magic Treasures, but have never heard of Wanfa’s non-invasive real body?

Dobo thought carefully: “However, it seems like the legendary Pangu god-tier…maybe it can.”


Duobao thought, and looked at the two suspiciously: “You are not talking about the real body of the Chaos Demon God, are you?”

Taiyi, the emperor chuckled together.

He guessed it!

Tai Yi suppressed the panic in his heart, and calmly said: “How is it possible? How is it possible for a force like ours to come into contact with the Chaos Demon God?”

Duobao: “…That’s true.”

Immediately, he lowered his head and thought: “If it wasn’t the real body of the Chaos Demon God, what other real body could have such power?”

Seeing that Duobao didn’t ask, Di Jun looked at him, Qi Qi was relieved.

Then, the two looked at Dubo with worry and expectation.

“According to your statement, isn’t that opponent’s strength actually particularly strong?” Duobao suddenly raised his head and asked.

Di Jun nodded: “Yes, it’s just that the body is really powerful… our attacks almost hurt them.”

“Even if it hurts, most of it is offset by the real body, and there is not much power left on them.”

“That’s it.” Duobao nodded understandingly, and then asked: “So, the most troublesome thing is their true body…well… do you have any clues about that true body?”

“Clue?” Di Jun was too puzzled.

“It’s breath, qi machine or something?” Dubao explained, “Is there?”

Di Jun nodded quickly, stretched out his palm, and a chaotic aura appeared in his palm.

“This is a breath we took out when we were fighting, look at it.”

Duobao took it, and took a closer look, his brows frowned even tighter: “The power of chaos?”

“This is…returning to the roots and obliterating everything, so overbearing!”

Duobao sees its essence.

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