Chapter 167

Feeling sad for the two of them, Duobao sighed silently, and suddenly reached out and pointed at them.

Di Jun, too horrified, suddenly felt like an ant. In an instant, it seemed that his own life was not under his control.

The body tightened, and there was a little warmth between the eyebrows.

Duobao retracted his fingers and watched his body stiff, like Emperor One and Emperor Two who were bathing cats, cats and dogs, and said silently, “What are you doing so nervously?”

Dijun, Tai Yi was frightened, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, looking at Duobao, “What are you doing?”

Unconsciously, under the horror in my heart, the insecurities that was at stake, insignificant like an ant, caused the two people who had already relaxed unconsciously to use honorifics to Dubao.

Dubao is not surprised, he can understand.

When encountering danger, anyone will lose consciousness for a moment.

“You are not only poor in strength, but also poor in strength.”

Duobao poured tea for the two of them and for himself: “Come on, drink and talk.”

Dijun, in Taiyi’s shock, did not dare to violate Duobao’s words, like a puppet, obediently picked up the teacup, took a mechanical sip, and then looked at Duobao tightly.

Duobao shook his head: “Your state of mind should be practiced, it’s too bad.”

As he said, waving his hand slightly, a purification spell used: “Wake up.”

The spell fell into Emperor Jun, Tai Yi’s heart, and immediately calmed their confusion and shock.

Only then did he slowly come back to his senses.

“Sorry, it’s impolite.” After regaining consciousness, although they were already shocked and shocked, the two of them were able to think normally and regained their senses. Di Jun apologized to Duobao.

Duobao didn’t take it seriously: “I can understand, but you should really practice your mood.”

“You can’t always make a fuss about everything and make your mind confused.”

“With such a state of mind, if something big happens and you are really strong, you can show a point, it’s not bad.”

Having said that, Duobao slightly revealed his apologies: “Sorry, I’m the one who was troubled.”

He shouldn’t talk like that, it sounds like a reprimand.

Dijun and Taiyi shook their heads again and again: “No, no, thank you Dao Zun for your advice.”

“Pointing?” Duobao chuckled and said calmly: “What kind of guidance is this?”

“I left a Magic power for each of you.”

Dijun and Taiyi stretched out their hands and touched their eyebrows.

I started with a feeling of vastness, weightiness, and broadness.

It didn’t feel like a magic power. In comparison, compared to the two of them, either of them was much stronger.

Moreover, the gap in quality is even greater.

It’s like water and iron.

When they felt this magic power, the two were even more shocked.

Duobao continued: “I won’t talk about the other Magic Treasures, let them explore it slowly.”

“I don’t know now, it’s a pleasant surprise when I find it out.”

“Now, you have encountered a problem and need to be resolved.”

“Looking at the current situation, you can’t solve it just by yourself.”

“So, let me do it.”

“However, I can’t go out now. As for the reason, it’s hard to tell you.”

“Among the gates of dimensions, there is a gate of heavenly dimension, which can condense the power of all the creatures whose breath is marked by the gate of dimensions.”

“The Gate of Tianwei?” Di Jun and Taiyi asked in shock when they heard this.

The time they use the Gate of Dimensions is not too short, but why, they didn’t find it?

Could it be that their strength is really too low?

Duobao nodded: “Yes, the gate of Tianwei.”

“The Gate of Heavenly Dimensions is the top power in the Gate of Dimensions.”

“It can condense many forces, produce qualitative changes, and turn them into the power of heaven.”

“What is the power of Tianwei?” Di Jun had some thoughts in his heart, but he was not sure, and asked anxiously.

“Simply put, it is higher quality Magic power.” Dubao explained: “It can also be understood as…”

Suddenly, Tai Yi interrupted Duobao’s words tentatively, and asked tentatively, “The dimension is space…the power of the heavenly dimension, is it the power of a higher level of space?”

Duobao looked at Taiyi approvingly: “Yes, it is the power of a higher level of space.”

After being confirmed by Duo Bao, Tai Yi was shocked: “It’s really the power of a higher level of space.”

He and Di Jun looked at each other, silently.

The emergence of the power of dimensionality sublimated the space to a new level, opening their horizons.

In a sense, the power of dimensionality has fully expressed the laws of space.

They thought that this level was already the limit of the law of space.

Unexpectedly, now there is another kind of heavenly power.

From the looks of it, it seems that the power of Tianwei has surpassed the law of space.

“Learn from the law, go beyond the law!”

A word suddenly appeared in Di Jun’s heart, and then looked at Duobao in amazement: “Is he really not sanctified yet?”

If you can fully master a law, you can already say it is Sage, enough to be holy.

When replaced by someone else, who can develop the power of dimensionality, it is enough to be holy.

But when it fell on Dubo, the two were unsure.

It feels like any normal things, reason, don’t necessarily work with Dubao.

Others have mastered such a degree of space law and have become holy, and Duobao…according to his statement, he is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even Ronaldo can’t talk about it.

“With your current strength, it’s still a little short of stimulating the power of Tianwei.”

When I was shocked, I heard Duobao continue to say: “So, I will send you a Magic power to help you fully utilize the power of the Gate of Dimensions.”

“To stimulate the power of Tianwei, think about it, the primitive Chaos body is not enough to resist.”

Duobao smiled: “So, you can rest assured?”

Emperor Jun and Tai First Stage nodded.

Rest assured, of course rest assured.

How could they feel uneasy when all the power of Heaven’s dimension came out.

“So, if you are in a hurry, just go and deal with your affairs first. If you are not in a hurry, come to me and drink tea with me. I am usually bored.”

Dijun and Taiyi stood up and apologized: “Next time, this time the matter is indeed more urgent.”

“After we finish processing, we will thank Dao Zun again.”

Duobao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “You still call me Duobao.”

“For a while, Dao Zun, and for a while, yours, I am an ordinary cultivator, don’t be so polite, don’t praise me like that.”

“If you really hold me up and float away, I don’t know how high the sky is, and what trouble it caused, you are responsible!”

Tai Juntai glanced at each other and said as if promised: “Responsible, we are responsible.”

“You are responsible for a ghost.” Duobao scolded with a smile: “Just your strength, you bear the blame?”

“If I get into the Lich Clan, can you solve it?”

Di Jun Taiyi said seriously: “We can.”

“You can be a ghost.” Duobao rolled his eyes when he heard the words: “I haven’t floated, but you are not lightly floated.”

Dijun, Taiyi was about to say something, but was interrupted by Duobao’s wave of his hand: “Okay, stop bragging, aren’t you in a hurry? Go ahead and do your business.”

Di Juntai was helpless, looked at each other, bowed, and left.

They really didn’t brag, what they said was true.

God knows, earth knows, but the one in front of me doesn’t know.

“Chaos True Body…”

After the two left, Duobao fell into thinking: “Wanfa is not invading, it sounds very good.”

“After cell training, can I also try such cultivation?”

Thinking about it, Duobao felt his own situation: “Magic power in 10500 years… is almost reaching the limit of Celestial Immortals. If nothing else, Realm will soon be overwhelmed, and it will be a breakthrough. .”

“You have to simulate some Magic Treasures and create some Xiantian Restrictions to suppress Realm… But, don’t worry about it.”

“In general, Realm is only a secondary, primary strength.”

Duobao drank his tea, looked at the sky, and sighed: “Honghuang…just these simple words can give people a lot of pressure.”

Why did he dare not leave Kunlun until now, and also blocked Kunlun.

Isn’t it because this place is prehistoric?

Originally, he thought that the Primordial Land was dangerous enough, but the appearance of Emperor I and Emperor II made him unable to help but ascension the danger of the Primordial Land to several levels.

“Even the opponents encountered by such a small force can touch the power of the Chaos level… my current strength…”

Duobao said silently: “I guess, compared to the real strong, I’m still an ant.”

“Magic power, Taoism, body… all of these must be ascensioned.”

“The main thing is strength…” Duobao moved his brows, and suddenly remembered everything he had experienced before.

“It seems that the quantity is in the middle of the wild, and it is not very popular.”

“How many years of Taoism, how many years of magic power, is not that important.”

“The more important thing is quality.”

“Just like Chaos and Five Elements, of course Chaos is stronger.”

“Simple understanding means higher priority.”

Duobao suddenly said, “As long as the quality is high enough, the damage caused by low-level forces will be greatly reduced.”

“In this case…”

Duobao looked at own Magic power: “I don’t know, can my Magic power be ranked in this predicament?”

“……” After a while, Duobao laughed at himself: “What do you want, my magic power, it should be good with Realm, but it should be nothing compared to the real power.”

“Huh~” After thinking for a long time, Duobao took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: “Stop arrogance and rashness, keep working hard.”

“Since I have found the right path, then I will try to cultivate like this in the future!”

“Come on, I am the best!”

After pumping himself up, he drank the tea in one sip, and Duobao returned to the room and continued his own body cell folding cultivation method.

With his movements, the strength of his body, in a rapid Ascension.

He didn’t realize that when he was cultivating, a thick and powerful, with a strong quality aura, spread out along with it.

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