Chapter 164

Duobao didn’t stop until the Realm of the Ancestral Witches fell to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

I planned to stop here, but I thought about the baby in my arms and sighed: “No matter, help people to the end, I will help you thoroughly lay a solid foundation for your foundation!”

Cannibals have short mouths and short hands.

You can’t cut corners if you take other people’s things, right?

With the palm of the hand, another powerful force appeared, like a mountain, and fell on the Twelve Ancestor Witch.


In an instant, the twelve ancestor witches only felt that a big mountain suddenly appeared above Own’s head, which suddenly pierced down, and in an instant, their Realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal reached the Golden Immortal Realm.


Unprecedented enough, the texture came into my heart, and the Twelve Ancestor Witch couldn’t help but cried out in satisfaction.

“So…Is this the real Golden Immortal?” Zhu Rong slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

Feel the Realm in the body, the strength, and compare him before.

Zhu Rong immediately agreed with what Duobao had said before.

They are imaginary, they are real imaginary.

Di Jiang also opened his eyes, feeling the situation in his body, his face was solemn, and he suddenly cast a look at the other ancestor witches.

The ancestors know it.

Organize your clothes together.

Duobao puzzled: “What are you doing?”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch arranged his own makeup, and in the most solemn tone, under the leadership of Dijiang, he saluted Duobao deeply: “Thank you Dao Zun for spreading the avenue!”

Duobao stayed for a moment, waved his hand, and helped the ancestor Wus up, sighing in his heart.

Obviously, these witch races in front of him were not wolf-hearted people.

I also know gratitude.

In this way, his actions are not in vain.

“You don’t have to be polite.” Duobao said, “By the way, there is one more thing. If possible, I would like to ask you to help.”

Di Jiang solemnly said: “Please tell me, no matter what, I will do my best to complete it.”

Judging from his own situation, Di Jiang already understood the reason why Duobao was so powerful.

Not because of the cultivation method, but simply because of the person Duobao.

It is his strength to compress the foundation that makes him so strong.

After conversion, their original quasi-sage’s strength is equivalent to the golden immortal.

No wonder Dubao said that they were weak before, and Jinxian was of course weak in the midst of prehistoric times.

Of course, there are other problems.

But Di Jiang knew that the things he took out were insignificant for their gains, and they were simply not enough to exchange for such a big gain.

All this is because of Dubao’s help to himself and others.

They must remember this love.

After listening to Duobao’s words, Dijiang had already made a secret decision in his heart. No matter what Dubao wanted to do, they would do their best to complete it.

Regardless of the consequences.

Duobao waved his hand again and again: “No, no, it’s just a small matter.”

“Well, aren’t you Wu Clan?”

“Now the world is under the control of the Lich, the Witch Clan is in charge of the earth, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch is even more of a quasi-sage powerhouse.”

“As for me, I hope you can tell before the Twelve Ancestral Witch that there is a person like me.”

“In the future, if you accidentally cause friction with the Wu Clan, please be merciful.”

Duobao said embarrassedly, “Well, not just me, but also my Kunlun disciple.”

“Don’t hide it from you, my younger brothers, younger sisters, are not very peaceful people.”

“If something happens in the future, please look at my face and bear with me.”

Hearing this, he had already made up his mind, no matter what Dubao said, Dijiang and other ancestor witches, who had to agree, were immediately confused.

The ancestors looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

It was this request that shocked them.

Seeing them staying silent for a long time, Duobao was a little disappointed: “Can’t you?”

That said, the favor he gave to the witches was not great, but the demands made were a bit excessive.

It is normal that they cannot agree.

Duobao thought for a while, and added: “In this way, if you are really embarrassed, please take care of it. If it is not, please let me know.”

The ancestral witches finally came back to their senses, and the weird eyes flashed away, and Dijiang repeatedly said: “No, no, it’s very simple, we can agree.”

He said, as if swearing, he solemnly said: “In the future, no matter who it is, disciple Kunlun, if you encounter any problems, my Wu clan will do my best to help.”

“Is this… okay?” Duobao was a little confused.

“Yes, of course.”

The ancestors nodded again and again.

Duobao reacted: “Thank you so much, then.”

As soon as he felt relieved, with the promise of the Wu Clan, his pressure was reduced too much.

With the care of the Wu clan, then his junior brothers and sisters will be greatly reduced in danger in the future.

In this way, he finally has some confidence to protect the younger brothers and younger sisters of own.

“No, no.” Di Jiang said in a row: “Dao Zun is serious.”

Duobao shook his head: “Don’t be so polite, just call me Duobao.”

“In this way, I’ll take you to get better.” After greeting each other for a while, Duobao said happily: “You have come to me, I haven’t finished my landlord friendship yet.”

“Then it will be troublesome.”


After going out of the simulation, the ancestors and witches returned to the Pangu Hall and looked at each other, all seeing the shock in each other’s eyes.

After a long time, Houtu said, “Dage, there seems to be something wrong with Daobao Dao Zun?”

Zhu Rong: “Yes, he seems to think that we should be strong, we should be quasi-sages, and still quasi-sages under his strength.”

Di Jiang nodded, with incredible eyes: “It should be like this.”

“I don’t know, how did he come from such cognition?”

“Why does he think we will be so strong?”

The ancestor witches were extremely shocked, and could not calm the emotions in their hearts for a long time.

“Did he look at us too high?” Gonggong said.

The ancestors of the witch eyes reveal bitter, they are really not that strong.


In the wild world, among the four seas, the original undulating ocean has calmed down at some point.

It was like a lake, incredibly calm, the huge ocean, not even a ripple.

In the depths of the sea, in the Dragon Palace, the ocean dominates the dragon family and countless marine creatures, as if time is still, quietly in place.

Having opened up a space in the air, the self-cultivating candle dragon felt the changes of the ocean in amazement, unbelievable.

“The sea… has become heavier!”

Zhulong wanted to go out and hit the space.

Along with the roaring, the space is as warm as a rock and motionless.

The space that could have been broken through with a little effort, at this time, let him attack with all his strength, there was not the slightest movement.

Zhulong slowly became a little frightened: “Whose method is it?”

“Who is going to attack my dragon clan?”

“Such a means…could it be Sage?”

“Who is it?”


The changes in the four seas quickly caused powerful discoveries by all forces.

Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town looked at the directions of the four seas with fear.

“The Four Seas are blocked…”

He leaned out his spiritual mind, wanting to see the changes in the world clearly.

Divine Sense fell into the range of the four seas, and suddenly, a heavy pressure came.

call out!

Divine Mind was instantly crushed by the strong pressure.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked: “How is it possible?”

He is also a quasi saint anyway, so he can’t even check it.

“Is it… Sage?”

Involuntarily, Jin Yuanzi also thought about whether it was Sage who made the shot.


Four Seas is one of the cores of the Primordial Wilderness. When the town was sealed, Taiyi who was in the chaos immediately was discovered by Emperor Jun.

Each looked towards the world: “This feeling… is Dubao!”

The two quickly guessed the reason for the changes in the world.

Di Jun frowned: “Could it be that the Dragon Clan has offended many treasures?”

Tai Yi shook his head and looked strange: “It shouldn’t be.”

“Duobao has always stayed in Kunlun Mountain, other times in the Chaos Shop, and has no contact with other creatures at all.”

“Even if the Dragon Race wants to offend, there is nowhere to offend.”

“It should be unintentional.”

“Unintentionally…” Di Jun was horrified, and just unintentionally sealed Sihaizhen, then…

Thought came here and stopped.

Dijun and Tai looked at each other and said in unison: “Yes, he is such a treasure!”

Di Jun took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s no harm to the world, it’s a good thing.”

“I don’t know what method Dubao used to make Sihai heavier and stronger by countless times.”

“He’s not trying to seal the world, he just did it accidentally.”

“The creatures in the four seas can’t stand the stronger after the four seas, they are sealed in disguise.”

“The strength of the four seas has greatly increased the power of the water cycle.”

As soon as Tai looked towards Honghuang, the divine light in his eyes flashed, and he immediately saw a huge Five Elements cycle.

Among them, the water cycle is several times stronger than the other four-line cycles.

However, it did not cause Five Elements to be out of balance. On the contrary, the water cycle is very stable, and the Five Elements is constantly running. With the water cycle as the core, it quickly enhances the power of the other four elements.

“The prehistoric world… has become stronger!”

Dijun said solemnly: “Because of the water cycle, the Five Elements cycle has been strengthened, and all karma is being cleansed.”

Too First Stage nodded heavily: “Yes… he dragged the Ascension of the whole world with his own power.”

Suddenly, in the prehistoric world, it became clearer than ever before.

The inexplicable mood of countless creatures became better.

During cultivation, the speed also has a lot of Ascension.

“This is a good thing.” Di Jun: “Don’t worry about it.”

“What about the Dragon Race?” Taiyi asked.

“Unlucky for them…it didn’t hurt them anyway…don’t worry about it” Di Jun shook his head, then smiled bitterly: “Moreover, even if we want to manage it, can we manage it?”

Too silent, this is really a sad thing.

“so be it!”


Because of the sudden changes in the four seas, countless speculations have been triggered, and each can panic for fear that something big will happen.

I am afraid that the changes in the world are just a sign.

However, after waiting for a long time, without waiting for the ominous things to happen, the fate remained the same, not only did not present a major danger, but it also became better.

So, slowly, it calmed down.

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