Chapter 161: Transforming the Four Seas

In the simulated prehistoric world, Duobao looked in one direction, waved his arm, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch who had just appeared in the world was pulled by him in front of own.

Duobao: “Are you the Big Brother Big sis in the back picture? I am glad to meet you, I am Duobao.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch was taken aback for a moment, but it was Dijiang who reacted first and quickly said: “Hello, I am Dijiang…Jiang.”

Duobao wondered: “Dijiang or an emperor general?”

Di Jiang quickly said: “Emperor General.”

Nearby, the other ancestor witches sighed in relief, but fortunately they reacted.

They looked at Duobao in amazement, and a huge wave appeared in their hearts: “It really is so strong… stronger than the younger sister said.”

“Hello, I am Zhujiuyin.”

“Hello, I am Zhu Rong.”

“Hello, I am Gong Gong.”

“Hello, I am…”

After listening to their introduction, Duobao’s mouth grew, and he was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, I gave them a thumbs up: “You guys are amazing!”

If the names of each of them were not too weak, he really thought it was the Twelve Ancestral Witch that appeared in front of him.

Di Jiang suppressed the thoughts in his heart and explained with a smile: “This is the name that Master Zu Wu gave us, there is no way.”

Duobao suddenly looked at them enviously: “So that’s it, I said, why is it so similar.”

“It seems that you must be very popular with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and they will give you such similar names.”

To be able to call such a name is an honor in itself.

Just from the name, Duobao can imagine that the twelve of them must be high-ranking among the Wu clan.

It’s just that he has some doubts. If so, why hasn’t he heard their names in the legend?

“Oh, yes.”

“It should be because the names are too similar. Legend, there will always be some differences afterwards… Such similar names must have been merged.”

“Well, the visitor is a guest, I have something else here, you are free.”

After taking a deep look at the ancestors, Duobao turned to look at the ocean: “I will entertain you when I’m done, sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Di Jiang shook his head, looked at Duobao’s movements, and asked curiously: “I don’t know what’s the matter? Maybe we can help?”

Duobao turned his head to look at them.

Di Jiang’s heart was stagnant, and in Duobao’s eyes, he clearly saw a trace of disgust.

“Dislike? Dislike what?”

Duobao shook his head: “No, you guys… let’s play by yourself first, and when I’m done, I’ll treat you well.”

Looking at Duobao’s back, Di Jiang and the others were speechless for a while.

They all saw the trace of disapproval in Dubao’s eyes.

At first I didn’t want to understand, but now, I slowly understand.

This is obviously a dislike for their low strength.

But, God knows, is their strength still low?

The Twelve Ancestor Witch glanced at each other, but did not leave, looking at Duobao, he was suffocated in his heart.

Before Duobao moved them here without any resistance, they already understood that Duobao’s strength was much stronger than them.

Even if it is the last resort, it may not be his opponent.

But even so, the ancestor witches are not willing to admit that own is weak.

At any rate, they are also great powers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are masters of the wilds.

It’s just that compared to Duobao, his strength is a bit weak, but looking at other prehistoric creatures, who dares to say that they are weak?

Who would dare to show such a disgusting expression to them?

They stared at Duobao and wanted to see what he was going to do, and their strength was disgusted.

Duobao found that their breath had been behind him, turned his head and glanced at them strangely, saw the dissatisfaction in their eyes, shook his head, and said nothing.

Sitting cross-legged on the ocean, slowly closed his eyes.

Zhu Rong: “What is he doing?”

Di Jiang: “I don’t know.”

Gonggong: “Is it cultivation?”

Houtu: “It’s not like, it’s more like waiting for something?”

Xuan Ming: “Waiting?”

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his eyes: “It is indeed waiting…Let’s wait and see.”

The ancestors witches communicate by blood, this is the ability of their witch clan.

In front of Duobao, he dared not speak, fearing that he would find out, so he could only communicate in this way.

After a long time, Duobao suddenly opened his eyes, and a powerful spatial Taoism appeared on his body.

The 12th Ancestor Witch Qi Qi’s body shook, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Duobao incredible: “That’s… the law of space?”

After being shocked, all the ancestors witches looked at Dijiang together, casting questioning eyes.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, Dijiang also cultivated the way of space.

Moreover, he is quite accomplished.

The Dao Yun in Duobao’s body was too profound, they couldn’t see clearly, and while shocked in their hearts, they wanted to find the answer from Dijiang.

When I saw it, Di Jiang’s complexion was solemn, and there was a hint of excitement and excitement in his eyes, as if he had seen a avenue.

There was no need for Dijiang to answer, the ancestor witches immediately understood, and then looked at Duobao in disbelief.

Sitting on the ocean, Duobao tried his best to simulate the twelve Dinghai God Beads.

Before, he had already simulated all 24 Dinghai God Orbs. Among Dantian, all 24 Xiantian Restrictions already existed.

Now that I have obtained these twelve Dinghai God Orbs, it is of course the first time to complete the simulation.

“Twelve Dinghai God Orbs… the simulation is complete!”

After a long time, a message came from the Magic Treasures simulator, and the twelve spaces Xiantian Restrictions submerged in Dantian, and merged with the previous twenty-four spaces Xiantian Restrictions, turning them into a powerful space law.

At the moment when the law appeared, countless mysteries about space appeared in his head, and Duobao grasped it for an instant.

It doesn’t need time to digest, as if he has mastered the space.

An unprecedentedly powerful feeling came into his heart, and Duobao stood up.

Looking at it, there seemed to be endless space in the pupils.

After being familiar with it for a while, Duobao slowly grasped it, and then looked down at the ocean below him, with the corners of his mouth rising.


Accompanied by a huge roar, The next moment, in the horrified eyes of the ancestor witches, all the water in the ocean floated and turned into distinct drops of water.

“What is he going to do?” Zhu Rong said in surprise.

“Space!” Duobao stretched out his palm, and the law of space fell into his hand.

All the ancestors looked at Duobao’s palm together, their eyes widened to the limit.

What did they see?

In that jade-like palm, they actually seemed to see endless space.

First Stage is heavy, one-sided, and endless.

Each space contained the profound mystery that made them dazzled.

Suddenly a trace of space aura appeared on Di Jiang’s body.


Duobao didn’t pay attention to the situation of the Twelve Ancestor Witches, staring at the floating sea water, he suddenly shouted!



With the sound, thunderous movement appeared, and the law of space fell into all the water droplets.

In the crystal clear water droplets, there seemed to be a supreme god-man.

The gods are not visible, but they have powerful forces.

Suddenly moved in the water droplets.

The next moment, among all the water droplets, a space has appeared!

A huge space on one side.

After a few breaths, a space was opened up among all the water droplets, and then, the breath of each droplet changed.

Every drop of water is like a world.

A powerful force came out of thin air, trying to pull a lot of water droplets to an inexplicable place.

Duobao frowned and stepped forward to the center of the water droplets.

Reach out to scratch.

A crowd of water droplets that had flown into the air suddenly stopped.

“Give it to me!”

With a loud shout, Duobao suddenly waved his arm and smashed it downward!


In an instant, all the flying water droplets were pulled down and landed on the ground again, turning into a blue ocean, the sound of the water flowed, and everything returned to calm on its own.

“Hoo~” Duobao exhaled, looked at the sea that was re-stabilizing with satisfaction, and smiled: “Want to run? Did you run away?”

He also didn’t expect that after he used the laws of space to open up a space in each drop of water, he would actually generate a force from the chaos to draw them all into the chaos.

These drops of water contain powerful space, falling into the chaos, nourishing and nurturing by the chaos, all can form a brand new world.

However, this is the ocean that Dubao made by himself, so how could Chaos be cheap?

Therefore, he drew a lot of water droplets down again.

After doing all this, Duobao glanced at the Twelve Ancestral Witches who had been completely sluggish, shook his head, took one step, and disappeared in front of the Ancestral Witches.

In the simulated predicament, there are the four seas in the southeast, northwest and northwest. He has only completed the transformation of one sea. The matter is not over yet, and there are three seas.

It is balanced when all is completed.

After Duobao disappeared, the Twelve Ancestral Witch slowly recovered.

In the eyes, the strong shock lingered for a long time.

Zhu Rong opened his mouth wide and couldn’t say a word for a long time.

Gonggong carefully watched the seawater below him, squatted down, stretched out his palms, and wanted to get a ball of water.

“Get up~”

Gonggong yelled, his face flushed, and finally took a handful of water.

One hand was not enough, two hands barely held it up.

The other ancestor witches looked at Gonggong’s movements, even more shocked.

The ordinary ocean and ordinary sea water on this side had already had a qualitative Ascension after such actions as Dubao.

Just like Gonggong, the ancestor of water witch, it takes such a large amount of energy to barely hold up a handful of water, which shows the drama of its transformation.

“Yes, I am weak, I am too weak!”

Seeing Gonggong’s flushed cheeks because of holding up this handful of water, Zhu Rong finally said: “In comparison, we are really too weak!”

Zhu Rong was uncomfortable, he was the ancestor of fire.

As the saying goes, water and fire are mutually restrained, and water is the most restraining of fire.

It’s just that, in his Realm, strength and ordinary water can no longer cause him to harm him.

Therefore, walking in large rivers and oceans will not have any impact.

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