Chapter 160 Twelve Ancestral Witch

Zhu Rong, Gong Gong glared, and after a moment, Qi Qi coldly snorted: “Humph!”

The ancestors all smiled.

Houtu smiled especially happily.

Zhu Rong glared at Gonggong and leaned in front of Houtu: “Sister, are you okay?”

Houtu shook his head and looked at the worried gazes of the Big Brother Big sis. He warmed his heart and said with a smile: “It’s okay, not only is it okay, this time the little girl also got a big chance.”

Dijiang: “Great opportunity?”

Zhu Rong asked curiously: “What great opportunity?”

Hou Tu told all of his experiences in the simulated prehistoric world, without concealing it.

“Hiss!” Di Jiang took a breath.

Zhu Rong was extremely angry, and clenched his fists tightly: “That kid dare to say that you are low in strength, where is he, tell Big Brother, Big Brother will go and clean him up.”

Xuan Ming’s cold voice sounded, and there was also a disdain that appeared by the way: “Zhu Rong Big Brother, you clean up him, I’m afraid he will clean up you!”

“You didn’t hear Houtu Little Sister said, in front of that kid, she couldn’t even think of making a move.”

“Did Zhurong Big Brother, do you think you are much better than the younger sister?”

The anger on Zhu Rong’s face dissipated, and he lowered his head and whispered at Xuan Ming, “Ah, hey, my good girl Xuanming, can’t you just leave some face for Big Brother? Big Brother also wants a face.”

Xuan Ming snorted, but didn’t say any more. Instead, he asked Hou Tu in doubt: “Sister, is that Duobao really so strong?”

The other ancestors also looked at Houtu at the same time.

To be honest, the Duobao in Houtu’s mouth is really dreamy. If they are not familiar with Houtu and know that she can’t lie, they won’t believe it.

Even if he believed it, it was also dubious.

After all, in the mouth of Houtu, Duobao’s strength is beyond the scope of understanding.

Houtu solemnly nodded his head and said seriously: “It will only be stronger, not weaker.”

“After all…” Houtu felt Samsara Daoguo in his body: “He can make Samsara with his bare hands!”


After Houtu’s reminder, the ancestors finally remembered, and all took a breath.

Hou Tu had said this before, but they didn’t care much at the time.

Now, after Hou Tu said this, he immediately reacted, as if it was indeed the case.

What is the concept of Samsara, now, they all have understood.

That was what made them helpless, and could only watch their little sister sacrifice.

In this regard, they have nothing to do.

But this is Samsara, in the hands of that Duobao, it seems so insignificant,

Di Jiang slowly let out a suffocating breath, and said in a condensed voice: “Yes, from this point of view, he is far ahead of us.”

“By the way, little girl, since Samsara is out, don’t you need to transform Samsara in the future?” Zhu Jiuyin asked expectantly.

In an instant, all the other Ancestral Witches cast their expectant eyes.

Houtu felt warm in his heart, but shook his head regretfully: “No, Samsara still wants to melt.”

Seeing the sudden loss on the faces of the ancestors, Houtu smiled happily: “However, please rest assured, Big Brother Big sis, this time, Houtu is confident.”


All the ancestors witch raised their heads and looked towards Houtu.

Houtu smiled and believed: “This time…maybe you won’t die.”

“Very good!”

The ancestor witches were immediately excited.

“It’s because of Samsara Daoguo.” After the excitement, Di Jiang asked.

Houtu nodded and shook his head: “No, no.”

All the ancestors were puzzled: “What do you mean?”

“Samsara Daoguo is one aspect, the most important one is Duobao.”

Dijiang suddenly, eyes reveal the color of thinking, and after a moment he said: “Yes, Dubao…maybe the biggest variable.”

The other ancestor witches heard the words, looked at Dijiang and then at Houtu, slowly, a smile appeared in their eyes.

Suddenly, Zhu Rong remembered the simulation prehistoric created by Duobao that Houtu said before, and asked: “Sister, can we go in that simulation prehistoric?”

Houtu shook his head: “I don’t know, for the time being, it seems like I can get in.”

“I…” Houtu touched the Samsara mark on his eyebrows, and said in surprise: “No, it seems that I can take people in.”

Zhu Rong was very surprised when he heard this, and said anxiously: “Then, take Big Brother in and have a look. Big Brother is really curious about him and wants to know how strong he is!”

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Zhu Rong’s eyes. Although he had proved Duobao’s strength in all aspects, he was still very unconvinced before he had seen Duobao’s ability in person.

He didn’t believe it. Duobao was not Sage, he was also a quasi-sage. Even if it was bad, how bad could it be?

“No.” Houtu shook his head: “I have to ask him first.”

Zhu Rong waited to talk about it, but was interrupted by Dijiang: “That’s what I said, it’s a matter of etiquette, and it should be.”

“Okay, Zhu Rong, don’t rush for a while, just ask… little girl.”

Hou Tu nodded: “Well, then I should ask?”

“Go, let’s wait for your news.” Di Jiang smiled: “Speaking of which, I am also very curious about him.”

“Yeah.” Houtu nodded, and then said: “By the way, he doesn’t know my identity. If you can get in, don’t expose it.”

“Exposure… okay.” Zhu Rong said impatiently, and shook his hand: “Okay, okay, got it, you go and ask.”

“We will definitely not be exposed.”

“Okay.” A somewhat worried look at Zhu Rong, the Samsara mark flashed on the back of his brows, and he returned to the simulated prehistoric world again.

Entering the simulated prehistoric world, Houtu didn’t see Duobao, a bit strange, and shouted: “Dubao?”

Duobao, who was in the ocean, suddenly heard someone calling him. With a thought, he immediately discovered the existence of Houtu.

“It’s you, why are you here again?” Doubao was puzzled, waved his hand, and Hou Tu appeared in front of him: “Are there anything else for you?”

Houtu was still looking for Duobao’s whereabouts, and suddenly a flower appeared in front of him, and The next moment appeared in front of Duobao.

Staring at Duobao amazedly, he pressed down the truth in his heart, Hou Tu said: “Well, I have some Big Brother, Big sis, I want to see you when I talk about you, I don’t know, can I? ”

Duobao looked at Houtu: “Your Big Brother, Big sis?”

“They want to see me, why?”

Hou Tu looked at Duobao cautiously: “It’s just curiosity.”

After being moved by Duo Bao, she didn’t have any resistance, and she didn’t even notice the change in her position until after she arrived.

Such strength made her more careful.

“If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter.” Houtu pursued again.

Duobao chuckled and shook his head: “What’s wrong with this? See you.”

“I remember the Samsara imprint I gave you. It should be able to bring people over, right?”

“Can you just bring them directly?”

Houtu: “This is your place after all, you have to ask you first.”

“It’s okay.” Duobao chuckled, “Bring it, it just so happens. I want to see more witches too.”

“Huh?” Hou Tu was puzzled.

Duobao shook his head: “It’s okay, it’s just curiosity.”

“Then I went?” Hou Tu asked cautiously.

Duobao nodded: “Go.”

With Dubao’s promise, Houtu didn’t hesitate anymore and shook the mark of Samsara, out of the simulated prehistoric world.

After she left, Duobao touched his chin, thoughtfully: “Witch clan… Legend has it that the body of the witch clan is the strongest.”

“I’m also practicing body now. I don’t know if I can get some inspiration from the Witch Clan. Maybe it can make me practice the body cultivator a step further. It’s not necessarily true.”

Back to Pangu Hall, Houtu immediately let out a long sigh and waved his hand to wipe off the sweat that didn’t exist on his face.

Seeing what Houtu looked like, Zhu Rong was puzzled: “Sister, what’s the matter with you?”

“How do you look like you are under a lot of pressure?”

Hou Tu sighed very much, and then looked solemn. To the owner of the Big Brothers, Big Sis emphasized: “Remember, after entering, don’t be presumptuous, be cautious, and don’t make him unhappy. ”


Zhu Jiuyin seemed to understand, and asked Houtu: “Sister, did something just happen?”

Houtu nodded with lingering fear and said, “Yes, you know what, when I went in just now, I didn’t see him at first.”

“Behind, after I called him, then he was moved in front of him.”


“You mean… shift?”

“Then do you feel it?”

Hearing this, the ancestor witches were astonished.

Diversion…the method of diversion, they will also use it.

But the point is, that’s all for beings whose strength is far less than own.

If the strength is equal, even if you want to move, you can’t move.

But Houtu was moved, which once again demonstrated Duobao’s strength.

But what made the ancestral witches even more alarmed was whether Hou Tu resisted or reacted during the process of moving.

Is there such a big question?

If there is, it means that although the gap between the two is large, it has not reached the unimaginable point.

If not…

The ancestors stared at Houtu closely, waiting for her answer.

Houtu felt bitter and shook his head.



Suddenly, a series of inhaling air-conditioning sounds sounded.

Zhu Rong suddenly said, “Or, let’s not go.”

Hou Tu Bai gave Zhu Rong a look: “It’s late, I said, you want to go over, he also agreed.”

“If you don’t go now… what do you want me to do?”

“Then just go in a few… others don’t.”

“He is so strong, if he has a bad heart…” Zhu Rong said worriedly.

He had to admit that when Hou Tu said that he hadn’t even reacted at all during the process of being moved by Dubo, he was really scared.

This strength, you don’t need to personally verify it, it definitely far surpasses them.

Although I don’t know how Duobao has cultivated such strength, this is the truth.

“Okay, all go.” Di Jiang said out: “Since he didn’t do anything against the little girl, there is no malice towards us.”

“Our twelve ancestor witches are all going… if something happens, there are still ways to deal with it.”

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