Chapter 162 Ancestral Witch Suppressed by the Sea

When the quality reaches a certain level, the attribute mutual restraint can also be reversed.

Zhu Rong’s own control of flames is considered top in the prehistoric world.

However, in this upgraded ocean, I felt deeply uncomfortable.

“Not good!” Suddenly, Di Jiang suddenly opened his eyes and found something. He looked at Gonggong and shouted: “Cogong, quickly throw it away.”

Gonggong looked confused, throw it away?

What to lose?




A series of inexplicable sounds came, and a huge wave suddenly appeared in the ocean not far in front of the 12th Ancestor Witch.

“It’s late!” Di Jiang hissed with despair on his face.

Gong Gong was horrified, his scalp was numb, and his body trembled. He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t leave at all.

An inexplicable force came from his hands and fell on him, holding him in place.

It was a handful of water he just held up.

He finally knew what Dijiang let him lose.

Unfortunately, it’s too late!

Gong Gong looked desperately at the huge waves hitting him.


The other ancestor witches hissed: “Quickly get away!”

“I want to too!” Gonggong said helplessly: “But, I can’t escape, I can’t move!”

“The situation is not right!” Zhu Jiuyin frowned, motivating the power of time, desiring to stagnate and even slow down the flow of time here.


The sound of rolling waves came, and the power of time appeared.

Standing in the midst of time, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the illusory ocean energy he was blocking in front of him.

He knew that it wasn’t the real ocean, but the aura of the ocean beneath him manifested.

Because he wants to stop the time flow of this ocean, and attract the ocean’s counterattack.

If he wants to rescue Gonggong, he needs to break this ocean atmosphere.

Looking at the ocean, Zhu Jiuyin felt a deep pressure.

That is almost an unimaginable huge obstacle!

He is not sure!

However, seeing Gonggong about to be hit by the waves, Zhu Jiuyin gritted his teeth fiercely, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, The next moment, urging the force of time, rushed towards the oceanic Qi!



Zhu Jiuyin was beaten out of time, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, coughing constantly.

“Candle Nine Yin!”

Dijiang roared, glanced at Zhu Jiuyin, his complexion was heavy, and then he looked at Gonggong, the space around him flickered, and his figure was illusory for a moment.


A muffled noise appeared in Dijiang’s heart.

Dijiang’s illusory figure was solidified again, still in place, as if he had never left.

Except for the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and the transient chaotic aura on his body, it can prove that he has taken a shot.

“What the hell is this!”

Zhu Rong yelled, the moment the sacred fire on his body was suppressed by the power of the ocean, he roared in shock and anger.

He knew what the ocean was, but what was happening before him made him yelling.

“Gonggong, why are you so owed!”

Zhu Rong was extremely angry, and there were bursts of noise in his body. It was the price of his forcibly using his strength and forcibly making a move under the suppression of the ocean.

Following Zhu Rong’s movements, a bright red flame emerged from the center of his eyebrows, with the power to burn the void.

Putting it outside, just such a flame is enough to burn mountains and seas and destroy everything.

This is Zhu Rong’s spirit and fire, extremely powerful.

However, placed here, under the suppression of the ocean, it is like an ordinary flame, which can only barely maintain its existence, and lose most of its power.


Zhu Rong let out a loud roar, and used his last strength to push the flames towards the common work.

call out!

The flame broke through the air, came to Gonggong for a moment, appeared above his head, sprinkled flames, and protected Gonggong!

“Big Brother Zhu Rong!”

Hou Tu shouted.

The ancestors of the witches looked at Zhu Rong eagerly.

Zhu Rong’s breath continued to decline, and the divine light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

The blow just now completely consumed all his energy.


In the eyes of the ancestors, Zhu Rong could no longer stand firm and fell into the sea below him.

“Zhu Rong!”

There was a sudden bleeding and tears in the Gonggong’s eyes, and he cried out heartbreakingly: “You bastard!”

Di Jiang took a deep breath: “The twelve capitals of the cloth, the gods and evil spirits!”

The ancestor witches did not hesitate anymore, their breaths were connected, their powers merged, and a chaotic and powerful aura appeared.

That Qi machine is extremely powerful, with the power to open up everything.

In the Qi machine, a Daoist shadow is looming, and before it fully appears, it has already distorted the space around him.

With anger and regret in the eyes of the ancestors, the witches fully used the twelve capital gods to condense the real body of Pangu.

Seeing that Pangu’s true body was about to appear, suddenly, a wave appeared out of thin air, hitting the vague figure.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the already vague figure was beaten by this, and it suddenly became even more vague.

The ancestor witches turned pale, this wave seemed to hit them, their chests sank, and their breath was disordered.

Without waiting for the reaction of the ancestors, another wave appeared.

At this time, the ancestor witches were completely desperate, and their faces became paler!


The waves did not change because of their will, and hit under the fuzzy figure again.

This time, the fuzzy figure had almost disappeared, and it was only with the support of the ancestor witches that it could maintain own existence.

But this is already the limit!

The ancestors knew that they couldn’t bear the third wave anymore.

But don’t show up again!

The ancestors and witches prayed unconsciously in their hearts!

Unfortunately, soon, the third wave appeared and fell, and the fuzzy figure was completely wiped out. The ancestors and witches went black and lost their consciousness!

“Dobo… what does he want to do?”




In the simulated predicament, there were three huge roars in a row, and Duobao completed the transformation of the remaining three seas.

Just about to take a closer look at the changes and take a break, I suddenly sensed what was happening here and stayed for a while.

“You… are you looking for death by yourself?”


Duobao couldn’t laugh, and returned to the front of the ancestor witches, looking at the ancestor witches sealed in the sea, he didn’t know what to say for a while!

How weak is your strength?

Don’t you know it yourself?

If you are so weak, you should stay honestly. What do you have to do?

The injury of the Twelve Ancestral Witch was not because of what Dubao wanted to do or what Dubao thought of them.

It’s just that they themselves acted on the ocean after Dubao’s transformation, which caused the ocean to counterattack itself!

With a thought, the Twelve Ancestral Witch left the sea and appeared in front of him.

Duobao shook his head helplessly and waved his hand, as the sea water flowed over the ancestor witches.

As the sea water flowed, the ancestor witches slowly opened their eyes.

“I… not dead?” Gonggong slowly opened his eyes, and he saw a helpless smile.

Gonggong’s eyes moved, still a little dazed, his consciousness did not fully recover, and he turned to other places around him.

After a breath, he suddenly recovered and said loudly: “Zhu Rong, I wish you are all right!”

“What’s the name, I’m fine!” Zhu Rong’s lazy voice came from the side.

Gong Gong turned his head and looked around, and he saw Zhu Rong lazily looking at him, and suddenly smiled.

There was an inexplicable sparkle in his eyes.

Duobao looked at them and shook his head slightly: “Although a bit reckless, the mutual affection is not bad.”

“However, this name…”

Duobao sighed: “I want to be used to it!”

“Duobao, what do you want to do?” Dijiang came to his senses, first looked at the brothers of own, and only after finding that they were all okay, he asked Duobao vigilantly.

All the ancestors and witches also looked at Duobao vigilantly.

Duobao rolled his eyes: “What do I want to do?”

“You…” Zhu Rong was furious, and was interrupted by Hou Tu when he was about to say.

Houtu looked at Duobao deeply: “It’s our problem.”

Judging from the fact that Dubao saved them, it can be seen that Dubao had no malice towards them.

Otherwise, there is no need to save them.

Besides, with Duobao’s strength, what he really wanted to do with them, they didn’t seem to have the power to resist.

“What was the situation just now?” Hou Tu asked.

Looking at the lingering fears of the ancestor witches, Duobao explained a little funny: “What else?”

“Do you not know what your own strength is?”

“My ocean, can your current strength be touched?”

“You did your hands on the ocean, which inspired the ocean to counterattack itself. If it weren’t for me here, I’m afraid you would all be sealed off forever.”

In the four seas that he has transformed, every drop of sea water contains a space.

It is impossible to calculate how many drops of water there are in the ocean on this side.

Nothing else, just relying on the space in this sea water can crush these witches to death.

You know, after being transformed by him, the level of the four seas has reached the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The strength of these witch races is just a golden immortal, how can they be able to bear it?

“Fight back?”

The ancestors thought for a while, and then they worked together.

Gong Gong’s face blushed, thinking about the previous events, he was sure that he had low hands, and that this kind of thing happened and this huge danger occurred.

If Dubao were not there, they would really be sealed by this ocean town forever.

There is no resistance at all!

Thinking of what happened before, Gonggong has lingering fears every time I think about it.

Too fierce!

Too fierce!

“You ocean…I’m afraid it has reached the level of Sage?” Zhu Jiuyin’s eyes flashed, and asked Duobao.

Duobao rolled his eyes again: “What do you think? Still at the Sage level?”

“But it’s only at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, not even Daluo… I said, your imagination is too rich!”

“Taiyi Golden Immortal!”

Hearing this, the ancestor witches looked at Duobao in shock, unbelievable.

After receiving the shocked eyes from the ancestor witches, Duobao smiled, and suddenly felt sorry for them.

“I said, you are considered high-level among the Witch Clan anyway, so you don’t have any knowledge?”

“To be honest, I suddenly doubt your identities now.”

“You are not fake witches, are you?”

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