Chapter 147 The Gate of Dimensions

“No… I’ve never seen it clearly.”

Taiyi was sad, thinking about his past contact with Duobao.

Every time after he thought he saw Duobao, Duobao always gave him a different kind of surprise the next time he met.

If not, it must not be Dubao’s problem, it must be his problem.

He didn’t find it!

In the chaos, the roar gradually weakened, and a feeling of flexibility came, and Duobao’s eyes lit up: “It finally appeared…Is it this thing?”

While maintaining the swallowing of three thousand infinite black holes, while carefully sensing the inexplicable power coming from the chaos.

“This is… the resistance of the entire chaos.” After a moment of careful induction, Duobao thoughtfully: “As I thought, it was the resistance of the chaos instinct.”

“This is a resistance based on the chaotic environment. It is a natural resistance at a certain stage… it cannot be removed.”

“How is it?” Taiyi has also discovered the movement of Chaos, and forbears himself not to look at the power from the Chaos that is far above the resistance encountered by the monster race, and turns to face Duobao. Asked: “Can it be solved?”

so sad.

“There is no way.” Duobao shook his head: “This is the self-protection of Chaos. After the energy of Chaos reaches a certain amount, it will be produced.”

“Is that so?” Tai Yi was a little disappointed.

Doesn’t even Dubao have a solution?

“Of course, it’s not impossible.” Looking at the lost Emperor Er, Duobao turned his head and said.

Taiyi suddenly raised his head and looked at Duobao: “What can be done?”

Duobao: “Break it with strength!”

One: “……”

Is this the way?

Of course he knows that he can break it with strength, but the prerequisite for this is that he has to have that kind of strength. The key is that they don’t have it.

If the strength is enough, all problems will be gone.

He also knew this method.

The crux of the problem is that their monster race does not have such a strong power!

Knowing Taiyi’s mind, Duobao waved his hand, put away the three thousand infinite black holes, turned and walked back to the shop: “Come in with me.”

Taiyi: “???”

I was puzzled, but looking at Dubo’s appearance, it seemed that things were not completely unturned.

Followed into the store.

“You are also a small clan. Of course you can’t rely on your own power.” Duobao suggested: “However, you can find the monster clan.”

“The monster race is a big power, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng, they are all god-tier players.”

“Furthermore, the Yaozu has a Universe Star Dou formation, and its power is even stronger.”

“You are also considered to be the forces of the monster race. Ask them for help. They should also help, right?”

“With them, won’t this problem be solved?”

Hearing that, Taiyi’s gaze is even more weird.


I am the master of the monster clan myself, but you don’t know it?

Is the Universe Star Array very strong?

Yes, before I met you, I always thought so.

However, after meeting you… I can only say that everything is relative.

Strength is also relative.

Moreover, the problem they are encountering now is exactly what they encountered only after the power of the whole monster race was assembled and the Universe Star Dou formation was laid.

Otherwise, they would not find such a problem at all.

All the means have been exhausted, only to discover such a problem, there is no other way.

Staring dumbfoundedly at Duobao for a long time, Taiyi lowered his head slumpedly: “Forget it, I’d better find a way by myself.”

He wanted to tell Duobao his own identity, but was worried about accidents.

In the end, maybe he and Dubao couldn’t even make friends.

It’s just that you can’t be friends, this is not the worst result.

If Duobao understands everything and takes action against himself, can he still have the power to resist?

After hesitating for a long time, all thoughts turned into a deep sigh.


Too picked up the tea that Dubao poured for him, drank it in one sip, and put it down: “Thank you for the hospitality, I will leave first.”

Duobao was stunned: “Hey, is this leaving now?”

“The matter hasn’t been resolved yet?”

Seeing Emperor Er’s lonely figure about to walk out the door, Duobao suddenly seemed to understand something.

It seemed that the relationship between Emperor Er and their race didn’t seem to be very harmonious with the Yaozu.

Therefore, he did that after listening to own advice.

Obviously, although they don’t know the specific reason, obviously, they can’t ask the Yaozu for help.

“Come back, sit down.” Duobao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Tai Yi’s body stopped, turned around, and looked at Duo Bao: “What else is there?”

Duobao helplessly said: “You look quite stable, why is your temper so anxious?”

“Can’t ask for help from the Monster Race, can’t we still think of other ways?”

Too surprised?

Can’t ask for help from Yaozu?

Can’t he ask for help from the monster race?

They are monsters themselves!

It’s just that the strength of the Yaozu is not enough.

“I guess I’ve made up for it again.” Looking at Duobao, he walked back in a daze.

After sitting down again, Taiyi asked, “Is there any other way?”

Duobao shook his head and sighed, “Since you have a bad relationship with the monster race and cannot ask for help, then you can only look for other external forces.”

Taiyi: “…whatever you say.”

After thinking about it, he asked expectantly: “What external force?”

When Duobao thought, one side exuded the aura of spatial fate, and the palm-sized chaotic door appeared in his hand.

“What is this?” Tai Yi asked with a heartbeat, staring at the door in Duobao’s hand.

This small door looked mini, but it gave him a powerful and incomparable feeling.

Just staying quietly in Duobao’s hands made him feel a little confused.

After staring for a long time, it seems that from that small door, I can find countless myself.

“This is the door of dimensions.” Duobao explained: “This is my Magic Treasures refined by the law of space and destiny.”

“What’s the effect?” Taiyi asked eagerly.

“It can divide countless dimensions…link fate.” Duobao said.

Tai Yi was confused, a little unable to understand, and looked at Duobao suspiciously.

Dubao Fu E, he has explained so clearly, can’t he understand?

“In short, it can create countless dimensions, and then use itself as the core… Well, you can understand it as a seed.”

Duobao explained it patiently and in detail, fearing that Di Er could not understand it yet, he simply explained it in the simplest words: “With the seed as the core, it forms its own heterotopic body in countless dimensions.”

“Heteromorph?” Tai Yi’s eyes widened. This word is very novel. He couldn’t understand it, but he seemed to be able to guess the meaning vaguely.

“Yes, that’s right, it’s an ectopic body.” Duobao nodded and continued: “Take oneself as a seed, lead destiny, and create dimensional space.”

“In the dimensional space, countless selves are formed… more simply, they are clones.”

“As many dimensions as you create, you can create as many clones of own.”

“In disguised terms, how many dimensions are created is equivalent to how many helpers you have and how many times your strength Ascension.”

Taiyi understood completely and was overjoyed: “It turns out that… can this be done?”

The combination of the law of space and the law of destiny can make such a powerful Magic Treasures?

Judging from this special effect, it is almost no worse than Chaos Clock.

“Is this for me?” Taiyi asked in disbelief.

If he had the gate of this dimension, the strength of his monster race could almost be said to have exploded countless times in an instant.

The problems we are facing now can also be solved.


An inexplicable thought flashed in Tai Yi’s heart, out of control.

The monster race now has no strength to crush the witch race, but if it has the gate of dimension, it can increase its strength several times or even dozens of times, hundreds of times, then the witch race is their opponent?

Duobao rolled his eyes: “What do you want? Dreaming? Want to be so beautiful?”

“For nothing…what do you take me for?”

Tai Yi’s dream was interrupted, and he also reacted, and smiled wistfully: “Hey, I’m so excited, sorry.”

“Well, I don’t know, what price will it cost to get the door of this dimension?”

Immediately afterwards, Taiichi asked again.

The gate of this dimension is really too powerful. If it can be obtained, the monster race will definitely increase its strength.

It can be said that the importance of the Gate of Dimensions to the Monster Race is much stronger than all other Magic Treasures and Lingbao.

For this, he can do it at all costs.

“I am a businessman.” Duobao said, “The Gate of Dimensions is just a commodity to me.”

“As long as you can pay enough money, then there is nothing that cannot be bought or sold.”

Too stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Duobao in disbelief, The next moment, his eyes fell on the door of dimension in his hand.

“You mean… the gate of dimensions can also be exchanged for merit?”

Duobao corrected it and said, “It’s a purchase, not an exchange.”

Tai Yi didn’t care at all, overjoyed, and repeatedly said: “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

No matter what it is, he can get this treasure anyway!

“It’s just…” He was happy for a moment, and suddenly he was a little bit disappointed.

The joy on his face froze.

He suddenly remembered that his own merit has been used up before.

If I want to buy it now, it seems I can’t afford it.

Thinking this way, Taiyi’s face suddenly became bitter.

Seeing the change in Di Er’s expression, Duobao chuckled, fully understanding his mood.

“Is there no merit?” Duobao asked.

“Yes.” Tai Yi nodded depressedly.

What is the saddest thing in this world?

The baby is right in front of me, but I don’t have any money anymore.

Can’t afford it… This is really a huge sad thing.

“Hey, that’s not right…” Suddenly, Tai’s expression changed, and the joy reappeared on his face, and asked Dubao urgently: “I remember, in addition to merit, luck seems to be able to buy Magic Treasures. Bar?”

Although air luck is very important, the loss of air luck has a great impact on the monster race.

However, the gate of dimension is very important. In comparison, luck is not incapable of sacrifice.

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