Chapter 148 Dragon Power and Boundary Power

As long as the door of dimension can be solved, not to mention solving the problems of the Witch Clan, it is enough to solve the problems facing the Witch Clan at present, and it will be enough to greatly increase the fortune of the Witch Clan.

This bit of luck will soon be made up for.

Taiyi does not doubt this.

If it’s someone else, it’s impossible.

But if it were placed on Duobao, it would be a certainty.

The Magic Treasures in Dubao are powerful and cheap.

That is what you really buy is what you earn.

“Qingyun?” Duobao was stunned, and then shook his head quickly: “Not so, not so.”

“You are just a small clan. If you lose your luck, you are afraid that it will cause catastrophe.”

“The door of a mere dimension is not, really not.”

Duobao didn’t want Taiyi to buy it with luck.

His purpose is not luck.

Although luck has no small effect on him.

However, just how much luck can the emperor two belong to?

Even if you give it all to him, it will not have much effect on him.

On the contrary, if these lucks are lost, the race of Emperor Er will encounter some great danger, and it will be annihilated.

At that time, it is definitely not Di Er who regrets the most, but him.

Di Er is a good customer.

The water flows long and I bought a lot of Magic Treasures from him.

It is foreseeable that more will be bought in the future.

The more Magic Treasures he buys, the more Magic power feedback he brings.

For Duobao, Di Er is a golden rooster that can continuously produce golden eggs, and he can’t be surprised.

So far, Di Er is his biggest customer, and there must be no surprises.

“It’s okay.” Duobao’s refusal made him too anxious: “It’s just mere luck, I can bear it.”

While talking, he manifested his own Qi Luck. In order to obtain the gate of dimension, he almost wanted to inform Duo Bao of his identity, in order to obtain Duo Bao’s consent.

“I told you, actually I…”

Duobao handed the gate of dimension to Emperor II: “It doesn’t matter if there is no merit now. Since you like it so much, you can lend this gate of dimension to you first, and then give it to me when you have it.”

Just after he finished speaking, he heard Di Er’s words, looked at him with some doubts and asked, “What are you actually?”

Taiyi’s words stopped abruptly, he was taken aback for a moment, and he said haha: “It’s nothing, it’s nothing.”

He quickly changed the subject: “The Gate of Dimensions, can you lend it to me?”

“No merit?”

Duobao didn’t care much, nodded and said, “Yes, don’t you have no merit now?”

“Lend it to you first, wait until you have it, and then return it to me.”

Taiyi looked at Duobao in disbelief: “Could it be that you are not afraid…”

This is the gate of dimensionality. Such a powerful Magic Treasures could be given to him so easily?

“What are you afraid of?” Duobao looked at him with a faint smile, “Could it be that you still dare to fail?”

Taiyi shuddered and shook his head again and again: “Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

“That’s not it.” Duobao smiled: “You, a little golden fairy, take my things and dare not return it…I can’t deal with those big people, but you, it’s still very easy. ”

Too speechless, slandered in his heart: “The big people in your mouth are not your opponents…far from them.”

Unfortunately, Dubao didn’t know about this.

Think about it, it seems a bit fun.

“Little Golden Immortal…” Tai Yi muttered, and suddenly asked Duo Bao: “I don’t know, what strength are you now?”

Duobao thought for a while, but didn’t hide it: “Realm’s words are just Celestial Immortals…”

“Or Celestial Immortals?” Taiyi couldn’t help exclaiming.

Duobao glared at him dissatisfiedly.

Tai Yi said: “You said, you said.”

Duobao continued: “But the strength, it should be comparable to the real Taiyi Golden Immortal in the prehistoric world.”

“Taiyi Jinxian!” Taiyi exclaimed.

Duobao helpless: “Why are you making such a fuss?”

“At any rate, you can be regarded as the demon of the demon race. Although you don’t have a good relationship with other demon races, you still have seen the world if you want to come.”

“Taiyi Jinxian is a figure in the Yaozu family?”

“Among the monster race, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is estimated that even the Daluo Golden Immortal should barely be regarded as a human being. A quasi-sage is considered a strong person, right?”

“You should have seen a lot of Taiyi Golden Immortals, Daluo Golden Immortals, and Quasi-Sages among the Monster Race.”

“It’s just a little Taiyi Golden Immortal, so surprised?”

Too speechless.

Can this be the same?

The Taiyi Golden Immortal in your mouth and the Taiyi Golden Immortal in my knowledge are completely two concepts, okay?

Even the strength of the pinnacle of my quasi-sage is just a small golden immortal here, so how strong should the Taiyi golden immortal be?

Taiyi could hardly imagine.

After a while, Taiyi asked cautiously: “I don’t know, what strength is Taiyi Golden Immortal?”

Hearing this, Duobao immediately looked at Emperor Er in amazement.

After a while, he shook his head: “It really is a bad relationship.”

“In the Yaozu, I have met so many powerhouses, Taiyi, Daluo, and Zhunsheng. They don’t even know the strength of the Taiyi realm.”

Suddenly, Duobao felt sad for Emperor Er.

This mess is too miserable!

Duobao’s pitying eyes fell on Tai, which made him helpless.

He easily understood the meaning of Dubao’s eyes, but because of this, he was even more helpless.

Boss, you really don’t know your own strength. The Realm standard is different from the real strength of the outside world.

The real strength outside, the Realm standard, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal, is the quasi-sage, he knows it all.

But Dubao’s here, he really couldn’t understand.

“That…didn’t you quantify your strength?”

After thinking for a moment, Taiyi added: “According to your quantified strength, how many dragons should there be in Taiyi Golden Fairyland?”

At the same time of questioning, Tai Yi’s heart also raised: “Golden Immortal is comparable to a quasi-sage, isn’t Taiyi Jinxian already comparable to Sage, right?”

This is really an incredible idea.

Normally, Tai Yi would not think about it.

The Primordial Land is so huge, so far, it doesn’t count if Hongjun Daozu is thrown away, only six Sages have appeared.

Although Duobao is strong, it is impossible to reach Sage, right?

“Dragon?” Duobao smiled disdainfully after hearing the words, “Jin Xian and Taiyi Jin Xian, although there are two words for Jin Xian in their names, there is a huge gap in strength.”

Listen, too one-minded, can’t help but yell in his heart: “No way, no way, no way!”

Is it really comparable to Sage?

Shocked, I heard Duobao continue to say: “Dragon Power is for the Golden Immortals and the cultivator under the Golden Immortals, it is the standard for dividing the strength of Celestial Immortals to the Golden Immortals.”

“On top of the Golden Immortal, based on the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is divided by boundary force.”

“Jie Li?” Tai Yi asked in shock.

Duobao nodded: “Yes, Jie Li.”

Taiyi: “What is Jie Li?”

“Well… the Jinxian limit is one hundred million dragon power, and after one hundred million dragon power is transformed, it is Jie Li.”

While Tai Yi was shocked, he thought: “It turns out…the limit of the golden immortal is 100 million dragon power.”

“I only have more than eighty thousand dragon powers… so that I can’t even reach the golden immortal limit?”

It is even more sad to think about it in this way.

He discovered for the first time that he was so weak.

After the grief, Taiyi asked again: “Transformation? What is transformation?”

Duobao also understood that Di Er really didn’t know anything, just like Xiao Bai.

“It’s not that I said you…you are really a mess.”

Duobao sighed and explained: “Metamorphosis is a qualitative change, which turns the dragon power into a qualitative change and turns it into a boundary force.”

“One hundred million dragon power has transformed into a world power.”

“In terms of quantity, one hundred million dragon power is equivalent to the power of one party.”

“However, in terms of power, the two sides are more than a hundred times worse.”

“It’s like the difference between water vapor and ice.”

Having said this, Duobao paused and asked Taiyi: “You know the difference between water vapor and ice, right?”

Tai Yi nodded in shock, he was not really Xiaobai, of course he knew it.

“Look, the same amount of water vapor is completely vulnerable to the same amount of water vapor condensed in front of ice.”

“This is the qualitative gap.”

“At the same time, this is also the gap between Long Li and Jie Li.”

Duobao took a deep breath and asked Taiyi, “So, do you understand?”

Tai Yi nodded stupidly.

It was said so clearly, how could he still not understand.

“Jie Li…this and Sage’s unique sacred power… how different is it?”

Tai Yi was shocked, guessing, this so-called boundary power, even if it is worse than the holy power, it should not be much worse.

Generally, whether it is Celestial Immortals or quasi-sages, all cultivation is Magic power.

Only after being sanctified, the power will transform and become holy power, which is far stronger than normal Magic power, too much.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand what transformation is. It’s just that for Dubao’s Realm, the standard of strength division has undergone transformation after Jinxian, and he feels unbelievable and incomprehensible.

“Then, how much power are you now?” Tai Yi asked, staring at Duo Bao closely after the shock.

This so-called boundary power is almost comparable to the holy power. I don’t know, how much power does Dubao have?

“It’s just right, three thousand bounds.” Duobao said, and then expressed regret: “Unfortunately, if you want to breakthrough Da Luo Jinxian, it is almost a distance.”

“If I can make a breakthrough in Da Luo Jinxian, I can barely be regarded as a master.”

Duobao is looking forward to it.

Da Luo Jinxian, in the current predicament, although he is not a strong one, he can still be regarded as a little master in any way. If he goes out and walks, he is not that dangerous.

He can breathe a sigh of relief when he arrives at Da Luo Jinxian.

I don’t want to think about it anymore, I always feel so dangerous, and there is an inexplicable sense of urgency.

“After all, the strength is still insufficient, and we still need to work hard!” Duobao sighed.

Too stunned, completely stunned.

Three thousand bounds…Little master?

If he didn’t know the concept of Jie Li, he might have believed Duobao’s words.

However, after knowing Jie Li, he could no longer look directly at Duobao’s words.

Can Three Thousand Jie Li be related to the words Little Master?

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