Chapter 146-The Power of Chaos Resistance

Taiyi stared at Dubo, speechless for a long time.

Are you sure that this gadget was created for better cultivation and to know the goals and gaps more clearly?

Isn’t it really used to hit us?

He didn’t make a fuss like Styx. He had been prepared for this, although he was surprised, but he was not very surprised.

Still shocked in my heart.

“So, I am Jinxian?” Taiyi asked.

“It’s already very good. The young man came before, only more than 20 million dragons. In comparison, you are considered a master among the golden immortals.”

Dubao said, also a little surprised: “I really didn’t expect that your strength is not weak?”

Among the people he met, except for Sanqing Nuwa, it is estimated that Di Er was the strongest.

Even the fake Styx named Styx is far behind.

“It’s fun to say, that young man is quite bold.”

Too curious: “Where are you brave?”

Duobao smiled and said: “He dare to be called Styx?”

“If you think about it, you should also know that Styx is a great power in the prehistoric, that is the real quasi-sage power.”

“He dared to take this name. Moreover, he is from the Ashura clan. It is impossible to say that he doesn’t know the name of Styx.”

As he said, Duobao suddenly sighed: “Since I know it, I dare to take this name. It is estimated that I have been beaten, and I have suffered less.”

One: “……”

There is no need for Dubao to explain, Taiyi has already understood, and sighs helplessly in his heart.

Some accidents, but also sadness for the Styx.

He knew that the fake Styx in Dubao’s mouth should be the real Styx.

It was very unexpected that Taiyi was able to come here, but at the same time, he felt more sincere…for the blow Styx suffered here.

“What kind of eyes are you?” Duobao sighed, turning his head and suddenly found that Di Er looked at Own with something wrong.

It feels like watching a monster.

Too once came to his senses and found that own was gaffe, and shook his head quickly: “It’s nothing.”

“That kid is too bold.” Too utterly moved.

“By the way, did he buy Magic Treasures from you too?”

Duobao nodded: “Of course, I am a businessman after all, and the purpose is to sell Magic Treasures. When a customer comes, he wants to buy it, and of course I will sell it.”

“Of course, if he doesn’t want to buy it, I won’t force him to buy it.”

Sigh too much, your Magic Treasures are so powerful and so cheap.

That is to say, there are few people who know. How can anyone who knows your existence be unwilling to buy it?

Who can resist this temptation?

“By the way, what are you looking for me?” Dubao asked, “Isn’t it just for chatting with me?”

Taiyi put his thoughts away: “No, it’s just that we have encountered some problems recently.”


“Yes, we, you know, I can be regarded as the master of a small force.”

“Recently, we are thinking about opening up, absorbing the Qi of Chaos, strengthening the world, so as to gain more luck.”

Duobao was very pleased: “Is that right, that’s right.”

“Although the prehistoric world is big, it can’t help you toss like this.”

“The chaos is bigger than the prehistoric, there is energy, to toss the chaos.”

“Don’t spend all your energy in the prehistoric, otherwise, the predominant will be tossed down by you sooner or later.”

Duobao said very emotionally.

Speaking generally, a question suddenly came to mind.

Absorbing the air of chaos… isn’t this a matter of the cycle of heaven in the great cycle of heaven and earth?

The demon clan holds the sky, shouldn’t this be the demon clan’s business?

Duobao stared at Taiyi: “What is the relationship between you and Yaozu?”

“He found it?” Hearing that, he was too eager to be calm, pretending to be calm: “We are a small force under the Yaozu.”

“Oh.” Duobao didn’t doubt it either. In this case, it would be right.

“Then what did you want to do when you came to me?” Duobao asked again.

Seeing that Duobao did not continue to ask, he was too relieved and continued: “The chaos is too fierce, that is, my Universe…”

Universe Star Dou Great Array had six words, only two words were spoken, Tai Yi found out that it was wrong.

The Universe Star Dou formation is the iconic formation of the Yaozu.

If he said it, I was afraid that Duobao would be able to guess his identity immediately.

Duobao is just a cognitive disability, but not stupid.

“Universe what?” Duobao was strange, so he wouldn’t say anything if he said it.

Tai Yi’s brain swiftly turned, and after a moment he said, “Universe Dafa, there is a Universe Dafa in our clan, which can unite the power of the people of the clan.”

“Yes, it is Universe Dafa.”

Duobao blinked his eyes and didn’t have any doubts. The main reason was that he didn’t even think about that place at all, “What then?”

“Then, we found that chaos is too fierce. Under active development, we can’t absorb much chaos at all, and it is also very weak for the world’s Ascension.”

In fact, it is not very weak, but since he is here, he wants to ask Dubao to ask if there is any way to speed up this speed and make it more efficient.

If you change it to someone else, you don’t need to ask at all, it will definitely be ineffective.

However, if that person is replaced by Duobao, that is not necessarily true.

Taiyi believes that Dubao must have a solution here.

Thinking about it, Taiichi continued: “If this continues, there will be little gain.”

“Is that so?” Duobao lowered his head to think for a moment, then raised his head and asked, “What’s the problem?”

“With Chaos, I remember it doesn’t seem to be that troublesome, right?”

His Chaos Shop opened in the Chaos, very smoothly, without any obstacles at all, very simple and easy.

Taiyi smiled bitterly and explained: “Ordinary chaos, or a little chaos, there is no problem.”

“The question is?” Duobao asked curiously.

Taiyi replied: “The problem is that as the amount of chaos absorbed increases, the resistance of chaos is constantly increasing.”

“The greater the amount of Chaos Qi absorbed, the stronger the resistance.”

“So, the harder you get to the back.”

“Oh.” Duobao thoughtfully: “Is this the self-protection mechanism of Chaos?”

Duobao was a little surprised, it was beyond his expectation.

Unexpectedly, there will be such changes in Chaos?

However, although it was beyond expectation, it seems reasonable to think about it carefully.

Who said that chaos must be slaughtered?

It’s okay to think of it as a kind of creature.

If you infringe less, that’s okay.

But if the infringement is right, it will attract Chaos’ attention, and it will spontaneously defensively resist, which is also normal.

“Um…” Dobo thought.

Taiyi stared at Duo Bao closely: “Is there a way?”

What he said was true, and this was something he only discovered after the Yaozu’s strategy changed. For this reason, both he and Di Jun had a headache.

Duobao: “I’m thinking about it.”

“Chaos Resistance… what can we do?”

Duobao rubbed his temples: “It seems, I can’t think of any solution to this thing?”

“Well, there is too little information, let me try it myself?”

A thought came to his mind, and Duobao stood up.

“What are you doing?” Tai Yi was puzzled.

Duobao: “I don’t know the specifics of such resistance, so I will try it myself to see what the situation is?”

With that said, he went out.

Behind, Taiyi stayed for a moment, and quickly followed: “How are you going to try?”

Out of the shop, standing in chaos.

Duobao waved his hand, an infinite black hole appeared in his hand, and a thick Magic power entered it, and a powerful swallowing force spread out from it.


Facing the chaos of the infinite black hole, a series of roars suddenly sounded.

The next moment, Taiichi’s eyes widened suddenly.

I saw that the endless chaotic air was swallowed by the infinite chaos.

Its speed is even faster than the power formed by the Universe Star Dou array deployed by his monster race.



The buzzing sound kept coming, and the endless chaotic energy was swallowed in with Duobao’s movements.

Slowly, a little bit of time passed, and more and more chaotic energy was swallowed.

Tai Yi’s eyes widened, and he was shocked: “This… this…”

Seeing what happened before him, he was already shocked and speechless.

During this period of time, the chaotic energy consumed by the infinite black hole has surpassed the chaotic energy consumed by his monster race during this time.

He knew that Dubao was very strong, and was far stronger than him.

But he never thought that the gap would be so strong?

Duobao’s single-person power has reached such a level in this short period of time…It made him feel so mixed and shocked.

“Can’t it work?” Duobao frowned and said in his heart.

It has been going on for a long time.

He still didn’t feel any particularly big resistance.

“Isn’t the amount I swallowed enough?”

Duobao lowered his head and thought for a moment: “It’s a waste of time.”

Waved, several infinite black holes appeared again.

“What is he going to do?” Tai Yi suddenly, his pupils contracted rapidly, watching Dubao’s movements, his heart was shocked, shocked, and even more dramatic: “Could it be…”


Before the thoughts fell, suddenly, in the chaos, the roar was even more dramatic, and in the newly emerging infinite black hole, there was also a huge suction.

In just a few breaths, it reached the same level as the first infinite black hole, and each infinite black hole was exactly the same before the chaos swallowed at the same time.

“Hiss~” I couldn’t help grinning in surprise, shocked inexplicably.

It wasn’t your full strength just now?

How strong are you?

“Still not enough!”

However, Duobao was not very satisfied with this.

I checked the swallowing speed of Chaos Qi, calculated it in my mind, and when my thought moved, thousands of infinite black holes appeared.

Adding up to the previous infinite black holes, there are exactly three thousand.

With the input of Magic power, the infinite black hole is fully activated and begins to devour the Qi of Chaos.

Tai Yi’s eyes almost burst out of his eye sockets.


What kind of monster is this before me?

Taiyi suddenly felt that he could no longer see Duobao.

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