Chapter 145

Stygian’s pupils shrank rapidly for a moment, and conditionedly looked at the Magic Treasures in his arms.

Those Magic Treasures that reappeared on the shelf are exactly the same as the Magic Treasures he chose.

Even the clean Lotus flower he chose at the beginning can be seen exactly the same in it.

He wondered if the Magic Treasures in his hand had been taken back again.

With Duobao’s strength, it may not be impossible.

After lowering his head, he could see that the Magic Treasures he had selected were still in his own arms, and there was nothing missing.


Styx took a breath, shocked.

“Such Magic Treasures… are they not unique?”

Out of the shock, standing in the chaos, a ray of light flashed, Styx disappeared into the chaos and returned to the sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, after staying quietly for a long time, Styx slowly recovered.

It’s not that he is not calm, but it is the things he experienced during this period of time that really made him unable to calm down.

Looking down at the Magic Treasures in his arms.

They didn’t have long feet and flew away.

After watching for a long time, Styx suddenly sighed deeply: “In the predicament, when did such a existence appear…this is too strong!”


“Dao Zun… Duo Bao Dao Zun?” In the chaos, inside the Magic Treasures shop, a light flashed, a young man, with an excited expression and tears on his face, looked at Duo Bao and shouted in disbelief. Said: “Really it is you?”

Duobao is imagining that his strength will rise again next time.

Styx is a member of the Ashura tribe, and can be regarded as a big power.

He has got so many Magic Treasures, and he will definitely distribute them to the own people. In this way, it will definitely bring him a lot of gains.

Maybe I can catch up with God II.

However, after another thought, I was a little uncertain.

After all, Emperor Er is the leader of the family and one of the top figures.

He gets Magic Treasures and can disperse quickly. Styx is just an ordinary member of the Ashura clan, so it shouldn’t be so fast.

Just thinking about it, suddenly an excited voice came from my ear.

Turning his head and looking, he said with some uncertainty: “Xuandu?”

“Dao Zun, it’s really you!”

Hearing Duobao’s voice, Xuan Du was suddenly excited. He swooped in and started crying while holding Duobao.

“Woo, Dao Zun, I thought, I thought…”

Xuan Du kept crying. This was not sadness, but weeping with joy.

At the beginning, on the shore of the East China Sea, Duobao had resisted the demon clan for them, so he fell.

He was still sad for a long time, a long time.

Later, after visiting Taiqing Sage’s gate, it was discovered that Dabao Dao Zun was not dead.

He just returned to Kunlun Closed Door Training.

While he was relieved in his heart, he was looking forward to it day and night, waiting for Dubao’s awakening.

However, Duobao has been Closed Door Training for too long.

Although he can wait, he also needs cultivation.

Later, at Taiqing Sage’s request, he cultivated a Dao Fa and entered the Closed Door Training.

Fang Yi Closed Door Training, he came out on his own, wanting to see if Duobao Dao Zun came out?

As a result, before he got outside of Dubao’s Immortal Cave, he heard a crowd of juniors in a hurry, and the juniors seemed to be hiding something.

He stopped and asked, only then did he realize that Daobao Dao Zun had already left the customs.

At the moment, he was even more excited. Under the guidance of the juniors and sisters, he entered Duobao’s Immortal Cave, and through the coordinates left by Duobao, he came to the Chaos shop, and then he saw Duobao.

“Xuan Du, it’s been a long time since you have grown up.” Duo Bao looked at Xuan Du carefully and nodded with satisfaction: “The little guy in the past has now become a young man.”

“Not bad.”

Xuan Du looked at Duo Bao excitedly: “Dao Zun…”

Duobao patted his head: “Since you have entered the master’s sect, then don’t call me Dao Zun, call me Senior Brother.”

“Yes, big brother.” Xuandu.

“Let me see, I haven’t seen you for so many years, the little guy is Immortal Ascension.” Dobo took a closer look, then frowned: “However, your strength is too weak.”

“Hey?” Xuan Du was stunned, Xu?

“Am I imaginary?”

Suddenly for a moment, Xuan Du looked at Duo Bao excitedly again.

Forget it, the elder brother is just imaginary.

“Let me see, my Kunlun disciple can’t be so imaginary.”

“Let the big brother come and help you.” Duobao said, reaching out and patted Xuandu’s shoulder.

“Help me?” Before Xuan Du could understand Duo Bao’s meaning, he suddenly felt a vast and powerful force coming from Duo Bao’s hands.

This power is so powerful and condensed that he was shocked for a while, who had just cultivated into a powerful Taoist method and had greatly improved his strength.

It’s been a long time to return to God!

“As expected of Dabao Dao Zun!”

Xuan Du was not surprised at all, sighed in his heart.

In his mind, Duobao was almost invincible.

It feels that as long as Dubao thinks about it, there is almost nothing he can’t do.

After a while, Duobao removed his palm.

Xuan Du slowly recovered.

The feeling of the whole person suddenly changed.

Compared to before, it is more condensed and feels much better.

After feeling it carefully, Xuan Du was dumbfounded: “How did I become Celestial Immortals?”

After the surprise, it is the surprise.

Xuan Du slowly felt his own strength: “Although Realm has been reduced, it seems that the strength is still Ascension?”

[Six hundred dragons… Celestial Immortals]

At this moment, a ray of light shot out from the power ice mirror next to Xuandu, and the next moment, a mechanical sound came.

Xuan Du looked over, looked at the Fang Bingjing, looked at the information displayed on it, and was even more puzzled.

He turned to look at Duobao: “Dao Zun…big brother, what does this mean?”

“What dragon? What Celestial Immortals?”

Duobao explained the concept of Dragon Power with a smile, and when Xuan Du was confused, he smiled and said, “Xuan Du, do you think your current strength is a bit weak?”

Xuan Du nodded: “It’s weak, and it’s very weak.”

According to Duobao’s explanation, the limit Celestial Immortals should be the power of three thousand dragons.

And he only had six hundred dragon powers, which was far worse in comparison.

This is of course weak.

Regarding Duobao’s worship and respect, he did not doubt Duobao’s statement, behavior, and any problems at all.

After Duobao said it, he believed it.

“It turns out that this is Celestial Immortals?” Xuan Du secretly asked in his heart: “Sure enough, I’m still too far behind.”

“I want to help Dao Zun… Senior Brother.” Xuan Du raised his head and looked at Duo Bao: “Big Brother, can you help me become stronger?”

Xuan Du said firmly: “I want to become stronger!”

Duobao was stunned. He forgot to say what he had prepared.

Is it so conscious?

He originally planned to fudge, but Xuan Du himself took the bait.

“This is Jiang Taigong fishing. Will anyone take the bait?”

Xuan Du stared at Duo Bao closely.

He wanted to help Dubao.

Originally, he thought his own strength was enough, but now, he realized that he was still so weak.

It was too far away from his goal and his thoughts.

Therefore, he can’t wait to Ascension himself.

“Cough cough.” Xuan Du was so conscious that Duo Bao couldn’t bear to pit him. He coughed: “I have a good place here…”

Xuan Du couldn’t wait to ask: “Can you Ascension strength?”

Duobao was stunned: “Yes…Yes.”

“Then, big brother, please send me.” Xuan Du said firmly.

Dubao is staying, is he so cooperative?


After saying this, with a wave of his hand, Xuandu’s body fell into the twenty-four heavens, a little thought separated, transformed into a creature, and was born in it.

“This child…” Looking at the mysterious capital among the twenty-four heavens, Duobao couldn’t recover for a long time: “He doesn’t look very smart.”

“Be careful in the future, so honest, it’s easy to suffer when you go out.”

“This aspect must be strengthened.”

While sighing, Duobao returned to the tea table and drank slowly. Suddenly, it seemed a bit boring again.

“Why do you catch a junior or junior sister for fun?”

Doubao’s eyes lit up, and it seemed like a good idea.

However, after thinking about it, he gave up again: “Forget it, just tossing once, let them rest for a while.”

“Dobo, I’m here again.”

At this moment, Taiyi’s voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Sounds, people arrive.

Tai Yi opened the door and walked in.

“You are drinking tea. It just so happens that I am also thirsty. Pour me a cup.”

【Eight thousand seven hundred and six hundred thousand dragons…Golden fairy】

Too passed the power ice mirror all the way, and then the ice mirror flashed and a mechanical sound came.

Taiyi’s footsteps stopped, and he turned to look at the power ice mirror: “What is it?”

“Eight thousand seven hundred and six hundred thousand dragons… is it power?” Tai Yi thoughtfully.

Compared with Styghe, who is still under-recognized by Dubao, Taiyi has already made sufficient psychological preparations.

Here, in front of Dubao, no matter what incredible things happen, Taiyi feels that he can accept and understand it.

“Jinxian… is it me?” Taiyi looked at Duobao: “Don’t you explain?”

Duobao put down his teacup, walked over, and said with a smile, “This is the gadget I just made.”

“Gadgets?” Taiyi stared at the power ice mirror carefully: “This doesn’t look like a gadget!”

“What’s the use? Measure power?”

Duobao nodded: “Yes, it is to measure power.”

“Come on, stop standing, drink and talk.”

“It just so happens that I’m bored too.”

“You’re still boring.” Taiyi sat down and drank a cup of tea. The refreshing tea flowed down his throat into his body. He was uncomfortable and let out a long breath.

During this time, he was really exhausted.

It is not a simple matter to run the Universe Star Array with all its strength.

Now, when Di Jun changes shifts with him, he has a chance to come out.

“Why did you make such a thing?” Taiichi asked.

Duobao explained with a smile: “It just feels that the strength of each Realm is too vague. For cultivation, there is a clear goal and a clear understanding of the own gap, in order to be more motivated and more purposeful to cultivate.”

“I made this power ice mirror just to clarify this concept.”

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