Chapter 144 Styx buys Magic Treasures (normal update)

In the past, the solid cognition and worldview formed by countless years were completely destroyed at this moment, in a short period of time.

“Why do you say that?” Styx asked complicatedly.

The original definition of Realm that Dubao had reclassified was enough for him to digest.

As a result, Duobao’s own Realm’s strength not only matched that of the predecessor and orthodox Realm, but on the contrary, even his own Realm’s strength did not match.

Styghe could see clearly that although the aura that Duobao exuded before was strong, Realm, as he said, was only Celestial Immortals.

A Celestial Immortals… a quasi-sage like him can’t breathe.

He had no doubt that the Celestial Immortals in front of him really wanted to kill him, and it didn’t take much effort.

“My situation is special, you don’t need to know too much.” Duobao didn’t explain, turned the topic, and pointed to the Magic Treasures on the shelves around him: “You come here, don’t you want to buy Magic Treasures?”

“Go and see.”

Stygian wondered: “Me? Buy Magic Treasures?”

His Magic Treasures, Yuantu, and Abi are all top-grade Xiantian spirit treasures, and there are also ten second-rank Karma Fire Red Lotus, which are also top-grade Xiantian spirit treasures.

With this Movement Technique treasure, he still needs to buy Magic Treasures?

However, watching Duobao walk towards the shelf, Styx didn’t dare to violate his meaning, and walked behind him.

“I think you are hostile and full of murderous intent, but it really means the Ashura clan.”

“However, the killing intent is too heavy, and it is easy to hurt yourself. You see, this pure lotus flower is the most capable of nourishing the mind.”

“With it, you don’t need to worry about being hurt by killing intent in the future.”

“Look, do you like it?”

Styx took the Lotus flower, The next moment, his heart trembled: “This Magic Treasures?”

He carefully looked at the pure Lotus flower in his hand, his eyes widening.

“This is Magic Treasures?”

Holding a pure lotus flower in your hand, before the lotus flower, you have the power of pure mind, like gurgling water, flowing through the heart field.

He smoothed the chaotic heart that had been caused by Dubao’s series of actions.

Although he was shocked and unable to understand, he was no longer as chaotic as before.

More importantly, he felt a powerful force in this Magic Treasures.

No less than the power of Yuantu, Abi, ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus in his hands.

It is comparable to the best Xiantian Lingbao.

“No, it’s not right…” After watching for a while, Styx shook his head: “It’s a bit worse than the best Xiantian Lingbao, but it’s no worse than the average Xiantian Lingbao.”

“Hiss~” Styx took a breath: “There is no Xiantian Restrictions… it was made for Houtian.”

“Can the Magic Treasures refined by Houtian be so strong?”

Stygmy couldn’t understand even more, feeling that the doubts he had appeared today were more than countless years before.

“I can’t enlighten it, it’s just pure power… purely powerful!”

Styg fell into silence while holding the pure lotus flower.

Duobao looked at Styx and smiled.

It seemed that he liked it very much.

This is enough.

This Magic Treasures, it seems, he should be able to sell it.

Although Styx’s strength is a bit weaker, it is already the strongest among the people he has seen so far.

Except for Emperor Two and Emperor One, it was him.

If he gets Magic Treasures, the amount of Magic power he can give back to himself will certainly not be too small.

“Today’s business is stable.” Duobao was very happy.

“I want this Magic Treasures.” For a long time, in Dubao’s gaze, Styx squeezed the pure Lotus flower, his face flashed with determination, and solemnly said to Dubao: “I don’t know, I should pay. At what price can it be taken away?”

Styx looked solemn, and was ready for hemorrhage.

He really likes clean Lotus flower.

Not for himself.

Duobao was right. If he was too intent to kill, he would indeed hurt himself. If one is not good, it may be ruined.

Of course, the killing intent is strong, and it will go very smoothly on the way of killing.

Killing road is also stronger than other roads.

However, in the same way, the danger will be better.

Because he has the ten second rank karma red lotus bodyguard, and has his own Xiantian Divine Mansion, born in a sea of ​​blood, his origin is strong.

The killing intent had little effect on him.

However, the Ashuras that he created, do not have his conditions, and such things often happen.

Even if he suppressed it with the ten second rank Karma Fire Red Lotus, it could not be completely protected.

The effect is different!

The clean Lotus flower is different. It is very powerful, not inferior to the ordinary Xiantian Lingbao. The most important thing is that its effect is single, just for the protection of the mind. In this way, it makes it even more powerful.

If it were to stand in a sea of ​​blood, it would be enough to protect all Ashura.

Purifying Lotus flower is very important to him.

He wants it at all costs.

He is ready.

Duobao was stunned and looked at Styx with a solemn face: “What’s your expression?”

“How does it look like I’m going to eat you?”

Stygian’s complexion remained unchanged, and he asked in a deep voice, “Please also tell me, if I want to get this Magic Treasures, what price do I need to pay?”

“The price?” Duobao blinked, “Just buy it.”

“Buy?” Styx was puzzled: “What is buying?”

Duobao pointed to the place where the clean Lotus flower was originally located, and pointed to the number below it and said, “It’s all you need to do with merit.”

“Bonus?” Styghe repeated, with a thought, all the remaining merits of Ashura teaching were taken out, turned into a small sun, held in his hand, and handed it to Duobao: “Is this… enough? ”

“…” Duobao looked at the merits in Styx’s hands in amazement: “Unexpectedly, you can have such merits as a little golden fairy.”

Although the merits that Styx took out were not as good as the ones taken out by Emperor Er before, it was not much worse.

“Sure enough, in the great famine, merit is not worthy… even an ordinary golden immortal can have so many.”

With a sigh in his heart, Duobao shook his head: “It doesn’t need that much.”

Duobao stretched out his finger and stroked the merits in Styx’s hand. After that, the merits were divided evenly, and then a number appeared on it: “Seven million eight hundred and sixty thousand.”

“The merits in your hand are 7.86 million, and you only need 10,000 to clean the lotus flower…Look again, what else you like, Magic Treasures, and choose a little more.”

Styx looked at Duobao in amazement, and then at the Magic Treasures on the shelf, shocked.

After Dubao’s actions and words, he immediately understood the meaning of the numbers under Magic Treasures before coming.

“so little?”

“Ten thousand.” Styx looked at the Magic Treasures in his hand incredibly, and then looked at the corresponding merits it needed, almost suspecting that the Magic Treasures in his hand were fake.

After feeling it carefully, I made sure that the Magic Treasures in my hand are indeed powerful and real.

It’s not an illusion, and it’s not a fake.

It is indeed no worse than the general Xiantian Lingbao.

“Magic Treasures, comparable to Xiantian Lingbao, need only ten thousand merits?” Styx’s gaze swept across the Magic Treasures, amazed even more.

Because among those Magic Treasures, the clean lotus flower is still expensive, and there are still a lot, even only a few hundred merits.

Styx walked to the Magic Treasures that required the lowest merits, stretched out his hand and picked it up, his spiritual thoughts fell in, and then the whole person was stunned, as if petrified.

“Although it is weaker than Pure Lotus Flower… but it is also comparable to ordinary Xiantian Lingbao.”

“Hundreds of merits!” Styx muttered, falling into a state of doubting life.

“Am I dreaming?”

“No, I haven’t slept for a long time, how can I dream?”

“But if it weren’t for a dream, how could I encounter such a good thing?”

Styx is incredible, incredible to the extreme.

Every Magic Treasures here is not weaker than ordinary Xiantian Lingbao.

According to his understanding, these Magic Treasures, any of them, are comparable to all the merits he took out.

However, the few merits he needed made him couldn’t believe it.

“How about? Have you chosen?” Dubao urged when he was dumbfounded.

Styg came back to his senses, his expression shocked, and he still looked at Dubo in disbelief: “These…really so low?”

“Low is a little lower, but my Magic Treasures is at this price. If you like it, just buy it.”

“If you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it.”

Dubao said.

He also knows that own Magic Treasures is indeed too cheap.

But who made his purpose not to sell Magic Treasures?

Cheaper is cheaper, as long as it can be distributed.

Moreover, he didn’t take much effort to refine these Magic Treasures.

A thought and some magic power things.

It is cheap for these people, but for him, it is indeed a big profit.

It’s just a win-win situation.

“Buy, buy, of course,” Styx said immediately after hearing this.

Then, as if afraid that Dubao would go back, he reached out and pointed at the Magic Treasures: “This, this, this… and this… this…”

Within a few moments, Styx chose the Magic Treasures he wanted.

I didn’t even look at it carefully, anyway, it was chosen based on the merits he possessed.

After the election, the merits are all just consumed.

“Yeah.” Duobao glanced at the Magic Treasures selected by Styx, waved his hand, and all the Magic Treasures appeared in his hands, and then threw them to Styx without paying attention: “Then, this is yours. Magic Treasures.”

While speaking, he took away the merits of the Styx: “Then, now that the money and goods are cleared, these Magic Treasures are yours.”

“Is it mine?” Holding a kind of Magic Treasures, Styx only feels heavy and feels that he is in a dream.

Are these Magic Treasures really his?

“Well, it’s yours.” Duobao nodded: “The things have been selected. If there is nothing wrong, you can leave.”

“In the future, if you have anything, you can come to me at any time.”

“You also have my famous post. I believe you know how to use it.”

“When you want to find me, just come directly.”

“Okay.” Styx nodded stupidly.

He walked out of the door lightly and hardly. The moment he walked out of the door, he couldn’t help but glance back.

The next moment, I saw Duobao wave his hand, and then, on the empty shelf that he had selected Magic Treasures, suddenly there were countless more Magic Treasures.

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