Chapter 143 I’m Just a Golden Immortal? (Thirty-first more, 500 recommended plus more)

A standard dragon power appeared.

“This is the power of one dragon.”

“Do your calculations yourself, are you more than 20 million dragon power?”

Stygmy calculated silently, and fell silent.

Really, not bad at all.

“How do you define this standard?” Styghe asked: “Realm… why is more than two thousand dragon powers just golden immortals?”

From Styx’s point of view, this dragon’s power is not weak, it is comparable to ordinary Xuanxian.

He is dignified and quasi-sage, and only has more than 20 million dragon power… He is really puzzled.

This number is actually not very low, the point is, this thing is sad!

More than 2,000 million dragons are just golden immortals?

Styx couldn’t believe this.

The power hasn’t weakened, why is Realm just a golden fairy with you?

Obviously in the outside world, am I still a quasi-sage?

Styx refused to accept.

“It’s just the Golden Immortal?” Duobao looked at Styx strangely: “It’s just more than two thousand million dragons…what is it not the Golden Immortal? Do you still think it is Taiyi?”

Styx: “I…”

Is this a matter of Taiyi?

I clearly said that the quasi-sage!

Staring at Duobao, Styx suddenly thought about it and understood something.

After thinking for a while, he changed the question: “You…how much dragon power is the limit golden fairy?”

Duobao answered naturally: “One hundred million.”

Styx almost jumped up and said in shock: “One hundred million!”

He looked at Duobao in disbelief: “Are you sure it is 100 million?”

He, Styx, the master of the dignified blood sea, the creator of the Ashura clan, and the dignified quasi-sage, all have only more than two thousand dragons.

The limit Jinxian has 100 million dragon power.

After such a conversion, he is dignified and Styx is really just a golden immortal… and among the golden immortals, he is not a strong one!

“You…Where did you get this Realm division…”

Duobao said calmly, “Of course I decided it myself.”

Styx: “…”

Take a deep breath, inexplicably sad, don’t know how to say it?

After a long time, Styx asked: “Why is it defined this way?”

“Don’t you think this is a problem?”

Duobao wondered: “What’s the problem? It’s just a different form. What can be the problem?”

Stygian covered his chest with his hands, what could be the problem?

The problem is serious, okay?

If you define it this way, Jinxian is comparable to a quasi-sage, so who can make a breakthrough in Taiyi?

Isn’t Jinxian the limit?

Styx really wanted to tell him loudly, but after thinking about it, he still asked in a soft voice: “You define it like this, who can break through the golden fairy?”

Can’t afford to provoke, can’t afford to provoke.

This is a gangster!

Styghe kept saying this to himself in his heart to soothe his restless heart.

“Can you do it?” Duobao replied, “As long as the cultivation is step by step, it should be all right.”

“What’s so difficult about this?”

He looked at Styx strangely, and suddenly there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

Is this an ordinary person in the predicament?

Even the breakthrough Taiyi didn’t have the confidence…I didn’t have the confidence, of course it was even more difficult to breakthrough.

Duobao patted Styx’s shoulder comfortingly: “Relax, be confident, you have to believe in yourself.”

“It’s just a trivial Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although it’s a bit difficult, as long as you work hard, you can definitely make a breakthrough.”

“You have to have confidence in yourself!”

Styx: “……”

Is this a question of confidence?

The key is to follow your definition. I strongly suspect that the Taiyi Golden Immortal in your definition will almost catch up with Sage.

Even if it wasn’t, it wasn’t much difference.

Looking at the majesty, Daluo walked everywhere, the quasi-sage trembles, but with so many great abilities, who dares to say that he will be holy?

Moreover, except for those six, everyone else, including the monster Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and the twelfth ancestor witch of the witch clan, may not have the confidence to breakthrough Sage, okay?

Stygmy calculated silently in his heart. According to Duobao’s definition, he estimated that even if Dijun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestor Witches came, under this definition, at most they were only golden immortals, and it was absolutely impossible to break through too much. Yi Jinxian.

Styx sighed, “Why did you come up with such a definition method?”

Duobao: “Of course it’s for better cultivation.”

“You see, with this method, everyone can clearly know their own strength level, and also know how far they are from the next level.”

“As long as you work hard to cultivate, you will definitely be able to break through.”

“The goal is clear and the theme is clear. Isn’t there a lot less confusion when you cultivate like this?”

Styx nodded as he listened, “Yes, yes… yes… a ghost!”

Styx stared at Duo Bao with wide eyes, his eyes were unbelievable, unbelievable.

Who on earth told you that such a method will make cultivation faster?

With a definition like yours, there are not many who have the confidence to make breakthroughs in the Taiyi Golden Fairyland, okay?


How do you understand this word?

The simplicity in our understanding…is it a meaning?

Looking at the incredible Styx, Duobao nodded in understanding: “Yes, you are an ordinary cultivator, how do you know this.”

“Don’t understand, it’s normal if you don’t understand.”

“I tell you, this is cultivation.”

“Although it is a bit difficult, as long as you work hard, you will eventually achieve it.”

“Furthermore, Taiyi Golden Immortal, it’s actually not that difficult.”

“Come on, I believe you.”

Duobao shook his fist at Styx.

“You have to know that the real master of your name is a quasi-sage.”

“As the Ashura clan, you dare not say to catch up with him, at least you shouldn’t be much worse than him?”

“He is a quasi-sage, you dare not say, at least the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, right?”

Suddenly, Styx was lost.

“Quasi Saint?”

“Yes, I am a quasi-sage… But, am I not a golden immortal with you?”

“Furthermore, it’s still a low-level golden immortal… how come it has become a quasi-sage again.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Styx slowly understood something, and cautiously asked Dubao: “Styx…is the quasi-sage in your heart?”

Duobao looked at him strangely: “Of course it is!”

“Amidst the precipice, Styx is one of the strongest under Sage.”

“The sea of ​​blood does not wither, the Styx does not die…tsk.” Duobao was a little envious, and a trace of fascination appeared in his eyes: “What Realm is this, what strength? What supernatural power?”

“As the Ashura clan…you don’t even know the strength of your ancestors?”

“Isn’t it possible?” Dobo narrowed his eyes and stared at Styx: “Aren’t you kidding me?”

Being stared at by Duobao’s eyes, Styx felt like he was being stared at by an ancient beast, trembling all over, and quickly said: “Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

“I’m just curious, curious.”

“Curious?” Duobao is even more weird. The preface does not follow the sentence. Is this an explanation?

After staring at Styx for a long time, Duobao didn’t bother to pay attention to him: “Forget it, just take it as an explanation.”

“Huh~” Duobao looked away, and the pressure of Styx was relieved, and he let out a long breath.

“That…” After staying for a while, Styx was still curious and couldn’t help asking: “Do you really think that Styx is a quasi-sage… and based on your Realm definition?”

In the last half of his words, the tone was much heavier, as if he was emphasizing.

Duobao rolled his eyes: “Of course, that’s Styx.”

“And, in order to show respect, we should all be called Ancestor Styx… That’s a real power!”

“Styghe… Patriarch.” Styghe was suddenly panicked.

There is a feeling of flattering inexplicably.

Can’t use it, really can’t use it, you call me ancestor, really…can’t bear it!

Now, Styx also understands that the person in front of him may be Styx… not right, it should be said that there is a cognitive problem with the flood.

In his cognition, it seems that the great powers and the great powers are very strong, so strong that they can still be quasi-sages under the standard set by him that makes him shocked!

How can this be?

According to Styx’s estimation, according to the standard set by this person, the Taiyi Golden Immortal Capital has far surpassed the normal quasi-sage… almost almost reaching the realm of Sage.

That great Luo Jinxian had definitely reached the realm of Sage, let alone the quasi-sage.

Stygmy’s heart trembled, staring at Duobao, and the turbulent waves turned in his heart.

in this case….

“What Realm are you now?”

Styx found that own voice was trembling, which was frightening.

How did this person come out?

How come you have never heard of it before?

Could it be… the Chaos Demon God?

Not the Chaos Demon God, how could it be so strong?

“Celestial Immortals?” Duobao’s breath moved, immediately causing Styx’s body to tremble, and some of them couldn’t bear such power: “Can’t you see it?”

“Oh, sorry.” Duobao discovered the movement of Styx, with a trace of apology on his face, and quickly put away his breath: “Sorry, forgot that you are just a golden fairy.”

“…” Styx looked at Duobao like a fool.

Celestial Immortals?

Are you Celestial Immortals?

Do you really treat me as a fool?

Is it in your own criteria, this is far more than Celestial Immortals, right?

Also Celestial Immortals?

Are you really stupid?

Duobao explained: “Well, my own situation is a little different. Although Realm is Celestial Immortals, it can’t be judged by normal standards in terms of strength.”

“Um…” He thought for a while, and added: “If I really want to count, I should be regarded as the Taiyi Golden Immortal.”

“Taiyi…Golden Immortal.” Styx repeated it, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be unable to look directly at these four words.

Is this the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

When was the Taiyi Golden Immortal able to be so strong?

If this is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, then what is it?

Even, he felt that if he encountered other Taiyi Golden Immortals in the future, he needed to be more careful…If they were all Taiyi Golden Immortals of this standard…then he would better avoid them.

Thinking about it, inexplicably sad.

He is a dignified quasi-sage. When did he fall to the point where he had to be so careful after meeting a Taiyi Golden Immortal, first wipe the opponent’s situation before daring to do it?

So humble, so pitiful!

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