Chapter 140-Chang’e Flies to the Moon

Di Jun sighed and did not refute Taiyi’s words.

I didn’t think that before, I didn’t think there was any problem, but now, after I understand it, where can I not understand?

The two families of witches were wrong too much, and they were wrong for too long.

Even now that I understand and discover it, it is difficult to completely correct the wrong path of the Witch and Witch races.

Perhaps the road can be corrected, but many Karma committed during the wrong time were not so easy to solve.

This has also led to the fact that the future of the two clans of witches is doomed.

“Let the order go on, put down the Universe Star Fight, in the chaos… let go of the opposition to the Witch Clan…”

After thinking for a long time, Dijun finally engraved the message and handed it to the monster general who heard the sound: “Go to the Wu Clan, and hand this jade talisman to the ancestral witch.”


The Yaozu general was puzzled, but he didn’t dare to speak. After responding, he raised his head and headed towards the Wuzu.

“Everything that can be done…I just hope that even if you don’t want to, don’t interfere with my monster race.”

After understanding everything, Di Jun finally discovered how difficult the situation of the monster race is now.

The previous wrong path lasted too long.

The monster clan holds the sky, and most of his energy is spent on fighting with the witch clan, and he has not paid too much attention to the development of the world.

As a result, the current world is not much stronger than it was in ancient times.

Moreover, because of the struggle between the two races, karma permeated the world.

Although the witch clan controls the earth and is cleaning it all the time, it cannot be completely eliminated.

It was only temporarily that triggered the great water cycle, turned into heavy rain, and cleaned the world.

“Chaos…” Di Jun looked in the direction of Chaos worriedly.

I didn’t find it before, but now I took a closer look and found that the scale of this chaos was not right.

Compared with the chaos in my memory a long time ago, the chaos now is very abnormal.

More violent, more unstable, bigger, and more shocking.

In the past, he thought that such chaos was a normal development, but now he finally understood it.

The Universe Star Dou formation was laid in the chaos, and even though countless monsters were puzzled, they did not dare to question Di Jun’s order.

With the formation of the Universe star battle array, the powerful force continues to absorb the chaotic energy, with the help of heavenly power, transform it into energy, and fall into the prehistoric world.


After that, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi looked at each other together, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes, and breathed out a suffocating breath.

At the moment when the universe was under the stars, they suddenly felt their bodies lightened.

Then, they discovered that they didn’t know when, in their hearts, there was already a layer of invisible pressure.

They hadn’t noticed this pressure before.

Unconsciously, it affected their minds.

Until now, after the Universe star formation was deployed, they dispersed.

“It’s Heavenly Dao!”

Taiyi said intently: “It’s the evil of Heavenly Dao, because we don’t do what we should do when we hold the sky. Therefore, Heavenly Dao hates it.”

Di Jun looked complicated, and then said: “It’s true.”

“Our path is really wrong.”

“In this way, Heavenly Dao naturally aroused the disgust of Heavenly Dao. If we keep going, maybe we don’t need the Witch Clan. My Monster Clan will be disgusted by the world and will eventually decline.”

Dijun smiled bitterly, only to realize that the matter was much more serious than they thought.

“Fortunately, I found out after all, in the future…Let’s see the effect!”

Taiyi said, and suddenly stopped, and then became helpless.

As the evil of Heavenly Dao dissipated and the power covering their minds was removed, Taiyi immediately discovered that there was a vast sea of ​​karma in the entire monster race.

These karma are the result of their past time, fighting with the Wu clan, failing to perform their duties, allowing the chaos to grow, invade, and slow down the world’s development speed.

Di Jun opened his third eyes and looked at the entire prehistoric world, feeling very complicated.

Under his celestial eyes, the entire prehistoric world was like a continuously flowing river, and their demons, who were supposed to help the river flow, have now become stones that hinder the flow of the river.

Blocked in the middle of the river, no wonder Heavenly Dao hated it.

How can you have a good face if you stop your own development?


A huge voice came, and the entire Heaven Court was shaking.

The power of the lunar yin surged and exploded, and in the starry sky, a wave of lunar yin was generated.

Countless stars have been impacted by the power of the Taiyin tides and changed their positions.

“Lunar Star!”

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi immediately looked at the position of Lunar Star.

When I saw it, a beautiful figure was flying towards the lunar star, with tears on his face, I saw it with pity.

“It’s Chang Xi!” Di Jun recognized the man.

The lunar star vibrated, exuding an endless huge suction, and fell on Chang Xi, causing her to fly into the lunar star involuntarily.

Behind Chang Xi, there was another person chasing her.

“Hou Yi!” Tai Yi couldn’t help being angry when he saw that person.

Although I knew that Hou Yi couldn’t be blamed for the death of the nine nephews, but how could it be impossible to treat him well.

“Isn’t Chang Xi in the lunar star? How could it be in the realm?” Di Jun was puzzled, and saw that Chang Xi’s state was wrong: “Moreover, how did Chang Xi become a mortal?”

call out!

call out!

Thinking about it, the figure of Di Jun appeared in front of the Lunar Star, and Tai Yi also appeared.


Hou Yi chased Chang’e and shouted loudly.

With tears on her face, Chang’e waved at Hou Yi: “Yi, you go back, leave me alone, this is a conspiracy, go, go!”

“Impossible, Chang’e, I won’t give up on you.”

Hou Yi shouted loudly.

In the lunar star, a vicious figure appeared, staring at Hou Yi closely, and between the palms of his hands, he controlled the power of the lunar star, pulling Chang’e towards the lunar star.

call out!

Not long after, Chang’e fell on the lunar star.

Hou Yi followed closely.


However, after contacting the Lunar Star, Hou Yi couldn’t get in anymore.

The mighty power of the lunar star formed an invisible barrier, blocking Hou Yi’s body and blocking his way.

Bang bang bang!

Hou Yi shook his fist vigorously, beating the power barrier of the lunar yin, there was a huge roar, and the powerful force fluctuated out, but there was no meaning to be broken.

Even a ripple did not appear.

“Hou Yi, you dare to kill my son, I want you to die!”

Xihe looked terrifying, a beautiful person who seemed to be a ghost crawling out of The Underworld.

“Xihe.” Di Jun appeared beside Xihe.

“Sister-in-law.” Tai Yi called out.

Xi Heli ignored them, and had a deep resentment towards them.

Own son is dead, but the murderer is still alive.

They are not worthy to be fathers, uncles.

Xihe stared at Houyi, mobilizing the power of the Lunar Star, condensing the power of the entire Yin Star, silently surrounding Houyi, forming a cage.

The power of Zhiyin attacked Hou Yi’s body, and the powerful force wanted to turn his mind.


After attacking for a long time, Hou Yi realized that he really couldn’t break through the power of the Moon Star, stopped his movements and called out.

“Xihe, why are you so troublesome?” Di Jun sighed: “I have explained the matter to you. I also have responsibility for this matter.”

“The death of the nine sons is just a Karma cycle.”

“Di Jun!” Xi He hissed and shouted at Di Jun: “I don’t care about Karma, I only know that my son is dead.”

“The murderer who killed my son is still alive.”

“I must let him bury my son.”

“If you still have a little affection, then help me.”

“If you don’t help you, please don’t interfere. If you don’t avenge your son, I will come.”

Xi He was completely mad.

The loss of her son was a big blow to her mother, who made her majestic goddess look like a shrew at this time.

Di Jun sighed and hesitated.

I just wanted to ease the relationship between the two clans of the witches, so that the two clans can go back to the right path, and prevent the two clans from falling down in the future.

Now, something like this has happened again.

If Hou Yi is killed now, I am afraid that the Wu Clan will definitely not give up. I am afraid that the things he planned just now will be abandoned.

For a moment, Di Jun hesitated.

Xihe had been looking at Di Jun all the time, and when he saw the hesitation in Di Jun’s eyes, he was suddenly desperate and even more crazy.

“Good, good, what a Heavenly Emperor, what a Heavenly Emperor!”

With a big wave of his hand, Xihe knocked Dijun over, and said angrily: “If you don’t help, get out of the way. From now on, you will be your Heavenly Emperor, and you and I will have nothing to do with you from now on.”


Xihe ignored it, savagely and angrily controlled the power of the lunar star, and continued to press it towards Houyi.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound rang.

Xihe’s body trembled, and suddenly there was an extremely dangerous breath.

Hou Yi took out the mysterious arrow of the ice bow, draped the mysterious arrow on the ice bow, and pulled it to the largest extent, aimed at the lunar star, looked at Chang’e in the center of the lunar star, and muttered, “Chang’e, don’t worry, I must Save you.”

By this time, he still didn’t know how, the appearance of Chang’e, and the current things were all calculations.

But what about this?

As long as Chang’e really loves him, the calculation will be over.

call out!

Xuan Jian flew out.


The power of the lunar star suddenly shattered.

Hou Yi flew into the Taiyin Star, without even looking at the Xihe, Dijun, Taiyi and three people on the side, and went straight to Chang’e.


Chang’e burst into tears, hugging Houyi.

Hou Yi hugged Chang’e tightly: “It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s go.”

“Di Jun, you really want to be so cruel!”

Seeing that Hou Yi had broken through the Taiyin Star’s barrier, Xihe, who had lost his strength, shouted to Emperor Jun heartbreakingly.

Di Jun helplessly sighed, glanced at Xihe, and then at Houyi and Chang’e.

“Fine, nothing!”

Hetu Luoshu appeared beside him, in the chaos, the Universe star battle array that had just been set up, dragged by the force of the large array, passed through the endless space, fell into the Hetu Luoshu, and scattered into the starry sky with the palm of Emperor Jun’s hand. middle.

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