Chapter 141 Power Ice Realm

Hou Yi hugged Chang’e. Just about to leave, she suddenly felt that Chang’e’s body in her arms became cold.

Then, the power of a vast Star appeared, trapping him.


Hou Yi looked down at Chang’e.

I don’t know when, Chang’e’s body has become cold, and her eyes have lost their brilliance, like a stone sculpture.

Chang’e carries a strong Star power on her body.

Not the power of the lunar star, but the power of the Universe Star.

The original power of the Moon Star was broken by him with a profound arrow, but now this power of the Star is the power of the entire Universe Star.

“Hou Yi… stay here!”

Di Jun’s complicated figure suddenly appeared.

Hou Yi looked at Emperor Jun with the Bing Bow Xuanjian in his hand.

The ice bow mysterious arrow that Duobao gave to Hou Yi was one bow and ten arrows, among which nine arrows, after shooting nine Golden Crows, they were destroyed with it. The remaining one can be used repeatedly.

The mysterious arrow was placed on the ice bow, looking for the link between the power of Star and Chang’e, and an arrow shot.


In the starry sky, a huge explosion sounded.

The profound arrow shot out, penetrating the invisible Star power, condensing the power at one point, and then exploded.

The power of the Universe Star dissipated, and with the explosion, it swims like water. After a while, the explosion disappears and returns to normal.


Hou Yi whispered to himself.

The power of the Universe Star, even if he has the power of the ice bow and profound arrow in his hand, it is difficult to break it.

After all, this is the Universe Star formation.

He could feel that now, not only was he unable to break the Universe Star formation, but even he himself couldn’t get out of the Lunar Star.

The power of the big formation is condensed like a shackle, locking the Lunar Star, and he is the prisoner who is locked by this shackle.

“Hou Yi, you killed my nine sons. Although it was Karma, you also created another Karma.”

“I don’t want to kill you, in the future, you will stay honestly in the lunar star.”

As Di Jun said, with a thought, the power of the Universe star formation gathered in the lunar star, condensing the origin of the lunar star, forming an osmanthus tree in the center of the planet.

Following this, the power of the big array ignored Hou Yi’s resistance and fell into its divine sea, distorting its consciousness.

“From now on, there will be no Houyi, only Wu Gang!”

Chang’e suddenly moved, the blue icy light on her face flickered, her face was cold, and she walked out of Hou Yi’s embrace without expression, and walked towards the palace not far away.


The light flashed above the ice bow and profound arrow, turning into a large black and blue axe, and falling into Wu Gang’s hands.

“The lunar yin and laurels continue, but Houyi is no longer.”

Dijun’s calm voice reverberated among the lunar stars, and the power of the Universe star formation was condensed into a shackle, sealing the entire lunar star.

Wu Gang’s eyes were hollow, holding a big axe in his hand, he instinctively walked to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and chopped it down with an axe.


In an instant, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was reduced by one-fifth, the axe was drawn out, the star power was filled, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was restored, and another axe fell, and then restored, fell again, and restored…

When cutting down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Wu Gang’s hollow eyes seemed to have more light.

“Hey~” Looking at Hou Yi, Di Jun looked at Xihe: “So, are you satisfied?”

Xi He looked at Di Jun resentfully, snorted coldly, turned and left.

Dijun looked at the dark starry sky with faint eyes, and heard the sound of Hou Yi cutting the laurel tree constantly in his ears.

“Dage.” Taiyi could understand the mood of Dijun now, and called out.

Di Jun was in a complicated mood: “For the demon clan… this is also no alternative.”

As a father, he certainly wants to avenge his own children.

However, if the price of revenge is the demise of the monster race, as the Heavenly Emperor, how can he choose?

Being forced by Xihe, he had to trap Houyi.

“Fortunately, Hou Yi is not dead, it’s not that things haven’t turned around.” Taiyi comforted.

Di Jun sighed: “Yes, but will the reckless Wu clan understand?”

Taiyi said domineeringly: “What if I don’t understand?”

“We have reached the limit of what we can do.”

“The fundamentals of the matter have also been told to them.”

“If they still don’t understand… then let them come.”

“Although for the sake of the overall situation, my monster race is not without a bottom line.”

“It’s a big deal, go to full-scale war, decisively be born and die, fight hard, after I die, let it be flooded!”

“Hey!” Di Jun silently shook his head and sighed quietly.

To put it simply, he is the Heavenly Emperor, how can he act so recklessly and rely on his own temperament?


Seeing Di Jun’s tangled and sad look, too hesitated and stopped, it was also very uncomfortable.

If he had known it long ago, perhaps, he shouldn’t have told Dijun the truth. That way, he would not be so entangled and have so many scruples.

Di Jun left with a sigh, Tai Yi took a deep look at Hou Yi, hesitated for a long time, after all, he didn’t do anything, turned and left.

They did not notice that Wu Gang, who was incarnate by Hou Yi, slowly grew stronger with his movements.

The strength is very weak, but with an infinite breath.

The growth rate is not fast, but unstoppable.

That seems to be the power of the arrow, and it seems to be the feeling of the heart.


“Two thousand and one hundred dragons… Celestial Immortals.”

“One thousand nine hundred dragons… Celestial Immortals.”

“Two thousand six hundred and eighty dragons… Celestial Immortals.”

In the chaos, in Dubao’s small shop, a series of mechanical sounds sounded.

“Hi… There are 2680 dragons… Senior Sister Wudang is so amazing!”

In the shop, an ice realm was suspended, and a group of juniors and younger sisters who had just detached from the twenty-four heavens walked in front of the ice realm, followed by a series of sounds.

Especially after one of the iceberg beauties passed by, it caused a series of exclamations.

“It’s only more than two thousand dragons. It can’t even reach the limit of Celestial Immortals. What’s so surprising.” Wudang Coldly glanced at the juniors and younger sisters, and walked to the side of Duobao, and said coldly: “Big brother.”

“What’s the matter?” Duobao looked improperly.

It is also novel, Wudang is his second junior sister, the disciple accepted by the master after Jin Ling.

Although she is a younger sister, her external age is 18 or 9 years old, which is much older than Jin Ling.

In the interception of teaching, most of them are like this. From the outside, it is impossible to tell who is the brother and sister, who is the brother and sister.

“Master, can I still enter the twenty-four heavens again?”

Duobao suddenly looked at Wudang in amazement: “Do you still want to go in?”

After finally detaching from the twenty-four heavens, after experiencing all kinds of hardships, still want to go in?

Among so many juniors, she was the first to ask for this.

The twenty-four heavens are very bitter, and the other junior brothers and sisters didn’t want to go back after they came out.

But Wudang still wants to go back?

“I want to cultivate to the limit Celestial Immortals!” Wudang said calmly.

Duobao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wudang very pleasedly: “Not bad, not bad.”

While speaking, he glared fiercely at the other junior brothers and sisters.

Following his gaze, a group of juniors and younger sisters took a few steps to retreated, and at the same time lowered their heads to avoid his gaze.

“Look at your second senior sister, and then look at you, this is the gap.”

Duobao reprimanded him with hatred of iron failure.

Then he turned his head, his complexion changed like a spring breeze: “No problem, it was originally a trial world created for you. It doesn’t matter how many times you want to go in.”

“However, although you are all detached, if you go in again, you will also erase your memory and start again.”

“Only in this way can we have the greatest experience.”

“That’s it, do you want to go in?” Duobao asked.

Wudang nodded calmly: “In.”

“Okay!” Duobao yelled, very happy: “As expected of my younger sister, I didn’t misunderstand you for my brother.”

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, Wudang drove Wudang into the twenty-four heavens: “Be optimistic about you, brother, you can definitely cultivate to the limit Celestial Immortals.”

When the words fall, he disappears in front of everyone without due course.

In this scene, the juniors who watched, couldn’t help swallowing.

When Duobao looked over, he suddenly dispersed like a bird.

After a few breaths, there was no one in the shop.

Except Duobao.


Facing the deserted shop for a moment, Duobao sighed helplessly: “If everything is the same as Wudang, how relieved I should be!”

Then I looked at the ice realm again, slightly proud: “I quantified the strength of each Realm and showed it in the ice realm of strength.”

“In this way, everyone can see the specific strength of own from the ice realm, and have accurate goals for themselves and the limits of each Realm.”

“In this case, even if there is no motivation, after knowing the own gap, there should be shame and motivation to cultivate.”

This is what Dubao is most proud of so far.

Boring during this period of time, he suddenly had such a thought.

Quantify the power of each Realm based on the limits of each Realm that I have set, and use dragons as the unit.

Among them, the strength limit of Celestial Immortals Realm is three thousand dragons;

Realm’s strength limit is one hundred thousand dragons;

Xuanxian Realm’s strength limit is five million dragons;

Jinxian Realm’s strength limit is Yilong.

The dragon here is not in contrast to the real dragon, but the dragon in his imagination.

To put it simply, he determined how much the dragon’s power is.

According to his original Celestial Immortals strength, he set it as Three Thousand Dragons.

The main reason is that the figure of three thousand is in the midst of the wild, and it looks very comfortable.

Then, using the three thousand dragons as a benchmark, measure the strength of a single dragon, and then measure the upper limit of the strength of other Realms.

As for the specific power of this dragon, is it stronger or weaker than other real dragons, the power of Shenlong.

Duobao didn’t know anyway, he hadn’t seen other dragons.

The Yellow Dragon is stronger than the power of a dragon, but he is not a normal dragon.

Moreover, the power of this dragon refers only to power, and it is not good to compare with the real dragon.


“Go, go, big brother is terrifying.”

“If you don’t leave again, I’m afraid the senior brother will throw us in.”

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