Chapter 139

Is Long Aotian okay?

Of course not, this is a prehistoric place.

“Speaking of…” Duobao thoughtfully said, “It seems that the juniors and younger sisters who cut back to teach are almost all of this virtue?”

“It’s not because of me?”

“How could it be that I just came here…” Duobao shuddered and made a decision to take care of the younger brothers and younger sisters of own anyway.

Everything else is fine, strength is almost okay, the key character, absolutely can’t become Long Aotian.

If you cause trouble everywhere, you are afraid that if you can’t wait for the gods, you will have to be defeated by them.

“Huh?” Duobao pondered for a moment, then looked at the twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs: “It must be polished!”

Invincible… True invincibility is okay, but this kind of false invincibility mentality is absolutely impossible.

He remembered a novel he had read in his previous life.

In that novel, the emperor is respected, but he is invincible in this world and pushes all over the world.

Among those invincible great emperors, there is another great emperor who has a different path from other great emperors.

The other great emperors are invincible in the world, victorious in all battles, but he is the only one who is defeated in all battles. Amidst endless failures, he has opened up a path to the great emperor.

“This road seems to be good too!”

Duobao thought, with a thought, dozens of Magic Treasures appeared before him.

Each of them was divided into a divine mind and fell into it, transforming into dozens of creatures.

The creature stood quietly, with hollow eyes, dark pupils, and lack of intelligence.

Waved, all creatures fell into the twenty-four heavens.

These creatures are not his clones, and he deliberately didn’t give them spiritual wisdom.

It’s like a baby just born, like a piece of white paper.

Send them into the twenty-four heavens and grow in the twenty-four heavens.

Because the essence is Magic Treasures, their talents are not too bad.

The creatures in the illusory world are, after all, lacking in essence, and they are too far behind. They are not his juniors and juniors’ opponents at all.

In this way, it is inevitable that they will develop their invincible and contemptuous mentality.

With these opponents, think about it, can greatly curb their development of this abnormal mentality.

“Come slowly… cultivation, is that so easy?”


In the Yaozu Heaven Court, Taiyi immediately went to look for Emperor Jun after coming out of Duobao.

“Second brother, you are in a hurry. Is there anything wrong?” Di Jun felt Taiyi’s existence all the way and said in a loud voice.

With a solemn expression, he appeared in front of Di Jun: “Dage, I have something, I want to discuss it with you.”

His face was too dignified, serious, and it didn’t look like a joke.

Di Jun also became serious, and asked in a deep voice, “What’s the matter?”

Taiyi: “Dage, our way…is it wrong?”

“The way is wrong?” Di Jun wondered, what way was wrong?

Taiyi slowly said, “Is our Yaozu’s current path correct?”

Di Jun was even more puzzled, looking at Taiyi, without speaking, waiting for his further explanation.

The way of the Yaozu?

Is there any problem with this?


Where is wrong?

Tai Yi took a deep breath. Saying word by word: “Is the path of the Lich’s internal struggle wrong?”

“Internal fighting?” Di Jun frowned and stared at Tai Yi: “The Lich Clan, each in charge of the world.”

“How can there be two masters in heaven and earth, the lich is destined to fight a decisive battle, to decide the winner, and the winner rules the heaven and the earth.”

Di Jun gradually understood what Taiyi meant, and similarly, he said in a deep voice: “This way is wrong? Infighting? Where do you start?”

Tai shook his head: “In the past, I also felt that this way was the right way. It is the best way for the world to decide a real world ruler and the winner to rule the world.”

“However, I suddenly wanted to understand one thing.”

Di Jun squinted his eyes and stared at Tai Yi for a long time, recalling the direction Tai Yi had come from before, thoughtfully: “Did you go to see Duobao?”

“Dubble asked you to say it?”

There was a hint of danger in him.

Had Duobao discovered Taiyi’s identity, remembered his previous memories, bewitched Taiyi, and wanted to confuse the Yaozu?

There can only be one ruler of heaven and earth, that’s for sure.

This path is absolutely correct, if it is wrong, it can only be said to be deceived.

Di Jun had to think about this issue seriously, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to make Tai Yi sober.

Taiyi saw Dijun’s thoughts and said in a deep voice, “Dage, I’m fine, and Duobao didn’t think of my identity.”

“He didn’t confuse me, it was just what I thought of suddenly.”

“Hmm.” Di Jun nodded perfunctorily, without saying much.

Can say such unbearable words, and still say that he has not been bewitched?

Who is that Duobao? If he really recovers his memory and confuses Taiyi by his means, how can he be discovered by him.

Di Jun determined that Taiyi was abnormal at this time, and he must have been recruited.

It’s just that Duobao’s methods are too strong, no matter how he secretly probed, he couldn’t find a trace.

“Are you going to find Empress Nuwa?”

He couldn’t find a trace, and judging from Duobao’s strength, perhaps only by looking for Nuwa, who has become a holy woman, could he get rid of the methods Duobao had set on Taiyi.

“Dage!” Too First Stage shouted heavily.

Di Jun looked at him.

Tai Yi took a deep breath, knowing that simple words could no longer shake Di Jun’s cognition, so he simply expressed his own insights and let him analyze it himself.

“The witch controls the world, the ultimate goal is to make the world stronger.”

“As the world becomes stronger, only in this way can the Second Clan of Witches benefit.”

“But now the Second Clan of the Witches has forged a big feud, it is destined to be divided into birth and death.”

“The witch controls the heavens and the earth, and the two sides have to be born and die to decide the only heaven and earth ruler.”

“Under such a war, the destruction of the world can be imagined.”

“This is internal fighting, which is a bad thing for the world.”

“The death of the nine nephews may not be able to get out of the relationship with such a general trend.”

“If this continues, and finally die, it will be more than my nine nephews who sacrificed.”

“Perhaps, my demons and witches will sacrifice under such a general trend.”

“Dage, think about the ancient tribes… are they much worse than us?”

“What is their final fate?”

“If this continues, what will be the difference between my two families of witches, and the three families of dragon, phoenix, and Qilin?”

“Have you forgotten the previous Chaos Invasion?”

“If there is another great war, endless karma will surely be born, which will cause chaos to attack.”

“At that time, the two clans of the witches will fight and consume each other’s strength. Where can the power come from to fight the invasion of Chaos?”

“If this happens, I am afraid that my two demons and witches will be like the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin tribes to mend the world.”

Di Jun didn’t care about it at first, but listening to Tai Yi’s words constantly uttered, he gradually became stunned.

Doesn’t it seem unreasonable?

There is reason and evidence.

Di Jun silently calculated it in his heart, and it was easy to draw a conclusion.

If it continues to develop like this, I am afraid that the final result will really be the same as Taiyi said.

After the decisive battle between the two demons and witches, even if his demons had won, it would be difficult to quell the chaotic invasion.

At that time, it will really follow the footsteps of the three clans.

Di Jun thought seriously, looking for a way to break the game.

I thought about it for a long time, but never thought of a suitable way.

This seems to be a deadlock.

“Second brother, what can you do?” Di Jun asked after a long time.

Tai shook his head: “No.”

“In this era, the witch clan is very powerful. Unless they have overwhelming strength and can defeat the opponent without much damage, otherwise, under the consumption of both sides… no matter who wins, the result will be the same. .”

“Decline.” Under Di Jun’s gaze, Tai First Stage spit out two words heavily.

Di Jun stared at Tai Yi in a daze: “Internal fighting… so to speak, it is indeed internal fighting.”

“Road, really wrong.”

“The second clan of witches cannot fight decisively.”

Di Jun slowly shook his head and thought.

If there were no chaotic attacks, he would not think so.

But after the Chaos invasion incident, he had to think about it.

Just like Taiyi said, unless one of the two witch races can have an overwhelming advantage, even if it wins, it will be a miserable victory, and it will not be able to resist the recurring Chaos invasion event.

Now, there is Sage in the predicament.

After the second clan of witches can’t fight the invasion of Chaos, they will take action to solve it.

However, in that case, the Second Clan of the Witches would also completely lose the qualification to control the heavens and the earth.

The result is doomed after all.

After thinking for a long time, Di Jun asked: “Second brother, what do you think?”

After seeing Di Jun listened to it, Tai Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: “The two demons cannot go to war, otherwise both of them will fall.”

“Fighting between two races is an internal fight. Apart from internal fighting, there is also a way to open up.”

“Open up?” Di Jun repeated this word, thoughtfully.

Nodding too much, and then said: “Yes, pioneer.”

“Where to open up?” Di Jun asked.


“Chaos?” Di Jun narrowed his eyes.

“The world is bred in chaos and can absorb the power of chaos to grow.”

“Since these Yuanhuis, we have been doing this kind of thing.”

“Absorb the air of chaos and grow the world.”

“It’s just that, before, most of our energy was focused on competing with the Wu Clan for the only dominance of heaven and earth.”

“Now that it is determined that this road is unworkable, at least temporarily, then we will devote more energy to the road to chaos.”

“Absorb more chaos and expand the world.”

“With the power of my monster race, just doing this one thing will definitely make the world grow faster, so it can also increase the luck and merit of my monster race.”

“So…” With this, Tai Yi sighed unconsciously, and said quietly: “Even in the end, the battle between the two clans is inevitable. Because of the virtue of luck, we can also reserve some fire for my monster race.”

“Maybe, one day in the future, my monster race can rise again.”

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