Chapter 138 Big Brother, have you ever thought about it (twenty-seventh change, first order 900 plus change)

Suddenly, with Duobao’s words, she immediately answered all the doubts, if there are any strange things, in her heart.

No wonder the big brother always feels weird to her, as if something is chasing him, she is very insecure, panic, and weird.

It felt like she couldn’t tell before, but now that she understands everything, she immediately understands everything before.

“Big brother, have you ever thought that you are already very strong?” Jin Ling asked cautiously.

Duobao was taken aback, then shook his head and touched Jin Ling’s little head: “You little guy, know what is strong?”

“Perhaps the strength of the big brother is not bad for you, but in the outside world, what is the strength of the big brother?”

“Remember, the real strength is something you can’t even imagine now.”

Jin Ling is anxious: “Big brother, in fact, you are really strong now. You can be considered a strong one in the prehistoric state.”

“Nonsense.” Duobao’s expression fell suddenly, and he reprimanded: “You can’t sit in Guantian, thinking that the sky is only the size of a well.”

“With your strength, how can you imagine the real strength of the strong?”

“It seems that you have been in the twenty-four heavens for a long time, you have been invincible for a long time, you have an invincible state of mind, and you have forgotten what the real power is?”

Duobao took a deep breath: “Your mentality is undesirable.”

“The twenty-four heavens are nothing but an illusory world. The invincibility in it does not mean the invincibility in the real world.”

“It’s a good thing to have an invincible mentality, but it’s not good to be arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant because of it.”

“It seems that brother needs to help you correct this mentality.”

Duobao raised his hand, stretched out his finger, and tapped at Jin Ling.

One finger fell, like a mighty sky.

A huge sense of danger came, and Jin Ling’s hair stood upright, his body seemed to be overpowered, and he instinctively wanted to dodge.

There was a feeling in her heart that if she couldn’t dodge this finger, she would die.

With this recognition, the various Taoisms that Jin Ling has cultivated in the twenty-four heavens, the magical powers have been displayed.

Infinite Taoism appeared on her.

However, it only appeared in the body, and couldn’t break through the limitations of her body at all.

Outside of her body, the power of that finger permeated, like a wall that couldn’t be broken through, letting her Dao Yun be strong, it would be hard to shake it.

“It’s over!”

Seeing the fingers getting closer and closer, Jin Ling’s brain became blank, and a thought flashed out, even more desperate.

It’s near, it’s near.

The feeling of danger became stronger and stronger, and in an instant, life seemed to be out of her control.

Jin Ling closed his eyes in despair.


A crisp voice sounded, and Jin Ling opened his eyes.

What he saw in his eyes was Duobao’s serious expression.

Jin Ling was stunned.

It took a long time to realize that the owner of the finger was a big brother, and he wouldn’t do it to himself.

She was in no danger from beginning to end.

But when the finger appeared, she didn’t have the energy to think about it at all.

All the minds were pulled by the fingers, unable to be distracted.

For a moment, he forgot his own identity and the identity of his opponent, thinking about how to avoid that finger.

Now, when Dubao put away the attack, it was a long time before she reacted.

“Have you seen it?” Duobao reprimanded: “Your current strength is not in the flow at all.”

“Brother, this finger doesn’t use much strength, you can’t bear it.”

“You can’t bear even the brother’s attack, let alone the true power in the wild, god-tier?”

Jin Ling blinked, feeling lingering, looking at Dubo, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

It was a long time later that Jin Ling reacted and shouted at Duobao: “Big brother, I didn’t say that I was very strong, I mean you were very strong.”

“Nonsense.” Duobao flicked his sleeves: “Well, what is Weixiong’s strength, don’t I know Weixiong himself?”

“It’s also…” Looking at Jin Ling who was about to cry, Duobao softened his heart, took her into his arms, sighed, and slowly said: “Jin Ling, as a human being, you really can’t sit and watch. I don’t know what I am if I have some strength.”

“You think the strength of brother is strong, because you haven’t seen a real strong.”

“Of course, even if you have actually met those strong, you still feel that your brother is strong, but in fact, that’s not true.”

Duobao sighed softly, very much.

He thought of his past self.

When he was a child, he always thought that his father was the best man in the world.

He seems to be omnipotent.

Even after I grew up and went out to work, I felt that my father was amazing.

But in fact, his father is just a very ordinary, very ordinary ordinary person.

It’s just that for him, his father has always been that great.

Jin Ling was stunned: “What is that?”

What is the strength of the real strong without knowing it?

What is false even if you have seen a real strong man?

She can understand the words, but together, she doesn’t understand.

“It’s feelings.” Duobao explained, suddenly feeling a little sad: “If you have a good relationship with me, you will think that I am very strong.”

“But in fact, being a brother is an ordinary person in the predicament.”

In his heart, he secretly added: “Like my father, he is just one of ordinary and ordinary beings.”

“You feel so deeply affected by your feelings.”

“In the future, when you grow up, you truly see the power of this world, when you truly grow up, and truly become a strong person, you will understand that brother, in fact, is really not a strong person. .”

Jin Ling was completely stunned: “Yes…Is that so?”

Duobao touched Jin Ling’s little head: “That’s it, I just hope that when the time comes, you don’t despise your brother’s incompetence.”

“Don’t worry, big brother.” Jin Ling clenched his small fist and promised loudly: “Jin Ling won’t.”

“That’s good.” Duobao nodded in relief and put her down: “Okay, let’s go play.”

“You have been cultivating for so long, and you are tired. I will give you a holiday for your brother and let you have a good time.”

Jin Ling nodded vigorously: “Thank you, big brother.”

After speaking, he walked out of Immortal Cave.


After walking out of the gate, the gate was closed, and the wind blew, the bloody Jin Ling suddenly stunned.

who am I?

Where am i?

What should I do?

After a long while, Jin Ling reacted: “I am Jin Ling, I want to…”

Suddenly she turned her head to look at Dubo in Immortal Cave, unable to look away for a long time.

The expression in his eyes gradually became more complicated, and he whispered, “Big Brother!”

Jin Ling understood, and was stupid.

“Big Brother, what did he think of?”

“What did he experience?”

After understanding it, Jin Ling was puzzled.

She is right, the strength of the big brother is really strong.

Just take her as the core to calculate.

She is a natural born Xuanxian, and after a series of arrangements by Duobao, under the training, her strength has already reached the golden immortal, and she has gone through the same experience as the twenty-four heavens.

She can say unceremoniously that she is no longer weaker than the average Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even stronger.

You can imagine how strong Duobao can make her useless with a single finger.

Calculating in this way, Jin Ling estimated that the strength of Senior Brother Duobao was at least comparable to Da Luo Jinxian, and even if it was comparable to a quasi-sage, it might not be impossible.

Such strength, in the midst of prehistoric times, is really a real great power.

Jin Ling could be very sure and said this sentence very confidently.

She, elder brother, Duobao, is one of the great powers in the predicament!

Speaking of this, Jin Ling believes that in the prehistoric world, no one will object.

The only one…her big brother Duobao would object.

“How did such a distorted cognition form?” Jin Ling’s small face was also distorted and tangled.

She wanted to tell the big brother the real facts and correct his distorted perception and worldview.

However, the cognition of the big brother is deep-rooted, she said, but he doesn’t believe it.

Moreover, not only did she disbelieve, she also proved that she was wrong by own behavior.

“Am I really wrong?”

Jin Ling thought seriously. Suddenly another gust of wind blew in, cold and cold, and Jin Ling shuddered: “No, it’s not that I was wrong, it was the big brother who was wrong.”

“He really misestimated the strength of own, and also the strength of the prehistoric world.”

Jin Ling intentionally wanted to return to Immortal Cave and tell the big brother the truth again.

But thinking of the previous encounters and experiences of own, he hesitated for a while, and finally gave up.

“Forget it, it’s not a big deal anyway, it seems that there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, it’s up to the big brother.”

“Should… and nothing will happen… right?”

Jin Ling was a little uncertain, but thinking about the strength of the big brother, his heart was relieved.

What can happen?

Although the big brother thinks that own is very weak, in fact, he is really strong,

Under such strength, what can happen?

Thinking about this, Jin Ling sighed and left helplessly.

The mood is very complicated, let’s relax.

In the Immortal Cave, Duobao watched Jin Ling go out, and then he saw among the twenty-four heavens, with a trace of hesitation on his face.

“Would you like to adjust the passage of time?”

During the induction, many Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters have recovered their memories, and have broken through the twenty-four heavens, walking in the vastness, looking for a way out.

However, their strength has not reached the standard, they can’t find the boundless border, and can’t find the way out.

If he doesn’t do anything, the strength of the real world outside will not be long, but the time in the boundlessness will pass for a long time.

After hesitating for a long time, Duobao made a decision: “Forget it, this can be regarded as experience, and it is also good for them.”

“However, this is the invincible mentality that this has cultivated, or else, I think of a way to hit them.”

“Otherwise, everyone will become Long Aotian.”

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