Chapter 137 Angry Golden Spirit

Tai Yi took a deep breath, and solemnly accepted it: “Then I’m welcome.”

Duobao: “…”

What’s wrong with this guy, just a piece of gear, happy to be like this?

As for?

When I bought more than 600,000 Magic Treasures before, I didn’t see you moving like that.

Now it’s just a cog, but it’s so happy.

I really can’t understand you.

Taiyi stood up.

Duobao raised his head: “Are you leaving?”

Tai Yi: “Thank you very much this time. It is very rewarding. I have to go back and discuss it with the big brother and think about it.”

“Harvest?” Duobao was confused, what’s the harvest?

What did I say?

Is it just this gear?

Watching Tai Yi’s back disappear before the shop door, Duobao was stunned for a long time.

In the shop, he was the only one again.

“I should do something.”

Duobao thought to himself.

It could have been drunk by one person, but after Di Er came, he drank a few cups and then left.

It didn’t matter if he left, Duobao suddenly felt that he couldn’t drink anymore.

Duobao stood up, walked out the door alone, stood in the doorway, staring at the endless chaos and began to be in a daze.

“Just do it!”

After a long time, Duobao grinned bitterly.

Returning to Immortal Cave, Fang immediately felt an extremely resentful look when he appeared.

Turning around, it was Jin Ling.

“Jin Ling, you are out.”

Jin Ling didn’t say a word, and continued to stare at Duobao with the most bitter gaze.

Duobao walked over.

Jin Ling took a step back.

Duobao goes again, Jinling goes back again.

Duobao stopped, knowing the reason for Jin Ling’s performance.

Sighed: “Jin Ling, big brother is for your good.”

“Honghuang is so dangerous. Brother did this to improve your strength, so that if you go out in the future, you won’t have an accident and be beaten to death.”

Duobao successively expressed his concerns.

Jin Spiritual Qi is anxious: “Then you can’t leave us in that place…it’s still so long.”

This time, Jin Ling was really angry.

You know, there are twenty Fourth Stage days in the world of Dinghai Divine Beads, with countless races, creatures, and forces.

When she just woke up from the world of Dinghai God Pearl, she also lost her memory. In order to retrieve her memory, she searched the twenty-four heavens and defeated countless forces.

During this process, her various Taoisms were consummated, and her strength also gained a huge Ascension.

After breaking through the twenty-four heavens, she finally recovered her memory, which she thought was over.

As a result, beyond the twenty-four heavens, there is an endless vastness, among which countless Minor Worlds are born.

There are also creatures and various forces among them.

This is not the point, the point is, she can’t find the way out!

There is no way, she can only wander among the twenty-four heavens and the vastness, like a prodigal, a prodigal without a home, looking everywhere for a place where she can stay at ease.

She didn’t know how long it had passed in such a day, and the time was blurred.

Such an experience is enough to make her unforgettable.

“What is that kind of place? That’s the world of Magic Treasures, set the sea god orb, and it’s been a long time?” Duobao blinked, as if it hadn’t been too long?

He didn’t…

Checking the world of Dinghai God Pearl, Duobao was embarrassed for a moment, and smiled at the angrily Jin Ling: “Um, I’m sorry, brother forgot, brother forgot that he was in the world of Dinghai God Pearl, adding the law of time. .”

He really forgot.

When he was creating the world of Dinghai God Beads, he thought that the time was short. The juniors and sisters did not have enough experience and time to achieve much effect.

Therefore, he readily added a little time rule that he had previously understood.

After all, it is an illusory world, and it is relatively easy to change time.

After doing all this, he didn’t care too much, so he went to Chaos.

I didn’t think this would be a problem.

However, I just took a closer look and found out that the problem has passed.

The illusory world is an illusory world, but the law of time is true.

Although his Insight for the law of time is much lower than that of other laws.

When placed in the real world, it can affect time, but placed in the illusory world, the impact can be too great.

This kind of investigation only discovered that with the twenty-four heavens as the core, the time lapse of each First Stage day is different, with the lowest being a hundred times, the highest, even reaching a billion times.

Even because of such a powerful passage of time, the various cultivation methods he had sprinkled in the twenty-four heavens were perfected in such a long time, in the self-deduction of countless creatures.

And, because of this, with the improvement of these Taoisms, the twenty-four heavens have become much stronger. Not only that, but beyond the twenty-four heavens, a vast expanse was born.

Countless creatures walked out of the twenty-four heavens, walked in the vastness, opened up countless worlds, and established a cultivation system one by one.

“Little Junior Sister, that, Senior Brother is really wrong, I’m sorry.” After discovering these things, Duobao immediately became guilty, looked at Jin Ling cautiously, and said with a smile.

Based on the current situation, he could almost imagine what Jin Ling had gone through to get out of the twenty-four heavens.

How much time did she spend, and how long did she endure the loneliness and search.

With a glimmer of hope, walking in the vastness, after millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years, there is still no hope in sight.

Under such a long time, it is possible to change to a general fairy god.

Jin Ling hasn’t been crazy up to now, she is considered to be firm in mind.

If there is no hope, it’s okay, you can sleep in the endless bounds.

If she doesn’t know the origin of own, it’s okay if she doesn’t restore own memory, she should be able to bear it, after all, the strong are lonely.

However, she had remembered everything, she knew the identity of own, and knew that it was not the real world, she wanted to come back.

With hope, the years are even more sad.

Jin Ling stared at Duobao angrily. Perhaps only she herself knew how sad this time was.

Duobao forcefully showed Own’s apology through his eyes.

After staring for a long time, Jin Ling sighed.

I feel so tired.

She stared at Duobao carefully: “Big brother, tell me honestly, why are you doing this?”

After experiencing endless years in the endless boundlessness, Jin Ling at this time, even though he was still a child in appearance, had already matured in mind.

Things that hadn’t been discovered before, now, thinking back to Dubao’s actions and words in the past, how could he not understand.

Big brother must be something wrong!

However, she couldn’t tell what was wrong.

“What’s this?” Dubao was inexplicably: “So?”

“That’s…” Jin Ling gestured for a while, and then said for a long time: “Why are you so anxious to give us Ascension strength?”

“Because your strength is too weak.” Duobao said of course: “As your senior, I have the responsibility to urge you to cultivate.”

The heart is more tired!

That’s how you urged us to cultivate?

Are you afraid that you are going to kill us?

Recalling his past experience, Jin Ling couldn’t help but shiver.

“Cultivation is not something that can be done overnight, it needs a slow ascension, and it doesn’t need to be so anxious.” Jin Ling couldn’t help protesting.

Duobao nodded and admitted, as if what you said made sense.

“It’s true. Cultivation is really not an overnight thing.”

“But now Honghuang is too dangerous.”

“Your strength…no, our strength is too weak.”

“Moreover, the catastrophe is approaching, and there is not much time for us to cultivate normally.”

“We must have sufficient strength before the catastrophe arrives, otherwise, major problems may arise.”

Jin Ling: “…”

“The strength is too weak?” Jin Ling didn’t understand. If you say that they are juniors, the juniors are too weak.

Compared to the big brothers, they are indeed too weak.

However, the meaning in Duobao’s words, this criterion of too weak strength, is to include him as well.

“Am I wrong? Big brother is actually not strong?”

As soon as the thought came out, Jinling shook his head violently.

How can it be?

With the strength of the big brother, the twenty-four heavens he set up casually almost killed them.

How can such strength be weak?

Jin Ling secretly calculated it in his heart. With the strength currently displayed by the big brother, even if he looked at the predecessor, even if he couldn’t be said to be the top power, at least he could be said to be a master.

As for the Great Tribulation, she doesn’t know what the Great Tribulation is, but she knows that with the strength of the big brother, unless it is the legendary Immeasurable Tribulation, there is no danger to him at all.

After thinking for a long time, Jin Ling realized something, his eyes widened, and he stared at Duobao cautiously and asked: “Big brother, what do you think is your strength in the prehistoric state?”


When Duobao heard this, he immediately slapped Jin Ling’s head with a slap, and said dissatisfied: “You kid, it’s just the big brother who is sorry for you this time. As for the honorific words?”

“What are you not yours?”

“Called Big Brother.”

Jin Ling immediately changed his name: “Big brother, then what do you think your strength is in the prehistoric state?”

She asked again.

Duobao was satisfied, touched his chin, thought about it for a moment, and slowly said: “Strength, middle-lower, it’s incomparable with those god-tiers, but it’s still better than the ordinary fairy gods at the bottom. It’s a lot stronger.”

“However, with such strength, if you want to survive in the predicament, it is still too short.”

“So, we still have to work hard to cultivate.” Duobao said with sentiment.


Duobao’s words fell on Jin Ling’s mind, like a thunderbolt, her scalp was numb, and her whole body seemed to be electrically charged.

Understand, understand everything.

Everything can be explained.

No wonder! No wonder!

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