Chapter 132 Chaos Shop

Who can not be sad when his own son is dead?

I thought it would be on the Conferred God Stage, but as a result, there was no one on the Conferred God Stage either.

Dijun’s fists squeezed kappa, his eyes flushed.

“No matter who it is, I absolutely want him to pay the price!”

Taiyi patted the Chaos Clock: “Dage, I will help you.”

Di Jun hugged Xiao Shi in his arms.


“You all have your own Magic Treasures in your hands, and you have taken a lot of Magic Treasures from me.”

In the Kunlun Manor, Duobao stood upright, and in front of him, stood all the juniors and younger sisters: “You have Magic Treasures, but do you really understand them?”

“Report Big Brother!”

Among the crowd, one person suddenly raised his hand.

Duobao looked over, and it was Yellow Dragon: “Say.”

Yellow Dragon said loudly: “Big brother, I don’t have Magic Treasures.”

Duobao took a slap in the air and slapped it: “If you don’t have Magic Treasures, I won’t give it to you, isn’t it your own choice?”

“Don’t make trouble, listen carefully.”

Everyone laughed: “Hahahahaha.”

Duobao clapped his palms and refocused everyone’s spirits: “We have always been in cultivation, and we have all kinds of Magic Treasures on our bodies.”

“But, have you ever wondered…what exactly is cultivation?”

“What is cultivation?”

“What are Magic Treasures?”

“What is Magic Treasures again?”

“What role do they have, how do they affect us, and what characteristics do they have?”

“Do you all know this?”

Jin Ling tilted his head and thought: “Magic Treasures are Magic Treasures. Cultivation is to be stronger.”

Duobao nodded: “That’s right, not right.”

“However, don’t ask anymore. Even myself, I don’t have a clear answer now.”

“But, although I don’t have an answer, there is a way to find the answer.”

Everyone looked at Duobao suspiciously.

Duobao mysteriously smiled and continued: “Everyone has always seen the appearance of Magic Treasures themselves, but who knows what’s inside them?”

“So-called, one sand and three thousand worlds, what about a Magic Treasures?”

Everyone looked at Duobao, seemingly understanding.

Duobao waved his hand, and twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs appeared in his hand.

Zhao Gongming glanced at the crowd, then looked at Duobao.

“Then, next, let us enter the world of Magic Treasures together!”

Duobao said, and waved his hand, a force emerged and fell into everyone.

In an instant, everyone closed their eyes, and a thought was drawn into Duobao’s hands, and then he shook his hands and threw them into the Dinghai God Orb.


Receiving everyone’s thoughts, the Dinghai God Orb began to rotate, slowly forming a twenty-four square sky.


Duobao looked at Dinghai Shenzhu, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Under his gaze, the junior brothers and sisters had already entered the Dinghai God Orb, and each turned into creatures, lying quietly.


Duobao murmured, and his thoughts moved, stimulating the power of the Red Dust virtual world in the Red Dust Realm.

The power fell into the Dinghai God Orb, with the essence of Dinghai God Orb as the core, a little bit of an illusory and real world was constructed.

In the world, countless creatures appeared, time passed quickly, and under the action of time, they quickly developed into a large and small force.

Among the twenty-four heavens, he was gradually flooded with creatures.

Joys and sorrows, joys, angers, sorrows, conspiracies, everything is happening.

After just a few breaths from the outside world, many years have passed in the Dinghai God Pearl.

Duobao stared tightly at the twenty-four square sky, feeling the changes in it, which was also quite rewarding.

What is contained in the Dinghai God Pearl is the law of space, and everything expressed in it is composed of space.

It can be said that these twenty-four Dinghai God Pearls interpret the laws of space vividly, and of course, they are low-level laws of space.

Duobao thought of a group of juniors and sisters, who had too little experience, and was not clear enough about cultivation and the original mind.

Under the entanglement of Jin Ling before, suddenly such a thought came up to help the younger brothers and younger sisters to recognize their original heart and find Dao heart.

In particular, it is necessary for them to truly understand and master the corresponding laws and Taoisms, not the way they are now, but they can only use them, but they are not clear about their specific conditions.

With Dinghai Shenzhu as the core, Duobao analyzed the Taoism mastered by a group of juniors and younger sisters, and presented them in terms of the law of space.

Although the essence is space, the appearance is different from the Taoism they originally mastered.

Duobao evolves such a world and obscures the memories of a group of juniors and sisters.

Only after they can thoroughly understand the fundamentals of their own Taoism, find the essence of the law of space, and break through the means of covering their consciousness, can they turn around.

“Hope, you can understand the painstaking effort of brother!”

Duobao sighed, then looked at the world of Dinghai God Orb, and fell into contemplation: “So, what is the essence of Magic Treasures?”

“The manifestation of the law?”

“It should be, Magic Treasures is like a small world.”

“However, the real world has all the laws, while Magic Treasures only has certain, certain laws… it belongs to Xiaotiandi.”

“To take charge of Magic Treasures is equivalent to taking charge of a heaven and earth, turning oneself into the master of this heaven and earth, which is equivalent to the existence of Heavenly Dao.”

“…” Duobao took a deep breath: “If I think this way, I understand a little bit.”

“Heavenly Dao, dominance is actually the ultimate goal of cultivation.”

“To truly control oneself is to be the master of oneself, to be the Heavenly Dao of oneself.”

“Only after you truly control yourself can you truly step on the door of cultivation.”

“The cultivation after that is to continuously strengthen oneself.”

“If you don’t even have complete control over yourself, how can you strengthen yourself?”

“That’s just putting the cart before the horse… the speed will be much slower.”

“Furthermore, it may make it impossible for it to become its own master forever, and it will find the root of cultivation and be controlled by external forces.”

“It seems that strength is not weak, but in fact, it is just a slave of strength.”

“The same is true for Magic Treasures. Controlling Magic Treasures and controlling its small world is the real method of refining and using it.”

Dubao felt great joy in his heart, knowing that he might really understand it.

Looking at the situation in the Ding Sea God Orb, Duobao nodded slightly.

The first junior has already woke up.

She is looking for her lost memories.

In the world of Dinghai Shenzhu, Duobao created many illusory creatures, and according to a dark novel that he had read in the previous life, he set up personalities and many plots for them.

In the process of searching for their own memories in a group of juniors and sisters, they will definitely not be calm, and they must not be easy.

They will experience all kinds of things, ups and downs, and they will all experience them.

This is his accidental thought, combined together, will surely make a group of juniors and juniors unforgettable forever.

At the same time, after they find the memory, the reward will be great.

As I was thinking, my heart suddenly moved and looked outside Kunlun: “Hou Yi?”

As he sensed it, the Bing Bow Xuanjian he sent to Hou Yi was constantly calling him.


Duobao is a little confused, why did he call out?

I don’t remember, I arranged such a function for this thing?

Not in a hurry to go out, Duobao took a step forward and appeared in the chaos through the coordinates he had left in the chaos before.

The chaotic air current is pervasive and impacts, just like Qi Sea’s ocean.

Standing in the chaos, Duobao thought for a long time: “In the future, it will be impossible for me to cultivate by myself. The speed is too slow.”

“In order to increase the speed of Ascension cultivation, I must disperse a large number of Magic Treasures.”

“We must also spread out a lot of contact information so that they can find me.”

“Perhaps…” Duobao suddenly thought of a TV show he had watched in his previous life.

[Pawnshop No. 8]

“I’m not a devil, nor an angel, I don’t cheat or save people, I’m just a businessman, I just sell Magic Treasures.”

“I need a shop.”

Duobao looked at the chaos around him and nodded in satisfaction: “It’s just right here.”

Waved, punched out.

The chaos was broken, Yin & Yang appeared and turned into Five Elements.

Soon a small world was formed.

Duobao frowned when he looked at the little world in front of him: “No, it’s too big, it’s just a shop, it doesn’t need to be so huge, and it doesn’t need a world.”

He wants to be low-key, not so ostentatious.

With a thought, the power in Xiaotiandi was removed, The next moment, chaos washed away, Xiaotiandi was destroyed, and once again returned to chaos.

Waved again, countless Magic Treasures appeared in front of him.

“Since it is a shop that sells Magic Treasures, it doesn’t need to be too big. Two to three hundred square meters is almost the same.”

Various Magic Treasures were combined with Dubao’s thoughts and quickly formed walls, roofs, tables, chairs, benches, creeks, rockeries… It looked similar to some of the luxuriously decorated shops he had seen in his previous life.

The completion of the shop was much larger than he expected. The main reason was that during the construction of the project, Duobao had a lot of things in his mind, he also made a lot of things, and occupied a lot of area.

“Five hundred squares… actually not too big.”

Duobao thought, and looked at the own store again, and was very satisfied: “From now on, this will be my Shangbao’s store.”

The whole shop is pale yellow with a historical atmosphere, in which rows of neat wooden shelves are placed, and various Magic Treasures are placed on the shelves.

A small stream circulates along the shop and divides into a tributary, which flows into the ocher tea table on one side, flows along the miniature landscape tea table with ancient charm, and then reflows back on its own.

In addition, there is a rockery in the store. The rockery is not big, but it is jagged and weird. It looks thrilling and thrilling.

It seems to be the most precarious mountain in the world, even a fairy god, and it is difficult to climb.

Below the rockery is a river in its original shape.

In the river, there are lotus flowers, lotus flowers, and water plants. There are fishing boats on the surface of the river. Fishermen are slowly supporting the boat and walking in the river.

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