Chapter 133 Poor Hou Yi

On the edge of the river, there is an endless green forest, on the edge of the forest, there is a simple wooden house.

This wooden house seems to be the fisherman’s home.

Fishermen are fishing in the river, moving at sunrise and resting at sunset, and go home to rest when they are tired.

This seems to be the life of an ordinary fisherman.

Whether it is a fisherman or a fishing boat, or a lotus flower, it is all fake.

They are all made by Magic Treasures, none of them are smart, just a kind of decoration.

Let this shop have a different flavor.

After everything was over, Duobao waved his hand again, and sealed all the Taoism and power of Magic Treasures in his body, without his permission or revealing it.

“Um… almost, look at that guy Hou Yi, what’s the matter?”

Duobao thought, and when he thought, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Hou Yi held the Bing Bow Xuan Jian, with a silly smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth were raised. A high-spirited man was acting like a fool.

Such a look of Hou Yi stunned Duo Bao.

“This is Hou Yi? Isn’t this a fool?”

Duobao was surprised, and he was relieved. As expected, Hou Yi was fine.

“Hmm…who are you? Where is this place?”

Hou Yi stayed for a while, and then realized that he didn’t seem to be the Wu Clan anymore?

Suddenly, vigilance was raised, looking at Duobao, and quietly surveying the surrounding environment.

Dubao has changed his body, not what Dubao himself looks like.

A powerful force surged in the body, but just as soon as it moved, it was suppressed by an invisible and powerful force.

Hou Yi was shocked, his complexion changed drastically, and then looked at Duo Bao more vigilantly.

“Me, where’s Shang Bao.” Duobao smiled and looked at Hou Yi: “What? Forgot me?”

“The ice bow and profound arrow in your hand… I gave it.”

Hou Yi was stunned and looked at Duobao with suspicion: “Are you that old man?”

As he asked, he was even more shocked.

He knew that the old man was very strong, but he didn’t expect that it would be so strong.

After shooting the sun, his strength has improved again. Before that, he was only one of the most powerful witches under the ancestral witch of the witch clan. There were also Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, Feng Bo, and Yushi who could compete with him.

But after shooting the sun, he is the most powerful witch of the witch clan.

Moreover, this is still not counting the ice bow and mysterious arrow.

It can be said that now Hou Yi is already a great power.

But, that’s it, he moved to another environment without being noticed.

In the process, he didn’t feel at all.

Duobao smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, I’m just a businessman. I saw you pleasingly before and gave you a Magic Treasures. It’s not malicious to you.”

Hou Yi didn’t believe it: “Are you really that old man?”

Duobao turned his body and turned into the old man he had previously turned into. He changed back in an instant, “Now, should you believe it?”

Hou Yi relaxed a little and believed, “It’s really you, senior, thank you so much.”

That old man, only he knows, since this person can transform into that old man, he can be sure that he is that old man by 80 to 90%.

“Senior, thank you for what happened before,” Hou Yi said gratefully.

Duobao shook his head: “Don’t thank me, that should be yours.”

“This time, I asked you to come here to ask, have you encountered any problems?”

Duobao was a little curious, the ice bow and profound arrow flashed, making himself feel, as if something was going on, he was very curious about what it was that would make him feel that way.

“Senior…” Hearing this, Hou Yi, a macho, brawny man, lowered his head shyly, and two red clouds appeared on his face.

Duobao’s eyes widened, Hou Yi would still be shy?

As soon as he thought of it in his mind, he thought of the reason for Hou Yi. Tentatively asked: “Is there someone you like?”

Hou Yi suddenly raised his head and said unbelievably, “Senior…how do you know?”

“Don’t worry about how I knew it.” Duobao waved his hand: “If you like it, go after it. Why are you so entangled?”

Hou Yi said bitterly: “She is a human race, and I am a witch race.”

“Both of us…”

Hou Yi spoke for a long time, but didn’t express the meaning of own clearly.

Duobao: “So, it’s because of different races? Are you afraid?”

Hou Yi nodded.

Duobao puzzled: “What is the difference between races?”

“You are a great witch of the Wu clan, are these things a problem for you?”

“Besides, if you like it, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, shouldn’t it be blocked?”

Hou Yi nodded and explained: “It’s not that I’m afraid of Zuwu’s resistance, but that I’m afraid that she won’t accept me.”

Dubao was silent, this reason was no problem.

He still knows the situation of the human race.

Over the years, the Human Race has followed what he said at the beginning and developed secretly, deep in the essence of Taoism.

People of the human race intermarried with the human race, rarely… no, it should be said that there is no intermarriage with foreign races at all.

Hou Yi and Chang’e, these two should be the only pair.

“Does her family agree?” Duobao asked.

Hou Yi shook his head: “She has no family and is alone.”

“That’s it.” Duobao replied, lost in thought: “Chang’e, is the Chang’e of the human race?”

He glanced at Hou Yi and shook his head slightly.

According to legend, Chang’e is not the human race Chang’e. It was originally Changxi among the lunar stars. He and Xihe and Wangshu are both the three goddesses of the lunar star.

Among them, Xihe married Emperor Jun and gave birth to ten sons and twelve daughters for him.

Ten sons are ten Golden Crow, and twelve daughters are twelve Jade Rabbit.

Hou Yi shot and killed his nine sons. Although it may be that Hou Yi was okay because of the Witch Clan, as a mother, who could endure this murderous vengeance?

Therefore, he begged his sister Chang Xi and transformed into Chang’e to seduce Hou Yi.

After Hou Yi fell in love with her, he let Chang’e fly to the moon again, and let Hou Yi become Wu Gang from then on, no longer the Witch Clan.

Generally speaking, Hou Yi’s love is only a mother’s revenge, and it is not destined to be complete.

Duobao suddenly understood why he had the induction.

Hou Yi had this difficulty, and there was no lack of his reasons, which aroused his mind.

“So, I want to help him through this hardship?”

Thinking about it, Duobao glanced at Hou Yi and sighed again.

Looking at what Hou Yi looks like now, it is obvious that he has fallen in love with Chang’e deeply.

“But…” After changing his thoughts, Duobao was a little uncertain: “Or, I guessed wrong.”

“Chang’e, it’s not necessarily Taiyin Chang’e, maybe it’s not necessarily the Terran Chang’e?”

He was slightly annoyed, but more helpless.

For the human race, he has complicated feelings and cares, and wants to protect their growth, but he can do nothing.

Now, if his guess becomes true, then the human race is being calculated, and although he knows it, he is unable to resist.

This is really helpless.

“Huh…” Suddenly, Duobao looked at Houyi. Although he could not resist, Houyi could.

Now Hou Yi’s strength is not weak, at least it should be Da Luo Jinxian… right?

Staring at Hou Yi, Duobao suddenly widened his eyes: “…”

How could it be so weak?

I didn’t pay attention before, but now I take a closer look, how strong is Hou Yi so weak?

Even the Di Er he had seen before could not match.

With vain strength, Dubao’s eyes twitched when he was watching.

“Hou Yi… are you hurt?” Duobao couldn’t help asking.

Hou Yi looked at Duobao strangely, wondering why he asked: “No?”

Duobao was stunned, staring at Hou Yi, after watching for a long time, he suddenly sighed.

Hey, poor boy.

Although Xianglai didn’t die because of shooting the sun, he was caught in the calculations and erased his understanding of normal things.

Obviously the strength is already so weak, I thought I was okay.

Such Realm, strength, converted to Realm defined by Dubao himself, but it was only equivalent to a real immortal, not even Xuanxian.

It’s sad.

Duobao thought, he was even more shocked by Tai Yi, Di Jun and the others’ methods.

Worthy of being the emperor of the monster race, the means is strong.

A dignified witch from the Wu clan, who was secretly used by them to become such a strength, but he has never noticed it.

What kind of means is this?

Duobao couldn’t help but shiver after thinking about it.

Moreover, this is not over yet. They have already turned this majestic witch clan witch into a waste, but still don’t want to let it go.

Duobao understood: “I’ll just say it, no wonder the great witch can’t cut a sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the lunar star, and the ancestor witches of the Wu clan didn’t see it to help.”

“It turns out that Hou Yi has been abolished by Taiyi and Emperor Jun, and there is no rescue value at all.”

“For this reason, Hou Yi has been silent since Chang’e flew to the moon.”

Doubao looked at Hou Yi’s eyes, and suddenly there was a hint of pity.

Hou Yi felt a little cold in his body, but he suddenly became cold without knowing why.

This is incredible. He is dignified, even in a very cold place, he won’t feel anything, but now, he actually feels cold?

Moreover, he looked at Duobao, looking at Duobao’s weird eyes, there was an inexplicable sorrow in his heart.

After taking a closer look, he found that, as if, he felt pitiful inexplicably!


Hou Yi was stunned, how could he be pitiful?

He is a magnificent witch, and now he is the most powerful witch of the Wu clan, a famous and powerful witch, he will be pitiful?

Speak out, who will believe it?

Hou Yi looked at Duobao, and after a moment, he retreated and lowered his head.

Duobao’s eyes seemed to have inexplicable power, and Hou Yi couldn’t resist at all.

After watching for a long time, his mind and thinking seemed to be reversed.

“I’m really pitiful, very pitiful.”

“Although, I don’t know why I am pitiful… but I seem to be pitiful.”

Duobao comfortedly patted Hou Yi, who lowered his head, but he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Speaking of, Hou Yi ended up like this, and his responsibility is indispensable.

“It’s okay, I’ll help you.”

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