Chapter 131 Kunshan Species

The wind passed, the rain fell, the leaves fluttered, and then the Kunshan trees came up from the ground.

Yes, in Jin Ling’s view, it was drilled up.

It’s as if there were these trees under the ground originally, but they hadn’t appeared before, and now they just appeared suddenly.

It doesn’t seem to grow out of nowhere at all.

“Is this the Kunshan species?” Jin Ling was shocked, and could perceive that after the Kunshan tree appeared, the entire Kunlun had a field.

This field is very hidden, if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t be able to find it at all.

Although hidden, it is very powerful.

Looking at the Kunshan trees, Jin Ling felt as if he had seen a rolling mountain range, among which the mountains were piled up, and there were a lot of weather.

Then every Kunshan tree is a big mountain.

With this feeling, Jin Ling felt like an ant from the bottom of his heart.

Weak, helpless, pitiful, shivering.

After experiencing it carefully, Jin Ling was shocked to discover that her magnificent Celestial Immortals cultivator actually felt not as strong as any Kunshan tree!

And… this is not an illusion, this is the fact!

Jin Ling fell down and reached out to touch a Kunshan tree, feeling inexplicably complicated.

Start with hard, heavy, life, good fortune, toughness, strong and unparalleled… In contrast, she seems to be really useless, too far behind.

Duobao also flew down, and looked at Kunshan Tree with a sigh and nodded in satisfaction: “Not bad.”

“Not bad?” Jin Ling looked at Duobao with a very strange look.

This is not bad?

You call this a good one?

Although Jin Ling himself is now only Celestial Immortals Realm, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes in the many Magic Treasures refined by Duobao, as well as in the five major fields.

Realm does not have Ascension, it is still Celestial Immortals, but based on past cognition, Jin Ling knows that now she, when placed outside, can almost despise all the golden immortals.

It seems that it is not impossible to say that Jinxian is invincible.

And these Kunshan trees, the aura of each one is much stronger than hers, although they are not creatures, and they have no wisdom.

However, by comparison, Jin Ling knew that each of these Kunshan trees was at least equivalent to an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal.

“Big brother, how strong are you!”

Jin Ling couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Even this kind of Kunshan tree comparable to the Taiyi Golden Immortal can produce so many in a flash, and these Kunshan trees that seem to be so powerful in her opinion have only received a good evaluation in the mouth of the big brother.

Thinking about it, Jin Ling couldn’t help asking: “Big brother, is this just not bad?”

Doubao nodded naturally: “It’s really good. In my expectation, it should be stronger. It seems that I still need to optimize it.”

Duobao didn’t see Jin Ling’s sudden widening eyes, looking at the Kunshan tree.

Although it was a little bit worse than what he had expected, for now, it was enough.

After experiencing the changes in Kunlun, I am even more satisfied.

Kunlun becoming stronger is nothing more than energy and Tao, and the scarcity of Dharma.

Kunshan tree, he takes energy as the core, and then condenses many Taoisms to express it through energy.

It seems that the Kunshan tree is very weak, just an ordinary big tree.

In fact, he used the Kunshan tree to hook the law of energy, and even used the coordinates left in the chaos to connect it with the Kunshan tree.

The Kunshan tree appears to grow in Kunlun, but in fact, its roots are in chaos.

It swallows the power of chaos and turns it into energy, and then uses the law of energy as a bridge to motivate the various Dao, Dharma he set up and pour it into Kunlun, so that Kunlun can continue to become a success.

With Dao, Dharma, and energy, the three are gathered together, and Kunlun’s growth rate will naturally rise.

Moreover, because of the innumerable Tao and Dharma, every place of the Kunshan tree, and even every leaf, contains the lines of Tao and Dharma.

If a leaf is obtained by some talented people, it will be able to insight into one or even several ways.

“Well, not bad.” After feeling Kunlun’s growth again, Duobao greeted Jin Ling and walked back.

Jin Ling stayed for a moment, and quickly followed.

Back to Immortal Cave, Duobao didn’t know what to do for a while.


It’s okay, but it feels so boring, and, because of the Magic Treasures that were sold to Di Er, now, the Magic power feedback provided to him at every moment is far more than millions of times more than his own cultivation. .

In this case, wasting time on cultivation would not be worth the gain.

“Why don’t you go see Di Er again?”

Dubao’s thoughts flashed: “Sell him another batch of Magic Treasures?”

After thinking about it, he silently shook his head: “Forget it, he shouldn’t be able to afford it now, his merits are not enough.”

“The ones that I bought before must have used up their past accumulation. In a short time, it should not be enough to buy again.”

Some regrets shook his head, and Duobao fell into thinking: “So, what should I do now?”

“Big brother?” Jin Ling’s voice came.

Duobao looked at Jin Ling: “Huh, are you still there?”

Jin Ling: “……”

I said, I have been ignored for so long. I thought you were thinking about something. If you have something to do with your own, it turns out that you simply forgot about me.

Jin Ling quit, and in his big eyes, there was a sparkle: “Big brother!”

Dubao had a headache, and he couldn’t stand it the most.

Jin Ling looked at Duobao pitifully, like a child who was greatly wronged.

“If you don’t cry, Big Brother will show you a fun game.” Duobao said with a headache.

Jin Ling instantly put away the tears in his eyes: “What game?”

“What game?” Duobao was thinking, he just said casually just now, he didn’t think of any game at all.

However, looking at Jin Ling’s gradually changing eyes, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind: “A game of Magic Treasures.”


Jin Ling blinked and stared at Dubo with big eyes: “A game of Magic Treasures?”

“Yes, a game of Magic Treasures.”

Duobao nodded heavily, the more he thought about it, the clearer the vague thoughts in his mind.

“What game is that?”

“That’s an epic… Magic Treasures game.” Duobao’s eyes were deep, and suddenly, there was a touch of thickness and vicissitudes on his body, as if he had experienced endless time.

“Let’s… play an epic game!”


Pushing back in time, Taiyi took the surviving Xiaoshi in the Heaven Court of the demon clan, and returned to the Heaven Court, not daring to look at the eyes of Emperor Gao.

Nine of the ten Golden Crow died, all because of his previous behavior.

He felt that because he indirectly killed them, he felt guilty and did not dare to face Di Jun.

“Second brother, you are back.”

Di Jun’s face was calm, he saw Tai Yi and Xiao Shi, but there was no other behavior, as if his son was not dead at all.

“Yeah.” Taiyi lowered his head and replied in a dull voice, “Dage, I’m sorry!”

“Karma’s way, one drink and one peck, are all destiny.” Di Jun said: “It doesn’t have to be that, it’s also that they should have a catastrophe.”

“Second brother, don’t have to feel guilty. After all, I agree to this matter.”

“And…” Looking at Tai Yi, who was still bowing his head, Di Jun was silent for a moment, and then continued: “Don’t you think it’s weird?”

“Why is it strange?” Taiyi finally looked up.

“The ten-day survey has been going on for a long time, why are we only discovering it now?” Di Jun said quietly.

Tai Yi was shocked and realized this problem.

He suddenly remembered that it was indeed the case.

It stands to reason that the ten Golden Crows are connected to them by blood. They have a problem, and they must be the first to know.

Unfortunately, they didn’t react at all, and they didn’t even find out until the end.

This is not normal, not normal at all.


Di Jun nodded: “We should have been calculated.”

“Who is it?” Tai Yi was furious, but then he calmed down again.

He had guessed it.

Di Jun stretched his finger and pointed upwards: “Apart from them, who else can blind our perception?”

Too weak.

As he thought, it was Sage.

Only Sage can do this.

“Dage…” Taiyi looked at Dijun.

Di Jun shook his head silently: “It’s not the time yet, just make a note of it. In the future, there will always be time to settle the accounts.”

“Moreover, it is still unclear who is calculating us.”

“How’s the matter of enshrining the gods?”

Tai shook his head, he didn’t know.

Just then, Baize Lion walked in: “Baize Lion has seen the Heavenly Emperor, Your Majesty the Eastern Emperor.”

Di Jun: “Get up.”

Baize Lion: “Return to the Heavenly Emperor, the matter of appointing the gods has ended, and the major water-based gods’ residences have been sealed off.”

“The seal is over?” Di Jun suddenly panicked, quickly stabilized, and asked again: “Is it really over?”

Baize Lion glanced at Di Jun strangely, and shook his head honestly: “It is indeed over.”

Di Jun’s body softened, and waved weakly, not asking more, “Go down.”

Baize Lion was even more strange, but didn’t ask much, “Yes.”

Taiyi looked at Dijun’s appearance, and suddenly thought: “Dage, you were originally…”

Di Jun nodded, and said weakly: “This time, the purpose of this consecration is to stabilize the great water cycle.”

“Nine sons died in this calamity, logically speaking, they should have also been in the Fengshen, but…”

Taiyi understood, and anger burst into his eyes: “Deceiving people too much, are they doing too much!”

“Even if I calculate my monster race, they don’t need to be like that, they are just children!”

When Di Jun talked about Fengshen, he immediately understood.

The nine sons died in the Conferred Gods, and logically speaking, the Conferred God Platform that should have gone on became a divine residence.

However, they did not enter.

From the reaction of Baize Lion, it can be seen that from the beginning to the end, no nine sons appeared.

Otherwise, he would have reported it a long time ago.

The only possibility for such a thing to happen is that the nine sons have completely died, and even the true spirit no longer exists.

Otherwise, as long as there is a little real spirit, you can go to the Conferred God Stage.

The current situation has explained everything.

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