Chapter 130 The Nine Kunlun Brothers

Kunlun Mountain, in Kunlun Manor, a few little guys wearing golden clothes, about two or three years old, are squatting together…playing with fire.

Counting them down, a total of nine little guys formed a circle, each stretched out their small hands, and spewed out a crimson flame from their palms, gathered together, and merged into a crimson flame.

“Second brother, is what Big Brother said true?”

They have been doing this for a long time, and a round-faced little guy asked carefully when he glanced at the direction where Duobao was.

The second brother was the same age, but his cheeks were thinner in comparison, and there was a flame mark between the eyebrows, which was lifelike.

“Who knows… before father, uncle did not say that you can play like this.”

The talking little guy frowned tightly and was very puzzled.

They were the nine Golden Crows shot down by Hou Yi. Because of the hands and feet that Duobao made, they left them a little bit of life. After they were resurrected, they became like this.

“Xiao Er, Xiao Jiu, what are you talking about?”

Jin Ling came over, squatted beside the nine, and asked like a Big Sister, “Big Sister tells you the true fire of Ninth Stage, how is your cultivation?”

Hearing that, all nine small faces wrinkled, and looked at Jin Ling together: “Master sister, is there really a real Ninth Stage?”

Xiao Er was very suspicious.

Although their bodies became smaller after they were resurrected, they did not lose their previous memories.

Moreover, their Cultivation Base has not decreased.

As the princes of the Yaozu, they are still very knowledgeable and know a lot.

But they have never heard of the real fire of Ninth Stage.

What’s more, what makes them feel so fake is that this Ninth Stage real fire has a total of Ninth Stage, and First Stage is better than First Stage.

The real fire of the sun attached to them can’t even reach the standard of the first stage real fire.

According to Duobao, they need to integrate their own ideas into their own real sun fire, turn the real sun fire into own fire, and then compress and condense it.

It looks like a pagoda, and it is superimposed little by little.

This is very Fantasy!

It is completely incomprehensible, and it is far beyond their previous understanding.

Xiao Wu asked, “Master sister, isn’t Sun Real Fire the strongest real fire?”

“Why, in the Ninth Stage real fire standard, even the lowest First Stage real fire can’t reach it?”

Jin Ling has big eyes and bright, she really knows about this.


After coughing twice, Jin Ling touched the heads of a few little guys, haha, no wonder the big brother always likes to touch my head. It turns out that touching other people’s heads is so comfortable.

“Yes, the real fire of the sun is indeed one of the most powerful flames, but that is the strongest state of the real fire of the sun.”

“To cultivate the true sun fire to the limit, it is the strongest flame in the primordial realm. Just your little flames like the present one is far from qualified as the true sun fire.”

Jin Ling thought carefully about the words that Duobao had said accidentally before: “To put it simply, it is also the real fire of the sun. The real fire of the sun in your hands is the same as the real fire of the sun in the hands of your father and uncle. ?”

Jiuxiao shook his head together, of course it was different.

“Speaking like this, it seems like this.”

However, Xiao Jiu looked at Jin Ling, feeling inexplicably that there was something wrong, thinking about it, but couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

Jin Ling nodded: “So, you have to work hard. If you want to become a person like your father and uncle, you have to work hard to grow the real fire of the sun.”

“The real name of Ninth Stage Real Fire is Ninth Stage Real Fire. It is just a method, a method that can accelerate cultivation.”

After thinking about it, Jin Ling said again: “Maybe, when you use the Ninth Stage real fire method to cultivate the sun to the Ninth Stage, you can reach the level of your father and uncle.”

“As long as that time comes, your true sun will be worthy of the name of the true prehistoric and strongest divine fire.”

“So, try to cultivate, little guys.”

Jiu Xiao nodded ignorantly, and was boiled with enthusiasm as Jin Ling said: “Come on, come on!”

“Okay, if you cultivate well, I will leave first.”

Waving his hand to Jiu Xiao, Jin Ling walked towards Duobao Immortal Cave: “Big Brother, are you there? Jin Ling has something to do with you.”

In the Immortal Cave, hearing Jin Ling’s voice, Duobao put down the movement in his hand, opened the door, and Jin Ling walked in.

“Jin Ling, what are you looking for?” Duobao asked.

Jin Ling didn’t answer, wandering in his Immortal Cave, watching carefully.

“So, are you looking for something to do with me? Or just come to me to fight the autumn wind?”

Duobao had no choice but to look at Jin Ling’s movements and he knew her purpose.

It’s easy, she didn’t hide it either.

After Jin Ling wandered around, he didn’t find anything he was interested in, and he curled his lips boringly: “Master, you haven’t appeared for a long time. What are you up to?”

“Jin Ling misses you so much.”

Duobao reached out and lit Jin Ling’s small head, and said angrily: “Really? Why didn’t I see it?”

Jin Ling raised his small face, and his big eyes were directed at Duobao, watery: “Then look carefully, look hard, can you see it?”

Duobao slapped Jin Ling’s face down, helplessly: “Okay, okay, I see it, I see it, I’m satisfied.”

“Hehe.” Jin Ling laughed happily, then looked at Duobao curiously, and asked again: “Big brother, what have you been up to this time?”

Duobao stretched out his hand and a green seed appeared in his hand: “Nuo, that’s it.”

“What is this?” Jin Ling asked curiously.

“This…” Duobao looked at the seed in his hand and said with exclamation: “This is called Kunshan tree.”

This seed, as Jin Ling said, was the result of his time.

He had discovered before that Kunlun, as the second god-tier mountain in the prehistoric world, was a bit too weak.

Although I know this is because the prehistoric world is still growing, Kunlun Mountain has also grown and has not reached its peak state. Therefore, it is understandable that it is weaker.

He can also feel Kunlun’s slow growth.

But this speed is too slow.

Before, when I was walking in Kunlun, I suddenly thought: “Can I speed up the enhancement of Kunlun?”

As soon as this idea came out, I couldn’t restrain it anymore.

Closed Door Training has studied for a long time, screened from various rules, simulated various solutions, and selected the best. This is how this Kunshan species was born.

“Kunshan species?” Jin Ling looked at it curiously and asked, “What does it do?”

Jin Ling is very curious and looks forward to it.

This big brother himself is different, he always has weird thoughts, ideas, and he can always make a lot of good things.

Not only was it powerful, but its various effects made her look forward to it.

“What’s the use? You’ll know when you come with me.”

Duobao didn’t say directly, taking the Kunshan seed and walking out of Immortal Cave, Jin Ling quickly followed.

After leaving Immortal Cave, I saw Jiu Xiao squatting on the ground: “Work hard, come on.”

Jiu Xiao Nai is the Nine Golden Crow, after being resurrected by him, he became such a child.

Because I almost let them fall because of me, I felt guilty, so I kept them.

Originally, they were asked to call themselves Big Brother. As a result, they followed a group of juniors for a long time. Gradually, they didn’t know when they were called Big Brother.

He is also free of them.

I felt that they were too weak before, and they had a good chance. As a result, they couldn’t bear it, resulting in a fall.

Duobao gave them a spell he had created before, and let them cultivate, hoping that they could use the Ascension strength to solve problems in the future and solve them by themselves.

“I have tried my best.”

Duobao sighed with emotion and shook his fist at Jiu Xiao: “After you have completed the first stage of real fire, you can go to the body to cultivate, and the speed will be faster.”

“Yes, big brother!” *9.

There were nine excitement voices in a row.

The expectation can be clearly felt in the voice.

Body, they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

There are five domains in Kunlun Manor: Body, Law, Red Dust, Dou, Dao.

Each is extremely mysterious and the effect is extraordinary.

Every senior brother and sister who enters, after they come out, can greatly increase their strength.

They have been looking forward to it for a long time, but the big brother has never let them in before.

Now that Jinkou was opened with great difficulty, Jiuxiao was of course excited, and immediately began to work harder to cultivate.

Duobao smiled, walked past Nine Elementary School, walked for a long time, stopped, flipped the palm of his hand, Kunshan seed appeared, and threw it down.

Kunshan species, planting roots on the ground, submerged in the ground.

Duobao raised his hand again, and the spirit water fell from it and sank into the Kunshan species.

Jin Ling was still watching curiously, and suddenly his eyes widened.


After absorbing the spiritual water, the Kunshan species grew rapidly, breaking through the soil and seeing a touch of greenery.

The next moment, the greenery has become a small tree, and within a few breaths, the small tree has become a big tree.

A heavy feeling came, and Jin Ling held his breath and looked at it in shock.

It’s obviously a tree, why does it give him a mountain-like feeling?

If it weren’t for seeing with eyes, closing her eyes, and just feeling, she wouldn’t think it was a tree, she would only think it was a mountain.

The wind blows, the big trees sway, and the fragile leaves are unimaginable. When the wind blows, they will fly up and out of the branches. Following the wind, they drifted to other places in Kunlun.

Before long, the leaves fell and fell on the ground.

Duobao flew up suddenly, Jin Ling didn’t understand why he wanted to do this, but he still flew up subconsciously.

Then I saw Duobao raise his hand again, and then the whole Kunlun rained down.

This spiritual rain is not simple, but is composed of spiritual water.

And this spiritual water is not simple, it is the law of Dubao condensing water, combined with the law of good fortune, and the effect is extraordinary.

Especially for plant growth, the effect is even more significant.

Under the rain, those falling leaves instantly sank into the ground.

The next moment, in Jin Ling’s shocking eyes, a large mountain-like tree grew from the ground.

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