Chapter 129 Hou Yi Shoots the Sun

“It’s just to stop the sky survey with Five Elements.” Duobao had an idea: “You don’t need to die.”

“Just stop.”

“I can’t make a move, but I can…”


Among the Houtu tribe, Hou Yi returned to his own house, lay on the bed, and fell asleep deeply.

The Bing Bow Xuanjian was placed beside his hand, within reach.

Hou Yi’s breath was calm, breathing rhythmically during his sleep.

The exhaustion on the body is slowly disappearing.

Duobao’s figure appeared quietly.

Looking at Hou Yi on the bed, he cautiously waved his hand, a mysterious light fell on the ice bow mysterious arrow.

After doing all this, I was afraid that Hou Yi would suddenly wake up and disappear immediately.

Hou Yi fell asleep quietly, ignorant of all this.

Outside the Houtu tribe, Duobao reappeared again, exhaling a long breath, and patted his chest: “Huh, I was scared to death. I was almost spotted.”

That’s what I said, but his eyes flashed with excitement and excitement.

“It’s really exciting, it’s Hou Yi god-tier, it’s really dangerous to make hands and feet under his nose!”

Duobao himself is a man of later generations, and he has always had a legendary mentality for characters like Hou Yi.

For him, Hou Yi is the god-tier.

Moreover, Duobao believes that own strength is much worse than Houyi.

Therefore, he didn’t dare to show up more in front of Hou Yi, that is, relying on his powerful concealment supernatural powers to hide from Hou Yi.

But that’s it, still frightened, for fear of being discovered.

Fortunately, there was no accident, and Hou Yi did not find him.

“Then, the next step is to wait for the historical event of Hou Yi shooting the sun!”

Duobao sat down expectantly.


Three days later, Hou Yi finally woke up from his deep sleep, full of energy.

He picked up the ice bow and mysterious arrow next to him, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

I walked out of the room and quickly walked towards the top of the hill I had previously selected.

Shooting the sun requires a good place.

Not long after, I went up the mountain and stood on the top of the mountain, holding the ice bow in his hand, grabbing a profound arrow, and putting it on the ice bow, aiming at the ten Golden Crows flying towards the sky.

“Beast, praise my father and brother for me, pay my life!”

The icy breath spread from the ice bow and profound arrow, filling Hou Yi’s body.

The people in Hou Yi were cold, their hearts were cold, and their eyes were even colder.

The bowstring was slowly pulled apart, aiming at the front finger of Golden Crow, and the finger was loosened.

Xuan Jian pierced the air, carrying an extremely icy power, and it was just before the Golden Crow.

call out!

Without exception, the profound arrow penetrated the body of Golden Crow, and the icy breath instantly froze the strong firepower in his body.

The real fire of the sun, the Golden Crow, instantly turned into the ice Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow turned into a block of ice and landed from the sky.

In the ice cube, the fire power froze, and the sense of the big Golden Crow recovered, and a hint of care flashed in his eyes: “So comfortable!”

Just a thought, and then completely lost consciousness again.

Hou Yi kept moving, the first arrow, so simply solved the Golden Crow, which made him feel confident.

The next moment, he directly took out three profound arrows, put them on the ice bow, and aimed at the three Golden Crows.

Let go, the mysterious arrow flew out, and three Golden Crows fell in response.

“The sun… the sun has set!”

Above the wild land, countless creatures resisted the heat with their own methods, and most of them were in a panic.

The real fire of the sun is too fierce, even if they are cultivators, they will be hard to resist for a long time.

Suddenly, someone noticed the change in the sky and said in excitement.

“Falling down?”

The others listened and looked towards the sky together.

Sure enough, due to the gaze, there were only six of the originally neatly arranged ten suns at this time.

“who is it?”

While the cultivator was pleasantly surprised, it was even more shocking.

“Who is it? Who dared to do something to Golden Crow?”

That’s the prince of the Yaozu!

In the predicament, who has such courage?

While everyone was shocked, another arrow fell, and the fifth sun fell.

This time, they all saw clearly.

The Golden Crow sun was shot down by someone.

“Who is shooting the sun?”

A doubt appeared in the hearts of everyone.

For the time being, no one knows the answer.

On the top of the mountain, Hou Yi took a bow and pulled arrows, directly four, aiming at four of the remaining five Golden Crows, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light flashed.

Whoops whoops!

There were four bursts in the air. Above the sky, five Golden Crows were shot down for an instant, leaving only the last one.


Nine Golden Crows fell, Five Elements was completed, the firepower returned, and the remaining Golden Crow immediately regained consciousness.

As soon as Fang regained consciousness, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and his heart was enveloped in ominousness, and a feeling of coldness came.

Ten Golden Crow, the smallest Golden Crow, followed an ominous premonition and looked towards Hou Yi.

At this time, Hou Yi had already placed the last profound arrow on the ice bow, aiming at the ten Golden Crow.

Ten Golden Crow panicked, he could feel that under this arrow, he felt that there was no possibility of surviving.

Cried out mournfully: “Father, mother, uncle…Help me!”


An angry bell echoed in the heavens and the earth, and the entire prehistoric world was frozen in the bell.

In the distant mountain, Duobao stretched out his hand, and nine sparks flew in the sky, fell into his palm, and was caught by him.

“It’s too much, can’t afford to offend, can’t offend, slip away, slip away.”

After completing his own goal, Duobao didn’t dare to stay anymore, let alone meet Taiyi, his figure flashed and he returned to Kunlun.

Before leaving, an extremely angry roar came: “Hou Yi, so courageous!”

Among Kunlun, Duobao patted his chest with lingering fears: “Is that the one too?”

“Sure enough, it’s so strong. When a bell rang, the prehistoric world was suppressed.”

“Hou Yi has been frozen.”

“Fortunately, fortunately, I still have some means to escape, otherwise, I will also be cold.”

Duobao was a little grateful, and then he was a little confused: “However, why does Taiyi’s voice feel a little familiar?”

“It feels like I’ve heard it there?”

“I know him?”

“Impossible.” Duobao shook his head: “How can I know such a big person, I can’t get out of one door, and can’t get to the second door.”

“However, Hou Yi…”

Thinking about it, he was a little worried.

He ran away, but what about Hou Yi?

“Twelve Ancestral Witch, I should save him.”

“After all, he is a witch clan, and that is above the earth. One shot, the twelve ancestor witches will definitely not give up, he should…can’t die?”

Duobao was a little uncertain: “You should not die. After all, there is a legend of Chang’e flying to the moon…it should be fine.”

Although he was worried about Hou Yi, Duobao was powerless.

He also couldn’t save Hou Yi, so he could only pray that he was all right.



Hou Yi looked at Taiyi, and there was a cold breath from the Ice Bow Profound Arrow, which restored his mobility, and the last arrow shifted the target and matched Taiyi.

“Hou Yi, you are so courageous, you dare to kill my nephew and take your life.”

Taiyi looked at the lonely Xiao Shi, very angry.

He originally had ten nephews, but now there is only one left.

The anger burned away his reason, so that he was completely free of nonsense, shaking the chaotic clock, and the mountain-like power fell towards Houyi.

call out!

Hou Yi pulled the ice bow to the extreme, released his fingers, the profound arrow flew out, broke the power of the chaotic clock, and flew straight to Taiyi.

Tai Yi’s long hair was fluttering and he was furious. Seeing that Hou Yi was okay, he could attack him instead.

Shaking the Chaos Bell again and again, bell after bell appeared, falling towards Xuanjian.

Xuan Jian flew straight, penetrating the power of the bells of First Stage and First Stage, and arrived in front of Tai Yi in the blink of an eye.

Too surprised, I didn’t expect this arrow to be so powerful.

Don’t panic, beat the Chaos Clock hard.

Along with a dull and heavy bell, Xuan Jian stopped in front of Tai Yi.


The mysterious arrow shattered, turned into powder and dissipated.

“Hou Yi is dead!”

My eyes are red, and I have to do it again.

“Taiyi, why hurt me the Wu Clan!”

At this time, the twelve divine thoughts came through the air and locked the one.

Tai Yi was even more angry, and said in grief: “Your Wu Clan killed my nine nephews. Isn’t he deserved to die?”

At this time, in the Pangu Hall, with the help of the eleven ancestor witches, Hou Tu had regained some consciousness, but he still couldn’t move.

Houtu: “Ten days to survey the sky and repair the world, this is the destiny.”

“Five Elements grows together, and Five Elements defeats each other… The death of the Nine Golden Crow coincides with the Karma you were waiting for before.”

“Taiyi, you should be able to figure this out.”

“The nine Golden Crows did not die in the hands of my Wu Clan, but in the hands of you waiting.”

Taiyi’s body was trembling, and his strength was so strong that he couldn’t hold the Chaos Clock securely.

Houtu’s words caught his mind.

After discovering that the nine Golden Crows had died, Taiyi had already understood that they were Karma who really died.

The fundamental reason is that they had been bathing in the world before, harming the influence of the water cycle.

It can be said that Hou Tu was right. The nine Golden Crows died because of them.

It is precisely because he understands this that he is so angry. Under the surface of extreme anger, there is endless sadness, regret, and self-blame.

“Furthermore, your demon Golden Crow also killed my Wu Clan Kuafu, Hou Yi avenged his friends, as it should be.”

“Which is right and wrong, don’t you still understand Taiyi?”

Tai’s eyes were red, and he said sadly: “Could it be that my son is dead in vain?”

Hou Tu refused to give up: “Is my Wu Clan great witch Kuafu died in vain?”

“If something like this happens, you and I are both responsible.”

“Both have paid the price.”

“This matter ends here.”

“If you still want to act hard, then my Wu Clan is not easy to bully.”

“Hou Tu, Wu Clan…” Hearing this, Tai Yi laughed mournfully: “Good, good, good Wu Clan, good Hou Tu.”

After speaking, he finally took a deep look at Hou Yi, and then, with the remaining ten Golden Crow, turned back to Heaven Court.

Houtu dialects are all about this, if he really wants to be a strong man, he is afraid it will cause a Lich War.

But let it go, he was not reconciled.

“Make a note of this matter. In the coming day, I will wait for a battle to decide life and death, and finish everything Karma!”

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