Chapter 128 Golden Crow Destiny

Hou Yi turned his head and looked around, and saw an old man with white beard and white hair. He did not know when he appeared next to own with a crystal clear bow and arrow in his hand.

“Who are you?”

Hou Yi’s body muscles tightened for a moment, staring at the old man vigilantly.

“How about? This ice bow and profound arrow, do you want it or not?”

The old man did not answer, and shook the bow and arrow in his hand at Hou Yi.

Hou Yi stared at the old man for a long time.


Hearing this, the old man simply put his bow and arrow into Hou Yi’s hand.


The moment he started, a breath of extreme coldness came, and Hou Yi almost turned into an ice sculpture and froze in place.

It took a long time for Hou Yi to react, looking at the bow and arrow in his hand in shock, and muttering to himself: “Ice Bow Xuanjian!”

The name of the bow and arrow is Bing Gong Xuan Jian, just like its name, extremely cold.

Even a great witch like Hou Yi, when he first came into contact, was caught by this extremely cold aura and lost consciousness.

“This bow and arrow will definitely be able to kill those Golden Crows!” Hou Yi was a little excited.

After turning his thoughts, he just thought of the old man who gave him the bow and arrow.

Looking at the old man’s original location, it was empty, and there was no one else.

Hou Yi said silently, “Who is it?”

There is no doubt that this person is very strong, strong beyond his sensing range.

Not only was the old man silent when he appeared, but even when he left, he was also silent.

Whether he left or appeared, Hou Yi didn’t notice the slightest.

After thinking quietly for a long time, Hou Yi let go of his thoughts, no matter who the old man is and what his purpose is.

At least he gave himself such a bow and arrow, which can help him achieve the purpose he wants, so why bother about other things.

Hou Yi stepped forward and turned back to the Witch Clan.

With the bow and arrow, he needs to prepare and rest.

During this time, looking for weapons, he was really tired after searching for too long.

This state is not suitable for combat.

When he rests, he will open his bow and shoot the sun!


After Hou Yi left, the old man who disappeared just now reappeared.

Looking at Hou Yi’s back, the old man’s eyes were complicated: “Hou Yi shoots the sun!”

The old man is Duobao.

He was originally in Kunlun Mountain, after refining the ice bow and mysterious arrow.

Suddenly he sensed Hou Yi’s breath, and then a spatial fluctuation flashed by, and he appeared beside Hou Yi.

Almost discovered by Hou Yi.

Fortunately, he made a decisive decision, changed his body, and turned into an old man, before Hou Yi found out that it was him.

He wanted to participate in such myths and legends as Hou Yi shooting the sun, but he didn’t want to participate with his deity.

After all, the Golden Crow is behind the Monster Race, and now he can’t offend the Monster Race.

Golden Crow is Di Jun’s son. If Di Jun knew that he had participated in his son’s Death and played a significant role in it, it would be troublesome.

Duobao looked at Hou Yi with a sigh, “Hou Yi shoots the sun!”

Looking up at the sky, ten Golden Crows were flying fast, in circles, repeating along the world.

After looking at it for a moment, suddenly, Duobao narrowed his eyes: “Huh?”

Divine Mind swept towards the sky, and fell on ten Golden Crows in an instant.

“The breath isn’t right… why don’t you have a sense of wisdom?”

Is Dijun’s son a fool?

Duobao was puzzled and observed more carefully, and soon discovered the clues: “No, it’s not that I don’t have wisdom, yes, I was burnt out.”

Suddenly, Duobao’s complexion became weird.

As the master of fire, the three-legged Golden Crow, who was born with the real fire of the sun, the most powerful divine fire, would be burnt unconscious and lose his mind?

Why does this matter sound so absurd?

Duobao instinctively didn’t believe it, but the message returned from Divine Mind clearly told him that this was the truth.


A little bit of divine mind swept across the Golden Crow’s body carefully, and Duobao’s expression slowly became serious.

“This is… the power of the cycle of fire?”

On the ten Golden Crows, Duobao found a trace of the power of the cycle of fire.

It turned into a strong and continuous firepower, instilled into the ten Golden Crows.

At this time, the bodies of the ten Golden Crows were like opening a passage leading to a great cycle of fire, and endless firepower gushed out of them and fell into their bodies.

“No wonder!”

Understood, Duobao suddenly, no wonder that even the Lord of Fire, the three-legged Golden Crow, could be burnt out. It turned out that it triggered the cycle of fire.

The cycle of fire is one of the Five Elements cycle in the prehistoric world, which represents the prehistoric world.

It represents the manifestation of fire in the wild world.

Although the three-legged Golden Crow is strong and dominates the fire, it is also under the fire cycle.

Not to mention these ten little Golden Crows, just those two big Golden Crows, under such firepower…

Duobao’s thinking paused, and he thought with some uncertainty: “It’s not necessarily. If you change to Emperor Jun, Taiyi may not be able to survive.”

“…” Nian moved, and Duobao looked at the ten little Golden Crows, with a hint of pity in his eyes: “So, after all, his strength is too weak.”

After watching for a long time, slowly, he understood why this happened.

“Because of the weakening of the water cycle, it is also the Five Elements coexistence, the Five Elements rotates, and finally the power gathers on the firepower, and the firepower is used to transform the world and inspire Five Elements…”

Doubao thoughtfully looked at the ten Golden Crows: “The appearance of the Ten-Day Survey is a disaster for the creatures of the prehistoric world, but it is a good thing for the world.”

There was a divine light in Duobao’s eyes, looking into the depths of the prehistoric world.

Wherever I look, I can clearly see that the Five Elements cycle is constantly running, especially the fire cycle, which shines even more.

The circulation of Five Elements is based on the cycle of fire.

Under the leadership of the fire cycle, the water cycle continues to grow.

In the cycle of fire, the existence of ten Golden Crows can be clearly seen.

The cycle of Five Elements is dominated by the cycle of fire, and the cycle of fire is dominated by ten Golden Crows.

It can be understood that the cycle of fire is a cart, and the ten Golden Crows are horses that pull carts.

Ten Golden Crows pull the fire cycle, accelerate the rotation of the fire cycle, and generate endless power.

Under the cycle of fire, the world stimulates abilities and recovers quickly.

“Hiss~” Duobao took a breath and looked at the ten Golden Crows: “So, these ten Golden Crows are still doing a good job?”

“Obviously I was doing good deeds, it is a great meritorious thing, but in the end he was shot to death by Hou Yi…Is it too wrong?”

After thinking about it, Duobao immediately sympathized with the ten Golden Crows.

It’s fine if you don’t understand the root cause. After you understand it, you immediately feel that the ten Golden Crows are really wronged.

Not to mention that their current behavior is not under their own control, even their own subjective behavior is no problem, and it is also a great merit.

“Uh…” Thinking and thinking, Duobao was stunned: “Is this a murderer if I do this?”

“Indirectly led to the death of ten Golden Crow?”

Originally, he thought that the ten-day survey was a catastrophe and a bad thing, and the ten Golden Crow was more than guilty.

Therefore, he made the Ice Bow Xuanjian without any psychological burden.

But now, he discovered the nature of the ten Golden Crow’s behavior, and also discovered their situation.

Ten Golden Crow not only has never had it, but has made great achievements.

Such an existence, because of his death, he is really sorry.

“So, save them?”

When Dubao had a thought in his heart, he waited to do it.

However, when he was about to do it, a great terrifying force suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell on him.

Did not cause any harm to him, but made him stop.

“Heavenly Dao!”

Duobao was silent.

Power is the power of Heavenly Dao, it is warning yourself.

Don’t see if it hurt him, it’s also because he didn’t do it.

If he does, the warning is more than just warning.

Duobao hesitated, but still didn’t do it.


He was puzzled.

It is obvious that Golden Crow is doing good deeds, but why did it end up like that?

They obviously have great merit, why do they have such destiny?

Duobao refused to accept it, but was unable to resist.

Heavenly Dao is too strong. Under the warning force, he involuntarily produced a small ant-like feeling.

“Sure enough, I’m still too weak.”

Suddenly, Duobao had a deeper desire for strength.

If he had the strength, he would not be so powerless when faced with the current problems.

He doesn’t need to worry so much.

Heavenly Dao warning?

It dared to do it, and it broke him!

Duobao took a deep breath, but unfortunately, this is just a fantasy, and reality is still so cruel, as always.

“No, although I am not a good person, I can’t let the innocent Golden Crow die because of me.”

After hesitating for a long time, Duobao still couldn’t get past the hurdle in his heart.

He stared at the Golden Crow in Skyrim, his mind flashed, and he wanted to come up with a solution.

After watching for a long time, he slowly discovered the clues: “Huh?”

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless, licensed world, it has no sense of self, likes and dislikes, it just keeps the world running according to the best development.”

“Golden Crow has done a great job in the world. By itself, it does not want Golden Crow to die.”

“However, Golden Crow has his destiny to behave in this way.”

“They have to drag the cycle of fire, and then end the cycle of water, so that the world can be completely stabilized.”

“So, they must die in Hou Yi’s hands.”

“The Five Elements cycle is the Five Elements cycle, but the Five Elements cycle fails.”

Duobao lowered his head.

Originally, Golden Crow behaved like this, after it was over, it would inevitably gain great merit, but because of the Five Elements principle of mutual growth and mutual restraint, and their own strength is too weak, they have no self-reason.

They can’t stop their movements by themselves, they can only rely on the Five Elements method of mutual restraint, using the power of the water cycle to break the movements.

Otherwise, the ten-day survey will continue like this.

If so, it was not them who surveyed the sky, and it was Dijun and Taiyi who pulled the cycle of fire, so naturally it didn’t need to be the case.

Unfortunately, the fact is that they are pulling the cycle of fire.

It was also because they were not strong enough that they had such destiny.

It is imperative for Houyi to shoot the sun.

Five Elements arises from each other, and Five Elements disappears from each other.

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