Chapter 127 Kua father died (sixteenth change, two hundred are ordered)

“It’s worth it, it’s worth it.”

Duobao was very happy, and the emergence of the law of must strike, made up for a large gap in his side.

With the law of must, some Magic Treasures that only existed in the brain before can be refined.

Moreover, with the law of must, many Magic Treasures’ powers can be Ascensioned again.

It can be said that one plus one is definitely greater than two.

For his strength of Ascension, there is no need to say more.

“Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains.”

Duobao was very fortunate that he had suddenly driven the Five Elements cycle to perfection on a whim, otherwise, he would not have this destiny, nor would he have the opportunity to refine the ice bow and mysterious arrow.

The most important thing is that he gets the crystal that contains the law of succor.

Duobao felt it carefully.

Although this crystal is not Magic Treasures, it also contains Xiantian Restrictions.

Moreover, there are not a lot of Xiantian Restrictions, there are as many as 32 ways.

What made him even more delighted was that these Xiantian Restrictions were all the rules that must be fulfilled.

Thirty-six Xiantian Restrictions are enough to carry the complete Dao law of one party, and thirty-two, although it is still not a complete rule of must.

However, the Thirty-Two Ways are already very strong.

In his hands, apart from the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Tai Chi Picture, Pangu Flags, and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian Restrictions of the 36 Dao Xiantian Restrictions, none of the Xiantian spirit treasures can match it.

Only twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs had the potential to catch up with it.

However, it only has potential.

Thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs gathered together, not inferior to Zhuxian’s Four Swords.

However, the difficulty of their gathering is so great that Duobao does not hold much hope anyway.

After all, so far, he has not had any feelings.

It seemed that the reunion of Dinghai God Pearl was far away.


The speed of the ten Golden Crows is too fast. Their sanity has long been obscured by the real fire of the sun soaring in their bodies, and they have no idea what they are doing.

They just keep flying, keep flying, only in this way, they will feel better.

Kuafu manifests his true body, crossing a mountain in a few steps, and crossing a river in one step, and the speed is not slow.

But even so, he still couldn’t catch up to ten Golden Crows.

Maybe it was the devil. Kuafu didn’t even think about it. The ten Golden Crows were flying repeatedly along the world. He just had to wait in place, and the ten Golden Crows would fly back sooner or later.

He just held a wooden battle, chasing and chasing constantly, without stopping to rest in the middle.

I couldn’t catch up for a long time. Slowly, Kuafu also felt tired, sweating all over.

He has been chasing ten Golden Crows. Although he hasn’t caught up with them, he has been suffering from the real fire of the sun.

The true fire of the sun is not a common fire, but one of the most powerful divine fires.

Even as a great witch, he was somewhat unbearable under such a long period of time in the real fire of the sun.

Slowly, without knowing how long he had been chasing, Kuafu finally stopped, suddenly feeling very thirsty.

There was a river just in front of him, so he squatted down, boasting his father opened his mouth and started drinking.

Since the huge suction power appeared in his mouth, the whole river was not too small, but in Kuafu’s mouth, it appeared so little.

Just one sip drank the entire river.

In this way, Kuafu didn’t quench his thirst, he was still thirsty and unbearable, so he looked up and looked for the source of water.

He stood up a few steps and stepped out, before reaching a river again, squatted down and drank again.


The huge river water was sucked into his mouth and fell into his abdomen.

Kuafu took a big mouthful, this river was bigger than the previous one, so it took a few sips before he drank it dry.

But that’s it, Kuafu’s thirst still hasn’t been relieved much.

He stood up and looked up, but he couldn’t find any more rivers.

“Water, I want water.”

Kuafu’s consciousness is a little fuzzy, and he almost forgot his own purpose.

Walking in great strides in the middle of the wilderness, looking for a new source of water.

It didn’t take long to walk, and suddenly the body stopped.

A trace of clarity was restored in his eyes, and he looked at the Golden Crow, who was already flying away from the sky, and yelled: “Damn the stray bird.”


After a curse, and no strength, the whole person fell down, making a movement like a landslide and the ground cracking.

At the last moment, Kuafu threw the wooden battle in his hand, spread out in the air, fell into the ground, and turned into a huge peach forest.

Countless peach trees were born, and within a short time, they blossomed and bear fruit, and they produced countless big, sweet and thirst-quenching peaches. Unfortunately, Kuafu could no longer eat them.

After chasing for too long and enduring too much real sun fire, he has reached the limit.

After falling down, he didn’t stand up again.

His body changed, Kuafu died and turned into a big mountain. Among the big mountains, there are two huge rivers flowing along the big mountain.

The Wu clan, when Kuafu died, the witch clan felt sorrow.

Hou Yi looked at the place where Kua’s father died, and clenched his fists: “Kuafu.”

After a glance, he looked at the ten Golden Crows in the sky: “It’s all you, all you.”

He went out and wanted to replace Kuafu and killed the ten Golden Crows.

“I will kill them!”

A thought appeared in Hou Yi’s mind.

“Golden Crow’s body is full of real fire from the sun, and ordinary weapons melt without getting close at all.”

Hou Yi was very calm, he did not lose his mind.

He knew that in order to kill Golden Crow, a powerful weapon was necessary, and he did not have such a weapon.

The strongest of the Wu clan is the body. They fight and fight with their own body.

Their body is their best weapon.

However, for Golden Crow, obviously, this will not work.

Therefore, he needs a weapon that is not afraid of the real fire of the sun. The Wu Clan doesn’t have one, so look for it outside.

Hou Yi left the Wu Clan and walked to other places.

Searching all over the mountains, all over the world, he must find a weapon capable of killing Golden Crow.

Kuafu is his good friend, and he must avenge him.

It’s just that the real fire of the sun is so powerful. There are many weapons and Magic Treasures in the predicament.

Of course, not much does not mean there is not.

In addition to the two clan of Lich, there are hundreds of clans in the prehistoric, these races are very weak to the Lich, but they also have a deep foundation.

Among them, he may not have the weapons he needs.

It’s just that after Hou Yi’s appearance, everyone knew that he wanted to avenge Kuafu.

He wants to kill Golden Crow.

What is the existence of Golden Crow, that is the Heavenly Emperor of the demon clan, the son of Emperor Jun.

Hou Yi dared to kill Golden Crow because he was a witch clan and was not afraid of a monster clan.

They are terrible, even if they have weapons in their hands, they dare not give it to Hou Yi.

If Di Jun knew it, after the autumn, the anger of the monster clan was not something their little hundred clan could bear.

Therefore, Hou Yi went to the Hundred Clan and returned empty-handed.

From the last race, Hou Yi was full of grief and anger: “Could it be that there is no weapon that can kill Golden Crow in this world?”

“Little brother, I think your bones are amazed. They are especially suitable for a bow and arrow. This ice bow and mysterious arrow will be given to you.”

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