Chapter 119 Emperor Jun refreshing his worldview

“You go slowly.”

Duobao glanced at Taiyi one last time, and after making sure that he would not be stopped again, he took one step and returned to Immortal Cave.

After Duobao left, Di Jun asked Taiyi, “What’s the matter?”

Tai One: “It’s what you see.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Di Jun to continue to ask, I told Di Jun from beginning to end about the matter this time.

Di Jun thoughtfully said: “So, he is fragmented, don’t remember what happened with you before, don’t remember you?”

Nodding too much: “That’s it.”

Di Jun continued to ask: “And in such a short period of time, he still has the combat power of the Quasi-Saint Realm?”

Taiyi corrected him: “It’s not a quasi-sage, but a surpassing quasi-sage.”

Dijun was speechless, how could all this sound so Fantasy, so dreamy?

If it weren’t for this statement from Taiyi, and he had seen something with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have dared to believe it.

This doesn’t seem like a fact at all!

It’s more like the dream sound of a madman.

“So, you are now Da Luo Jinxian?”

After buffering for a long time, Di Jun asked Taiyi.

Nodding too much, his body shook, and his strength was released.

The powerful force shook the chaos, making Dijun even more speechless and speechless for a long time.

“How did he do it?”

Di Jun felt that his own worldview had been greatly impacted, and he couldn’t understand the current situation at all.

Is this something that humans can do?

Fragments and even Magic Treasures things, he can barely accept.

But this directly knocked down the Taiyi of Realm, the original quasi-sage pinnacle, and brought down Da Luo Jinxian, and his strength had not yet affected, which was far beyond his scope of understanding.

I feel, this kind of thing, even if it is Sage…no, even if it is Dao Zu Hongjun, can it be done?

Too complicated, he also shook his head: “I don’t know.”

He didn’t know how Dubao did it.

Unable to understand, unimaginable.

But this is the fact.

Sometimes, the facts are more unbelievable than imagined.

After a long time, Di Jun took a deep breath and solemnly said to Taiyi: “This time, you did a good job.”

“Duobao…” After speaking, Di Jun’s expression was a little unspeakable. After a long time, he said: “This person can’t be wicked, but can only be good.”

“Isn’t he a caretaker of the human race?”

“In the future, my monster race will definitely not proactively provoke the human race.”

“If you can, you can also help the human race, so Duobao must not let Duobao feel bad about my monster race again.”

Tai Yi nodded his head in the same way: “I mean the same thing, Duobao… can’t understand it.”


“In the future, even if he is suddenly sanctified… it seems to be a matter of course.”

Di Jun nodded in agreement.

The two looked at each other and suddenly smiled bitterly together: “How could such a monster beyond the scope of understanding appear in this great wilderness?”

In the predicament, besides Sage, there was another existence that his demons could not provoke.

“Let’s go!” Putting down the thoughts about Duobao in his mind, Di Jun was a little excited. He looked at the Magic Treasures that Duobao gave to him, and he was very excited: “With these Magic Treasures, my monster race’s loss this time, Not only can it make up for it, but it can also be greatly strengthened.”

“In this way, my monster race has…”


In Kunlun, Duobao returned to own Immortal Cave and heaved a sigh of relief.

“I’m back finally.”

He looked at the simulated prehistoric world Star.

The black fog on it has disappeared.

Perhaps because all the magic shadows have been wiped out, the black mist is gone.

I felt the coordinates left by myself in the chaos again, and with a thought, the figure disappeared in place, appeared in the chaos, flashed again, and returned to the Immortal Cave.

“Sure enough.”

Duobao is relieved. In this case, the big customer of Emperor Er will be fine.

“Sanxiao, what’s the situation now?”

After the return, Duobao originally wanted to sleep, but suddenly remembered the three nights that he had been thrown into the world of fighting and conquering, and he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart, and the secret path was not good.

This time he went out, he didn’t know how much time had passed.

Although there are pre-set settings in the fighting and victory world, there will be no major problems.

However, after a long time, it is impossible to say.

With a thought in his heart, he fell into the world of fighting and conquering.

“Big brother, big brother, come out soon, we can’t hold it!”

In the fighting and conquering world, Sanxiao leaned on each other, one rested, and the other two attacked the surrounding magic shadows.

All three of them carried a strong breath of exhaustion.

The bloody light and killing intent in his eyes had disappeared at some point.

The eyes were also blood red, but it was no longer because of killing, but because of exhaustion.

“Big brother, the test should also be completed, let us go out.”

Sanxiao was very helpless, they had been holding on for a long time.

I thought this was just a small test and there would be no problems.

Therefore, they were originally very relaxed, but they did not expect that this so-called small test would last such a long time.

This time is so long that it is far beyond their imagination.

Even the original violence and killing intent were consumed during this long period of time, and all that was left was endless exhaustion.

In their spirits, the strong killing intent that originally existed was also consumed in this constant high-intensity battle, completely gone.

Dubao has set up this side to fight and win the world, I have to say it is perfect.

The opponents that appeared were all based on their Realm.

It will not let them cope easily, nor will it let them lose easily.

Every battle requires an all-out effort.

Originally, they never had any idea about time.

However, under such a high-intensity battle, suddenly, they had a concept.

call out!

When I was thinking of myself, desperate, and habitually shouting, a flower suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and when it appeared again, he was no longer in the realm of fighting and victory.

In front of them, a familiar figure looked at them apologetically.

“Big brother?”

“Big brother?”

“Big brother?”

When seeing Duobao, Sanxiao rubbed his eyes together, and couldn’t believe that in his lifetime, he would actually be able to see Big Brother again.

After confirming that he was not an illusion, they coincided with each other, three nights cried together, and rushed towards Duobao.

He rushed into his arms and cried, “Big brother, why are you here?”

The cry of crying sounded in his arms, and Duobao felt even more guilty. He touched the three small heads in his arms and apologized: “It is the big brother that is not good, it is the big brother that is not good, the big brother is sorry for you, the big brother… .”

As he said, his voice became quieter, and finally disappeared directly.

Because Sanxiao fell asleep in his arms.

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