Chapter 118 The First Arrival

Taiyi: “???”

It always feels like you have gone wrong.

Duobao thought for a long time, shook his head, turned around, and prepared to leave.

“If I want to buy Magic Treasures from you next time, how can I contact you?”

Taiyi suddenly remembered something and asked aloud.

He knew Duobao’s identity, but Duobao didn’t know his identity.

The 300,000 Magic Treasures seem to be a lot in number, but compared to the entire monster race, they are too few and not enough.

If possible, he hopes to equip each demonic clan with a Magic Treasures.

It’s just that the merits are not enough now, there is no way.

In terms of luck… this thing is not the same as merit. If there is less merit, it will be less. If there is less luck, there may be a major event, so he dare not move.

As long as the Yaozu keeps holding the sky, there will be a steady stream of Qiyun merits.

After accumulating the merits of luck for a period of time, if he still wants to buy Magic Treasures, should he go to Kunlun?

“Um…” Duobao stopped his movements, turned his head to look at Tai Yi, and frowned.

This is indeed a problem.

Di Er is a good customer. According to his guess, it should be the senior of a small family, or the patriarch, or Elder or something.

He bought these Magic Treasures for his own people. Otherwise, he alone would not be able to use so many Magic Treasures.

Given the vastness of the predecessor, even if it is a small clan, the number of clan members is not a small number. Three hundred thousand Magic Treasures are indeed not enough for them.

Di Er is not only a good customer, but also a big customer.

He couldn’t let it go so easily.

Thinking, Duobao felt the coordinates leading to own Immortal Cave in the chaos: “I don’t know, can this channel be fixed and can always exist?”

“By the way, as long as there are coordinates, can’t I come by myself?”

“Set up the coordinates in Immortal Cave and here, through the law of space, naturally you can go back and forth easily.”

Thinking of this, Duobao immediately relaxed: “So, in the future, if you want to find me, come here.”

Too much doubt: “Here? Chaos?”

Duobao nodded: “Well, it’s here.”

“From now on, if you find me, come here.”

“I will… forget it, I’ll give you a famous post.”

With that said, Duobao made a famous post in the form of information and handed it to Taiyi: “From now on, when you come here, as long as you take out the famous post, I can sense it, and it will come out naturally.”

Taiyi took the famous post, and just glanced at it, and couldn’t help being shocked.

This ordinary famous post is not so ordinary.

This is also a Magic Treasures, and it is not weaker than a paper knife.

The most important thing is that this post was made by him when he saw Duobao with his own eyes.

The short period of time made his heart tremble.

Suddenly, he somewhat understood the reason why Dubao could easily take out 300,000 Magic Treasures.

At this rate, let alone three hundred thousand pieces, even three million pieces, thirty million pieces, it is not a problem for him.

“Dobo, Dobo… lives up to the name.”

“Okay, then…” Taiyi was about to speak, and suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction, secretly saying that it was not good.

In that direction, a familiar breath was coming quickly.

Duobao also looked over.

Tai Yi could only feel the breath, but he could directly see the other party’s face.

He was dressed in a golden imperial suit, with a square face and a slightly thick nose, which made him look full of power.

Without thinking about it, you can see that this man is an emperor.

“Too…” Di Jun was very fast, and he arrived in a blink of an eye. He was relieved when he saw that Tai Yi was all right, and opened his mouth to shout.

With a squeaky sound, he appeared in front of Di Jun and covered his sin: “Brother, you are here.”

Di Jun looked at Tai Yi suspiciously.

Taiyi pulled Dijun and approached Duobao with a smile: “I will introduce you to me. This is my eldest brother, Diyi.”

“This is Duobao.”

“Duo Bao?” Di Jun looked at Tai Yi strangely, and even more strangely at Duo Bao.


If he remembers correctly, they are hostile, right?

After the meeting, he would do whatever he said. Why, he didn’t notice any feelings of rivalry?

Moreover, why would Taiyi say that he is the emperor?

His own name is Dijun, he can’t forget.

Di Jun was full of doubts.

Duobao looked at Dijun: “You are the emperor. You have been admired for a long time, and you are indeed an emperor.”

Di Jun asked Taiyi with his eyes: “What’s the situation?”

Taiyi replied with his eyes in the same way: “After I go back, I will elaborate on it. Now, you listen to me.”

Di Jun knew it.

Obviously, the current situation is different from what he thought.

The information was missing, and he was wise not to say much.

“Since we know each other, then, when you want to find me, come again.” Duobao nodded at the emperor and turned around to leave: “I’ll go back first.”

“Oh, good.” Taiyi responded, and suddenly reacted, god-tier said: “Wait.”

“Huh?” Duobao turned around and looked at Taiyi strangely: “Is there anything else?”

The wife said to Dijun, “Brother, I remember you still have a lot of merit, right?”

Di Jun nodded, of course, he is the supreme of the monster race, the ranking is still higher than the one, of course he has merit.

It’s just that he didn’t understand why Taiyi asked.

“Take it out and give it to me.” Said too anxiously.

Dijun didn’t hesitate, as soon as the golden wheel of merit appeared in the back of his head, he appeared in his hand and handed it to Taiyi.

Taiyi took the merits and went to Duobao: “Look, I want to have another batch of Magic Treasures, how about?”

“Anything else?”

Duobao: “……”

“These two brothers have a lot of merit.”

He whispered in his heart, and then Duobao was rejoiced again. With a wave of his hand, a group of Magic Treasures appeared again: “Of course, you choose your own.”

Taiyi was happily choosing Magic Treasures.

Di Jun’s eyes on the side were full of astonishment.

Staring at the countless Magic Treasures in front of Dubao, a monstrous wave appeared in his heart, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

“These Magic Treasures…how could there be so many?”

With Dijun’s strength, of course, we can see the power of these Magic Treasures.

But just because I saw it, I was so shocked.

“Every piece is comparable to Xiantian Lingbao!”

Dijun was amazed. He looked carefully and became more restless: “There is no Xiantian breath on it, not Xiantian Lingbao, Houtian refining.”

“How is it possible, how can he refine so many Magic Treasures?”

Di Jun couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe his own eyes at all.

He was shocked by the scene before him, and he remained silent for a long time.

In a short time, Tai One was selected, and he said to Dubao: “This, this, this…”

Dubao knew it, put away the Magic Treasures, waved his hand again, gave him the Magic Treasures selected by Taiyi, and collected the merits in his hand.

“Is there anything else?” Duobao asked.

Tai shook his head: “No more.”

“Then I really left?”

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