Chapter 120 Re-organizing the Three Views

They are really tired.

Even the existence of the fairy god level, under such a high-intensity battle, it will be tired.

Especially when Duobao’s own refining battle defeated the world, it was because of the combat experience of Ascension’s juniors and younger sisters, so the setting was more stringent.

In this way, under the continuous fighting of Sanxiao, it was naturally even more unsupportable.

Duobao sighed and looked at the three little girls who fell asleep in his arms with guilt and pity.

“Don’t blame the big brother, this is cultivation!”

“Honghuang is so dangerous, if you don’t have any strength, how can you survive?”

“Although our future is vast, it is just us in the future.”

“Now we are still in the cultivation world, we don’t even have a Taiyi.”

“If you want to survive in the wilderness, you need to work harder.”

“Although it was an accident this time, it is also huge for your Ascension. To a certain extent, this is a good thing.”

Duobao touched the little heads of the three little girls and was lost in thought.


He murmured a few complicated eyes, a bit bitter in his heart.

Originally, he thought he had already seen the essence of this prehistoric nature.

Although powerful, it is still being understood.

However, after seeing Di Er, judging from the merits he took out from his hands, he knew that his previous cognitions were all wrong.

A passerby who didn’t have a name in the original predicament, can show such a huge merit.

It can be seen that if it is the famous god-tier, how strong should it be?

Moreover, although Di Er’s strength is very vacant, it is considered to be some strength, not comparable to him, but it is much stronger than the younger brothers and younger sisters like own.

Even people like Di Er can’t become famous in the current prehistoric times. If his junior brothers and sisters go out, let alone be afraid.

If it weren’t for worshiping a good master and having a strong backer, I am afraid that people like them might not be able to survive in this cruel predicament.


Duobao sighed deeply, suddenly a little at a loss.

Master and the others have Closed Door Training, and handed over all the juniors and younger sisters to him.

The responsibility is heavy. Now that he is truly aware of the dangers of the great famine, he suddenly loses much confidence.

Even with the existence of Gold Finger and Magic power feedback, his strength is always in Ascension, and he does not have much sense of security.

Moreover, it is even more hesitant.

Suddenly, he didn’t know if he could really protect the younger brothers and sisters of own.

The most important thing is that if there is no Sanqing, he may not even be able to protect himself.

“What should I do?”

Duobao asked himself sullenly.

There is no answer, no result.

In the predicament, strength is respected, without strength, everything is imaginary.

“Xiantian Lingbao, Magic Treasures…what’s the use?”

Duobao suddenly understood a truth.

No matter how strong Magic Treasures is, it actually depends on people.

Can the same Magic Treasures have the same power in the hands of ordinary people and in the hands of Sage?

He can refine countless Magic Treasures, but what’s the use?

Can he perform as powerful as Sage?

In other words, can these Magic Treasures be the most powerful in his hands?

“Forget it, it’s useless to think more, it can only be Ascension who works harder.”

Duobao sighed and settled his attention.

“Realm or something, in fact, it’s not that important, as long as the strength is in Ascension.”

Now, he suddenly wanted to open up the problem he had been struggling with before.

What about Celestial Immortals?

As long as the strength is strong enough.

Realm or something, under the strength, in fact, it is not that important.

“Not only me, but also the younger brothers and sisters, also need the strength of Ascension.”

Duobao looked at own Immortal Cave, held the three nights, and pondered in his heart: “If you want Ascension strength, first of all, you need a suitable environment that can help him Ascension strength.”

“What I made before is still too crude.”

After watching for a long time, Duobao re-planned Immortal Cave in his mind.

He intends to use own Immortal Cave as a cultivation and training place.

He took out all the training and cultivation methods he knew, and used it as a cultivation place for a group of juniors and sisters.

His own words are unnecessary.

These have little effect on him.

He only needs to constantly simulate Magic Treasures to make more Xiantian Restrictions in his Dantian.

The more Xiantian Restrictions, the greater the suppression of Magic power.

Then release enough Magic Treasures, then his strength will naturally be able to steadily Ascension.

Perhaps, it may not be comparable to the Ascension speed of those famous god-tiers in the prehistoric, but at least, is it progress?

Dubao doesn’t want that much anymore.

Anyway, the time is still long, and he still has a lot of time to Ascension himself.

Duobao recalled in his heart, set and simulated various cultivation environments, and transformed Immortal Cave.

After thinking everything clearly, he put the three nights who hadn’t woken up on the bed, and began to transform the Immortal Cave.

“First of all, it’s Star.”

“I can create all kinds of stars, and each star represents a method of cultivation and exercise.”

“The composition of strength is nothing more than Magic power, Dao Xing, Dao Fa, the three.”

“Well, add another body.”

“The body can be exercised through simple and direct extreme exercises and various other methods. Relatively speaking, it will be relatively simple.”

“The Dao Fa requires a variety of environments, materials, and cognitions to make rapid progress.”

“So… I need to get some more materials, environment, and things to increase my knowledge.”

“Dao Xing… this thing is a bit mysterious.”

“Dao Xing is so profound that it is Tao Xing, and it is simple, but it is actually the knowledge of the Tao, the knowledge of the world… the understanding of all kinds of things.”

“It’s like knowing the manufacturing process of an atomic bomb. In theory, with sufficient materials, an atomic bomb can be manufactured.”

“Although there are other factors in it, having relevant knowledge is equivalent to having the corresponding Taoism.”

“Well, I have to find a way to sort out all kinds of information and create a pavilion, sort out all kinds of information, summarize, summarize, and understand Dao Fa, and put it in.”

“With Magic power, this is the easiest. Simply compress and condense. As long as there is enough pressure, it will naturally condense and compress.”

“At this point, I have the most say.”

The Magic power on Duobao, the Xiantian Restrictions in Dantian, are just like that.

“Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there is still combat experience.”

“With the means alone, it is easy to suffer without combat experience.”

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