Chapter 117 The Wilderness Is Too Dangerous? (Sixth, begging for the first order)

After this period of contact, Taiyi has already learned.

Duobao can only be good, not evil.

He absolutely doesn’t want to take advantage of him.

The consequences are too serious.

“Cheap?” Duobao blinked. Is it cheap?

Of course it’s cheaper.

After all, Magic Treasures were all refined by him, almost endless and renewable.

As long as his Magic power is enough, then Magic Treasures can be refined infinitely.

Things are faintly expensive, and for him, these Magic Treasures have to be dispersed to be effective.

Moreover, he himself didn’t really want any merit or luck, he just simply wanted to distribute Magic Treasures and add countless tools for himself.

The purpose is different, and the price is naturally very low.

“You are really an honest person.” Thinking in his heart, Dubo looked at Tai Yi weirdly.

The prevalence of this idea, there is such an honest person unexpectedly.

How did he survive until now?

“It’s not honest to say otherwise.” Taiyi smiled wryly: “Mainly your price is too cheap, taking advantage of you, I really can’t make it through.”

Is Tai Yi an honest person?

Of course not. If he is an honest person, how can he lead the monster clan?

That is to say, in the face of Duobao, change to another person, and see if Taiyi will be honest.

“Okay, just say this to you, you friend, I’ll make it.” Dobao yelled and looked at Taiyi with admiration: “You don’t have to get through, these Magic Treasures are all made by me. ”

“Since you like it, it’s useful to you.”

“I have already marked the price, as long as you pay the starting price, just take it, it doesn’t matter.”

Hearing that, Tai Yi stared at Duo Bao for a long time, and was sure that Duo Bao was not talking big, and he didn’t mean to lie to him, so you’re welcome.

“If that’s the case, then I will take it?” Taiichi asked.

“Just take it.” Duobao said magnificently.

Just a little patriarch, no matter how much you can get, how much can you get?

Moreover, the more you take, the happier for me, as long as you disperse these Magic Treasures.

Thinking about it, seeing Taiyi not moving, Duobao was a little puzzled: “Why didn’t you take it?”

“Well, I want a little bit, I don’t know, are you enough?” Taiyi said embarrassedly.

“More?” Duobao looked at Taiyi suspiciously: “How much do you want?”

“Three hundred thousand pieces.”

“How much?” Duobao asked in surprise, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Too First Stage repeated it, and reached out and clicked among the Magic Treasures: “This ten thousand, this fifty thousand, this one hundred thousand, this…”

There were a lot of them, he ordered a few Magic Treasures, and the total number was exactly 300,000.

Duobao was stunned, looking at Taiyi with some suspicion and asked, “Di Er, are you sure you want 300,000 pieces? Do you have so many merits?”

“I tell you, although we know each other, I can give you a discount on your face, but with so many Magic Treasures, even if it is discounted, the merits required are not few.”

“You… got it out?”

Taiyi said boldly: “No need to discount, I have, but I don’t know, do you have so many Magic Treasures?”

Although it was the first time he heard the word discount, he had already guessed the meaning of the word without using Dubao to explain it based on the information before and after it.

“Really?” Duobao was still very suspicious.

Tai Yi simply took out all his own merits and gathered them in his hands, like a golden sun.

“Hi~” Duobao looked at the merit sun in Tai Yi’s hand.

Indeed, the amount of merit is enough, and it is just right.

Taiyi chose Magic Treasures based on the number of own merits.

Suddenly, Duobao stared at Taiyi for a long time.

In his mind, he was thinking carefully, is there really such a person in the predicament?

Emperor II?

No impression at all, no information at all.

In the ancient legends he knew, there was no information about this name.

Obviously, Emperor Er had no sense of existence at all in the predicament, and he was not a big man.

But how can a person who can make so many merits be so inexistent?

Feeling Doubao’s suspicious eyes, Tai Yi’s heart hummed: “That’s awful.”

He was too excited for a while and forgot his own identity.

Now, he is not the Yaozu Emperor Taiyi, but just an ordinary cultivator Emperor II.

How can an ordinary cultivator have so many merits?

“Could it be that my identity is going to be exposed?” Too uneasy.

Duobao stared at Taiyi for a long time, but finally withdrew his gaze.

“Sure enough, the water in the wilderness is too deep.”

“An ordinary person who has no information in the original predicament can have such a powerful merit. If it is replaced by the Lich clan… how strong should it be?”

Duobao didn’t doubt the identity of Emperor Er, and didn’t have that motive.

It’s just that, from the ease of taking out so many merits from Di Er, I think of other problems.

Involuntarily, his cognition of Honghuang went up several levels.

Therefore, he brought a series of other associations, which made him think about his previous ideas and plans.

“Are you like this?” Duobao hadn’t spoken for a long time, and Tai Yi was even more upset. Finally, unable to wait, he asked cautiously.

Duobao raised his head, glanced at Taiyi who was uneasy, and waved his hand: “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter to you.”

“Three hundred thousand Magic Treasures, right?”

Duobao waved his hand to collect the merits that Taiyi had taken out, and then waved his hand again, and the Magic Treasures that Taiyi needed appeared in front of him: “Then, this is the Magic Treasures you want. The money and goods are cleared.”

I was too blinded. Looking at the Magic Treasures in front of me, I swept away my spiritual thoughts, and I knew that the number was all right, not only not less, but there were also two Magic Treasures that far surpassed other Magic Treasures.

“This is?” Tai Yi was puzzled.

Duobao said indifferently: “Looking at you bought so many Magic Treasures, I will give it to you.”

“Don’t you still have a Big Brother?”

“Two Magic Treasures, one for you and your Big Brother.”

“This prehistoric water is too deep and too dangerous. It will not be easy for you to survive in this predicament.”

“These two Magic Treasures are given to you, and I hope to give you some help.”

Taiyi was confused and puzzled.

The prehistoric water is too deep?

Where is it deep?

The prehistoric land is too dangerous, where is it dangerous?

Survival is not easy? Is this even more impossible to talk about?

Since the day he was born, he has barely felt any danger.

In the precipice, where else is it dangerous for him?

Full of doubts, Tai looked at Duobao and wanted to say something, but seeing Dubao’s dignified expression, he didn’t say anything in the end.

I always feel that if I say it, something bad will happen.

“So, thank you very much.”

Duobao waved his hand indifferently: “You’re welcome, I just hope that I can see you next time.”

“Hey, stay alive.”

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