Chapter 116 Magic Treasures Merchant (Fifth, Guiqiu first order)

According to the understanding of Tai To Dubao, these Magic Treasures are absolutely impossible for him to be the same.

The question now is, are there so many paper knives for each of these Magic Treasures?

If this is the case… Taiyi feels that his knowledge of Duobao has to rise a few more steps.

“How many are there?” Duobao looked at Taiyi strangely: “More is a lot, but you alone, what do you want so many Magic Treasures for?”

“For the sake of my acquaintance, just give you a few more.”

Tai Yi was silent. Sure enough, these Magic Treasures are just samples on the outside. They are templates. There are many such Magic Treasures on Dubao.

“It’s true that I have many people under my hand. I hope that if I can, I can help them bring some Magic Treasures.” Tai Yi said.

Duobao’s eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and grabbed Taiyi’s shoulder: “That’s it, then we’ll have a chat.”

“Looking at you being so honest, I don’t lie to you, in fact, I still have an identity secretly.”

“Another identity?” Tai Yi stared at Duo Bao with wide eyes.

What status?

Big disciple of Kunlun?

Heaven and earth respect?

Or something else?

Duobao: “Actually, I am a Magic Treasures merchant.”

“Businessman?” Taiyi pondered the word, and found that he didn’t seem to understand: “What is a businessman?”

“A merchant is a person who buys and sells goods. Oh, you don’t need to understand this word now, you will gradually understand it later.”

Duobao is much lazy to explain: “Simply put, my Magic Treasures, as long as you can have money, then I can sell them to you.”

“Money?” Taiyi heard a new term again, and the eyebrows were even more puzzled: “What is money?”

Dobo paused: “Well, I forgot, the concept of money has not yet appeared.”

“However, don’t care about these details.”

Duobao waved his hand, and many Magic Treasures shining brightly: “To put it simply, do you have merit?”

Nodding too much.

“Are you lucky?”

Tai continued nodded.

Duobao was overjoyed: “That’s easy, you use your merit and luck in exchange for my Magic Treasures.”

“Oh.” Too suddenly realized: “It turns out that merit and luck are money?”

Duobao: “…”

“Well, although there are some questions, but…you can understand that too.”

When Dubao thought, under each Magic Treasures, glittering numbers appeared.

The shining golden light is in line with money.

“What is this?” Taiyi asked, pointing to the numbers under the Magic Treasures.

He glanced at Duobao weirdly.

After living in such a diverse society, he thought that he already knew a lot, but he didn’t expect that the short time with Duobao left him a lot of doubts and puzzles.

While opening his eyes, it also gives a sense of inexplicable absurdity.

“This is a number, this is one, this is two…combined it is twelve.”

Duobao patiently explained: “As long as you have the corresponding merit and luck, you can take away the corresponding Magic Treasures.”

It was so clear, after thinking about it, a round of merit appeared in her hand, holding the merit, and asked Dubao: “Look, are these merits enough?”

“Enough, enough.” Duobao looked at Di Er very unexpectedly, and looked at him up and down.

“I didn’t see it, you guy, you are a character who doesn’t show up or shows no dew.”

These merits are more than those of Sui and others.

You know, Sui and others are three tribes and three ancestors, and they themselves have great merits.

Di Er put out more merits than Sui and others. What does this show?

Duobao looked at Taiyi more seriously.

Taiyi was flustered by him and couldn’t help asking: “What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

“No.” Duobao shook his head and secretly said in his heart: “It seems that this guy should also be the patriarch or Elder of a certain race, right?”

“Otherwise, there can be so much luck.”

He guessed that the second Emperor should be the patriarch or Elder of one of the prehistoric races, and only accumulated these merits through years of accumulation.

After all, not every race has such a unique advantage as the human race, and such great merits can appear soon after its birth.

He did not associate Taiyi with the two overlords of the Yaozu and the Wuzu.

After all, in his opinion, the overlord of the monster clan is Dijun, Taiyi, and the overlord of the witch clan is the twelve ancestor witch, neither of them is in line with the emperor.

The name is wrong.

Staring at Taiyi for a long while, Duobao waved his hand to separate the merits in his hand, neatly and smoothly separating the units.

“This unit is a merit.”

“What about your merits, there are a total of 13,000 units.”

“My Magic Treasures, the highest one needs three thousand units, and the least one needs only one hundred units.”

“You can be considered a little rich man. You are fond of those Magic Treasures. Choose for yourself. Tell me when you are done.”

Seeing Taiyi choose Magic Treasures, Dubao was full of joy deep in his eyes.

“This guy’s identity is not simple, and there should be many people under him.”

“If Magic Treasures can be assigned to these people, then my Magic power Ascension speed will be a step up.”

When I looked at a lot of Magic Treasures, my eyes were full, especially after seeing the numbers under those Magic Treasures, I was very surprised.

“This is too cheap!”

Inexplicably, a thought flashed through Tai Yi’s mind.

He took out those merits, originally only intending to exchange for a piece of Magic Treasures, after all, the power of these Magic Treasures is not weak, comparable to Xiantian Lingbao.

With these merits in exchange for a Xiantian Lingbao, he felt that it was not enough, but he did not expect that according to Duobao’s price, if only the weakest Magic Treasures were exchanged, it would be enough to exchange for more than one hundred pieces.

This greatly exceeded his expectations.

Tai Yi was extremely happy and did not rush to choose Magic Treasures.

Quietly calculating in my heart, it is even more joyful.

He is one of the supreme demon clan. Since the establishment of the demon clan, he has accumulated countless Yuanhui and accumulated endless merits.

The merits he took out were only a small part of the merits he possessed.

Originally, he was only planning to try in exchange for the price of the Magic Treasures of Dubao, but he didn’t expect that reality gave him such a big surprise.

“If all the merits are exchanged, at least 300,000 pieces can be exchanged!”

After doing some calculations, Tai Yi couldn’t help taking a breath when he got this data.

Three hundred thousand pieces, each piece is not weaker than the average Xiantian Lingbao.

Three hundred thousand pieces are three hundred thousand pieces of Xiantian Lingbao.

There may not be so many Xiantian spirit treasures in the entire prehistoric land.

Taiyi suddenly felt a little guilty. He still didn’t choose Magic Treasures. Instead, he said to Duobao, “Are you Magic Treasures too cheap?”

Although being able to exchange for 300,000 Magic Treasures that are no weaker than Xiantian Lingbao, it is a great benefit for him.

However, taking Duobao’s advantage in this way made him very uneasy.

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