Magic card gods

Chapter 191: The One-Horned Immortal Hand Power!

After two months of viruses and all sorts of strange biochemical elements wreaking havoc on the world, the worst has come.

Many creatures in nature also began to accelerate evolution and adaptation in this extreme environment, and even began to mutate.

For example, on the sixth day after Wei Yuan ruled Tokyo, a large group of crows with a number of more than 2,000 appeared above the large shelter that was being built in Chengdong District.

These crows are the crows that ate the dead bodies and changed. They become huge, increase in strength, and are full of destructive desires, like to attack other creatures.

Because it can fly, and its speed is not slow, its intelligence is relatively high, and it can even open door bolts and the like, so it caused a very big impact. Several workers were pecked and a few died.

Although the guns are useful, those crows are very cunning and often attack and cause damage. Ota Hiroshi, the person in charge of Seongdong District, had to ask the headquarters for help.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuan sent three three-eyed crows. These three crows rushed into the crows and pecked at each other. From noon to evening, they defeated all the thorn-headed crows. flock of crows.

Crows are intelligent birds, and they often act collectively in an organized manner. When some crows are injured, other crows will help take care of them, distribute food and so on.

So the three three-eyed crows took advantage of their powerful bodies and the physical fitness of monsters, and quickly subdued the large group of mutant crows.

Then, the Three-Eyed Crow said to Wei Yuan: "The wise and handsome boss, I learned from those little crows that they were lured there by a pheromone and kept harassing the camp under construction."

When Wei Yuan heard it, he felt a sense in his heart.

There are two main enemies now. Ark the ghouls are all reckless. Even if there is a scientific research genius like Dong Shengyue, it is still on the side of ghouls. It is impossible for them to have any pheromones to induce mutations in crows.

Besides, they mainly operate in the north and west districts of the city, and if they want to cause damage, they will not choose the farther east district.

That's Umbrella!

This company has a deep foundation, and it is not surprising that there is anything.

These grandchildren are still playing hide and seek with me here!

You wait for me to find your mouse hole!

After the mutated crow, the bases in the five major divisions of Tokyo also encountered giant cockroaches, four-toothed biochemical giant elephants that ran out of the zoo, large groups of mutated wild dogs, mutated stray cats, and the like.

These animals have all mutated under the pressure of the virus, and they have various abilities.

Some researchers have even discovered that even the plants in Tokyo have begun to undergo subtle changes.

It's just that the changes in plants are not as drastic and obvious as in animals. They are much slower and may take years to be seen.

Some biochemical monsters that have changed too much, even completely separated from their original species, are even recognized as monsters by [Demon Hunter Amulet (Blue)]. It can be seen how bad the state of the world is! If it turns from the biochemical category to the mysterious side, then the world will run amok too much, and no one dares to say what will happen then.

The test of this world has just begun!


"Are you sure it's here?"

Wei Yuan stood on the edge of the roof of the building, looking down at a park below. The Three-Eyed Raven No. 1 rests on his shoulder.

"It's right here, boss, look carefully." The hoarse voice with a strange accent sounded on the 1st.

Wei Yuan stared at the bushes and lawn below, his pupils kept zooming to adapt to the distance. Soon the lawn 300 meters away was clearly visible in his eyes.

"What's that on the ground?" Wei Yuan asked.

The park looked unremarkable, but there weren't any dead bodies or other animals around, not even bugs.

But there are black things the size of bottle caps on the ground, carrying something, which looks like enlarged ants.

The Three-Eyed Crow nodded: "It's a beetle, boss!"


"Yes! The old tortoise's half-baked divination said that a special experimental body, the one-horned fairy hand force, is right here. Our brother Sanya, we searched for a long time and found it after a lot of hardships!"

Crow No. 2 and No. 3, who landed on the ground, nodded repeatedly, and stretched out their arms, indicating that they were so tired that they were about to lose their hair. Great work!

Wei Yuan dismissed it: "Don't think I don't know, didn't the three of you send your little brother to look for it everywhere?"

"Cough... It's also very hard to direct the little brother." Crow No. 1 quibbled. Then he was swept away by Wei Yuan with a wave of his hand.

"That said, I've worked really hard!"

The three crows flattered immediately!

Number one: "Isn't it?! The boss who never fails with a golden gun works day and night!"

No. 2: "Every day manages all kinds of opportunities!"

Number three: "Thousands of miles in one day!"

Number one: "I broke my heart for internal harmony!"

No. 2: "Depleted essence and blood!"

No. 3 looked around, and suddenly felt that his vocabulary was not as good as the two brothers, mainly because his skin was not thick enough, so he could only choke out a sentence: "I have something to do as a secretary, and nothing to do... woo woo woo~"

Before it could finish speaking, it was suppressed by two crows covering their mouths.

No. 1 and No. 2: What nonsense are you talking about! Didn't you see that the boss took out all the sticks? I want to be killed!


Wei Yuan opened the phone map, but there was no red dot displayed on it.

However, the color of this picture is not right?

It's a bit distorted! There is chromatic aberration!

Wei Yuan fiddled with the phone and shouted, "It's over, it's over, it's over! Could it be that the screen is broken? Where can I find someone to fix this thing?"

However, when he zoomed in on the map, something was wrong. Why is there no color difference in other places, but the color is not right in this one place?

Wei Yuan began to zoom in on the map, and finally zoomed in to the maximum, and found that there were many small red dots scattered on the screen!

The red dots are too small, and there are many, so they cannot be seen on the normal-scale map, but they are so densely packed that the picture tends to be darker.

Wei Yuan thought of those little dark beetles in the park!

This special experimental body is called Unicorn Immortal Hand Force. In Japan, a beetle with a big horn is called Unicorn Immortal. Could it be that the beetles everywhere...

"Made! I'll try him!" Wei Yuan said harshly.

Wei Yuan said to the three crows: "You go and call people, I'll go up first!" After speaking, he jumped up and down from the top of the ten-story building.

Of course, he can't make such waves now, even if he can't fall to his death from a dozen floors, it's enough for him to drink a pot.

He pulled his dog fur coat, and the coat stood up like a hang glider, leading Wei Yuan to slide into the distance.

Although there will be a lot of impact when landing like this, it is not a problem for Wei Yuan.

This is Wei Yuan's seal enchantment on the dog fur coat, and it seems to work well.

The same sigil is different on different equipment. The cloak and dog fur coat can make him resist the wind to a certain extent, but if you attach it to the pants, it will definitely not have this effect.

Wei Yuan is also constantly trying and improving...

The people of Wei Yuan rowed over the park and threw seven or eight things casually. Two are grenades, and more are Molotov cocktails.

"Boom~" Following two explosions, the park turned upside down and trees fell, and a fire ignited in an instant.

Those small black beetles the size of bottle caps naturally suffered heavy casualties.

After seven or eight seconds, the ground began to bulge and crack, and then exploded instantly. A huge bug with a length of eight or nine meters and a height of more than three meters appeared!

On the top of this thing is an extremely long, forked horn like a curved spear. It is covered with a black and reflective chitin shell. There are many black chitin blades and spikes on its body, and its joints are wrapped in layers. .

It has six legs and a pair of downward shovel-like front claws, it seems to be a good digger!

Unicorn fairy hand strength

Umbrella special experimental body/mutated insect/evolved body


Seeing this, Wei Yuan thought to himself: Good guy, he looks so majestic and mighty! You are the one!

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