Magic card gods

Chapter 190 It's You! Ultimate Ball!

"This is Mr. Wei Yuan. When the disaster happened, he led the survivors to fight arduously in Bed Master City, established a doomsday shelter, and sheltered thousands of survivors. He even had the strength to bring the survivors The survivors wiped out the dead bodies, established strongholds in nearby counties and cities, and recruited local survivors. Now there are more than 6,000 survivors in Chengnan District, thanks to Mr. Wei Yuan. We welcome him..." Ryota Toyama took the lead in applauding.

After meeting and talking with Wei Yuan, Toyama Ryota sold the Tokyo official to Wei Yuan. The price is very cheap, it is nothing more than a complete death, or becoming an undead, leaving this sea of ​​suffering.

In Ryota Toyama's view, this false world is worthless, and these people can't even talk about life and death. It's like meat that's been shredded repeatedly in a meat grinder, pieced together each time, and then stuffed into the meat grinder again.

If he could trade this meat grinder for his rest, he would not hesitate.

Of course, many officials were quite unhappy with Wei Yuan, an airborne party that appeared suddenly. Even if Ryota Toyama, who is the supreme leader, endorsed it, it would be enough to make many people feel strange for such a Chinese person to suddenly rise to power.

However, Wei Yuan is not the kind of person who is afraid of difficulties.

He said to Saeko Busujima and others like this: "It is normal for us to be questioned and rejected when we are newcomers. As long as we show sincerity, we will be able to impress them. We must convince people with virtue!"

Less than a week later, the Self-Defense Forces were taken over by Wei Yuan's cannon fodder fighters. A despicable sneak attack on the Ark later caused the unfortunate death of many opposing officials...

Wei Yuan's eyes filled with tears, and he stubbornly endured it, vowing to avenge these good people!

About ten days before and after, the Countermeasures Bureau was still investigating its internal ghosts, and the interim government had already changed its leader.

And they also have a lot of powerful fighters, and they all hold a variety of Quinker weapons in their hands. Even better than that in terms of performance!

Yumu Wuzi, as Wei Yuan's biggest traitor in the countermeasures bureau, has used various means to win over nearly thirty investigators.

Just when the senior management of the Countermeasures Bureau expressed their dissatisfaction and did not recognize this unknown Wei Yuan, Dong Shengyue's incident happened!

He planned a big operation, the Ark almost came out in full force, and hundreds of ghouls attacked the countermeasure bureau's research institute and the big prison!

This raid was planned by Dong Shengyue, a big insider, and it was very successful. It almost easily destroyed the research institute, captured the big prison, and rescued dozens of ghouls!

In fact, Dong Shengyue was supposed to be an undercover agent until he became the boss of the countermeasures bureau! He designed it like this at the beginning, but this plan is still too difficult.

When he was clearing out the insiders in the countermeasure bureau, he decided to fight against the motherfuckers!

If there is no timely support from Wei Yuan, at least half of the members of the countermeasure bureau will die tragically, and more than two-thirds of the investigators will die that night. It is almost a foregone conclusion that Dongshengyue's Ark organization will dominate Tokyo!

But it's a pity, since Dongsheng was born, why was Weiyuan born?

Wei Yuan's team directly rescued nearly a hundred investigators, and there were more than a hundred investigators who counterattacked and supported them!

The battle between humans and ghouls lasted almost all night.

The final result was that the strategy bureau lost a lot, and the ghouls died a lot, and no one got a bargain!

In fact, Wei Yuan got a good deal, he got dozens of pairs just from Hebao...

Before dawn, the ghouls retreated, and humans still had to face the large number of dead bodies that were attracted by the ghouls.

Wei Yuan delivered a speech while sending people to treat the wounded: "Now, each of us is at a critical moment of life and death. Look at the partners around you, they are wounded and bleeding! And the enemy we have to face There are many more! There are ghouls that feed on humans, there are large tracts of fanatical dead bodies, and there is the Umbrella Corporation hiding in the dark to make troubles... We must be united if we want to survive! I beg you, Abandon stereotypes and unite. Let's fight for survival, for tomorrow..."

Wei Yuan began to perform ventriloquism again. In the drizzle in the early morning, in the devastated ruins after the war, he begged everyone not to give up, please unite, please come on!

Many young investigators were so excited that the bandaged wounds were bleeding again!

Even those old investigators who were very vigilant and truthful about Wei Yuan began to agree with his speech!

They didn't realize that their blood was boiling a little weird~

At this time, the five senior members of the countermeasure bureau could only smile wryly.

When the battle happened, I was not there, and I was not there when the other party came to the rescue.

Now these people were all rescued by Wei Yuan, and things are out of control...

Jingdong Chaoshi sighed, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse. And Da Tianhao said to the four with a dark face: "We still have the strongest investigator He Ma Shengxian, as long as we can..."

Before he finished speaking, several people shook their heads one after another.

Just like what Wei Yuan said, the current situation no longer allows for infighting. Such means as assassination are absolutely unavoidable.

Da Tianhao could only grit his teeth and admit it...

At the end of the second month of entering the fantasy world, Wei Yuan basically integrated the surviving humans, completely mastered the power of humans, and managed to dominate Tokyo!

After obtaining the technology from the Countermeasure Bureau Research Institute, Ju Chuan Shizuka has been able to carry out certain strengthening transformations on ordinary people.

Before that, Wei Yuan's resource cards were consumed a lot because of the need to strengthen the cannon fodder fighters. So much so that he directly and indirectly eliminated millions of dead bodies, but he didn't save too many resource cards. It can be said that it is taken from the people and used by the people!

Even some useless material cards were broken down into material cards by him and used up.

There is no need now, Ju Chuan Shizuka has already mastered the local strengthening method, and only needs to consume some special infected materials or ghouls' heaps, which is enough to support the battle.

After integrating human power, Wei Yuan was not in a hurry to start a war with Ark. He first sent several teams to sweep those other places.

He didn't come here to help the people of Tokyo to be happy and healthy, he came here to reap benefits.

Be yourself first!

Tens of thousands of dead bodies were brought to one place, and then Wei Yuan placed them in a large cemetery for batch harvesting!

The survivor was brought back and told him: Now implement the wartime regulations, you are included! Hard work pays off, and good performance reinforces it! If you are not obedient, just try the spiritual infusion of great roots!

Among the survivors, it's simply a matter of talking about it!

Even if there is no other gain from this fantasy adventure, Wei Yuan is satisfied with the growth of the Great Cemetery alone.

Today's large cemetery is several times larger than it was at the beginning, almost as big as a small town!

And here, there are nearly 20 million dead bodies wandering around the entire Tokyo area!

The soul stones have already been full, Wei Yuan has used souls to strengthen cards many times extravagantly, and has also filled a large number of souls into the big cemetery several times, giving it as food...

Today's necropolis is out of control.

Wei Yuan felt that he had to find a way to balance it, or else he would specialize in the undead route in the future. Then narrow the road...

Wei Yuan has already completed the perfect-level task [The King of the Ultimate Way (Red)].

At the beginning, there were still a few small gathering spots in the eastern part of the city, and those who had the right to speak were punks and the like, probably because they were recognized by the system as extreme organizations. So after being taken back by cannon fodder soldiers for labor reform, Wei Yuan's mission was completed.

Let alone the king of extremes now, Wei Yuan can even be said to be the king of Tokyo.

Wei Yuan won a title: the king of extremes!

King of the Extremes: When wearing this title, +10 Majesty, +100 Mafia reputation. Your reputation will make some villains who admire you pay homage to you, and it may also make some righteous people of the white way hate you.

Wei Yuan tried it out. After wearing this title, the people in the camp were cautious when facing him, as if they were very afraid of him. This is probably the +10 majesty effect.

And many people showed admiration and admiration for him, which shows that these guys are all bad guys!

In addition, Wei Yuan also increased the upper limit of 1 energy level, and increased the fluctuation of 5 energy levels, so he rose to level 2 and level 4!

His energy level has reached 145! Free attribute points have accumulated 12 points!

These 12 attributes can be converted into combat power at any time! This can be regarded as keeping a hand, right?

Moreover, after communicating with Ryota Toyama and a series of materials from the research institute, Wei Yuan has figured out the ins and outs of the ghouls.

At the very beginning, this thing must have been stuffed in by a Tier 5 boss through some means! It has been reset several times in a row in the fantasy world.

That boss is like raising Gu, stuffing all kinds of biochemical methods into it, let them fight and kill reincarnation, and finally become a new and strongest biochemical method!

Is it okay to use a small world as a laboratory? What a great deal!

It's rare to encounter this kind of fantasy world that has been ruined. Wei Yuan has someone to blame, and he must reap enough benefits in the last month or so!

Another perfect level mission [Investigate the ogre monster (red)] has also been completed.

Task rewards increased by 5 energy level fluctuations and 2 energy level upper limits. A random card.

"Wow! Draw a red card! I'm a little excited!" Wei Yuan hid in the room alone and rubbed his hands.

Wei Yuan started to draw cards, colorful cards flashed before his eyes, too fast to see clearly.

"Stop!" Wei Yuan closed his eyes and selected, then opened them carefully.

What appeared in front of him was a perfect card with a red frame, and the card picture was a weird ball! It is blue with bright grids all over, and four crescent-shaped golden decorations on the sphere.

【Ultimate Ball (Red)】

[Perfect Level Item Card/Capture Item/One-off]

[Ultimate Capture: A special poke ball made to capture the ultimate beast. You can capture monsters up to level four for your use. 】

【(Use times 1/1)】

[(use consumes 150 energy levels)]

【"It's up to you, Tiga!"】

A prop that can capture a monster no higher than the fourth rank is quite valuable!

According to Wei Yuan's understanding, the movie version of Godzilla, the one that can spray atomic breath, is only in the fourth level!

If you catch one, you can't give yourself a nuclear energy feedback!

If there is one, who among the low-level card disciples is still my opponent?

This is so fucking over the top!

Of course, this thing also has the risk of capture failure. If you put Godzilla in it and then spit it out after shaking it twice, it would be ridiculous!

However, Wei Yuan thought about it for a second, if it was just used like this, it would actually be quite a waste, since it is a one-time use after all. If only it could be used more than once!

Otherwise, try strengthening it?

Wei Yuan managed to stabilize his mentality: "Steady and don't wave! Now is not the time to think about this, I have to hurry up and upgrade! The time left for the Chinese team is running out!"

Wei Yuan still has four tasks to complete.

【Cannibal Die (Red)】

It is required to kill 100 common ghouls, 10 boss ghouls, and 1 leader-level ghoul.

【Doomsday Shelter (Red)】

This will not be completed until the end of the fantasy world adventure time, only 3 months.

【Umbrella's Special Experiment (Red)】

There are still five special experimental subjects left!

【World Survival (Main Line)】

I don't quite understand this task, but it probably means to let Wei Yuan continue the human existence in this world as much as possible, so as to slow down the uncontrolled rampage of the fantasy world and give the world a chance to adapt.

If this is the case, then I don't know how to complete this task!

And Wei Yuan has two enemies, the first is Ark, and the second is Umbrella. And harvest as many dead bodies as possible...

Wei Yuan: "Ah! In more than 30 days, I still need to do so many things!"

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