Magic card gods

Chapter 192 Calculation of Chiweilong and Dongshengyue

The battle lasted for more than two hours...

Explosive flames gushing!

The big beetle violently spewed out a large stream of red flames with black smoke. The tongue of the flame was fifteen to six meters long, and the pillar of fire was very thick. It strafed back and forth and covered a large area.

The red flame was so hot that the grass and trees on the ground were ignited almost instantly, and even the ground was roasted and cracked.

Moreover, there are irritating substances in the black smoke, which can damage the eyes, respiratory tract and other mucous membranes, and even the bare skin can be damaged.

Before, the big beetle almost exhausted its strength.

What is the winged charge that can increase the speed to the extreme in a short distance, what is the one-horned attack that can smash down a small concrete building, what is the sonic attack that flaps its wings and explodes, what is the swarm that releases tens of thousands of small carnivorous beetles in a large area Nibbling, what kind of escape secret technique is burrowing into the ground to lurk...

All kinds of methods were exhausted, but in the end, he couldn't fight at all, and he couldn't even run. Surrounded by Wei Yuan, Hao Mengmeng, Busujima Saeko, and Ai Xi, the chitinous carapace was shattered all over his body, two legs were broken, and the wings were also covered by the rabbit ears holding the ghost-headed sword. The woman ripped off a...

What a bully!

Isn't it just hiding in the ground and using small beetles to collect things that others don't want?

What a ruthless hand!

Wei Yuan holds a ghost gold stick, and attacks around the one-horned immortal. The thick chitinous carapace, which even a rifle could not penetrate, was cracked one after another by him. After several times of attacking a position, the green slurry flowed out from the crack.

Just now, Wei Yuan's cannon fodder fighters tried to use RPG to bombard them, but they only left a piece of soot on the shiny black carapace...

Wei Yuan fought hard with the big horned worm a few times, but was blown away. But he is also resistant now, a few scrapes and bruises are nothing.

This big beetle is the most difficult to deal with among the special experimental subjects.

It has huge power, amazing defense, and a lot of means. Even the speed is not bad, and it can even spread its wings and fly close to the ground in a short time!

This belongs to the kind of hexagonal warrior, all-round strong.

Wei Yuan even felt that the big beetle was more difficult to deal with than the dog god Fenrir, who had killed the big beetle before, and had a higher number than the big beetle.

Fenrir is undoubtedly stronger in terms of lethality and destructiveness, but has weaknesses due to its high attack and low defense. It's refreshing to beat an opponent who is not as good as yourself. But when you encounter an opponent stronger than yourself, you will lose quickly.

This is not like this big horned worm. Wei Yuan and others fought around it for two and a half hours. From the small park at the beginning, it was dragged five kilometers away. It took several streets to collapse before the battle was completely resolved...

The big beetle left three cards.

[Transparent cicada wings (blue)]

[Excellent Item Card/Wonderful Object]

[Chongerfei: The grievance of not being able to fly gathers on this transparent insect wing. With the transparent cicada wings, you can fly freely within ten minutes. 】

[(Chonger Fei consumes 2 energy levels per minute)]

【"Bug lovers strongly protest!"】

This thing is a bit interesting, Wei Yuan has no way to fly yet! This thing is coming!

good good good good! Wei Yuan was so overjoyed that he couldn't help but fly around twice for fun!

Who wouldn't want to fly in the sky without using equipment?

After Wei Yuan successfully enchanted the dog fur coat at the beginning, he jumped up and down more than 20 times in a daze.

Now I still look for opportunities to jump once from time to time, and those who can jump off the building will never take the stairs!

【Evolution Unicorn (Blue)】

[Excellent Summoning Card/Biochemical Variation Creature/Evolved Insect]

[Drilling: Drilling into the ground and lurking. 】

[Fire: Breathes out biological flames. 】

[Wings flapping: Fly in a short time. 】

[Insect swarm: Release a large number of small beetles to attack or work. 】

[(Each summon consumes 8 energy levels and lasts for 1 hour)]

【"If you die, there will be no peace..."】

"Yo!" Wei Yuan exclaimed, it turned out to be a summoning card. This feeling is good!

Wei Yuan just now thought that the beetle was very powerful and capable, which was a pity.

If it wasn't for the mission, I would definitely have to subdue it.

And here it is!

Finally, evolution fragments.

【Evolution Puzzle Five (Green)】

[Excellent props card/card fragment/set card]

[Subcutaneous connective tissue: Consume material cards to generate subcutaneous connective tissue with strong defense for the target. 】

[Strengthen physical fitness: Consume material cards to strengthen physical fitness for the target. 】

【(This is one of the fragments of a card, it can be restored by collecting ten pieces)】

[(This is one of the set cards, every additional set card will get a part of the enhancement. 2/4)]

【"Turn on the unicorn fairy mode~"】

There are 10 evolutionary puzzles in total, currently Wei Yuan has collected 456789.

Among them, 6789 is a set of four cards, 2345 is a set of four cards, and zero and one is a set of two cards.

The first set of cards enhances the basic attributes of the cannon fodder, and the second set of cards enhances the special abilities of the cannon fodder, such as subcutaneous armor, mutated limbs, and the like.

Now Wei Yuan is still short of the special experimental subject 0123, and 4 of them have not been found.

Maybe Umbrella knows the location of these experimental subjects, after all, he escaped from them, so he must be concerned. It's just that the strength is not enough to capture it back.

Maybe there are locators placed by them in the experimental body!


Wei Yuan guessed right, the red-tailed dragon did indeed know the location of the special experimental body, and also placed a locator in the special experimental body.

It's just that the locators in some test subjects have been broken, and the red-tailed dragon can only roughly know their range.

For the red-tailed dragon, these ten special experimental subjects are also very precious.

Originally, these ten special experimental subjects were outstanding among countless experimental subjects, and had extremely high research value.

It's just that the red-tailed dragon was dreaming of being the king of Tokyo, and wanted to make a fortune silently, and finally appeared as the savior, so he couldn't capture special experimental subjects with great fanfare.

And at that time, he had just researched the dead body virus, and had new inspiration for his biochemical weapon plan. He is confident that the dead body virus and the derived biochemical weapons he developed are definitely no worse than those T-viruses, G-viruses, and ancient parasites from the headquarters company. Therefore, he was not very concerned about the special experimental subject that escaped at that time.

Now, he regrets it.

After those 10 special experimental subjects escaped, new mutations occurred in the natural world, and a new evolution began. This is undoubtedly very valuable.

However, Wei Yuan had killed six of the ten special experimental subjects at this time!

These are all unique orphan experimental subjects!

"Fortunately, I found the most valuable one! This will be my most proud work! It will also be the direction of my evolution! The savior or something, it's not interesting! I won't be a human anymore..." Chiweilong sneered in the underground base .

He actually felt that he might not have a chance to be the savior! The humans in Tokyo have all been unified by Wei Yuan.


The Ghoul Ark on the other side naturally did not sit still.

Although Dong Shengyue's plan was destroyed by the sudden appearance of Wei Yuan, the power in Wei Yuan's hands exceeded his imagination, so that the balance was skewed. The situation is slipping in the direction of humans.

But Dong Shengyue suddenly jumped against the wolf, naturally there was a reason for him. He has already found the way to become a god, and he knows how to build a new world of ghouls!

It just so happens that humans are not in a hurry to launch a general attack now, so I must hurry up and give those people a huge surprise when the time comes!

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