Magic card gods

Chapter 156 Worrying about the country will collapse and the war will collapse (2)

Following the squad leader's order, several people running from a distance immediately tore off the tarpaulin at hand, revealing the shiny heavy machine gun underneath!

It's the kind of heavy machine gun with a bracket, using a bullet chain, and mounting it on a sandbag to form a firepower point!

Those iron-blooded tough guys in the movie can hold it alone, "Da da da da da~" The weapon that kills a large group of minions!

Of course, this is not the weapon hoarded by Wo Guoyi Xinhui before. Is hoarding this thing a rebellion?

This is the guy who was found by Soichiro Takashiro personally leading a team to a nearby military camp on the second day after the dead body virus broke out! He immediately realized what was most important in this world. Even food and water should be put behind.

Two heavy machine guns fired wildly when the big iron gate was torn open by Hulk! At the same time, there are things like grenades thrown out of the wall!

Gathering at the gate, the biochemical ghosts who were about to use the Hulk as an arrow to break into the gate of the base were suddenly in disaster!

Three of them were scrapped on the spot, torn apart and blown to pieces. There are also three seriously injured and disabled. Although they are still alive, they have lost their combat effectiveness. Such a red-tailed dragon would not recycle it, but would choose to leave it in place to fend for itself.

The remaining four biochemical ghosts also suffered serious injuries, with wounds, bullet marks, or blackened flames on their bodies one after another.

Even the Hulk had a hard time. It was shot by two heavy machine guns for two seconds, its front was full of bullet holes, and it was shot back again and again, and it almost fell to the ground.

Even if the Hulk is a red-tailed dragon that has been strengthened by Kabane's metal film, it still can't stand the two heavy machine guns. Wanting to rush in is almost a dream!

The survivors in the base cheered immediately, they knew they had defended.

However, the red-tailed dragon, who was watching all this through the high-altitude satellite and the miniature bionic insect reconnaissance plane, poured himself a glass of sake slowly, and didn't care at all when he fell on the deck chair.

He sent two newly developed special biochemical weapons back then, but now only one Hulk has appeared, and he has another "little baby" too!

These special types of biochemical weapons are transformed from experimental bodies that have certain adaptability to dead viruses. They are rare and powerful. Gave up the ability to infect, but got a stronger combat power. It can even hunt for more adaptive genes, and then evolve!

Those who can be transformed into special types of biochemical weapons can become awakened people if they are not captured by Umbrella as experimental subjects.

In other words, the red-tailed dragon is a special type of biochemical weapon obtained by experimenting with the awakened people in the reserve.

While everyone was cheering, no one noticed a translucent shadow, which had bypassed the horse-repelling antler barbed wire, easily jumped onto the courtyard wall and entered it, and then approached the two machine gun positions.

During the period, someone glanced at it unintentionally, but the faint transparent shadow just flashed by, and he only thought that his eyes were dazzled by excitement and nervousness.

Then, the machine gun, which was spraying furiously, suddenly stopped.

Everyone turned their heads to look in amazement, and found that two machine gunners and the ammunition delivery person beside them, a total of four fell to the ground covered in blood!

A "woman" wearing a red and white leather nurse uniform appeared behind the dead machine gunners.

"She" has terribly pale skin all over her body, and the blood vessels under her skin are blue-black, covering her whole body like a network.

"She" is tall and slender, with long white legs and a sexy nurse uniform, but her eyes emit a faint blue light, like some kind of cold light.

It had metal implants in the back of its head and a dozen glowing azure hoses floating. Behind it, a tail-like blue light tube sticks out from under the short skirt. Its ten fingers have been transformed into extremely sharp scalpel claws, and blood is dripping at this moment.

Crazy Baby, the masterpiece of Red Tail Dragon. It can use optical camouflage for stealth in a short period of time. Although careful observation will reveal some flaws during actions, it is difficult to find its traces in battle.

Moreover, it is very light in weight and has excellent jumping ability. It can easily climb over two-meter-high walls without a run-up, and its slender body is an excellent choice for sneaking into assassinations.

It is extremely deadly for all survivor gathering places!

From ability to appearance, this crazy baby embodies the morbid and crazy aesthetics of the red-tailed dragon. He kindly calls it baby~

Red Tail Dragon: What do you know? What's wrong with being a bit perverted? These babies who conform to my aesthetics, follow orders and never betray, who don't go shopping, make trouble for no reason, don't get nervous, don't complain, and don't sneer, are the best!

It seems that Chiweilong, a slightly perverted technical geek, has had an unbearable emotional history.

Crazy Baby quietly cleared the machine gun position, and by the way, used a sharp ten-finger scalpel to harvest a few stunned people around him, and then quickly made a long jump after the gunshot sounded, and then activated the stealth and disappeared.

It was shot a few times, and its state dropped a lot. Assassin, it's not as resistant as those biochemical ghosts, or even the Hulk with thick skin and thick flesh.

Just such a sudden change, three seconds after the fire stopped, the Hulk suddenly charged again, and then smashed through the iron door that had been torn open, and squeezed in!

It casually punched a person holding a submachine gun by the door and flew away. The person flew up without making a sound. He was dead before he landed, but the body still hit the wall, and the blood spilled out a strange picture.

The biochemical ghosts behind the Hulk also took the opportunity to rush in. The sporadic gunfire in the base could no longer suppress the firepower, and the biochemical ghosts rushed into the crowd and started killing!

These biochemical ghosts all carry viruses, and those who are cut by them will turn into dead bodies in a short time, and those who are killed will be infected with T virus and become zombies! Worrying about the country will fall, it is right in front of you!

At this time, among the crowd at the door, the captain of the soldier king who has been in command is an awakened person who has eaten white meat.

He did not give up resistance at this time. He dropped the submachine gun in his hand, drew out the sword, and actually fought a two-clawed biochemical ghost in close combat!

Moreover, relying on his strong physical fitness and the swordsmanship he had trained since he was a child, he suddenly killed the biochemical ghost after more than 20 seconds!

At this time, there are only three biochemical ghosts, and the few dead bodies and zombies on the ground have not yet got up, so there is still a chance!

But in the next moment, he was punched by the rushing Hulk and flew away. The sword in his hand was broken, and he was a mouthful of old blood in mid-air!

At the same time, Crazy Baby also appeared behind the crowd who were trying to organize, shot and killed several people in an instant, and then disappeared again!

It's over! Can't stop it!

Just when everyone was in despair, seven or eight people rushed towards them in the distance. They didn't wear guns, but they were holding all kinds of melee weapons!

They are the awakened ones in the base! Their speed was extremely fast, they ran a distance of nearly 200 meters in ten seconds, and then rushed directly into the battlefield, wielding their weapons and slashing!

Even biochemical ghosts can't stop the pincer attack of two awakened people, and they will be beheaded to death by the sword in just three to five seconds!

Not to mention those dead bodies and zombies who just stood up, they couldn't even touch the corners of each other's clothes, and once they walked past and couldn't see the opponent drawing their swords, their heads were gone!

Only the Hulk was very fierce, pressing down on the three awakened ones.

At this time, the crazy baby suddenly attacked an awakened person behind him from the side and rear, but he didn't expect that the opponent's horizontal knife blocked the scalpel's claws, and was even counterattacked by swinging the knife.

The five senses of an awakened person are nearly twice as strong as that of ordinary people, so they are not so easy to be attacked.

What's more, the awakened person who was punched by the Hulk before was still shouting even when he was vomiting blood: "Be careful of invisible monsters."

These people have experienced many battles, and they almost killed the crazy baby after being prepared!

The red-tailed dragon, who was watching everything, saw that his beloved baby was shot several times, and was slashed again. The bloody blood was not good at all. Immediately, he dropped his wine glass in anger, and rushed to the research room, he wanted to develop stronger biochemical weapons!

Soichiro Takashiro appeared when the situation was almost stabilized, and led his men to chase and beat him fiercely, and finally they worked together to chop the Hulk into pieces. It can be seen that he is stronger than those ordinary awakened ones.

And that crazy baby was killed by Takashi Komuro and Haoyong Jing who came after hearing the news. They wittily took a bucket of paint and splashed it directly on Crazy Baby, invalidating her invisibility, and then through superb cooperation, the two of them killed the Crazy Baby who was attacking high and defending weak without any injuries.

Gounaga Igo used a long-handled naginata, and Takashi Komuro used a short-handled metal baseball bat. The fighting power of the two is very strong!

At this point, the plan to worry about the collapse of the country has come to an end.

Forty-two people died in this battle, all of them were strong fighters, and they suffered heavy losses. A large amount of weapons and ammunition were also consumed.

The result is ten biochemical ghosts, one Hulk, and one crazy baby.

No one knew what was going on with these monsters, but the metal devices on them were man-made!

Takashiro Soichiro and the others felt heavy and were very frightened. Because obviously someone created these monsters and sent them to attack the base.

And the red-tailed dragon, who is very dissatisfied with the experimental data, will give up? Don't be kidding, he is so narrow-minded!

At this time, a monster transformed by the red-tailed dragon has already begun to be transported to Bed Lord City!

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