Magic card gods

Chapter 157 Worrying about the country will lead to the collapse of the war (3)

This sudden attack undoubtedly disrupted Soichiro Takashiro's plan.

He just started to "eat" the white meat of some disobedient awakened people, and this kind of accident happened, which can be described as quite unsatisfactory.

However, this battle made him more determined to strengthen himself. Especially, even if he eats white meat as much as possible, he is still inferior to Takashi Komuro and Hoinaga I, this feeling is very urgent.

At that time, Takashiro Soichiro finally killed the Hulk with the assistance of five or six awakened men and seven or eight gunmen. But Takashi Komuro and Jing Haoyong killed the crazy baby who was also a special type of biochemical weapon.

That crazy baby is as light as a swallow, and the agility attribute must have 25 points. The action is so easy and quick that ordinary people are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the face of such an existence, and there is no possibility of resistance at all.

Soichiro Takashiro asked himself, if he was an awakened person who ate white meat many times like himself, would he be able to resist such a monster?

This is because the awakened person has a great resistance to the dead body virus, and will not be infected into a dead body because of some small injuries.

In fact, Youguo Yixin discovered the awakened person for the first time, because another person was injured by a dead body, and he actually stiffened for three hours. In the end, not only did he not become a crazy dead body, but his physical qualities were enhanced in all aspects.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the red-tailed dragon's special type of biochemical weapon gave up the ability to infect.


Because of Soichiro Takashiro's sense of urgency, the base began to secretly trap a few awakened people who were not his own.

After all, the monster siege this time caused a lot of commotion. It is also reasonable for some people to disappear because of this.

And among the few people who disappeared, there was a young man named Makoto Ito. He just joined the base in the last few days, and he doesn't have many relatives and friends, so he is suitable for attacking.

Makoto Ito disappeared, and the world of Xiyuan Temple went crazy. But the answer she got from the worrying country Yixinhui was: "Makoto Ito was not found, maybe he escaped from the camp due to panic and disturbance during the battle, or he was infected into a dead body in an unknown corner, and was hacked. head down or wander off to unknown places."

After all, that small team of Umbrella biological weapons brought quite a bit of chaos. Many ordinary survivors even jumped over the wall to escape in panic, and there were also some unlucky ones who were dizzy and turned into coke when they hit the power grid.

At this time, missing a person is not a problem at all, how can there be time to search carefully?

But Xiyuanji World doesn't believe that Makoto Ito will abandon himself and run away alone! The emotion between them is very deep!

She was keenly aware that something was wrong, and she planned to find Makoto Ito by herself.

When Ito Makoto woke up, it was the day after the siege incident. When he woke up, he found himself trapped on a metal frame with large characters! This thing looks like a shelf for castrating livestock to bind it!

Makoto Ito was still a little dizzy. Wasn't he called by the members of the base to carry supplies?

Recently, my strength has increased greatly, and I have received a lot of such jobs in the base, so I can exchange for more food.

Then... Then I seemed to smell a strange smell, and then I woke up.

He scanned his surroundings, and it was extremely dark. Even with enhanced vision, he could barely identify several similar shelves around him by the afterimage of the dim emergency lights. Those shelves are tied with people in big characters like myself. It's just that those people haven't woken up yet.

Ito Makoto's mouth was blocked, and he couldn't make a sound, and his limbs were tightly chained, and he couldn't move. After an unknown amount of time in the darkness, someone woke up. But the two can only communicate with each other, and neither of them knows what the other is talking about.

After an unknown amount of time, the door opened, and two familiar people walked in, pushing a shelf out with complicated expressions. The room fell into darkness again...

After 66 hours, the modified monster released by the red-tailed dragon in anger was transported to Bed Lord City.

Do you still remember what caused the leak of the dead body virus and the fall of the Tokyo area?

It was that time when the ghoul organization, Ark, organized a manpower attack on the Umbrella branch after the ghouls were taken underground by mysterious forces.

In that battle, it could be said that both sides underestimated their opponents. Many facilities on Umbrella's side were destroyed, resulting in the leakage of the dead body virus, and the loss of ten half-completed special experimental bodies.

But the ghouls lost many ordinary ghouls, and even killed two high-level apostles in battle, and another apostle was seriously injured and captured.

That battle caused Fang Zhou to suffer a lot. Out of the 30 million people in the entire Tokyo circle, he had only selected eleven apostles for nearly half a year, and lost three directly.

This let them know that there are some mysterious forces outside of themselves, so they have to be careful.

Otherwise, with their temper, they wouldn't be occupying this small area in the northern part of the city. They will even try to break the inner city, conquer the entire Tokyo from the inside out, and build a new world of ghouls!

And the Ark Apostle who was captured by the red-tailed dragon was nicknamed Chimera. He got more Hezi and stronger power by eating the Hebao of other ghouls, and he was full of Hezi. So it is called Chimera, which means flattening monster. This kind of mutual devouring among ghouls is called mutual ghouls!

And this chimera fell into the hands of the red-tailed dragon, it was really thunderous, Ximen Qing met Pan Jinlian!

The red-tailed dragon unscrupulously carried out his own daring and far-fetched biochemical experiments on the captured intruder, especially since he still had dozens of corpses of ghouls, three or four living ghouls.

Moreover, the red-tailed dragon also discovered the strong compatibility of the Chimera, so it did not hesitate to put the things on hand on the Chimera.

Anyway, it's an experimental subject that I picked up, so I don't feel bad if it breaks. ,

No! It's better if it's broken! Just to spoil him! In order to repay the red-tailed dragon's hatred for being destroyed in the laboratory!

Now, this monster named Chimera, which has completely changed beyond recognition and lost consciousness during dozens of inhuman biochemical experiments, was sent to Bed Lord City.

Originally, this thing was intended to be used by the red-tailed dragon to deal with Sanctuary, but who made Youguo Yixin slap him in the face? !


It was an intelligent navigation container transport vehicle that came out of an underground tunnel.

This car must be more than ten meters long, and the red and white umbrella logo is printed on the huge box.

When we arrived at the place, according to the set procedure, the door of the container opened with a "pop", and a large amount of cold mist sprayed out due to the internal and external pressure, covering the ground with a layer of hoarfrost.

The container is in a low temperature and quick freezing environment, in order to ensure that the things inside can be quieter.

As time passed, the container that was no longer being refrigerated began to heat up, and the thick hoarfrost on the car door melted in the summer noon sun, and there was a crackling sound of ice cracking.

Soon, a huge black and red Kazuko grabbed the door like a fat tentacle, and tentatively explored outside.

That Hezi was thicker than a human waist, and looked very long.

Soon, relying on the strange big meatball with an indescribable shape, it squeezed out from the door of the container...

Because the container truck was not too far away from the Woguo Yixin Association, it didn't take too long for a convoy patrolling the base to find this strange container truck that suddenly appeared.

They cautiously approached the probe while turning on their radios to announce their location and discovery.

"Hey, hello, this is the 16th Exploration Convoy, and I am the vice-captain Akiyoshi Nara. We are collecting supplies and on our way back, we found a strange large container truck in the middle of Yuliangsi Street."

"I swear it wasn't there when we passed by in the morning. That means it was driven here in the last few hours."

"There is a huge red and white umbrella-shaped logo on the container of this car, which says... I'm not tired~" Nara Akiyoshi struggled to spell Umbrella's letters.

The correspondent at the base over there quickly replied: "Oh, it's Captain Nara. Is it the container truck that suddenly appeared? The middle section of Yuliang Temple, I wrote it down. By the way, Umbrella is not the father country of Americo Lighthouse Is it a company? I remember it was a biopharmaceutical company, one of the world's top 500..."

"Is that so? The car of the top 500 companies in the country... Wait, Captain Ding has already brought people there."

"My God, what is that! No! Captain Ding was torn in half and swallowed! My God, it rushed over! Drive! Drive fast..."

The correspondent in the base broke out in cold sweat immediately, and shouted: "Captain Nara, what happened? What happened to you? Hello? Hello? Talk!"

I heard a burst of shouting, cursing and wailing over there, and then the movement of the vehicle overturning, and soon there was no movement.

"Hello? Hello? Captain Nara, are you okay? Is there anyone alive? Hello?"

A black and red Hezi tentacle came upon hearing the sound and crushed the walkie-talkie...

Yesterday's grades were so miserable, what was the reason?

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