Magic card gods

Chapter 155 Worrying about the country will lead to the collapse of the war (1)

The biochemical ghost of the red-tailed dragon was transported by him from the underground pipeline space to Bed Lord City.

When the Tokyo underground drainage system was being built, Umbrella rebuilt the main project, so he brought a lot of private goods during the construction. Now it's all the convenience of the red-tailed dragon.

Therefore, those major engineering and technical projects must not rely on others. You don't know how many back doors people will leave.

This time the red-tailed dragon dispatched ten glowing red biochemical ghosts, as well as two other new biochemical weapons of different models that he had just completed modification.

After all, the dead body virus is a virus that has just completed transformation, and many characteristics have not yet been fully grasped by the developer Chiweilong. What's more, the people in the Tokyo area today are not ordinary. They have their own Rc cells in their bodies, and there are hidden recessive Kabane trait genes, which can be described as a treasure house of genes.

Coupled with the original virus resources of Umbrella Corporation that Chiweilong had in hand...

The red-tailed dragon feels that he has new discoveries and new gains every day. If it is not for the extremely arrogant dream of dominating the world, the red-tailed dragon would like to hide underground to do research, and would not come out at all.

But even now, he is still gaining a lot, and the progress of various researches is increasing rapidly, and there will be surprises from time to time.

For example, these two special-model biological and chemical weapons that have been completed, and the special-model biological and chemical weapons that are about to be completed and have entered the experimental stage.

It was noon when the biochemical weapon of the red-tailed dragon arrived in Bed Lord City.

It would have been a wise choice to attack the Concerned Country Yixin Association at night. After all, no matter how alert human beings are, night is still their most vulnerable time.

But isn't the red-tailed dragon partial? He is proud~

Red-tailed Dragon: My biochemical weapon is going to sneak attack at night, is there any hope for it? What do I need them for?

give it to me! On the front! Let me see their fighting power! The data group adjusted the satellite angle and collected first-hand actual combat data for me. Check out how my two newly developed darlings are doing!

The red-tailed dragon not only wants to defeat the defense of the base of the Worrying Country Yixin Society openly and aboveboard, but also collects the battle data of two upgraded special-model biochemical weapons.

So, before the convoy that Youguo Yixin would go out to dispatch missions in the afternoon set off, several guards on guard hurriedly blew their military whistles.

The sharp whistle frightened the nearby people, because every time the sound sounded, damage would inevitably occur.

The sentinel in the tall sentry tower rang a huge copper bell under tremendous pressure. This was originally a wake-up bell in a shrine, and it was twice bigger than a human head.

It is the thing that the Japanese people shake the rope and make a sound before they visit, and then pray. It is also called Benpingling, which represents awakening the sleeping gods. Generally, wash your hands first, then ring the bell, then throw money, then bow, clap your hands, and make a wish.

The meaning of clapping is also to remind the gods to pay attention: I gave money, and now I want to make a wish! God, listen up! Where's your fucking actress? Pull up ten for book friends~

It's just that at this time, people can't protect themselves, who can control the gods? If you don't bring the statue back, then you are being particular about it. The metal of the big copper bell will never be left behind.

The big brass bell was taken back and placed on the watchtower to remind everyone of dangerous situations at critical moments.

Generally, ten or eight dead bodies wandered over smelling the smell, and the sentinels communicated with walkie-talkies and sent someone to kill them. Ring the bell only in an emergency.

What happened to make the sentinel ring the wake-up bell?

Many well-trained members immediately dropped their tasks at hand, grabbed various weapons and rushed towards the entrance.

The base of the Worried Country Yixin Society is huge, but the walls are only two and a half meters high and thin brick walls, which are incomparable to the half-meter-thick walls of Weiyuan Refuge.

Because I was worried that if there was no entrance, the accumulation of a large number of dead bodies might push down the wall or the arhats would climb over the wall, so the gate at the entrance was open, with only some temporarily made horse-repelling antlers as barriers, and barbed wire.

The electrified barbed wire is so powerful that a touch of a dead body can turn an arm into coke. The whole climbed up and turned into a piece of coke.

By the time the thirty or forty people reached the gate, the oncoming enemy was already approaching. Not only the people on the wall and the sentry tower could see it, but also the people at the gate!

Those are actually ten red skinless monsters with black pipes stuck into their bodies, huge iron hook knives on their arms, and a "blue light" on their chests!

These monsters didn't have a mouthful of teeth on their lips, and their entire faces were tight, uglier than the Red Skull in Marvel!

This is not a good thing!

But in front of the ten biochemical ghosts was a huge bright green monster that was two meters tall and nearly two meters wide!

Because this monster is too strong, it looks a bit short, but compared with the biochemical ghost around it, it is a bit taller than the 1.9 meter biochemical ghost!

In fact, Chiweilong is a typical Dongying Xiaori who is barely 1.6 meters tall (wearing inner heightening)... a man who lives a good life. He has resented his height since he was a child.

On the one hand, he is proud that he is unparalleled in talent, but on the other hand he has low self-esteem because he is thin, small and ugly, obviously not a good genetic individual.

Probably to make up for the lack of heart, none of the biochemical weapons he developed is short.

Even if the researcher said that 1.8 meters is more conducive to the biochemical ghost's strength, 1.9 meters is completely wasteful and redundant. But the red-tailed dragon was unmoved, and directly threw the researcher into the experimental cabin as a test object!

That's right, the red-tailed dragon is so narrow-minded!

The figure of the Hulk is the figure that the red-tailed dragon dreamed of having when he was a child!

That's right, Chiweilong likes to read bloody fighting comics the most. Those characters whose muscles are exaggerated to the point of not being human are his favorites!

The hulk is not only tall and strong, but also has glossy green skin, which is also glowing with fluorescence. There are countless veins like veins on the body surface that are even more shining! It feels like a weird green humanoid self-propelled lantern!

Umbrella's Tokyo branch was previously responsible for some of the experimental tasks assigned by the headquarters, including transcribing the plant's DNA into the human body through the T-virus, which is the reason for the Hulk's skin color.

The reason why it has green fluorescence and those shiny lines is because a large number of Kabane heart cells have been injected into its body, resulting in a strange adaptive change.

Through the research on the metal film of Kabane's heart, the biochemical weapons of Chitailosaurus are all "perpetual motion machines" that can operate for a long time without eating.

The reason why this guy dares to be so conceited and self-willed is somewhat level.

The hulk was two meters tall and two meters wide, with green fluorescence all over his body, and even more shiny lines. There is metal armor on the chest, a special black iron mechanical mask on the face, and raised green bone spurs on the back! The weight is huge, and there is a "boom" when one foot goes down to the ground!

Many members of the Worrying for the Country and One Heart Association were stunned. Even though they had beaten dead bodies for more than ten days, they still couldn't accept this kind of monster!

But those elite figures such as captains are all retired from the Self-Defense Forces, and some are special forces, who can be close experts for actresses, and they don't touch a finger for thousands of chapters. They are the elite of the elite, the king of soldiers!

"Shoot!" A soldier king sternly shouted.

The rest of them instinctively acted according to the order and pulled the trigger. In an instant, there was loud gunfire and gunpowder smoke!

The biochemical ghost who swaggered up was trembling all over, and was even repelled many times, with blue-green blood flying from his body!

But the hulk was so strong that even bullets piercing the muscles couldn't stop it.

The shiny lines all over its body suddenly flickered, and then its speed unexpectedly doubled, one step down was three or four meters, and it quickly approached the first barbed wire fence!

The short hulk flashed across like a ray of green light, and everyone present panicked!

Submachine guns and pistols crackled, and they didn't care about the consumption of bullets at all.

More than twenty long and short guns gave up other targets to focus on the Hulk, and it was hit with green blood spattering all over it, stagnating.

However, those ten biochemical ghosts were in for a treat! Start various S-shaped moves and bunker advances, and quickly approach the gate!

"Close the door! Close the door! Quickly close the door!" A small captain shouted!

The group of gunmen, sweating profusely, stepped back and fired cross-fire to ensure that the monsters could not get close. Soon they were back inside the gate. And the door of the mechanical power also closed with a "boom".

After the explosion of the dead body, in order to ensure safety, the door was reinforced by multiple welding. More than a dozen layers of 3mm steel plates were welded on it, and a motor was needed to quickly close and open it.

Without fire suppression in a short period of time, the Hulk became energetic, charged suddenly, and directly smashed through the unimpeded barbed wire fence, and the power grid did not play any role at all. And the horse antlers welded to the iron pipe were also knocked away several times, and then the Hulk "Duang" slammed into the big iron gate!

The pure steel gate with a thickness of more than ten centimeters suddenly turned into a huge pit more than twenty centimeters deep!

Those inside the door even saw small sharp bumps on the raised iron plate, which were the hard bony spines on Hulk's shoulders and back!

The squad leader of the soldier king who had been in command suddenly shouted: "Machine gun! Load the machine gun! There are grenades! Hold on! Hold on to me! Send someone to the west district to ask for the team leader Gaocheng!"

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