Magic card gods

Chapter 154 The Fragrant White Meat of the Awakened

Soichiro Takashiro was very happy when Takashi Komuro and others arrived at the Yokoku Yixinhui!

After all, Soichiro Takashiro had already marked his daughter as death in his heart, but he didn't expect that his daughter would come back with a full beard! Just come back! In other words, she is also the daughter I have raised for more than ten years! The huge investment has not yet paid off!

No, this time it's back to the original. Not only did the daughter come back by herself, but she also kidnapped two silly boys who seemed to have evolved!

That's right, Soichiro Takashiro "one-heartedly for the public", in the past ten days after the dead body virus broke out, he never sent anyone to search and rescue his only daughter.

Regardless of whether he is extremely rational or has more than enough energy, he has never attempted a rescue operation anyway. Sadness or related emotions were not even present.

It can be seen from the name Woguo Yixinhui that Soichiro Takashiro is a very ambitious militarist (harmonious) nationalist, but the peaceful era cannot give him enough opportunities. At most, he can only form a Concerned about the Country and One Heart Association, and act as a white glove for some political leaders, and be a person who is neither black nor white. This is naturally extremely far away from the ambition in his heart.

This outbreak of dead bodies not only made the members of the Worrying Country One Heart Association begin to look after him, but also made many survivors who defected to him regard him as a life-saving leader!

Power is a poison that corrodes people's hearts, especially when you want it so much and you can't ask for it, it suddenly comes.

Takashiro Soichiro now wants to make the Youguoyixin Association bigger and stronger, and become the only gathering place for survivors in Bed City, and he is the leader of these survivors. Then, he used this as a bargaining chip to get a high position in the surviving official government in the inner city!

That's right, the Worried Country Yixin Society received a message from the interim official government of the inner city through the military channel radio. It's just that this news is currently only known to him and some of his confidants.

They worry that once other survivors know the existence of the interim government, they may have the idea of ​​defecting to the government.

Sometimes, Soichiro Takashiro would even smile when he was alone in the dead of night.

"This catastrophe... Could it be that Kensu Susanoo gave me the opportunity to realize my dream?" Susanoo is regarded by Takashiro Soichiro as the most powerful male god, a symbol of power and strength.

Although Takashiro Soichiro couldn't tell others about his joy, not even his wife. But he can't help but think so!

In his opinion, he, who was wasted to forty years old, is finally on the right track of hegemony!

If a person pays too much attention to a distant and ethereal goal, he will ignore what is in front of him.

So Takashiro Soichiro didn't care much about Takashi Saya, even though she was his only daughter. But he is not a son and cannot inherit the family business. Even if it is a son, it doesn't matter, I am still young, and I can give birth to countless sons with women!

Unlike Soichiro Takashiro's "reasonable to cruel and cruel", Takashiro Saya's mother Yuriko Takashiro has been going out with the team these days, collecting supplies in name, but has been searching in the direction of Fujimi Gakuen.

Although she kept silent, she couldn't let go of saving her daughter. Otherwise, as the wife of Soichiro Takashiro, she would not have undertaken such a dangerous mission.

Of course, more than ten kilometers is almost an insurmountable distance in this city full of dead bodies.

Soichiro Takashiro once talked to Yuriko Takashiro, hoping that she would give up this futile behavior. There are countless affairs in the base that she needs to deal with. It turned out to be an unpleasant conversation.

Although the two have not changed on the surface, and they still act like husband and wife in front of their subordinates, but they have fallen into a cold war in private

It was also because of Yuriko Takashiro's not giving up that she miraculously met her daughter and her party who had broken through on the street, and finally brought them back to the Worried Country Yixinhui.

Soichiro Takashiro was very pleased with his daughter's return. After all, after more than ten years of raising her, she would be blind when she died.

But what was even more gratifying was that among the few survivors brought back by her daughter, there were actually two young people who were "awakened"!

The name Awakened was given by Soichiro Takashiro and his cronies.

This kind of person, who seems to have evolved suddenly, will enhance all aspects of his body in just a few days, and finally look like a little superman, both in terms of strength, speed and physique, far surpassing ordinary people.

If they also have a simple system, they will find that the attributes of these so-called awakened people are all between 15 and 20!

When an attribute is twice as high as that of ordinary people, the combat power will increase to several times or even ten times that of ordinary people!

That kind of crazy attacking dead body is fatal to ordinary people, even if they have weapons in their hands, they are very, very dangerous.

But for these awakened ones, it is cutting melons and vegetables. Dead bodies with less than 20 people cannot threaten an awakened person holding a machete.

Komuro Takashi and Jing Haoyong are the outstanding ones among the awakened ones, and two of the three attributes of strength, body and sensitivity have reached 20!

The combat power is stronger than the Awakened under Takashiro Soichiro who has undergone strict military training and countless street fights!

For Soichiro Takashiro, these are the two generals who came to his door! This must be Susanoo's arrangement!

He wished that in front of the two of them, he picked up his daughter and fell to the ground with a broken back, and then cried while cursing: "For your useless girl, you have hurt my two generals!"

However, he soon learned from the indifferent Yuriko Takashiro that the two generals were attracted to a girl at the same time. Most importantly, this girl is not his daughter!

Soichiro Takashiro was very unhappy. Is this general about to fly?

He recruited his daughter to start a chat, telling about his involuntary self-control as the president of the Worrying for the Country and the leader of the survivor camp... This made him indifferent, hiding the pain in his heart, and unable to send someone to rescue his daughter. If Takashiro Saya resented him, he had nothing to say.

Takashi Saya quickly understood his father's "difficulties and burdens" and expressed his understanding of his father.

Then his father uncharacteristically put away his serious and serious expression, and began to kindly ask his daughter about her emotional life, and encouraged her to chase after her sweetheart.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is one sweetheart or two sweethearts, it would be even better if they can both catch up. Dealing with two young people like Rei Miyamoto is just perfect.

But Takashiro Soichiro didn't say this, he decided to let Takashi Yuriko "teach" his daughter as a mother.


As night fell, the power grid of the Worried Country One Heart Society was brightly lit. They store a huge amount of oil, and they have enough generators. So neither lighting nor grid is a problem.

It was a rare and peaceful night, without the sporadic sounds of crossbow firing and slashing of knives to the neck of the body, everyone could sleep soundly. Even the guards can relax their tense nerves.

At this time, the sentinels on the temporary watchtower behind the power grid saw their admirable chairman, Soichiro Takashiro, patrolling the base with four confidantes, and had to sigh in their hearts: three times without entering the room, it would be too late. Chang is really dedicated to the public!

Soichiro Takashiro took his cronies to patrol the base for a week, then entered a secret passage and came to the basement.

A white-glove semi-polar organization like the Worrying Country One Heart Association naturally wants to build a basement. And it also took advantage of official convenience to store a lot of guns and ammunition. Otherwise, in the initial stage of the dead body outbreak, it would not be so smooth to unite hundreds of people.

Now this underground secret room is as bloody and dark as a torture room.

Several dead bodies were hung up with their mouths sealed, and there was a tall but deformed strange man who was using a sharp knife to plan open their backs, and then took out a few strips of white as jade meat from the side of the spine.

The white meat was as white as jade and exuded a strange fragrance, which made people feel the urge to eat it.

The dead body that had its white flesh taken away would immediately become sluggish, and even stop struggling. Although he was still alive, he had turned into a paralyzed posture like Ge You, lifeless.

It seems that not all dead bodies have this kind of "white meat" on their spines, and after the deformed man cuts open a dead body without white meat, he will roar angrily and chop off the dead body's head.

That freak looks like a freak killer in an American horror thriller, plus the scary black leather mask on his mouth to prevent him from stealing, it's even more hideous!

This white meat is the "evolved meat" produced in some powerful dead bodies. The name "evolved meat" is also the name given by Soichiro Takashiro and his cronies.

They discovered this kind of meat by accident, and found that after eating this fragrant white meat, their physical fitness improved rapidly, and the more they ate, the more they improved!

If Wei Yuan knew about this, he would have to exclaim: Isn’t this the backward setting in the zombie doomsday survival novel ten years ago?

And in this basement, not only are there more than a dozen dead bodies selected with the potential to produce white flesh, but there is actually one person!

This person is a naturally awakened person in the survivor base of the Worrying Country One Heart Association, but he is not very "obedient", so after a conflict, this person fled in the dark, and it is said that he stole a lot of supplies.

Unexpectedly, the person who was considered to be stealing and running away would be locked up in this basement.

Because... not only the dead will produce white meat, but also the awakened who have begun to evolve.

Even because these naturally awakened people are stronger and more adaptable to evolution, they have more white meat and better quality!

Soichiro Takashiro hadn't made up his mind before, so the awakened one didn't die. However, after he came into contact with Komuro Takashi and Jing Haoyong, the "second-level awakeners" who are super ordinary awakeners, he couldn't hold back his unwillingness!

He can't tolerate someone stronger than himself!

"Do it!" he said to the deformed executioner.

That grotesque man raised his bloody sharp knife and smiled uglyly...

This Worrying for the Country is a right-wing organization in the original book, no one objected to my blackmail, right?

Who is in favor? Who is against?

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