Magic card gods

Chapter 110: The Gorilla in Mirror Moon Lake Forest

Wei Yuan and the others traveled all the way south, and it took most of a day to arrive at the entrance of the underground subway in the Jingkai District.

The Jingkai District is located in the southeast of Huanglong City, and it is also along the Huanglong River.

The degree of destruction here is even more thorough. Whether it is Chaoyang District or Nanguan District in the city center, you can still see some largely well-preserved buildings. But in this Economic and Technological Development Zone, there are basically no buildings higher than four floors.

Just like being plowed several times by intensive artillery fire, basically there is not a single well-preserved house, and all of them have collapsed. Some buildings seem to be cut open, one side of the gable wall is gone, and the houses of each family are exposed like the lattices in a cabinet. In some cases, entire buildings were dumped on the street, blocking the way like a hill.

Even the well-preserved asphalt roads in other places have collapsed and cracked here, and it is impossible to walk layer by layer, section by section.

It was already late at this time, although the entrance of the underground passage was dark in front of him, Wei Yuan still didn't intend to go in now.

It's been half a day's journey, and everyone needs to rest. It's best to enter early tomorrow morning, and you can walk out in a morning.

If you rush into this underground tunnel now, you might spend the night in it. This is not a good choice.

After a lot of difficulty, everyone found a good room nearby and started cooking.

Wei Yuan was grilling meat on one side, and on the other side, he had actually sent Zen Huateng to explore the underground tunnel.

It plants eyes, "seeing people" is not using light, but a special way of perception.

In order to tease the mixed-race girl Ai Xi who still couldn't let go, Wei Yuan began to find nothing to say: "Ai Xi, it's been a few days, we don't know your specific skills yet, can you tell us? "

Ashe was a little embarrassed holding her own bow and arrow. She had seen many Katus since she was a child, and knew that these people were stronger, more prodigal, and prouder than the awakened ones in the camp.

Now she is a little embarrassed to ask her to talk about her abilities in front of Wei Yuan, and always feels that she is boasting.

She held the bow and arrow, lowered her head, and said "" with a reddish face. She struggled for a long time and didn't know where to start.

At this time, Hao Mengmeng on the side shouted with his furry ears: "Yes, yes! Ashe's arrow skills are amazing! Unlike me, I can only cut people."

She was fiddling with the Ghost Head Knife that exuded blue magic radiance after she had strengthened it. This knife is now more suitable for chopping people.

Wei Yuan handed Hao Mengmeng a big fragrant meat skewer with onions and peppers, which was still dripping with oil, and said, "You forgot that you can eat it!"

Hao Mengmeng happily took the meat skewers, took a big bite, and nodded earnestly: "Yeah! I can eat it!"

Everyone: What is there to be proud of! What can you be proud of?

Ai Xi was amused by Hao Mengmeng, but then felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly talked about her own situation to change the subject.

"In my case, I awakened Houyi's bloodline when I was ten years old, and then I started practicing archery..."

Ashe touched the short sword hanging from his waist, "Although I also have some melee abilities, the strongest is archery. I can see through the enemy's flaws and give him a fatal blow..."

When it comes to archery, Ashe is quite confident. After all, this is a housekeeping skill that has been honed for nearly ten years. People always feel confident in their areas of expertise.

Ashe has precision, see through, range extension, fatal blow, four main passives. It is the kind of sniper-type sharpshooter who delivers fatal blows from a long distance. And like the little elf handsome boy Venus, he took the route of rapid shooting and suppressing the fort.

According to Katu's standards, Ai Xi should be considered to be around level 1 and level 8, a bit stronger than Wei Yuan.

Ai Xi touched the jade card hanging on the colorful rope on his chest and said: "In addition to archery, I also learned how to worship the immortal family with my grandma, and became a horse disciple..."

Chuma Xian'er is probably a branch of the shaman's path of all spirits. There are three branches of shamanism: the heart of the wild, the spirit of nature, and the body of change.

Chumaxian can be regarded as taking a part from each of the first two branches and forming its own immortal family system.

The five great fairy foxes, yellow, white, willow, and gray, are five kinds of animal spirits, referring to five kinds of animals: fox, weasel, hedgehog, long snake, and mouse.

Each of the Five Immortals is good at different things, and each has its own skills.

Although Ai Xi only has the five youngest five immortals on her body, she is also protected by the immortal family. Speaking of it, it is probably a blessing and BUFF bonus.

Moreover, Ashe can use the skills of the Five Immortals. So, to a certain extent, she can be regarded as half legal system and half assistant. It is only a little bit worse than the paladins who can increase, fight and resist.


At night, Wei Yuan released all the summoned objects, and arranged for scarecrows, ghost soldiers, skeletons and other undead to stand guard in the surrounding area. Through the area control of the rigid halo, it can completely control the range of hundreds of meters around.

Moreover, with the existence of the deadly halo, the mosquito problem has been completely solved.

Although with Wei Yuan's current defense power, the mosquitoes can't get in, but they can't stop them from flying into the ears! Damn it!

The next morning, Wei Yuan also got up early to cook, Hao Mengmeng slept soundly, Ai Xi finally escaped from her confinement, and helped Wei Yuan.

Just when breakfast was almost ready, Erha suddenly sat up straight, his ears stood up like antennae, and his blue eyes stared stupidly at the corner.

It turned out that in that corner, there was a weasel that was erratic and didn't look like a real thing!

Seeing that Erha saw it, the weasel pretended to stand up with its hands behind its back and took two steps.

It asked proudly: "Silly dog, do you think I look like a human being?!~~ (vibrato)"

Erha was dumbfounded: What is this thing? Can I eat it?

At this moment, Drumstick, who had been sleeping lazily, raised his eyelids to look at the weasel, flashed his big paws with a cold light, and said lazily, "I look at you like a dish!"

"Oh my god!" The weasel screamed, and then hid behind Ashe and disappeared.

Ai Xi, who was adding firewood, suddenly said: "Huang Tianling is back, and it said that there are many difficult monsters in the underground tunnel, and a section of it is flooded, and needs a raft or something..."

Of course there was no raft, but Wei Yuan thought of another way.


"Come here, come here! Hey, my benefactor, why did you come to such a far place to call Lao Gui? Fortunately, Lao Gui's ears are still good, otherwise we will miss the appointment!" Huanglong River climbed up. An old tortoise the size of a millstone, chattering while crawling.

That's right, it was the old turtle that Wei Yuan kindly released in the Dragon King Temple. He once pretended to be a sea turtle in an attempt to raise his status.

Wei Yuan smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, I called you here this time because I need your help..."

After Wei Yuan said such and such and such and such and such and such and such and so, Lao Gui understood and wanted to cross the water alone. It's not difficult.

"It's just..." Old Gui said, leaning on his crutches, "It's just that Mr. Engong is going to Jingyue Lake, so why use the underground passage? That's not a good place!"

Wei Yuan was taken aback: "Didn't it mean that the road was cut off. If you want to go there, you can only go through this underground tunnel?"

The old turtle caressed his chin proudly, as if he had a long beard, "It's true that the road is cut off~ But the waterway is still smooth! Old turtle, I can send the three of you to the upper reaches of the Yellow Dragon River, which is only 100 meters away from Jingyue Lake. It’s not far away. Engong will arrive in less than ten miles to the east, and there is no need to go underground to take risks..."

Wei Yuan finally agreed with the old turtle's idea, and promised: "This world is like a sea of ​​suffering, and it will eventually perish and perish. At that time, I will fall into hell forever and have no peace. Now I don't want to accept your favor in vain. How about it?" In the future, I will definitely cross you out of the sea of ​​suffering and leave this Wujian Abi!"

The old turtle bowed down again and again, weeping with gratitude. It actually recognized the Five Immortals on Ashe, and knew that this person might have some deal with the old fairy in that camp. If you can really take yourself out of this world, that is really a blessing!

In fact, Wei Yuan is waiting for the cooldown time of [Amulet of Control (Red)]~

The old tortoise became bigger several times after entering the water, just like the old tortoise belonging to Tang Sanzang and others on the Tongtian River. It took Wei Yuan and the three of them to reach the upper reaches of the Yellow Dragon River in less than an hour.

Very fast! If the old turtle had this speed on the shore, Erha wouldn't be able to keep up!

The Huanglong River flows from south to north, and at this time it is already the southern edge of the city. From a distance, one can even see the gray fog barrier near the horizon.

This is the barrier that separates Huanglong City from the outside world.

The three of Wei Yuan bid farewell to the old turtle and walked east for a few miles, and a large forest began to appear! Even the original road was broken under the squeeze of the lush forest. Artificial traces are rapidly disappearing in this boundless sea of ​​trees.

All kinds of monsters emerged in the forest, and many animals and plants were mutated under the erosion of the power of hell, which made them look weird.

Wei Yuan summoned all the summonable objects that could be summoned and pushed forward. Flying in the sky, running on the ground, drilling underground, singing and advancing, that is to meet monsters and kill monsters...

At this time, we can see the advantages of summoning professions and undead.

Even if Zhu Huamei were allowed to come to this place, she would probably be exhausted by the endless stream of monsters. But Wei Yuan is very unrestrained, some younger brothers go to kill monsters, pull a line across to push forward, don't let anyone go, just walk forward by yourself.

What's more, the undead monsters don't know what tiredness is at all. Three jumping corpses and a few long-range skeleton monsters can be called perpetual killing machines!

Another half day.

Even if the three of them did not encounter any major troubles, they walked for several hours and finally arrived at Jingyue Lake Forest Park. Originally, Wei Yuan thought that finding a tree in the big forest would be quite difficult, but he saw that tree from a long way away.

Even in this big forest, a tree as tall as a ten-story building stands out from the crowd!


When the Three-Eyed Crow came to report the news, he was still holding a freshly dead stinking crow in its paws.

These monsters are not egg-laying, but emerge from a nest of fetid crows that hang from a tree like balls of wriggling flesh.

These stinking crows will attack any creature of flesh, and take the meat back to their lair to produce more stinking crows.

Along the way, Wei Yuan has destroyed several crow's nests.

When we arrived at Jingyue Lake, we could hear the cry of "Lakanishu" from a distance.

Here is a close relative of the fallen demon, the bone spur demon with blue skin, bone spurs and bone blades on the joints. The strength is much stronger than the fallen demons, and the number is much larger than those small groups near the urban area.

After ten minutes of fighting, dozens of bone spur demons fell on the ground, and Wei Yuan and others were able to enter the core area of ​​Jingyue Lake Forest Park.

In the distance, Wei Yuan saw a group of...gorillas under the huge old locust tree?

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