Magic card gods

Chapter 111 I want to fight you one-on-one!

Speaking of gorillas, Wei Yuan has never seen a live one in two lifetimes.

I have seen it many times on the Internet, but this group in front of me is different from what I saw on the Internet? ! Is it a bit too much!

A normal gorilla has a thick upper body. Although its legs cannot be fully straightened like a human's, it still looks 1.71.8 meters tall when standing upright.

Not to mention a pair of big arms, which are thicker and longer than human thighs. It is the largest among primates!

Although it is nonsense to say that tigers and leopards are torn apart, the power is absolutely huge.

But the group of things in front of me, did they eat nuclear waste?

Standing on all fours, even if you are two meters tall, you can't stand more than two meters and five meters? !

The gorilla's body was originally wide and wide, but now it is even wider!

The width between the shoulders is almost twice the width of the waist!

Their waists are also not thin, comparable to the thickest big water tanks!

Just look at those two shoulder heads and deltoid muscles that are several times larger than the human head, they are simply scary!

"Is this a mutated Resident Evil?!" Wei Yuan couldn't accept this scene.

And what he didn't expect was that after such a short time, those mutated muscular gorillas suddenly became honest, shrunk their necks and hid aside. And from the giant tree about 30 meters high, a bigger one jumped down with a "plop"!

This guy is bigger than those mutated gorilla boys. The height on all fours is more than three meters, and the width of the shoulders is probably more than two meters. The two big arms are like elephant legs with black hair!

And it looks more like an ape, with longer arms, but also longer legs, and they are straighter, and they spend more time standing upright when walking. The muscles all over his body are protruding, and he looks like a long-haired meat mountain!

When it turned around, Wei Yuan found that its back was covered with long silver-white hair from the neck to the back of the waist, as if it was wearing a silver satin cloak!

King Kong Caesar

Tier 3 (boss unit)

Enchanted Creature/Mutated Gorilla/Silverback Patriarch

Strength: 32

Constitution: 31

Dexterity: 15

Spirit: 15

Defense: 17


Huge Size: The mutated Huge Size brings extra strength and constitution.

Silverback Patriarch: Doubles the defense of the back, deterring weak enemies.

Super Power: Possess amazing strength, causing double physical damage and attack effects.

Super Physique: Possess an amazing physique, which halves the effects of physical attacks, poisons, and diseases.


Smashing Slam: Physical attacks have a chance to cause additional effects such as destruction, crushing, and crushing.

Earthquake: Slam on the ground to make surrounding enemies unsteady, with a certain chance to cause imbalance, fall, slow down and other effects.

Leap and Smash: Jump up with all your might to strike at distant enemies.

Chest-beating Roar: Improve the morale of friendly units, and have a certain chance to cause the enemy to panic, fear, flee and other effects.

Savage Aura: Make friendly units within 100 meters around +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, and reduce physical damage received by 20%.

Equipment: none

Remarks: Although it is induced by the power of hell, it is a benign mutation produced entirely by its own good foundation. It is rare that it is not a creature of hell.

It may be because the King Kong Caesar has no magic power, and it doesn't have magic power covering the whole body like the blood bird, so Wei Yuan got all its attributes and skill characteristics.

It's just that this black-haired meat mountain is too strong! If you fight it head-to-head, how much cannon fodder will you have to fill in? !

Super strength, super physique, and a savage aura, if there is super speed, can't you go to heaven?

With this attribute and physique, unless there is a Hulk bloodline or Huyulu bloodline card player, there are not many 3rd-level card players who can fight it hand-to-hand without cards!

To be honest, Wei Yuan was moved!

【Dominance Talisman (Red)】There are two days left to cool down, so I have to find a way to "convince" this gorilla!


Wei Yuan didn't act rashly, and went back to discuss with his teammates first.

According to Ai Xi, she vaguely remembers that when she was a child, Jingyue Lake Park rented more than a dozen gorillas from abroad for exhibition in the park. At that time, she wanted to go and watch, but before she could go, a catastrophe happened.

Could it be that these gorillas were the same batch?

Wei Yuan didn't care how it got here, he just wanted to know how to abduct it.

Hao Mengmeng was more straightforward: "Brother Wei is so lucky to see this gorilla! I'm going to cut off all its arms and legs and let Brother Wei spoil it!"

Wei Yuan: Shut up! So I seem to have thoughts about that silverback gorilla? Am I not here to strengthen the strength of the devouring team? Besides, you can't beat it...

Seeing Wei Yuan staring at her, Ai Xi was embarrassed not to speak, and could only say cautiously: "Otherwise, I'll lie in ambush and find a chance to shoot it blind! It's easy to capture it alive like this!"

Wei Yuan: Let me say, why are you two girls so cruel? If you don't move, you will cut off your arms and legs, or you will shoot people blind. How many times have I said that? Don't beat and kill people at every turn, convince people with virtue! Listen to my arrangement...

The reason why Wei Yuan didn't want to rush forward and take down the silverback gorilla with crowd tactics was because he was worried that his strength was too weak. If it really caused the gorilla in the third level to be unyielding, I would never be able to subdue it.

After all, the gap in strength was too great, even if he beat it to the brink of death, he might not be able to force the contract.

Wei Yuan had tried this before when he contracted the prison fire hearse Katie in the pseudo-imperial palace. Even Katie, who was in disrepair at the time, could not force the contract.

Therefore, the gorilla has to take the initiative to vote, and he can just bow down!

So Wei Yuan started to prepare!

Taking off all equipment, but summoning all summoned objects that do not occupy energy levels, Wei Yuan's strength is 17+5=22 points, constitution 20+11=31 points, agility 15 points, and defense power 11 points!

It's just that the duration of the ten cavemen is limited, and 5 points of strength and 10 points of constitution will disappear relatively quickly.

However, Wei Yuan has other ways to strengthen himself. Such as medicine, BUFF, props and so on. Let's make it together, and you can still make up 5 points of strength and 5 points of agility.

In addition, summoning the Supreme Corpse King can feed back +2 strength, +2 constitution, +2 agility, and the characteristic diamond body (+3 defense, 20% reduction in physical damage).

Finally, add Ashe's feedback attribute, +2 agility, characteristic attack vulnerability (causing physical attacks has a chance to ignore armor, and has a chance to cause a knowing blow).

Finally, Wei Yuan's attributes are: strength 29 points, constitution 33 points, agility 24 points, defense power 14 points!

After some calculations, Wei Yuan felt a little confused: Is my attribute so strong? Doesn't this far exceed the physical attributes of ordinary tier 2 fighters?

Even if they have some skills and characteristics, I can use this attribute to make a 55 with them!

Of course, Wei Yuan's peak state lasted only a few minutes. First, the caveman gradually reached the time, and then the BUFF on his body reached the time...

However, since the attributes meet the standard, Wei Yuan's plan can be carried out.


All the summoned objects are here, from the Three-Eyed Crow, Zen Flower Vine, Totem Wolf Spirit, Pine Spirit, Little Peggy, to Chicken Leg, Erha, Katie, Ashe, to Fuwa Carp, Hell Caveman.

In addition, there was a two-meter-tall corpse king standing under a tree. It stood quietly in the erected sarcophagus, with its hands crossed on its chest, its eyes closed, and it remained motionless.

This corpse king was tall and strong, with thick joints, and he was probably a general before his death.

Its ten fingernails are long and black, like ten small daggers, and four huge long and thick fangs are sticking out of its lips, like the Dharma Protector King Ming in the temple, or like a green-skinned orc.

As soon as it stood there, even if it didn't move, the surrounding tens of meters became icy cold, and a faint corpse qi overflowed from the mouth and nose and was sucked in between breaths, and even mosquitoes didn't dare to approach there. The corpse is as majestic as a prison, worthy of the word supreme.

Today's Wei Yuan, although not wearing any equipment, can still be regarded as a complete body!

I saw that he was wearing a pair of big pants all over his body, but he was wearing a fur cloak on a hot day. With his long hair and beard, he looked like the leader of the long-haired savages.

Under the eyes of everyone, Wei Yuan walked towards the towering giant tree, and all the summoned creatures followed from afar.

Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi prepared nervously, planning to rescue Wei Yuan at any time.

The chicken legs sat on Little Page's head, muttering words:

"King Kong Caesar, who lives in Jingyue Lake Forest Park, was originally a gorilla in a foreign country. It and a dozen of its kind were leased to this land for exhibitions, so that these citizens who have never seen gorillas can increase their knowledge. Its real name is It's called Caesar, and it was named King Kong by the local residents because of its huge size, which is different from ordinary apes. Just when the exhibition is about to end and is about to return to his hometown, disaster strikes unexpectedly..."

"The accidents that lasted for several months, the terrible disaster like landslides, and countless ferocious monsters, none of these finally defeated King Kong Caesar. It led its people through wave after wave of difficulties and defeated a Another powerful enemy, never giving in. Finally one day, it found that it had become the strongest one, and it could finally lead the people to rest under the towering giant tree..."

"But today, a challenger came! He looks like a hairless monkey, and he even took the chicken legs of a cute kitten. He is not human! This hairless monkey wants to challenge the silverback patriarch, the gorilla King, King Kong Caesar has launched a challenge belonging to primates!"

"Who is the real primate king? Can the silverback patriarch really defeat this shameless, greedy and petty bald challenger? Let us wait and see..."

The chicken leg's "epic singing" amused Ashe, she couldn't help touching the big, furry head of the chicken leg, and scolded: "How can you say that Wei Yuan is a hairless monkey? The king of bald primates ?”

While rubbing his head against Ai Xi's soft and white hands, the chicken leg yelled coquettishly: "But what I said is true! Wei Yuan is despicable, shameless, greedy and stingy, you can't let him be fooled!"

Ashe smiled, "But I'm already on the thief ship~"

The chicken leg lay on Little Page's head, and said, "Then there is no way."

But I said in my heart: It seems that I have accepted my fate, that's good. Lest Uncle Drumsticks have to test you all day long...

Only then did Hao Mengmeng come to his senses, "What? What are you talking about Big Brother Wei? Did you just tell the story of Big Brother Wei?"

Chicken Leg flicked its tail, and said with a smirk: "But isn't it? Your big brother Wei is about to compete with that silverback gorilla for the right to be the spouse of that group of gorillas~"

Hao Mengmeng looked surprised, but also a little frustrated: "So, Brother you like Mao Duoduo?" o(╥﹏╥)o


Wei Yuan approached the giant tree step by step, approaching the group of gorillas.

The gorilla quickly found Wei Yuan, howling and was about to charge towards him.

But Wei Yuan roared angrily: "Go away! I'm here to challenge! Call your leader!"

After Wei Yuan inlaid [Heart of the Wild (Red)], he has a characteristic of wild communication, that is, he can communicate with animals and plants.

After inlaying the [Mourning Necropolis (Purple)], I can communicate with the undead again, and now I can say that I am proficient in foreign languages. Foreign language...

Wei Yuan yelled at those gorillas: This little guy, could it be a bald fellow? Otherwise, how would you speak our words?

With such a hesitation, King Kong Caesar had already jumped off.

Wei Yuan shouted at him: "I, Wei Yuan! I want to challenge you, King Kong Caesar!"

Come, come, place your bets!

Wei Yuansheng, 1 to 3 votes!

King Kong Caesar left, 1 to 5 votes!

Buy and leave, more votes, more rewards~~~~

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