Magic card gods

Chapter 109 Bingshan Ascetic Department Ashe

[Mourning Necropolis (Purple)]

[Epic Summon Card/Professional Card/Land Card/Small/Undead]

[Occupying the undead: All kinds of undead will continue to be generated in the large cemetery. 】

[Undead Will: Summon the undead in the cemetery to fight for you. 】

[Mourning Lord: Allows you to obtain the professional Mourning Lord. 】

[Great cemetery: a place of death where many undead are entrenched. 】

[(Placing requires 100 energy levels) (provides 300 points of death magic power)]

Wei Yuan never thought that he could strengthen an epic card.

He thought that before he was level 3, he would have no chance to touch epic cards. But when the strengthening was halfway through, he began to panic...

The entire strengthening process was far beyond his imagination. For a whole day and night, Wei Yuan didn't dare to blink his eyes, and was in a state of high concentration.

All kinds of potions that replenish energy, energy level, and physical strength are poured down, and it has been suffering and suffering!

The next moment he finished strengthening, he passed out.

When Chicken Legs called Hao Mengmeng, the "guardian", Hao Mengmeng was taken aback. At this time, Wei Yuan's cheekbones were protruding, his cheeks were thin, his eye sockets were blue and black, and he looked like he had just been raped by ten female succubi. Dragon service was average!

Probably only a part-time programmer who has worked overtime for ten years can achieve this state of being on the verge of ascending to immortality. Maybe if you are not careful, you can become a fairy or time travel...

But it's all worth it.

Wei Yuan struggled for a long time, whether to keep this card and bind it after reaching level 2, or to embed it on the dominance talisman.

If you choose to bind, it will be fine if you can't increase your combat power during this period. With Wei Yuan's upgrade speed, the next fantasy world should be able to advance to level 2.

The problem is, if you bind the soul card slot, maybe the undead route will become your main route, at least one of them.

Why does Wei Yuan attach so much importance to the [Domination Talisman (Red)] card?

Not only because it is a perfect card, but also because its attributes are unbiased, and the development route is completely controlled by oneself.

If you really have that ability, you can control big demons, angels, wild beasts, alien life and so on.

But for a card like [Mourning Necropolis (Purple)], no matter how you play it, you have to hover within the range of the undead.

Finally Wei Yuan made a difficult decision, inlay it!

Undead is not the path he wants, at least not bound to this path of death.


After [Mourning Necropolis (Purple)] was inlaid into [Amulet of Command (Red)], Wei Yuan could clearly feel the change of [Charm of Command (Red)].

Embedding perfect cards with epic cards, is there anything better than this prodigal?

The current [Dominance Talisman (Red)] has reached the upgrade standard!

As long as he obtains an epic level upgrade card, Wei Yuan can upgrade the [Dominance Talisman (Red)] to epic level. It's hard to say what it will be like by then.

There is also an inlaid slot, Wei Yuan has to find a way to balance this card...

Wei Yuan tried to summon the undead, this big cemetery has so many tricks!

Wei Yuan can summon a skeleton team.

This team is all composed of skeletons. There is a skeleton driver below the second level driving a ghost fire chariot, a skeleton shield sword warrior at the second level, a great skeleton swordsman at the second level, and a middle-level skeleton swordsman. A bone assassin, a skeleton fire shooter at level 2, a four-armed skeleton general at level 2, and a skeleton mage at level 3.

You can also summon 3 Vampire Jumping Corpses in Tier 2 and a Supreme Corpse King in Tier 3.

You can also summon a large number of Nocturnal Will-o'-the-wisps above Tier 1 and a team of 5 Underworld soldiers below Tier 2.

You can also summon a level 2 dead tree treeman, a level 2 grave stone golem, and ten scary scarecrows at level 1.

Moreover, these undead are all elite or boss units, and they all have various skills. Mainly those skills carried on the equipment card.

Some have chills, and hitting enemies will cause freezing damage and slow them down.

Some contain the nourishment of the dead, and death can restore Wei Yuan's vitality and energy level.

Some have a fatal effect, and when they die, they will explode or burst into waves.

Some have bloody offerings, and killing enemies will restore the consumption of yourself and Wei Yuan.

Some have iron armor skills, and their defense is amazing.

Some can release bone shields by themselves, and some can create bone walls...

In particular, each unit has a zombie aura, which can cause negative effects such as freezing and deceleration to enemies within the range.

strong? Not only that!

Wei Yuan can also summon more low-level undead by placing large cemeteries!

Even dump some corpses and such into the graveyard to create more undead!

When the sea of ​​undead comes out, let you know what it means to be bullied by too many people!

The problem is...he can't use it!

Summoning the resident undead mentioned above is not like the contracted summons of [Domination Charm (Red)], the resident is to occupy the energy level. Just a supreme corpse king in the 3rd rank will occupy 60 energy levels!

Wei Yuan can only selectively summon some of the undead to use depending on the situation, and if he summons too many, he has to pick up equipment!

And placing the large cemetery requires 100 energy levels! Only at level 1 and level 10 can it be released. I won't see you for a while.

But how? Still very strong!

At least the Supreme Corpse King Wei Yuan in the third rank can still be summoned to use after stripping off all the equipment.

With the Supreme Corpse King, it is also possible to single-handedly challenge the leader of Tier 3!


A long arrow shining with light blue magic power pierced the head of a howling banshee with a shriveled face and no flesh.

This banshee is not strong in combat, but howling makes people have a splitting headache.

Wei Yuan and the others accidentally touched the old monster, and were almost given a cerebral hemorrhage by a scream.

Fortunately, Ashe reacted quickly, and with a move of the broken magic arrow, the old monster was killed and the wailing was interrupted.

It is already the 24th day since Wei Yuan entered the fantasy world, and it has been the 4th day since Ai Xi joined the team of Devouring Heaven and Earth.

Ashe said coldly: "Before the catastrophe, there were quite a few elderly apartments in this neighborhood. Some of them housed some elderly people with mental disabilities... After the catastrophe, there were Wailing Banshees here, but they just wandered around. met us."

Wei Yuan clapped his hands, "Nice job! Thanks to Ai Xi, otherwise we would have had brain hemorrhage by this old monster!"

Wei Yuan applauded, and Hao Mengmeng foolishly clapped along and smiled silly.

Chicken Leg curled his lips and clapped his hands symbolically twice.

Erha under the chicken leg is unclear, but everyone applauds, it is excited! He raised his neck and said "Aw~".

Then he was slapped on the head by the chicken leg, "The old witch stopped howling, you started again!"

Erha licked his mouth aggrieved...

Wei Yuan, Hao Mengmeng and Chicken Legs applauded Ai Xi, embarrassing Ai Xi who had a cold face, and turned her head away blushing a little.

In the past few days, Wei Yuan has come out. Although Ai Xi looks like a little girl of the Bingshan abstinence department, it is actually just a disguise to protect herself.

For a girl who has lived in the post-disaster apocalypse for twelve years, and now she has to leave her hometown and her only relative, and go to another world with a strange man she has met a few times, it is indeed a bit frightening.

Especially, she will not be able to resist Wei Yuan in the future, this feeling of life and death being controlled by others...

What if someone gets blah blah blah?

Ashe was at a loss and didn't know how to protect herself, so she had to pretend to be cold to gain a sense of security.

But Wei Yuan has a thick skin, Mengmeng should know this best... In the past few days, this cold protective layer has begun to be broken. Ai Xi was often embarrassed by Wei Yuan, and Bingshan's abstinent personality couldn't keep up.

Wei Yuan nodded vigorously, "Well said! Ai Xi knows a lot!"

"Yeah!" Hao Mengmeng nodded repeatedly.

Ai Xi was even more embarrassed, "Yes, I heard from my grandma. I was only six years old when the catastrophe happened..."

Looking at Ai Xi whose ears were a little red, Wei Yuan found it very interesting.

This is two different feelings from molesting Mengmeng. When molesting Mengmeng, Wei Yuan will often be molested by Mengmeng who "has no shame" with a serious face. In the end, the one who felt embarrassed was himself~


Now the three of them are going to do a mission, and this mission was released by both the camp and the Second Academy.

Originally, Wei Yuan thought that in the last few days, there should be no chance to do any tasks, but the Second Academy found something and handed it over to the committee.

So the old fairy asked Wei Yuan to set off to find a tree.

At the same time, Billy Zhou, who hadn't seen him for several days, also found Wei Yuan and told him some information about the mission.

It is said that the college had found some clues in the ruins of the city, and later that sloppy uncle surnamed Cheng got some clues when he killed the fallen in the Prajna Temple. Putting it all together now, it turns out that the next step requires the bark from a tree.

Because the three leading teachers were going to do another task, and Luo Ge camp recommended Wei Yuan to do it, so this task was honorably handed over to Wei Yuan.

As for the lack of time, that's not a problem.

After Wei Yuan received the mission from the old fairy, the countdown to the duration of the adventure increased by 10 days!

Wei Yuan had a strange feeling of being dragged by the teacher on the first day of school.

On this trip, Wei Yuan and the others needed to go south, passing through the economic development zone, through the underground subway passage, to the Jingyue Lake National Forest Park on the edge of the city, where they found a giant tree and peeled off a piece of bark.

This road is not close! And before the catastrophe, it was a nature reserve, a large area of ​​woodland, it must not be peaceful now!

Wei Yuan knew very well that this so-called clue might be to rescue Deckard Cain from the original world, but he didn't know what this world was called. God knows what it has become.

But the ultimate goal of the academy must be Andariel!

If you want to meet Andariel smoothly, you must first save Deckard Cain.

As for the three leading teachers, they probably went to kill the Countess to obtain the book that recorded Andariel's hiding place...

Mad, I'm just a little guy who doesn't even reach level 2. Why do you want to involve me in things like fighting Andariel? Are you taking care of me like this?

But he still has to go. Now that his strength has increased greatly, he can't wait to have more tasks.

The first fantasy world is almost over, don't you want to say something?

Or is there something you want to go to or a magically changed world?

Games, movies, and anime are all fine!

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