Magic card gods

Chapter 108 [Mourning Necropolis (Purple)]

"Very good, you were able to solve the blood bird so quickly, it was beyond my expectation. The committee will never forget your efforts!" Xia Yanan highly praised Wei Yuan and the others for finishing the blood bird in less than three days.

The five-member team got 100 contribution points each, and could "contract" a mercenary from Rogo's camp. This mercenary can be brought back to Tianyuan City, and even followed to adventure in the fantasy world.

However, since it is an employment relationship, it is naturally your wish. So a few people have to choose mercenaries by themselves, and then negotiate and get approval. After all, he left his hometown and went to a completely strange place, and he might never come back in his life. How could it be that simple.

But in fact, there are many low-level awakened people in the camp, all looking forward to leaving this miserable world with the ability of the Katus.

The reason why Old Fairy, Xia Yanan and others came up with such a mercenary reward was also to give some young people in the camp a way out.

The world is on the verge of destruction, and what remains is to die, sooner or later. This is what many people are aware of.

But will this kind of thing be transferred by someone's will? Or can people prevent this result from coming?

They can only choose to send as many young people as possible out of here before the final destruction comes...

Zhu Huamei left first, and went to the Warlock Association to find the little warlock. That little warlock has mastered some kind of enchanting and magic item synthesis technology in this world, and has superb skills and great potential. The Zhu family in Tianyuan City desperately needs such a professional enchanter.

Now Zhu Huamei has completed the task assigned to her by her family.

Except for her, Brother Elf gave up the opportunity to hire and exchanged for an extra 100 contribution points. His goal was to learn some special skills of the Houyi clan from Xia Yanan.

His net worth doesn't need mercenaries to help him get through the novice stage. He estimates that he will be able to rise to level 2 in the next fantasy world...

Among the remaining three, Hao Mengmeng did not choose mercenaries, but exchanged for an excellent weapon [Deadly Beheading Saber (Blue)]. Wei Yuan felt that Mengmeng could not take care of herself well unless it was recruiting A babysitter, otherwise forget it.

On the contrary, her Ghost Head Sword gradually couldn't keep up with her footsteps, so she planned to upgrade the Ghost Head Sword.

Bipbab wants to hire a mercenary, preferably an awakened Jiuli bloodline, or a martial artist who has awakened Qi, in short, the front row is right.

The problem is that his own image is very problematic, and it takes a lot of effort to persuade others to go with him!

Bipbab: I knew you all discriminated against me as a Kobold! I can't breathe~~~

When he finally arrived at Wei Yuan's place, he naturally needed mercenaries!

For him, it means that there are many people and strength, and the equipment and skills are all behind. The initial stage is the crowd tactics!

But Wei Yuan, who was so happy, was trying to get Sister Xia Yanan to give him a favor... When he introduced a beautiful and powerful young lady from the Houyi tribe, he was thrown cold water by Sister Xia.

"Wei Yuan, wait a minute, we'll talk about the mercenary business later. Grandma Li needs to find you, so go there first!"

Grandma Li is naturally Li Weihong's old fairy, but what is she looking for at this time?

Wei Yuan suddenly had a premonition, the premonition that the "prize" was predetermined.


A few days later, Wei Yuan set off again.

Originally, he thought that the adventure would be over in a few days, and he should find a place to farm monsters, collect supplies and coins, and exchange more potions and items when he finally left, so as to maximize the benefits.

Unexpectedly, the old fairy came to Wei Yuan and gave him a task.

At this time, Wei Yuan's mercenary had already made a contract. Originally, this mercenary could simply conclude a magic contract, and then follow the Katu adventure, or stay in Tianyuan City. But Wei Yuan still chose to sign a contract with her with the 【Dominance Talisman (Red)】.

Because in this way, even if the mercenary dies in battle, he can still be reborn, as long as Wei Yuan is willing to pay enough material cards.

It can be said that if Wei Yuan is not dead, the unit of the contract will not die, and the binding relationship between the two is very close.

But the kind of mercenary brought directly back to Tianyuan City is different, the future treatment depends entirely on the character of Katu.

How do you think there are so many slaves in Tianyuan City? Those high-level carders sometimes pull people from group to group to Tianyuan City, and they become fresh labor or new slaves.

And the reason why Wei Yuan made such a choice was because his mercenary was indeed appointed by default, that is, Ai Xi, the 18-year-old mixed-race granddaughter of the old fairy Li Weihong.

The old fairy has always looked at Wei Yuan differently and understands the reason why she keeps investing more, it is to find a suitable support for her granddaughter.

Wei Yuan is the right person at the right time.

Since everyone has entrusted their grandchildren and grandchildren to Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan can't just treat him like an ordinary mercenary.

Binding with the commanding charm is to express a state of mind: in the future, one will be destroyed and the other will be prosperous. From now on, I will be the grandson-in-law of your dear old man. If you have any good things, don't hide them!

The old fairy is also a sensible person, and has invested a lot of money in her granddaughter. Good stuff all over!

What's more, there are actually five immortals following Ai Xi. Ai Xi is the awakened person who awakened Houyi's blood, and at the same time inherited the legacy of the old fairy.

However, the five immortal families around Ai Xi are all the youngest in the family and Wei Yuan thinks that they may be sent by the five immortal families to explore the way.

After all, Katu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the original world is not a free paradise with sweet air.

Besides, spirits like the Five Great Immortals are regional immortals, and their power will be greatly reduced after passing through Shanhaiguan, let alone leaving this world to seek life in another world. That's pretty much the same as starting from scratch.

If this is a bad thing, and the power over there is extremely weak, and he is treated as a slave directly, then it is better to live and die with this world.

In addition to contracting Ai Xi, Wei Yuan also successfully upgraded the Ghost Head Broadsword for Hao Mengmeng, and spent a lot of money collecting suitable cards for this.

[Slaying Five Ghosts' Soul-Breaking Knife (Blue)], Armor-piercing, damage to spirit creatures, fatal blow, knowing blow, killing effect. Huan's ghost head knife, that is the killing god!

Wei Yuan felt that even an ordinary level 2 melee player couldn't stop Hao Mengmeng for three minutes! too strong! It seems that all the attribute points are on the attack power! Reckless woman, this rabbit-eared reckless woman is too scary!

And the necromancer professional card he imagined has also been fully strengthened.

Originally, Wei Yuan just wanted to strengthen a career card for the summoning route of Netherland Alchemists, but after he got [Desolate Cemetery (Blue)], he had a bold idea!

Why don't you make a big deal yourself?

Just skeletons and stone demons, that's too limited!

Compared with some other necromancers in the magical world, it is even worse!

Why not use this cemetery as the core to strengthen an undead summoning base!

I have to say that strengthening the [Wild Heart (Red)] and [Wang Zhi Qi (Red)] two red cards before has driven Wei Yuan into a wave, and he is about to start thinking about the cards!

But it is definitely a bold and brilliant idea to strengthen a summoning base with the land card as the core.

Since it is an undead base, it cannot be the only kind of skeleton. He wants more...

Skeleton-type summons, with [Resurrection Skeleton (Green)] as the core, [White Bone Armor (Green)], [Assassination Bone Dagger (Green)], [Bone Crusher Hammer (Green)], [Bone Bow (Green)] 】【Dead Bone Ghost Chariot (Green)】【Bone Scepter of Dominance (Blue)】【Bone Skull (Blue)】【Bone Bead (Blue)】As auxiliary, with 【Bone Slag (White)】, 【Bone Fragments (Green)], [Broken Skull (Green)], [Dense Bone Knife (Green)] These material cards are used as consumption to strengthen the [Skeleton Army (Red)].

Zombie summons, with [Yinhuo Corpse King (Blue)] as the core, with [Three Jumping Corpse (Green)] [Iron Armor Corpse (Green)] [Corpse Cold (Green)] [Zombie Power (Green)] 【Ghost-patterned sarcophagus nanmu coffin (green)】【Zombie's head (blue)】As an auxiliary, it strengthens the 【Corpse Home (Red)】.

What's left is [Green Soldier Borrowing Paths (Blue)] strengthened with [Ghost Fire (Green)], [Ghost Fire Stone Palace Lantern (Green)], and [Underworld Qianzong Copper Seal (Green)].

[Death of Nature (blue)] strengthened with [Strangling Withered Vine (Green)], [Emblem of Dead Wood (Green)], [Puppet Straw Man (Green)], and [Clay Golem (Green)].

Finally, with [Desolate Cemetery (Blue)] as the core, with the assistance of [Skeleton Troops (Red)], [Corpse Homes (Red)], [Dark Soldiers Borrowing Paths (Blue)] and [Natural Death (Blue)], the final battle is carried out. strengthen!

After such a set of procedures alone, Wei Yuan spent 3 perfect-level material cards, 300,000 yuan without labor costs!

For a whole day, without sleep, I drank a whole box of various healing potions.

Finally, I finally got the finished product—【Mourning Necropolis (Purple)】!

The data has dropped across the board, and my heart is suffering...

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