Magic card gods

Chapter 107 A Red Card Comes Out

The blood bird was calculated by everyone, got into the car with serious injuries, and wanted to have a duel between the old drivers of Qiu Mingshan.

However, Wei Yuan told it that this is not Qiuming Mountain, but Los Santos!

Wei Yuan and Katie forcibly smashed the skeleton horse-headed ghost car to pieces, and the blood bird flew out like a cannonball, and then rolled far away on the ground.

As the saying goes, since the blood birds have all fallen to the ground, Wei Yuan can't take advantage of others' danger.

So I stepped on the accelerator, "Crash it to death!"

If he didn't take advantage of others, he would still be Wei Yuan? It must have been crossed!

It's a pity that although the blood bird lost an arm and a leg, it is still a blood bird with an agility of over 30. It just relied on one leg and one arm, and avoided Wei Yuan twice in a row in a very strange and embarrassing way. crush!

Zhu Huamei couldn't stand it anymore. Firstly, she really didn't want to see Wei Yuan drive into a miserable "female" with a smug expression on his face. Secondly, he couldn't be killed if he hit like this? !

Zhu Huamei: Brother, stand aside and watch my performance!

Wei Yuan: Huh? It has the taste of Zaun people!

What Wei Yuan didn't expect was not only that Zhu Huamei learned the Zaan language so quickly, but also because Zhu Huamei launched a charge!

That's right, as soon as the car door opened, Zhu Huamei turned into an afterimage and rushed out without even stopping the car!

That speed, that posture, is definitely a charging skill!

It's not like launching equipment skills or using props like Wei Yuan.

It turns out that this little girl can charge!

Are you going to kill all dicks? You all want to intervene in any good thing? !

But Wei Yuan thought again, no! Diablo 2 paladins have charge skills, but they need a high level.

In short, Zhu Huamei must have learned the charge skill through some means.

In addition to the previous blessing of strength... not only Wei Yuan hid his backhand and hole cards, but Zhu Huamei probably hid even more.

At this time, she rushed over forty meters almost instantly, several times faster than Bolt! The long sword in his hand was burning with a pale holy flame, and he slashed at the bloody bird's head!

Wei Yuan was stunned, braked quickly, jumped down and ran towards the blood bird.

What are you doing? Grab the head!

The blood bird at this time is really destitute, ammunition and food are exhausted, and it has completely lost the ability to resist!

Barely dodging Zhu Huamei's first sword, she was slapped in the face by a shield, and her whole body flew up more than a meter before falling to the ground.

The majestic standing lion on the shield is almost printed on the blood bird's face and neck!

Without further ado, Zhu Huamei raised his sword and stabbed again. Wei Yuan regretted in his heart that he might not be able to get the head.

Who knew that the blood bird suddenly snapped off his arm with only a layer of flesh left, and then triggered a powerful hellfire storm!

Zhu Huamei was enveloped by the whirlwind of hellfire that appeared instantly, but she was more cautious and never let down her vigilance, so she used the skill Holy Shield in time. A light golden magic shield like bubbles covered Zhu Huamei.

Although the defensive power of this holy light shield is limited, it is just right against the hellfire for the magic effect. But before Zhu Huamei could fight back, Blood Bird's long-planned counterattack arrived first!

It had a broken leg and a broken arm, and it bumped into it head-on!

The horned helmet on the top of its head suddenly stretched a lot, piercing Zhu Huamei's chest!

Zhu Huamei blocked with her horizontal shield, but she didn't expect the blood bird's impact to be extremely fierce. The shield in her hand shook violently, and she was about to be unable to hold it!

Just at this moment, Wei Yuan rushed over with a two-stage charge.

He didn't choose the blood bird as the target, because at this time the blood bird triggered the last melee hole card. I'm afraid he couldn't be shaken by a 1st-level minion. He chose Zhu Thrush!

In fact, it was exactly as he thought, the blood bird, the last melee trump card, could not be blocked even by Zhu Huamei holding a shield of the same level 3, Wei Yuan wanted to knock it away, it was just a dream. If it really bumps into it, I'm afraid it will be worse than A Heiyan's little page.

But hitting Zhu Huamei was different, Wei Yuan directly sent Zhu Huamei flying sideways.

Zhu Huamei flew away, but Wei Yuan came.

Wei Yuan managed to avoid one sharp horn in mid-air, and was pierced directly in the stomach by the other sharp horn. The one-meter-long sharp horn couldn't even fall off Wei Yuan in mid-air.

But Wei Yuan endured the pain and shouted: "I enshrine the Nine Heavens to respond to the sound of thunder and universalize Tianzun!" At this time, he was holding the five thunder orders in his hand.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka ~" five thunderbolts directly knocked down the blood bird who was already cornered. Smoking all over, smelling fragrant~

Wei Yuan also fell from the sharp corner to the ground, almost knocking his shit out.

"Are you okay!" Zhu Huamei hurriedly helped Wei Yuan up, and pressed one hand on the bleeding wound on his abdomen, using Holy Light Bullet, Holy Light Flash and Holy Light to treat Wei Yuan in turn.

Wei Yuan's severe wound pierced through the front and back, and Wei Yuan only felt pain for more than ten seconds, and healed without feeling anything.

Wei Yuan: That's it? I haven't had enough pain yet!

At this time, Zhu Huamei said with a little reproach: "Why do you think of saving your life to save me? This kind of attack may be fatal to you, a novice of level 1!"

Wei Yuan touched the blood-stained but healed wound, "Aren't you the strongest fighting force on our side? No matter how bad I am, you can take me back to the camp for treatment. If you are seriously injured, then we may It will be wiped out."

Anyone who has played lol understands a truth: you are a support, and you must be mentally prepared to block skills for the core boss.

Wei Yuan was really worried that Zhu Huamei would fall down. If so, even if the blood bird was disabled, he might not be able to beat it.

It's just that with Zhu Huamei's net worth, she really doesn't necessarily get hurt, let alone being seriously injured and turned over. She has experienced similar encounters more than three or five times...

At this time, Zhu Huamei found out that the blood bird was still alive, and she raised her sword to chop off its head.

Wei Yuan quickly stopped him: "Cough, that, this blood bird hurt me badly, I want revenge! Let me do it!"

Zhu Huamei looked at Wei Yuan suspiciously, "Could it be that you rushed over just now, you were going to grab the last blow of the blood bird?"

Wei Yuan looked aggrieved: "You miss me so much?! That's all! You kill it!"

Zhu Huamei raised her sword...

"Hey! It hurts! I got a corner for nothing, and my waist is pierced! I'm afraid I'm going to urinate blood! How pitiful..." Wei Yuan wailed loudly, as if someone had picked his kidney and replaced it with an apple.

Zhu Huamei put down her sword and looked at Wei Yuan, then looked at Wei Yuan with a smile: "Okay, let you come! Howl like you've been abandoned..."

Wei Yuan: I blocked the knife for you, and you won't let me take the head? When the money is distributed later, are you willing to take more?

Wei Yuan happily took out the ghost gold stick, and knocked the blood bird to death with three or two sticks.

And Katie injured Wei Yuan because of the blood bird, and repeatedly crushed the blood bird's body with the flaming wheels, extremely cruel!

Wei Yuan: So cruel! i like it~

After the blood bird died, a large amount of white light like a dead soul gushed out from its body and scattered in all directions. Soon, a large number of dead souls in the Chaoyang ditch fell down.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing the sun.

Although this is all temporary, it will be a while to be at peace.

The people who were still in the funeral home compound suddenly found that all the undead had collapsed and began to melt and disappear like ice and snow, knowing that Wei Yuan and the others had won.


Because it was agreed in advance, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng were exclusive to Blood Bird.

What they never expected was that a perfect card came out——【Bloodbird's Hurricane Bow (Red)】!

In the entire ruins of Huanglong City, there may not be as many bosses in red clothes as there are two hands. And the probability of getting a red outfit is very low.

It can be said that Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng hit the big luck!

Of course, it may also be because Wei Yuan used all the means to increase luck. Even Fuwa Carp was summoned by Wei Yuan in an empty room before jumping down from the third floor.

【Bloodbird's Hurricane Bow (Red)】

[Perfect Equipment Card/Weapon/Magic Longbow]

[Extended range: Increase the effective range by 50 meters. 】

[Quick rate of fire: Increase rate of fire by 20%. 】

[Arrow Enhancement: Increase the attack power of the arrow by 50%, ignoring the target's armor by 5 points. 】

[Aiming and shooting: Increase the hit rate of arrows by 8%. 】

[Fast movement: Increase movement speed by 8%. 】

[Magic Arrow: Consume mana to randomly enchant the arrow. 】

[Wrath of the Hurricane: Your arrows will launch attached arrows towards 4 nearby targets, and each attached arrow will cause 40% of the physical damage of this attack. 】

[(occupies 23 energy levels) (requires 18 strength, 15 constitution, 23 agility)]

【(Requires the user to have the blood of Houyi)】

【"Let's face the blast!"】

Finally, after some consideration, Wei Yuan agreed to sell the bow and arrow to the handsome elf.

First of all, neither I nor Hao Mengmeng can use this equipment, and it also needs Hou Yi's blood, which greatly reduces the audience.

The bloodlines of Jiuli and Houyi in Huanglong City are bloodline cards but their potential is limited, so they can only be regarded as talent cards/skill cards. Card players with heels, such as the handsome elf, will not be bound directly.

And the little handsome elf got a professional card from his family before entering the fantasy world, and at this time he also inlaid a talent card [Houyi Bloodline (Blue)]. Although there are still some gaps in the attributes, their family must have a way to solve it.

Instead of bringing this card back to Tianyuan City and being remembered by others, and it may not be possible to sell it for a good price, it is better to sell it directly to the rich and powerful little elf guy.

In the end, this card sold 6 perfect material cards, 12 excellent material cards, and three excellent level cards.

Consumables, restore a lot of life and injuries, and remove the [Leaf of Life (Blue)] with abnormal effects.

Props, which can summon two tier-2 war treemen for 30 minutes [Street Shepherd Horn (Blue)].

Equipped with [Storm Girdle (Blue)] that can release skills such as light body technique, wind barrier, and +2 agility.

The last piece of equipment was even untied by Elf brother, and he borrowed some from Zhu Huamei for the material card, so it can be seen that it was really squeezed out by Wei Yuan.

A total of 720,000 Tianyuan coins, plus three very practical and excellent cards, this perfect bow is definitely not cheap.

In fact, this bow requires the blood of Houyi. If it is really auctioned, it can be sold for 700,000, which is already a sky-high. Not to mention there are three pretty good well-made cards.

You must know that many times the card level is high, but it is not practical. In the eyes of many people, it is not as good as a lower-level practical card. For example, the caveman orb that Wei Yuan gave to the old fairy.

Bring the capitalists to make a lot of money!

Wei Yuan: "Hey, tell me, they're all teammates, so why are you so clear about it? It's fine if they're almost the same!"

Brother Venus: "Let's figure it out, I'm afraid you'll let me loan usury!"


In addition, Blood Bird also contributed three excellent cards and one excellent card to Wei Yuan.

【Hell Claw Helmet (Blue)】

[Excellent Equipment Card/Armor/Magic Helmet]

[Deterrence: Deterring weak and timid enemies so that they cannot exert their full strength. 】

[Getting ahead: +2 charm, making you look more powerful and more likely to be hated by enemies. 】

[Gladiator: Use the extended magic horns to deal a fatal blow to the enemy that ignores defense. When activated, it is in an unshakable overlord state. 】

[(occupies 4 energy levels) (requires 15 strength, 17 constitution)]

[(Gladiator Technique consumes 10 energy levels, cooldown is 5 hours)]

【"If you push me any harder, I'll kill you with a headshot!"】

This helmet is much more arrogant than the one on Wei Yuan's head, even the horns are longer and more curved!

【Bone Skull (Blue)】

[Excellent Equipment Card/Accessory/Super Large Amulet]

[Resuscitating Skeleton: Enhance your resuscitating skeleton skill. 】

[Resuscitating Skeleton Mage: Enhance your skill of resuscitating Skeleton Mage. 】

[Wall of Bones: Release a Wall of Bones, which lasts for 1 hour. 】

[(Occupy 3 energy levels) (Release the Wall of Bone consumes 2 energy levels, cool down for 30 seconds.)]

【"Before it was made into an amulet, this was the head of a skeleton mage."】

This is exactly what Wei Yuan wanted...

【Amulet of Evasion (Blue)】

[Excellent Equipment Card/Accessory/Necklace]

[Instinctive dodge: mobilize your intuition and let your subconscious dodge possible incoming attacks. 】

[Extreme Dodge: Increase the dodge rate against long-range attacks by 25%. 】

[(occupies 3 energy levels) (requires 15 agility)]

【"I didn't dodge, my body moved by itself."】

This necklace and the previous storm belt were all given to Hao Mengmeng. This silly girl is falling into self-blame because Big Brother Wei was injured and she didn't do much to help.

Blaming himself for eating, Wei Yuan's leather bag with the inscription became "thin" again...

The final green card is the summoning card [Dead Bone Ghost Chariot (Green)], which only has a transportation effect and has no combat power.

In addition, Wei Yuan also bought the equipment cards [Bone Scepter of Domination (Blue)], [Assassination Bone Dagger (Green)], [Bone Crusher Hammer (Green)], [Bone Bow ( green)】.

I also bought [flexible short leather pants (green)] with +1 agility for Hao Mengmeng, and [rotten corpse ring (green)] with +2 constitution to increase disease and toxin resistance.

Mengmeng finally has to gather a whole body of equipment!

The task was completed perfectly, and everyone was very happy. The mercenaries in Luo Ge's camp are very helpful to the novice card players. There are not many opportunities to bring the natives in the fantasy world to the original world.

But for Wei Yuan, mercenaries are secondary. The most important thing is that through this battle, Wei Yuan managed to collect all the cards for the undead summoning route he imagined in one fell swoop!

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