Mage Network

Chapter 296

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 296: The Old Devils, Astronomy

At the end of the summoning mission, Tang Shidao sent a message to the friends such as Charm Blue Jiwu Yueer and other friends, indicating that they are ready to go to the super good Academy of the good old man, and invite everyone to go to the super devil’s place to study. Seeing this message, Mei Mo and others will understand that Tang Shidao intends to be promoted to the Holy Land. From a tone of view, this is not like luck, nor try, there is a ‘very sure’ taste in the message.

At this time, everyone has different ideas.


Still not going?

This time, unlike the previous mission, the Super Magic Academy is located in Void, outside the shelter of the Master. Although no one has dared to provoke the good man Headmaster for a long time, the word Void represents danger. The apostle does not provoke, the inverse of the mage does not provoke, does not mean that Void’s Devil-Beast does not provoke.

It’s not a bit tolerant, and it’s a waste of time to go to the Super Magic Academy.

The strength is almost even dare to take the Academy door.

As a mage of the Master Network, everyone will usually assess their level of strength, and see if they can go to the Super Magic Land or the “Internship” cultivation. In addition to casual wizards, hard-working wizards want to promote the holy world, sway the wider world, and embark on a higher level.

Tang Shidao A message, friends soon reacted differently.

First of all.

Zhou Huangzi, Wolf Poison, Blood Earl and others will definitely not go, they are only thinking about a good word. Not to mention Professor Xia Guomin, he is really a scholar, and he has not spent any time to practice Strength. Lei Shi and Shishiwei also don’t want to waste time. They feel that they don’t have the kind of ability.

The promotion of the Holy Land is not from the Master. The friend of Tang Shidao remains the same.

some other people.

The green-eyed fox is very hesitant. It is already an Alchemist Grandmaster, but it is still a little far from the Holy Land. The alchemist is not a warrior, it is relatively safe, but it is not too much trouble to go there. The most important reason is that the sinful Star River, the apostles absolutely hate Tang Shidao. Once in Void, the apostles must have some small moves.

Charm, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer with the slightest hesitation agreed.

Not only is the Problem, the three have the Master’s credentials, and they are destined to be different from the General Master. In addition, Charm and Lan Ji have the great curse of the contract, Wu Yueer has the Dual Cultivation contract, the strength of the three is far from being comparable to the general Master. They also know the troubles of the apostles, but they believe that at most the battle on the table, dare to pass, and what assassination, the old man first disagreed.

The road ahead is very tortuous, but it is not a death penalty.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao did not ask everyone for their opinions. I just wanted to return to my original World and wait for the news.

I woke up this time.

Unexpectedly, the situation of the Five Planets Alliance is much better. I asked Xiaojin to know: Jinhuaxing’s mechanical life, the housekeeper named “Vajra” joined forces with the Magic Emperor to develop a smart bracelet. Let everyone wear one and then learn directly through the smart bracelet.

No matter the ancients of the Shuhua Kingdom or the modern people of the Devil Kingdom, everyone can easily get information.

Say it.

This smart bracelet is quite a convenient phone. Because Vajra itself is a mechanical planet, producing this product is also very simple. Tang Shidao suddenly thought of the sinful star river, and thought that the ultimate trend of life science and technology is move towards ‘convenience’.

“Master, with this kind of convenient communication, it’s much easier to manage 5th Star.”

“Working hard, Xiaojin.”

“Master is too polite, this is what Xiaojin should do. Right, Master, do you plan to summon the mission, are you planning to advance to the Holy Land?” Xiaojin asked unexpectedly.

“Do you have a proposal?”

“Master If you are not in a hurry, it is best to find a Super Magic Academy to learn, it is best to go to the old man’s old magic house.”

Tang Shidao is a bit surprised.

Xiaojin’s suggestion is exactly the same as that of Mrs. Wuyun, and they all admire the good old Academy.

“Good old people are relatively uncontested people, but he is also a character that everyone gives to face. It is relatively safer for individuals to enter his old magic house. For this reason, the education level of the old magic house is also the best. There are also some powerful and ridiculous Teachers hidden in the Magic Academy. There are also many people who want to try their luck.” Xiaojin continued to explain.

“Well, I will go to the old magic house.” Tang Shidao heard this saying, naturally no choice.

I have been idle for a few days.

I am tired of being a white-haired person, drinking people who are looking for Lei Da Zhuang and the youth Alliance, listening to the familiar classmates, and blowing the mood… Tang Shidao feels full of energy. The original summoning task has been very dull and not suitable for the mood of going to school.

Less than five days.

The friends of the Master Network have sent a reply: only the charm, Lan Ji, Wu Yueer three go!

It’s amazing.

Tang Shidao thought that the blue-eyed fox would go. I didn’t expect it to reply: “Tang, I wish you good luck. I will not go this time. Be careful of the apostles, they don’t need cultivation, they only rely on the grace of the gods. Strength. Maybe they are not dangerous, but don’t underestimate the gods behind them.”

Seeing these words, Tang Shidao understands that the blue-eyed fox does not want to drag himself.

In fact.

The blue-eyed fox also feels that he will only drag his legs, and this time he will not go.

Everyone has a decision and no more discussion is needed. Going to Void to study is no different from doing a task. It is even more convenient than a task. Go and go back at any time. Soon Tang Shidao, Charm, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer gathered together, and the Scarecrow contacted the Teacher of the Old Devils, and then spent money to send the Scarecrow to the Super Magic.

Different sorcerers need to walk on their legs. The magic of the Super Magic Land is as much as the sea water. The casting method should not be too simple.

Tang Shidao was a little surprised.

There is a ‘shell’ on the periphery of the old magical courtyard, which is a huge range of legal shields. Inside the shell is a giant planet that is estimated to be thousands of times larger than the sun. It has been transformed, and gravity is like the state of human life. In addition, there are countless floating islands around this super-giant planet, just like countless ants surrounding a big basketball.

Tang Shidao can’t sense the crowd of the old magician.

Void can have too many spells and it’s easy to neutralize spell effects. For example, throwing a Fireball, it will not fly a few hundred meters, it will be offset as if it were shot underwater. The Super Magic Land is more magical than the normal Void. It is estimated that the small Fireball will fly at most tens of meters. Not only does the Master’s spiritual awareness and insights hard to take effect, but the induction of the body is also greatly limited.

Even so, Tang Shidao still feels an invisible power, as if it were like the deepest demon of the Purgatory, Lair.

“We sent it over, the head of the Academy sent a message.” Lan Ji is the leader.

She has been here since she was a child.

Come with my parents.

A group of four people sent into this planet called the ‘Old Magician’, and in a blink of an eye, a general teacher was waiting: “Welcome to the old magician, all four are enrolled freshmen, right? You applied for The course is…Before the Holy Land. Well, please activate your nameplate. It is a guide for money, resources, information and all kinds of sundries. It is also your help tool. Please accept it.”

The teacher handed out four nameplates to signal the four people to activate.

Record it a little.

Waving again, there are dozens of mirrors in the hall: “Four students, the old magician needs a uniform uniform, you have to imagine yourself, don’t change too much. The material is ready-made, you can make it right away.” “”

There are four figures in the mirror between the teachers.

All are illusions in school uniforms.

The school uniform is similar in style and only allows minor modifications. For example, Charm requires a pair of trousers that can hold the tail. The color of the school uniform is black, and the uniform is black with some white edges.

“Record your identity just now, the random assignment result is the class of ‘Lan Luo’ Teacher. This is the class location and your dormitory map, different for men and women, one for each person. You can always report in the past, Tan Luo Teacher has no Official The class was finished. Well, the school uniform was completed.” The responsible person, Teacher, waved his hand and the four changed their clothes.

“Finally…” Teacher gestured to leave, adding another sentence: “Don’t ruin the environment here. Please ask the trouble in the fight field, there is in the Academy.”

“Okay, we understood.” Lan Ji took Tang Shidao and left, indicating that she is familiar with it.

Leave the reception hall.

The Academy is awesome and another scene.

The building here is based on the Star Iron, accompanied by a large number of stars, stars and stars. Because of its outstanding craftsmanship, it is not like a gallery more like academies, and every sculpture is exquisite. These decorations are not all useless. They are all protective arrays, or they can absorb the magical attack. Here, art is perfectly integrated with Strength.

There are a large number of doors in the building passage.

Each gate has a different array of rules, representing different entrances. There is also a transfer station at every other distance to facilitate the rapid displacement of the Teacher and the students.

Outside the building.

Sky has many small floating islands that appear to be the residence of Teacher or the site of the student body.

Farther station.

There is no difference in the two-legged Fire Dragon. With the exception of a handful of Thunder Eagles or Clouds, the two-legged Fire Dragon is as versatile as an ancient horse. In addition, there are many magic workers in the entire Academy. They are not strong, but they are workers who handle all the chores.

Before entering a designated campus, there are races on the road. The three hands and eight legs are normal, and the five heads and ten tentacles are not eccentric.

Transfer to a specific campus.

Look again, there is a humanoid race, the model of both hands and feet. Even if the head is a tiger head leopard, it is not as strange as before. I have to say that the ‘number of people’ here is very large, similar to the train station of the Spring Festival. Most people are in the low-to-medium level, far from reaching the limit before the holy world.

“The old magic house is very big, we don’t walk, we pass directly to the past.” Lan Ji gestured.

After a flash.

Displaced into the classroom of the classroom, the crowd immediately reduced.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao found a strange phenomenon… Here, the crowd is two points!

This is not to go to the left while walking to the right.

Instead, one type of person goes to the left and the other type goes to the right. Even if they meet, they will not walk on the other’s route. These two types of people are very simple to distinguish: one is the apostle, the other is the mage! In each passage, the apostle and the mage passed through, leaving a blank in the middle.

Lan Ji leads the way.

In the classroom, the result is the same: half of them sit on the left and half sit on the right… the middle is blank.

“Altar, my name, I am too lazy to introduce.” After waiting for a few hours, Teacher came over. The opening remarks also made people a little speechless: “First, the new class of the old magician does not know how many classes, I will not Your private affairs. It is possible that this class will be scattered tomorrow, I have to bring another one, so don’t set up a relationship with me.”

Tanro walked to the middle.

I opened my own handwriting and said: “Everyone in this class is coming to promote the holy world. I only talk about things related to the holy world. I need to learn other things, please find the class myself. Ok, please prepare Your casting tool.”

A note.

Everyone took out Magic Staff or spell gloves, and Tang Shidao also opened the book of Wanfa.

This is the time.

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

“I have been teaching for nearly six million years, with nearly 20 million classes… Well, to be honest, I saw students with ‘books’ for the first time. The entire Academy, I am afraid that only you have a book?”

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