Mage Network

Chapter 297

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 297: Fields, Astronomy

I don’t need to think about it at all. I only need one action. Everyone in the class knows who this classmate is: the sixth sage of the Master Network, Tang Shidao!

Everyone knows the book of Wanfa.

However, there are only two books on the law of the rumors that are really being confirmed.

The Master of the Master Network has a copy of the Scarecrow.

Tang Shidao, a mage of

Endless-Void Zhonghao is so powerful, does anyone have a book of Wanfa? Maybe there is, or there may be, but is it really confirmed?


Numerous self-proclaimed gods are very arrogant, and they are rumored to have written the book of Wanfa, but is it really confirmed?


The mage has a lot of big cows, rumors that they have studied the book of Wanfa, but is it really confirmed?


Before Tang Shidao got the book of Wanfa, there was only one book that was truly confirmed: a book in the hands of the Scarecrow!

Rice Herbs reveals the characteristics of the book of Law, so that everyone knows that this thing is just a ‘no egg’ spell book, it is repeated with the role of the Master himself. Everyone does not suspect that the Scarecrow is lying, only guessing that it has not finished. So, everyone wants to get a look.

Unfortunately, no one succeeded.

Regardless of the Master Network or Endless-Void, most of the Masters have tried, that is, no one can succeed!

It can be said.

Before Tang Shidao, one of the scarecrow’s hands was ‘unique’.

Now, the book of Wanfa has become the only one.

“Tang Shidao, the sixth sage of the, the only person who received the Sage Master’s certificate before the Holy Land. The Grandmaster, the first successful solution to the Sinister River mission, won the first refinery division of the Holy Land. The grandmaster of the Grandmaster. Hunting Grandmaster, once assassinated by the Invaders, once killed a man who was against the Master Lair and grabbed the Star Nest. The Master Curse, one person gathered five curses, no record under the Holy Land can be comparable The man.” The altar looked at Tang Shidao, and his eyes had a look like ‘You are a monster.’

As soon as the words were finished, the eyes of the entire class were attracted.

The apostles were unrespected of anger and resentment.

The mage who sat on the side also showed a faint look, and there was a faint taste. Tang Shidao is very speechless… my friendly army!

At this moment.

Tan Luo said: “Don’t think too much as an apostle’s classmate. I know what you are thinking. I want to challenge it right? I want to win back a face. Right? But the idea is good, but some are too naive. I am not looking down. Which of you, but to say that you are all sent to death.”

In a word.

The apostles stood up.

“If you add up, you can’t win the war against the Master, but when Tang is still the ‘first teacher’, he hangs on the cold, and uproots the whole family of the reverse mages. There is still one in the cold. Large group of comrades, they don’t even dare to rescue even rescue. So, you all sit down, you can commit suicide if you want to die.” Tan Luo reached out and pressed.

Dozens of apostles who want to resist are forced to fall down and fall into the chair. In the face of such an understatement of the altar, the apostles did not dare to attack, just roaring Tang Shidao.

Tang Shidao is speechless.

Why am I doing it, but I am not doing it, blame me?

“Void is not your home, nor a paradise for anyone. If you are strong, you will die if you encounter irreversible regional laws. Unless you are stronger than the whole Void, no one dares to say that he is invincible. I am not trying to provoke you, just want to remind you that the previous innocence is collected, no one here is tempted by your temper.” Tan Luo does not like to bend around, straightforward expression.

“Teacher, even if he is strong, is also a holy place. As long as I ask the Father, tomorrow will be the 1st Ring Master, what about the sixth sage?” A young and handsome student stood up.

The apostles were all smug.

They don’t need cultivation, as long as the gods give it to Strength. The opponent is stronger, not as good as his own.

“Do you really think so?” asked Tan Luo.

“of course.”

“Then you can change the class, the temper is not good, I am too lazy to teach.” Tan Luo suddenly spoke.

“Teacher, what do you mean? I am Luo’s god…”

“I don’t care who you are, and I won’t explain it to you. Let’s go.” Almighty waved, and the young and handsome apostle was sent away. I don’t know where to send it. It is likely to be randomly thrown into the corner of Void: “Before entering the school, you must have heard this: Teacher’s decision is the decision of Academy. I will add, in my class, I am Rule.”

At this time, no one dares to speak.

When they met such an unreasonable Teacher, they were really scared.

The mage group is also silent.

But there is no fear of this strange means. In the final analysis, the Master and the Master Division can safely return.

“It was the first lecture: I took your innocence, this is not an amusement park.” Tan looked at the calm Tang Shidao and said: “There is a monster in the class. I just want to remind everyone not to die. Don’t think that I am very busy with you. Ok, now Official class. Next, I will let everyone know about the Holy Land’s Knowledge. No nonsense, I like to use examples to explain. First ask, who knows the special circumstances of the Holy Land What is the skill?”

Tan Luo asked, all the students have their own thoughts.

Some people are early understood.

Some people don’t want to know too much in advance, saving themselves from thinking.

“Reporting teacher, the stunt of the Holy Land Master is ‘field’.” Lan Ji raised his hand, and I was a plaque.

“Yes, the field.” Almaty complexion calmly, and slowly said: “After being promoted to the Holy Land Master, the possession is called the legal ring, so it is generally called the 1st Ring mage. In fact, the legal ring is just a grade example, it The role should be called ‘domain’. Whether you have ever entered the field before, now I will let you feel it directly.”

When Tan Luo talks, the momentum is scattered.


Everyone has a feeling of immersion in the water, as if the whole body is wrapped in energy.

Tan Luo began to lecture: “Now, in the classroom, in my ‘Fireball field’, there is a total of 1 billion mana to form a special cycle. This is the realm of the Holy Land, it must have a prototype spell, and must have One hundred million mana. The normal mana is hidden in the mage, and the field is the special existence of ‘mana external’. Now, are you not understanding?”

Tang Shidao Raises his hand: “What does it mean to have a prototype spell? Can’t there be two spells in the field?”

Tan Luo laughed: “hehe, not a different type of Master, is much better than people who don’t know how to understand. I said outside the topic: Study time, ignorance is not wrong, even if the question will be humiliating, it will be better than the future. Q, I won’t open your head to see what’s inside. Explain the existence of the field: 1st Ring Master must be a field, this field must be a spell and 100 million mana. More than one spell can’t, less 1 Point mana does not work either.”

Tang Shidao asks again: “Mr. Tan Luo, is this similar to the integration of a spell and 100 million mana into one instrument?”

Tan Luo nodded: “Yes, this is more direct. In my case, for the convenience of teaching, I deliberately generated the ‘Fireball field’. So, I have ‘Fireball’ and ‘100 million’ mana in this field. Fireball also includes the derivative of Fireball, but you can’t add ice arrows and wind blades, understand?”

“Understand.” Everyone should answer.

“Well, if that’s the case, I believe everyone will think that this field has no effect. Now, I will explain the three roles of the field. First, within the field, the wizard must be able to use domain spells, not to be spelled or I am isolated. In my case, I can definitely use Fireball in the Fireball field. You have no effect on me to cast ‘Forgetting’ or ‘Flame partition’ in advance. I will definitely release it.”

Tang Shidao also asked: “Also in the land of banned magic?”

Tan Luo shook his head: “No, the utility of the field cannot exceed the contract and the law. The land of the ban is a rule, the field cannot be greater than the law. Additional instructions, such as holding a magic energy blocker, my Fireball technique is released, but Other spells won’t work. In the field, only domain spells can be put, not including the second.”

Tang Shidao nodded.

“Second, within the field, the Master can veto anyone using the same spell. For example, I am in the Fireball field, and within the field I can veto Fireball for all of you. You give it a try and just asked you to prepare Magic Staff. Let’s try, who can release a different Fireball.”

Tan Luo indicates that everyone started.

Personal experience is necessary, and students in the class will test it immediately.

But… Fireball can’t be put out.

“Hockey can be.” An apostle student is weak.

“Crap, one area can decide all spells, I am invincible in the early days.” Tan Luo shouted, said again: “Additional explanation. I will not only veto your Fireball in the Fireball field, but also double-fire the Fireball, Rotating fire bombs, blasting Fireball, etc., forty-seven related derivations are vetoed. Can you give a try, who can release a different Fireball derivative?”

In this case, everyone understands… The Fireball field can only be determined by the derivative of the Teacher.

He can’t let him know.

If you don’t understand, you can cast it.

The mages were careful to test, and there was nothing wrong with the apostles. With regard to derivative spells, the gods are not interested in studying the basic little things of Fireball. The gods do not understand, and the apostles naturally do not understand.

“I can put ‘sulphur fog’.” Charm hands show a sand-like smog.

“Very good. I didn’t expect that I forbid more than forty kinds of derivative spells that you also applied. You are called… Charm? Abyss Succubus race? Well, very good, how many kinds of Fireball do you know?” Tan Luo praised.

“162 kind.”

“…” Tan Luo stunned for a moment. Nimei, my teacher knows 47, you know 162.

Everyone in the class also looked speechless.

I thought: Sure enough, the people around the monster are also monsters. More than one hundred kinds of derivatives, countless are all annoying, how do you study it.

“Continue to lecture. The third role, within the field, the Master can cast spells anywhere in the field.” Tan Luoton a meal, deliberately let everyone think. At this time, he only saw Tang Shidao’s complexion rapid change, and even made a Defence gesture. Tan Luo laughed and said slowly: “Sounds, this is meaningless, in fact, the third is the most important.”

The mage group is still thinking, and the apostles are obviously dissatisfied.

“I will give an example. First, who knows about resurrection and Soul recovery?” asked Tan.

Tang Shidao raised his hand: “I have a resurrection and a retreat.”

Tan Luo laughed: “The Hades are still? Soul’s recovery of the derivative spells. Well, yes. I want to be an example, you must be convinced by the apostles. You, get up, do Defence, I will use Fireball to deal with you. ”

The named apostle smiled and opened a Flame resistance at random, thinking that Fireball had a fart power.

Tan Luo said: “I just said, I can cast it right anywhere in the field. Then I will call a Fireball from your mouth now.”


The standing apostle student subconsciously licked his mouth, and a Fireball exploded in his mouth.

Not too much.

“The second one is next to your heart…” The altar was beckoning, and the apostle’s chest was flashing red. At this time, he said, “The third one is called in your mind.”

As soon as the voice fell, the apostle’s brain exploded.

Don’t say Defence.

He didn’t even have a chance to react.

Tang Shidao waved and the apostle student was resurrected. At this time, he was standing pale and his legs were shaking. Tan Luo ignored him and said: “Everyone thought that the body with no weakness in the body should not be afraid. Look again, for example, I summoned a hundred Fireballs in the body of this classmate…”

During the talk, the skin of the apostle students was red.

It seems like a small volcano erupts.

In the next second, he squirted a small Fireball all over the body.

“If it is a thousand, he will become ashes.” Altar smiled, waved, and the body of the apostle’s students was ignited.

Tang Shidao waved the use of the Hades to pay for it, and then applied treatment to let the apostolic students of Chis s return to normal.


This guy has been scared, completely ignorant of the reaction.

Tan Luo’s smile remains: “Now, who else thinks that ‘Mage can cast spells anywhere in the field’ is useless?”

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