Mage Network

Chapter 295

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 295: Magic Tour 9, Real Harvest, Astronomy

The mission is not over yet, but Tang Shidao feels it is over.

After doing this, the results are not important. Suddenly, Tang Shidao rushed for an unprecedented degree of pride. This time, ‘Sports’ itself outweighed Lua and also defeated the former self on his own.


Down to earth.

Win a real life protagonist as a passerby!

Complete your wish.

Tang Shidao left the rock mountain city pool again, and came out to breathe. By the way, he asked what happened to the parents of the law.

“After returning to Your Excellency, you have been meditating for thirteen years. Because of the servant of Your Excellency 10,000 Wyvern, the Void crack has never been a major disaster. The King is very grateful for your help, and the people are very grateful for your asylum. Some Magic Academy invites You have lectured in the past, I know that Your Excellency is not interested, so I have not bothered you.”

“Uncle is worried about Law?? Rest assured, he will succeed. Law will definitely be stronger than me. Nothing else, I continue to meditate and wait for Ruth to come back.” Tang Shidao is not too embarrassed.

He knew that Rhea’s father was worried: he was worried that his son was dead.

Now his status has changed dramatically, but his strength has not increased much.

If there is no shelter.

Hehe, may end up worse at any time.

“You please, Your Excellency, please let us know if you need it. This is what the king means.”


Tang Shidao returned to the rock city in the mountains and continued to meditate and practice. In this task, I can’t grow Strength myself, but I can enhance my academic level and research experience. In quiet cultivation, after another three years, Tang Shidao suddenly received the news of Lua.

The live broadcast begins again.

The difference is.

The law in front of him is different. He has a feeling of ‘near the gods’. As if he is no longer a human mage, he has stepped into the hierarchy of the gods. For a moment, Tang Shidao seems to have seen the former self… the kind of non-stick fireworks.

“Don, I am successful.” Lua is very excited.

“I can tell.”

“The Holy Land, this is the holy place…hehe, I laughed, Tang. I need to slow down my mood to sort things out and tell you later…”

“Law, no need.”

“What?” Lua saw that Tang Shidao was no different from before and was stuck in this limit.

“Nothing, law, but I don’t really want to hear it myself. I think I can work hard too. Right, can you tell me the newly created spell?”

“Of course, Tang. It is called the ancestor summoning…” Lua did not hide, and slowly revealed his new spell.

Tang Shidao only listened quietly.

He knows that law is not a big idea or excessive trust. This is the self-confidence of a sacred wizard.

At this level, he has already ‘stabilized’ his foot.

Listening to the words of Lua, Tang Shidao is also effective in contrast to his ancestor call. Strictly speaking, the ancestor call is not a physical call, but an additional effect. In addition to double the use of mana to enhance power, the summoned beast produces a stronger individual.

What is the role of the attachment of the ancestor?

Directly strengthen the spell itself!

If the summoned fierce spell is divided into ‘general fierce wolf, elite fierce wolf, leader fierce wolf, wolf king, ancient wolf king, ancestor wolf king’ several levels, the additional effect of using the ancestor summons may summon the ancestor wolf king.

Must be the ancestor wolf king?

Nor is it!

The additional effect of the ancestor summons is equal to a ‘crit chance’.

With a little success, the general fierce wolf can become an elite fierce wolf, and the top effect is the ancestor wolf king. At this stage, Tang Shidao feels that he can summon the ‘Wolf King’ is not bad, and the ancestor Wolf King can’t reach it for the time being.

“Don, I still need to practice for a while. You help me to continue my research and try to improve the chances of success in summoning my ancestors.”

“Law, are you not going to save Kirana?”

“I have been here for fifteen years. The outside of the maze must have lurked in super-strong opponents, even the Holy Land Master. I can’t take risks, Tang, I want to make sure that I can kill them smoothly, and I will escape safely if I don’t.” A ‘losing’ once, but his life’s protagonist has not weakened.

“Okay, I will help you.” Tang Shidao has no opinion.

The story came to an end and it is estimated to be over.

The law in the calendar is definitely not dead, but Kirana must have died. Therefore, this is the regret of Lua and the reason for his mission.


Lawa has spent the day practicing, and Tang Shidao has been studying.


The ‘location’ of both parties has changed. At the beginning of the mission, Tang Shidao had a Strength but no knowledge; now Lua has a Strength, but the knowledge gradually fades down and is handed over to Tang Shidao. For a few months, a few years, the last law did not participate in the study, only telling his own experience, and then let Tang Shidao study the new breakthrough point.

have to say.

When Lawa focused on practice, he quickly changed from 1st Ring Master to 2nd Ring Master and 2nd Ring to 3rd Ring.

This rapid growth matches the script of the ‘life protagonist’.

However, Tang Shidao was slightly disappointed.

Because… the ‘learning’ of the law is far worse than himself!

In the past, when he was still in the fourth grade of elementary school, he had a high school student. When he entered junior high school, Law has already been in the first year of college. Now, I have tried my best to get a ‘doctor’. I have not graduated from Rua University.

Tang Shidao believes that his cultivation hinders his research. However, this also means that some kind of ‘growth’ of the law has been slowed down.

I don’t know why, Tang Shidao suddenly thought of the story of the tortoise and the hare.

the other side.

Lua did not feel that there was anything wrong with him. His Strength soared, far exceeding Tang Shidao by dozens of times. He is also wondering: Why is Tang Shidao, who is so talented in his studies, hard to get promoted under the holy world?

“Don, I think I have already prepared.” For more than ten years, Lua is more like a god.

Waving and dancing, there is a marine summoning beast army in front of you.

At this moment he completely surpassed the level of the Lich.

“Law, I want to ask you to be careful about one thing.”

“Hey?” Lua did not feel that he needed to be careful. The lichs were already the same as the ants.

“I hope you don’t take too much. I hope that I guess it is wrong. I think one of the opponents you are about to face may be Kirana. If she is thrown into the maze and is not dead, it is likely to be controlled by the Lich. Become a warrior,” Tang Shidao reminded.

“…” Lua said nothing.


I was silent for a whole day.

“Don, thank you, I decided not to go out first. Will you help me for another year?”

“Of course, we are friends.”

“Well, we are friends.” Law smiled.

In the following year, Lua once again played the role of the protagonist of his life, trying to self-study a spell that once appeared: God’s call! This is not the only spell. It has appeared in history and is also a sequence of millions of curses. Lua did not learn, and Tang Shidao did not learn. The two men joined forces to study this spell by themselves.

“You have at least 70% credit.” A year later, Lua succeeded.

“You also provide a lot of ideas.” Tang Shidao has no modest enthusiasm because he does account for 70%. I even said that I learned the call of the gods earlier than the law, but I was unable to use it because of my task.

The goal of the law is reached.

After that.

Naturally, I rushed out of the maze and sang the lichs. Without the surprise of Tang Shidao, one of the strongest death knights of the Lich is Kirana! Because Lua did not attack with all her strength, Kirana was not summoned to kill the army. However, at the same time, Lua could not save Kirana, she could only use her god to summon her to seal her.

“Don, is there a way to save her?” Lua used to ask questions like this.

“I can’t be sure, it’s estimated that the life stone of Mutation is useful.” Tang Shidao has been the answerer for years.

“It seems that I can’t go back at the same time. Don, will you still help me?”

“Well, until I see you and Kirana’s wedding. Don’t worry, I will help you while practicing. I have a chance to attack the Holy Land immediately. It’s fine.”

“Thank you, Don.”

“Wait, I will invite your parents and the dignitaries of the gods. Just get an image, you can show your face and your family will be safe.” Tang Shidao knows these are small things, but some small things can not avoid.

Rhea certainly agreed.


The kings and dignitaries of the sacred kingdom ‘see the law of the realm of the Holy Land, and probably know the story of the general of Kirana.

This appearance, the family of the law is completely stable.

After that.

Once again, the story returns to the live broadcast of Lua, and Tang Shidao continues to work hard to improve the success rate of the ancestor call. One side practiced Strength, and one side studied and studied. One day after six years, suddenly, a strange race that feared Strength offered a Mutation life stone, hoping that Rhea would not invade their homeland.

Tang Shidao is not too unexpected.

The story of the Lich after World War I was not in history, and it is not surprising that what happened.

Four months later.

Rhea came back with Kirana.

On the third day of the return, the two held a grand wedding. Tang Shidao saw this scene and knew that the mission story should be over.

“It has delayed you a lot of time, Tang, I am really sorry. You have to leave, prepare your own holy land trial?”

“It doesn’t matter, law, I learned a lot from your body.”

“Oh, I didn’t teach you anything. I believe that you will succeed. Don, remember to come back to me.” Lua said with a slight smile.

Tang Shidao only smiled and didn’t speak.

Once the mission is over, it is impossible to see each other again.

Mind leaving.

Tang Shidao feels that there are countless energy escapes around, and there is also a sense of time and confusion. Blinking again, Mrs. Wuyun is in front of her eyes and is slightly surprised to look at herself. Behind it, the black energy planet disappeared and the mission site no longer exists.

At this time, Tang Shidao felt that he did not receive any ‘prizes’.

Everything is over.

“How long?”

“There is less than one hundred days before and after.” Mrs. Wuyun responded and said: “Don, you don’t seem to have any gains… strange, the mission location has disappeared.”

“No, yes.” Tang Shidao knew why the people in front had failed.

There are no prizes for this mission.

Only learn!

From the moment of entry, he added three spells: double-fired Fireball, ancestor summoning, and sacred summoning. The ancestor summons is the prize for this mission, but it is not done after the task ‘捡’, it needs to be ‘learned’ from the mission.

How is it different from other failed wizards?

He has surpassed the story of the protagonist of life, and he does not wait for the legacy of the law, and he has harvested the prize by his own efforts.

“Don, if you need some rewards…”

“No, Mrs. Uyun, I am really rewarding. Thank you for your invitation, I have a trip that I have never forgotten.” Tang Shidao smiled and refused. This time, my own harvest is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

See Tang Shidao to leave.


Mrs. Wuyun added another sentence: “Don, if you want to promote the holy world, it is best to go to the good old Academy to practice once. At least, you need to understand what the holy place is.”

Tang Shidao nodded: “Thank you, I must go.”

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