Mage Network

Chapter 291

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 291: Magic Tour 5, the essential qualities of the protagonist of life, floating astronomy

This time, Tang Shidao reached out and interfered, not distorting the plot, only speeding up the collection of resources in the law. As early as in the secret discussion of the law, he already had a plan: the first decade was only desperately learning, desperately collecting materials, but not desperately trying to improve. Because the devil’s contract is a tax payment period of ten years, the strength of the Golden Horn devil must be paid according to the contract.

Therefore, the law does not intend to enhance itself too quickly, just try to gather the wealth.

In the next decade, Law is planning to strengthen Strength.

“and then……”

“Don, I want to find a way to kill the Golden Horn demon.” Law A is really the protagonist. From the memory to the chip, the motherboard to the hard disk, from the display to the control system, people are the protagonist. Not to mention his super innate talent, this ambition is not something that general people can have.

Strength at this stage.

The devil of the Algonquin horns did not have a finger, but he dared to think: kill the contractor twenty years later.

Oh, this can be the thinking of normal people.

Must be the lead system.

“I support you.” Tang Shidao doesn’t care about the death of the Golden Horn, and it is easy to kill it or want to resurrect it anyway. Since Lua has this ambition, probably, he must have done this in real history.

Failure or success?


Not sure.

Since I was able to create a unique spell in the end, it is estimated that the Golden Horn demon is also cool. Even if it is not dead, it is estimated that there is no way to control the law. Think of the time flow rate here is not the same as the outside world, Tang Shidao is also waiting. Law Aya is fascinated by research, and occasionally can also make some amazing opinions, which also makes Tang Shidao gain a lot.

The two levels are different.

Law is a true summoning expert. Tang Shidao only has super fighting power, and academics are really no better than law.

The days to come.

The mercenary group with the bones and bones has the sentinels of blood-sucking poison bees. They not only have a much higher survival rate, but also have a success rate of several times. Even some tasks that I would never dare to pick up can be picked up. In terms of hunting Devil-Beast, everyone relies on this ‘bee soldier’ ​​sentinel to get information in this way.

During this time, every day, the mercenary group hunted, not as cautious as before.

The business of Lua has grown a lot and resources have been collected.

Because Tang Shidao and the Golden Horn demon have a master servant contract, this ‘servant’ has not mentioned the matter of Strength, only according to Tang Shidao’s instructions, only to gain some benefits in the transaction. Rua saw that the devil didn’t mention the matter of Strength, and the business did not matter. It doesn’t matter if you earn less.

Ordinary days.

One year, two years, three years.

The outside world is also three or four days old. It has been a few years here.

“Don, it’s not my pessimism. I think we can’t win the Golden Horn Demon. We summon the Little Monster, summon the Demon, summon the Demons, and summon the Flame Lord. These are the existence of the Golden Horn Demon. Even if we Adding to enhance their combat power, in the end, certainly more than just leave the Golden Horn demon.”

“So, law, what do you think of?” Tang Shidao is very interested and too interested.

“I was wondering if I could summon a stronger presence than the Golden Horn Demon.”

“It is the commander of Hell Abyss. In Hell, it is second only to Devil-King. Law, do you want to summon Devil-King?” Tang Shidao is communicating, really communicating, but this is The only chance to talk to the big cow.

“No, it’s possible that the Golden Horn demon is cheating on me, maybe it’s Devil-King. I have to think farther, for example, the Purgatory Monarch.”

Tang Shidao smiled… this is the protagonist.

Tang Shidao is very clear that the Golden Horn demon is the commander of the Hell, and it is invisible under the master and servant contract.

However, Lua does not know.

Rhea only uses the vision of the ‘life protagonist’ to see the question: What if the Golden Horn devil lie to me? It is a demon, I have to guard against one hand, right. The general person is so stupid to believe in the devil, the protagonist is different from the general, the protagonist has to think farther, right.

“Don, do you think it is impossible?”

“No, law, I support you. You know that my innate talent is not good, but the theory is OK. If you need help, please say.”

“Thank you, Tang, I have more confidence in helping you.” Lua left home and the whole person was released.

The protagonist aura, put on.

Leadership temperament, full.

IQ is added and poured.

Even more unreasonable… Fuck has a lucky bonus.

In the fifth year or so, a major event occurred in Devil-Beast: For some reason, Subterranean suddenly emerged an ancient monument, an ancient stone filled with magic energy. This time the neighboring kingdoms, all the mercenary groups, all the wizard families, and all the surrounding Devil-Beast are gathered here.

No matter what ancient stone is.

To be sure, everyone wants to grab their own hands.

Lawa is the same.

In his opinion, can life be reversed all this time? So Tang Shidao followed. Surprisingly, the protagonist of Lua’s protagonist exploded. He chose a path that everyone would dare to take, passing directly from the Devil-Beast nest. This is the courting death behavior, but Devil-Beast ran to find ancient stone tablets, and the law passed without any danger.

I also encountered some mobs in the middle, but they all gave people the experience.

This is not counting.

Over the mountains, over several rivers, and the adventures of some adventure mage. Going deep into Devil-Beast’s nest, people are fine, and they can smash the knives. Fuck really has such unreasonable settings.

No surprises and no danger to the destination, here has been a pot of porridge.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao deliberately distracted from the law, in fact, it is to see what this ‘life protagonist’ plays. Unsurprisingly, Lua met with the general of Kirana, and she knew each other. A pair of dogs, men and women… ah, no, a pair of childhood friends, not right… In short, very dog ​​blood, and soon Kirana fell into a great crisis, and the law was decisively rescued by the devil’s Strength.

As a script.

In the face of such a glorious Empire, the devil spokesperson of Rua is certainly not good.

Although it helps a lot, but couples are heretics… ah no, demons are heretics and must be excluded from the sacred glory of Empire. The couple who were eyebrows were not only dismantled, but the king also gave media to his son, trying to get Kirana to marry his Prince.

Kirana did not agree, just said to consider.

The story to this law has been boiling blood.

Uh huh.

That’s right.

That’s it.

The law of the protagonist of life has once again sublimated. The more frustration and the more courage, the more abuse and the rebound, you are not a good one, and you are embarrassed to call the protagonist. In any case, Lua was disappointed with the king and the kingdom, and decisively placed the goddess in the first place. The insider prepares to stop the killing, and God blocks the killing.

Tang Shidao in soy sauce only thought: If I didn’t stir up Huang Qi Lana’s first wedding, what would happen this time?

A short story of an unmarried youth and a married woman?

Think about it.

No, too hot eyes.

Certainly, this story will not change, and the protagonist does not abuse how it is right. In the successor story, the demon spokesperson, Rua, was rushed away by the rich and handsome Prince, and he was properly prepared for the old routine. Then, what is the law in front of the country and the Devil-Beast race, the devil is called out to die, and the law is decisive.

Then, another unreasonable ‘protagonist halo drama’ was sketched out.

This war is a win-win for the major kingdoms of unity and cooperation, but there is no guilty calculation of what is normal. It is reasonable and reasonable that the countries that have won have begun to guilty and put aside all considerations of face to compete for this ancient monument. You vomit me and spit me, I secretly smack you, you call the undercover, I call the dark chess, you green, I yell, I sleep, your sister, in short, a chaotic, such as Ma Yan Tang Shidao can not understand the ‘family dispute’ opening.

In the end, of course, the rich and handsome Prince who won’t even have both father and mother won.


How can there be a ‘protagonist’ to kill him? The life does not defeat a few high-fashioned handsome, you are so good to call the protagonist.

The last two contested.

Tang Shidao quietly came to the ancient stone.

Success, only one step!

This thing is definitely the ‘Knowledge’ that Law has changed his life, and he is able to create the key to the only spell. As long as you win, this database will not lie to yourself, you must get the relevant Knowledge. Just about to reach out to grab this Knowledge, the next second, Tang Shidao stopped himself.

Do not!

This is not right!

Even if it is a real Knowledge, this thing may not be researched by itself. Law is a law, he is himself… Law is calling genius, he is not yet, he just graduated from apprentice, only has more than tens of thousands of times of force.

One hundred military forces will not be able to do the work of one hundred intellectual military divisions.

I can’t do this myself.

If Law is really the protagonist, he can be successful and he can’t take the risk.

The flash disappears.

Soon, Law and Prince split the game, and sure enough, the protagonist of life won.


Really true, Lua gave Tang Shidao an education class: What is the essential quality of life protagonists?

When I came into contact with the ancient stone, there was a ecstasy on the face of Lua. Obviously, he can understand that he also knows that this Strength can bring him earth-shaking changes. At this time, Lua made a thing that Tang Shidao could never think of: he gave up!


It should be said that the law has stopped absorption.

He put away the ancient stone and hid it in a place that was absolutely undiscovered.

Tang Shidao sees from his complexion: He hesitated, he struggled, he speculated that the acquisition of this Strength can be a battle with the Golden Horn Demon five years later, but the success is too small. Therefore, the law decided not to wave, and began to develop from the second decade in accordance with the original plan.

In the face of such a big gift bag, Lua controlled himself with the steel-like Will.

Tang Shidao laments: This is the real protagonist!

General People are lucky to this step, the Strength of the ancient stone is certain, 99% people will do so. However, Lua does not… He is the protagonist of life! He has a hundred times more tough than the average person! It is conceivable that the next five years, the law will think of ancient stone tablets every night, and every day and night have to bite their teeth.

For the whole five years, Rhea has to spend this “torture”.

However, he still chooses not to gamble.

The protagonist is the protagonist!

After the human guilt, the newly arrived Devil-Beast reoccupied the place, but everything is over. There was also a small accident. The rich and handsome Prince was still alive. He used the last card and resurrected himself with a corpse.

After fleeing the battlefield.

“Oh, yeah, I won’t let you go. First of all, Kirana’s slut, I must turn her into a bitch, and then become my loyal Skeleton warrior. I really look forward to it. The moment you saw her, Lua, you wait for me.” The corpse Prince roared.

“That can’t be done.” Tang Shidao appeared.

There is still a bit of struggle inside, and the plot is clearly out of the main line.

To go to the original plot, the corpse Prince can’t die.

To keep Kirana, the corpse Prince can’t live.

“Who are you? hēng hēng, a Magic apprentice. Become my Skeleton soldier… ah…” The corpse Prince didn’t even have a chance to shoot, and it was seconds. Tang Shidao also doesn’t want to have a crispy skin and a dead body, just kill it.

At this point, the plot is really awkward.

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