Mage Network

Chapter 292

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 292: Magic Tour 6, self-sublimation, floating astronomy

Ancient stone monuments compete for one battle, and the guilts of the mages of various countries are not all hanged. Master, Master has a wonderful setting called ‘can’t run,’ and a transmission can leave the battlefield. Kirana is also one of the battle mage who has been injured and has included most of her loyalists.

It makes sense that even if the corpse Prince is not dead, he may not have got Kirana in the future.

But Tang Shidao doesn’t want to bet.

There is only one chance for the mission. The safer the two are, the more secure the mission is.


Tang Shidao The idea has changed.

Suddenly, Tang Shidao felt that the task was not too important. From the swaying Young Master to the protagonist of life, one is his strong innate talent, and the other is his mind and Will. Especially in the ancient stone, I can say that Tang Shidao feels that he will ‘receive’ this gift and bet on whether he can defeat the Golden Horn demon in five years.

Law has not done this, he does not gamble, he wants 1% hundred grasp.

Hey, listen.

Are you not embarrassed?

Yes, you can say that the law is awkward. However, in addition to the illegitimate child of the goddess of fortune, no one can rely on ‘gambling luck’ to succeed. The true winner is not as shocking as the protagonist of life, and the spirit of the king is scattered, and then he is on the peak of life. The real winners, each one is a stack of intellectual strength luck.

In essence, the choice of law is the best choice.

Compare it.

Tang Shidao doesn’t count on his own force. He only compares academics, practice, intelligence and management… he is better than law! I am confident that I can compare the skill of the refining technique with the law, but I am embarrassed compared to the application and research of the summoning spell. I have been in the Magic Academy for a few years, and I am really as bad as I am.

More important point.

Law is more like a protagonist in life. He has more goals, is tougher, more offensive, and has more brains and ideas.


Tang Shidao feels that the task is not as important as the law.

This is a re-emergence of data, and this is also the restoration of the life track of the law. In other words, you can demonstrate yourself and guide yourself how to become a real protagonist. This life experience is more important than the task results… Tang Shidao is not lacking in Strength, and there is no shortage of unique spells, but lacks essential self-sublimation.

From now on.

Tang Shidao feels that he wants to simulate the role of law, understand him, learn from him, and absorb the essence of his life experience.

Then, continue to improve and improve yourself.

In the mission, Tang Shidao couldn’t use Soul to paint, but still feel that Lua is a painting that is more perfect than himself, in a sense close to perfect Soul.

“Don, you are safe. Some things… I am not very convenient to explain, do you trust me?”

“Of course, the law, you tell me the important things of the devil contract, how can you not trust you. OK, if there is something inconvenient, please don’t say, I also have some things that can’t tell you, I hope you understand.” Shidao once again likes it. Rhea needs a friend, but he needs to hide the ancient stone.

The ancient stone is the hope of Lua’s turning over. He can endure five years of patience and naturally does not want to increase the chance of failure because of himself.

As the protagonist of life, he only chooses 1%.

“I understand, thank you for your understanding, Don. Wait for me for a while. I promise, I will tell you everything.”


The two shake hands and join hands again.

Because of this turmoil, the strength of the surrounding countries has been greatly reduced. The decline in the strength of the bones has also made the business of the law more and more. At this point, an unexpected news came: When the countries were weak, a group of long-awaited death churches took the lead. They began to attack the city and plunder the land.

Tang Shidao thought of the corpse Prince in a flash.

It is estimated that he has a deep relationship with the death regime.

Rebellion together.

The general of Kirana naturally became an active figure on the battlefield, and everything seems to return to the original point. More unexpectedly, Lua once again showed his extraordinary means. Some time ago, Rua established his own mercenary group. This time he directly let the mercenaries join the Kings and participate in crusade against the death camp.

During this period, Lua constantly established his own small forces.

He is very scattered.

Putting a little in each city did not attract anyone’s attention at all.

In addition to the layout of the law, I also tried to study the summoning spells. From the beginning, he lags behind Tang Shidao, slowly catching up, slowly going beyond, and finally Tang Shidao can only see his back. The older generation’s summoning big cows are well-deserved, and like the sorcerer Lan Ji and others specializing in attacking spells, the law is also far better than the just-started Tang Shidao.

“Don, sorry, let you do these basic theories.” Lua became busy, and Tang Shidao became an intern, experimenting according to his ideas.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, I only know how to study.”

Tang Shidao does not matter.


When it comes to academics, he is far less than law. Speaking of Strength… A slap can kill him.

Before the arrival of the first decade.

Tang Shidao only does one thing: study hard and slowly follow the footsteps of Law.

When the Golden Horn demon came to collect taxes.

Tang Shidao’s academic research on the evaluation of law is the extent to which 10 can be traced to 6. After paying the contract, there was no more than half of the strength of the law. The Golden Horn demon obeyed the instructions of Tang Shidao and learned a law. Finally, when the Golden Horn demon left, Lua also excused to leave.

He found the ancient stone that has been hidden for five years, absorbed the Strength above, and obtained the Knowledge above.

And then.

The life of Lua is like a rocket. He spent most of his time practicing, and a few of them studied academically with Tang Shidao. At this time, Tang Shidao found another thing: the practice of innate talent in Law is not very good. If his research level is 10, the level of practice should not exceed 7 points.

In the first two years of hard work, Lua was basically a strength that absorbed and controlled the ancient monuments.

The third year.

When he was confident that he was ready to make a big impact, he suffered the first crisis in his life. His previous layout, the scattered and widely distributed small group of mercenaries, because of the war has a very large strength.

When Lua summoned them, these people decided… to kill Lua!

They don’t need a master.

They have to stand on their own feet.

“Don, I am very difficult to see now?” Of course, the law has won, and the mercenaries will not die of the protagonist.

“A little.”

“Don, thank you for not betraying me. It doesn’t matter, I want to understand one thing now.”

“What?” Tang Shidao nodded.

“People can’t believe in all things, and they can’t believe in life. Only summoning beasts, only those formed by Magic are absolutely loyal.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao once again realized what is called the protagonist of life.

This kind of person will not be defeated.

If he is miscalculated, he will grow up once. When he hurt the skin, he became a harder nail.

The person who lost his self-blame is not the protagonist of life.

The talents who learn from failure are the protagonists of life.

Seeing the light in the eyes of the law, Tang Shidao knew that he had ‘ironed his heart’ to study the summoning spells. For the task, he still gave a mouth: “Law, you like Kirana is a well-known thing. Mercenaries did not kill you, will they deal with her?”

A law.

After thinking about it, he said: “Don, I know that everyone has a secret. Now I have to tell Kirana that it is too late. Can you tell her?”

Tang Shidao nodded: “Yes, but do you believe me?”

Lua also nodded: “I have acquired some kind of mysterious Strength, but I still can’t see your true strength. I think, you are probably better than me. If you want to harm me, you have tens of thousands of opportunities. So, I believe in you. Please help me inform Kirana.”

Tang Shidao summoned the crow, let go, and asked: “Law, don’t you doubt me?”

Law La laughed: “No. If you are weaker than me, I will doubt, but you are much stronger than me. I don’t have to worry. Who is Strong in Master World? I am only strange, Don, you want me. What do you get?”

Tang Shidao does not expose the plot: “Law, I can’t enter the holy world, but some people say you can. I wonder how you can do it, I need to learn from you.”

A glimpse of the law, then smiled: “I understand. If I can enter the Holy Land, I will do my best to help you achieve your wish in the future.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, we are friends, Don. Now, the future is also.”

For Rua, Tang Shidao’s reason is perfect.

It is normal for a mage to learn from another mage. Even if the former is stronger than the latter, the ability of the mage is divided into many kinds. For example, an alchemy Grandmaster may not be as good as a reel apprentice. The Master will not think that the other person wants to study is not a friend, no, not like this.

The more you can share with each other, the more you can call a friend.

Just ask for a friend and not a friend.

Tang Shidao issued a notice and Kirana also escaped. Because of the information provided by Lua, Kirana also removed these mercenary pieces one by one, collecting their resources and strengthening their own army.

Things are back on track again.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao and Lua became strategic partners. Tang Shidao asked the law to ask academic questions, and Lua asked Tang Shidao for training. The two complement each other and both sides have qualitative changes. When the second decade came, the law gave up the previous arrangement and decided to single out the Golden Horn demon. Tang Shidao certainly does not object, he knew that Law will definitely win.


Lua killed the Golden Horn demon, and Tang Shidao secretly abandoned the contract and normalized everything.

This is the way.

Lua was truly relieved, and then shared with Tang Shidao the summoning experience on the ancient stone. It can be said that he did not do this before leaving the devil’s contract, because his plan is to succeed. Even if he had a good relationship with Tang Shidao, he also killed the concept of ‘no mistakes’.

The mind is like iron, and that is the kind of person.

Tang Shidao has no adventures, and it is easy to get the call of the ancient stone, and there is also a interpretation of the law. Originally, this was able to bet a gamble 15 years ago, but now it is ‘1% hundred’.

Studying this information, Tang Shidao found that there is no clue about the only spell.

The task has not been completed yet.

Is it a wedding?

Tang Shidao believes that no, the task is not so superficial. Next, when he practiced and developed his forces, Tang Shidao was fascinated with the experience of summoning spells. Two years later, the twenty-second year of coming here… Void cracks suddenly opened.

more important.

In order to stop the invasion, Kirana was taken away by Void’s unknown animal.

“I have to save her, Tang, she is everything to me.”

“I know.”

“I can’t let you go with me, Void is too dangerous.”

“I understand. This invisible ghost crow is for you. It can’t help you, but it can explore the road. It is very weak, maybe it will be killed two or three times. I stay here to continue to practice, I hope you can Save the sweetheart.” Tang Shidao sent an invisible ghost crow, secretly sighed in his heart: the ending is still back to the routine.

There is no doubt that this is the true original story.

This is the road to life’s protagonist, another more brilliant story.

Tang Shidao just doesn’t understand.

What about the mission?

What mission did Rua’s failure in history leave?

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