Mage Network

Chapter 290

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 290: Magic trip 4, there is no useless thing, only people who will not use, floating astronomy

“Don, I am sorry, I am tired of you.” Law is deeply sorry. It was him who accepted the devil’s contract. The Master’s Guild found Tang Shidao ‘collaboration’ and provided evidence of devil contract research, proving that Tang Shidao was a supporter of the disaster.

A student who assists in summoning demons.

Naturally, Magic Academy definitely can’t stay.

“It doesn’t matter, law, I just thought of going outside, I don’t have money to stay in Magic Academy.” Tang Shidao shook his head slightly.

I thought: If I didn’t deliberately leave a note, they would find the evidence that I am assisting you.

This incident was originally a routine.

I can’t follow the true history, because you have failed, I have to help you succeed in holding the beauty, otherwise you will not get the only spell. If we don’t go together, it will be much harder to help you.

“Don, where do you want to go?”

“Look at you, I have been in an orphanage since I was a child, and World only knows when I read a book.” Tang Shidao didn’t take the idea.


What should I do if the plot is distorted?

The former wizards were all elites, and they thought that you might be a ‘protagonist’. If they knew but didn’t succeed, it proved that the task was not that simple. It’s almost certain that I am now tying to tie the Kirana female general and then marrying you. The game is almost over, and there is no chance of success.

“Breaking the bones, dare to go?” Lua made an unexpected answer.

“This… are you sure?” Tang Shidao smiled inside.

“I have a devil contract, not afraid.” Lua flashed in the eyes, and he saw that he had planned. Even said that he had already thought about retreating before he started to kill the Bayesian family. He did not give up Kirana, he also locked in this life goal.

“You have confidence.” Tang Shidao nodded.

I don’t know the choice of Law in my heart.

The bones are not a city.

It is even said that it does not belong to any country. Because this World has a magic spring, there are many Devil-Beast races on the ground. Unlike humans, Devil-Beast has no order and often invades human society. A country wants to build it up, and clearing Devil-Beast is a must. Some Devil-Beast are too powerful, or breed too fast, and can only be rushed first.

The white bones are equal to the ancient Great Wall. It is not a borderline. It is the dividing line between humans and Devil-Beast.

The border of all countries.

Unless there is another country bordering another country, the border is a blight.

There are four words in the white bones. The white bones are the bones that are dead and can’t be directly thrown at the battlefield. The side refers to the border. The shortage means that this border is very ‘desolate’. In order to prevent the Devil-Beast invasion, the kingdom army burned the forest on the border, filled the river, overthrew the mountain, and buried the swamp. In short, this border must not have a hiding place. Even if a mouse comes, you have to see it a few kilometers away.

The bones and bones must be flat, unobstructed, and at a glance.

Opposite is the Devil-Beast site.

So dangerous, who else dares to come in addition to the army?

The answer is… mercenary!

“Devil-Beast is the most valuable thing in the world, no one, the more powerful Devil-Beast is more valuable. Don, we want to make a fortune, and it’s our best place to go. It’s been a long time at Magic Academy, and it’s with Bayesian. The family of animals has been fighting for one game. I found that there is no money to support the Master.

“Well, I understand.” Tang Shidao nodded.

Going to the edge of the bones is the first choice to counter the protagonist.

There is nothing wrong with it.

“Don’t worry, Don, I am not sure. I don’t mention the Devil’s Strength. I only talk about its resources. You may not know that Abyss has a lot of iron ore, but the demons don’t like it. They prefer copper or Fire Crystal. I plan to trade with the devil, and I will use the Iron Ore to trade Magic materials with the mercenaries.”

“Law, your profits will not be very high in this kind of trading. It is not worthwhile to continue trading with the devil.”

“Don, you are very smart. It is wonderful to have you help me. Yes, this is not profitable. But I have to do this, I need those mercenaries.”

“Why don’t you choose the army?”

“Because there is a country behind the army, Tang, they will not listen to me. The mercenaries are different. As long as they are used to my goods, they can’t do without my help. In some cases, they have to help me.” Once I fall, they can’t find a channel like me in a short time. When I accumulate to a certain extent, I can hire some people to grow up.”

Tang Shidao heard nothing.

This is fine.

With the devil behind the back, there is no problem in security. The use of goods tied to the occupants is the same in nature as the ‘user viscosity’. The law itself is very innate talent, he has a life goal, and the whole person is determined to make progress.

No accidents.

Tang Shidao and Lua went to the path of the bones and bones, and things were as smooth as they were.

There are also some small frictions.

However, the Master is still very capable of solving the problem.

Tang Shidao feels that the success of the law is not only a well-planned, intelligent mind, but also devil support behind it, more importantly his identity: Magic Master!

In this World, the Magic Master comes with a high-altitude aura. Even if every mercenary knows that Lua is the ‘bad guy’ who trades with the devil, they don’t care if they see the iron ore. Is there a difference between a good person and a bad person?

When Devil-Beast claws tear your chest away, when Devil-Beast teeth bite your bones, it will first ask if you are a good or a bad person?

No, no.

It is not a good person who can protect your life, but an iron mother armor or an iron mother shield.

Rhea plucked the iron ore from the hands of the Abyss demon, and the Golden Horn devil also obtained a large amount of Magic material from human hands. Both benefit and the cooperation is naturally closer. However, Tang Shidao felt that… the plot was too slow.

In two or three months, Aunt Ruanqiang stood firm.

Looking at the law and trying to calculate, I also tried to take time to practice summoning spells. Tang Shidao secretly thought Sorry: It’s not that you don’t work hard, I can’t follow your true life track. After all, you have failed in real history.

the next day.

Tang Shidao Play a nerd role and come to the head of the most famous mercenary group in the area.

“Law Master, I don’t know if you ask us to come.”

“You, my friend Tang, I want to ask you to talk about something. Sorry, I am working on everyone. I will ask for a red moon pub.” Although Lua is a mage, he is now laying down his body to be a slick businessman.

“Well, well, give you face. Don is it, something to say quickly.” The people were impatient.

Tang Shidao doesn’t mind either.

After all, it feels like these people are just a bunch of data.

Open the book.

Tang Shidao slowly read: “The mad wolf mercenary group, the establishment of 16 years, the task 284 times, casualties 605 people, the average death of each person 2 people.”

“What do you mean?” The tall man in a wolf-headed helmet violently, and the broad-edged sword has been unsheathed.

Tang Shidao continues: “The Warrior Mercenary Corps, established 23 Year, only for large tasks, 67 missions 422 people, each time an average of 5 people.”

“…” The male man in the cow helmet did not speak, only touched the knife.

“The blood tiger mercenary group, the establishment of 5 years, the task a total of 52 times, death 374 people, each time the average death 7 people.”

“…” A one-eyed man clenched his fist.

“The iron thorns mercenary, the 64 year, the oldest mercenary group…”

“On average, 3 people die every time. I have counted, brat, what do you want to say?” A bearded white old mercener hated the channel.

Tang Shidao ignored it.


One by one, the data of all the mercenary groups in the field will be read once, completely ignoring the anger of everyone, and finally said: “The above are the casualties of the local mercenary groups, recorded until yesterday. I believe most of you are Know your own things, but you can’t pay attention to another set of numbers.”

Everyone listens.

If this little guy can’t say something right, even if it’s a friend of Law, he can’t make a mistake.

Tang Shidao flipped the book again: “I counted your records and found a set of interesting numbers. All the ‘sentinel’ of the mercenary group came back alive, and the mercenary group had only an average of 30% of casualties. The casualties of the mercenary group are several times more than usual.”

“When are we the mercenaries on the first day, who doesn’t know the importance of the sentinel.” Some heads roared.

“更有趣的是,死亡佣兵的比例是……法师6%,死亡率最低。然后是魔铳手23%,盾卫31%,刺客37%,近战Warrior 48%,最高是哨探,高达87%的比率。”

“…” The head of the group is silent.

The general task needs to go through the edge of the bones and enter the Devil-Beast site. The sentinel is also the most important ‘eye’.

Therefore, the sentinel is also the most dangerous.

Walking in the forefront of the sentinel, I have been able to live for five rounds.

“brat, you let us come over, don’t you want to deliberately laugh at us?” The oldest qualified iron thorns are cold and cold, and the steel sword in the hand is also half pulled.

“Of course not, I am not that busy.” Tang Shidao took out a glass bottle with a red poison bee: “It is one of the Lifeforms in Abyss, called the bloodsucking bee. There are many such things in Abyss, Very annoying, the most scum is that it has no fighting or medicinal value.”

A group of mercenaries listened, and they knew that this was the beginning.

“The blood-sucking poison bee is harmful and useless, and its poison is very annoying. According to the experiment, people who have been sucked by blood-sucking bees will be seriously poisoned, their limbs will be weak, their bodies will be weak, and their eyes will have visual hallucinations.” Tang Shidao said that he took out a map of the surrounding area and then invited three thin children to come in and said: “They are all my testers and have been feeding the poison bee children.”

Mercenaries are somewhat unbearable in their eyes, while others do not matter.

Tang Shidao continues to explain: “No matter what you think, it doesn’t matter. Frankly, I just want to help these children. There are too many mercenaries on the edge of the bones, and there are too many women who do the flesh business. The children here are starving for a month. Dozens. So… I just said that the poisoned person’s eyes will have hallucinations, then the first one, you come. Say what you saw.”

Indicate the first child.

The child is embarrassed, afraid to come forward. Tang Shidao took out a loaf of bread. He immediately took it and put it in his clothes. He whispered: “I saw a group of wolves, a group of wolves with horns. There are also a group of wild dogs, and there are a lot of thorns on the back. Dogs. And… there are a lot of woods around, white trees, a bit like metal.”

The heads of the mercenaries listened to the wood.

Tang Shidao pointed at the map: “I said it is Yinsonglin. Do you have any objections? Well, let me talk about, how many horned wolves?”

“Probably… probably 40 to 60 only, I didn’t see it too clearly.”

“Well, you, what do you see?” Tang Shidao asked another person.

“I saw blue deer, a big group, the total is 156 only. They are very quiet, I counted four times, not wrong. There are six black snakes in the grass nearby, with white spots, very large It’s bigger than me.” The second little girl was much more calm.

Tang Shidao pointed at the map, and all the mercenaries nodded and looked mad.

What the third child said is not important.

This is the result!

The blood-sucking poisonous bee will suck blood and will be poisoned, which will cause people to produce illusion… However, this illusion is the vision of the blood-sucking poison bee.

This is the sentinel!

The mercenaries understood why Tang could help the children here.

The blood-sucking poisonous bee is very harmful. The poisoned person will have soft limbs and weak body. The mercenary will definitely not do it. In contrast, using these children to ‘feed’ vampire bees is much simpler, give them a full meal. Even if you are sucked up more, you can make up the good meat and good food.

“Are they flexible?” the mercenary leaders asked in a hurry.

“It will fly, at least ten times better than the human sentinel. And they are very numerous, even if they die ten or eight. It is a pity that you are the head of the team. How many orphans can you raise a sentinel?” “Tang Shidao indifferently said.”

“How to control?”

“Using the queen of the queen, you can easily build a large sentinel army with just a few mage.”

“Thank you, Tang, these things are the best weapon for us.”

“I am just doing business.”

In a few words, a big business is done. Rhea is very shocked and feels normal at the same time. After all, the mercenary group is no better than the army, and can’t afford thunderbirds or wind hawks. Vampire bees, orphans, both were the most insignificant and useless things, but they are now the most important agents of the mercenary group.

Think deeply.

Or there is nothing useless in the world, only people who will not use it.

Lua is very lucky.

With the help of this good friend of Tang, my wish may be completed faster.

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