Mage Network

Chapter 289

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 289: Magic trip 3, I know that this is the beginning of this counterattack, floating astronomy

Kirana did not marry, and Rua was drunk for the first time, happy to be drunk. In this Magic World, there are many things that the mages are vying for each other’s wives, and there are many things to marry and marry. But for the younger brother of Rua, he really hopes that Kirana will not marry anyone, just waiting for herself to be the groom.

Because of the grief and indignation of the City Lord, the military and police have been tracking for a long time.

As a result, naturally there is no result.

This time.

Lua has been working hard and has been rushing to the first level of the class in just three or four months. Of course, it is still worse than the punk that is full of instruments. You punch, people fight money, you fight too much. The school’s several hunting missions, Pengke’s group, were all good harvests, and the law was no longer able to compete, so there was still no use of Tang Shidao.

“Idiot, with a Fireball only, even a piece of instrument is not poor light team.” Punk and others laughed every time.

“Tang’s research ability is ten times better than you.” Law has a mouthful every time.

“How about that, not enough for me to kill a device.” Punk can not lose his mouth.

“Without a ruler, you are not as good as a pig.”

“I rely on having money, you can drop. You are so poor, but dare to think that Kirana will be a female general, and not sneak in the urine.”


When it comes to Kirana, Lua can’t win. He was completely unable to debate in this regard, and the goddess in her mind did not use it as a material for quarreling.

Punker wins every time, he has Kira this must win card.

Time has passed.

In a few months, Tang Shidao was also 17 years old from the age of sixteen… In fact, it took only one day. This task space is a database of time ‘overflow’, most of which is thought to be generally fast.

At this moment.

Law has changed from the first class to the first in the school. Very embarrassed, the Punk full movement technique can not beat the law. After all, the masters here are crispy, and those who are good at fighting and good at spilling money can’t die. Really desperate, Punk can not fight to win.

In the game, Lua won.

However, there is a very unreasonable setting in this world called: Calling parents!

Punk didn’t need to look for one of his ten masters, just call his big brother.

A lightning bolt over Tang Shidao.

The two brothers spelled one person, and they also laid down the law in ten minutes.

Tang Shidao was thinking about how to ‘create a missing person’, an unexpected, an inevitable story happened.

Punker stepped on the chest of Lua and said with a smile: “How are you convinced, poor ghosts? Āiyā, dare to marry me? Look at me, you are not dead… you are the poor family of the Master, I am killing you. I am not afraid to tell you that your mother who loves to help orphans is what we can clean up. Unfortunately, I didn’t kill her… Ah, what are your eyes, do you dare to report the case? Go, go, it’s me. grandson.”

A mad man, Lua was beaten not adult.

of course.

The students of the appointment knew that the two brothers of Punk didn’t dare to kill.

Soon after, the father of Lua came over and responded to his son and Tang Shidao. When Rua asked about mother’s business, he only had one sentence: “Do you still think that your mother will not be in danger again? Give me a forget, don’t think about anything. Remember, Bayes is not something we can’t afford, you do anything. It’s all courting death.”

Lua listened quietly, his face was unchanged, his fist was tight.

Tang Shidao knew that the plot had not changed, and he saved his mother, but Pengke still said things, and said with fear.

And then.

Law has always been a secret thing, of course, Tang Shidao has been secretly monitoring.

About two months later.

With a chance, Lua tied the drunken Punk and sneaked to a secret crypt, Altar. Next, Lua made a special deal: he directly sacrificed the horrified punk and summoned the golden horn demon of Abyss. Punk is Magic apprentice, and it is worth the money for the devil. But this is not enough. The devil proposes that no matter how many Strengths Luya will practice in the future, it will be divided into half and paid every ten years.

For the strong Strength of Rhea, he agreed.

The Golden Horn devil laughs.

Looking at the Strokes and the fainting of the law, with the punk ready to leave.

“Wait a minute.”

Tang Shidao knows where the first problem is, and now has to come out to make up the pot.

“Who are you, mortal?”

“Don, are you coming to save me? Help me, fast. Law is crazy, he is dealing with the devil. You save me, I promise that my father will give you a hundred times return. Fast, fast Come to save me.” Punk grabbed the last straw and cried.

The Golden Horn demon slammed hard and let Punk scream: “Shut up, mortal. You are mine, no one can save you.”

Tang Shidao has a hand: “Yes, I have no plans to save him.”

Punk listened to stupidity and roared: “No, no, no… Devil Sir, don’t kill me. He… He can, Don, he is a very good mage… No, no, I don’t dare to lie. You are a very good scholar, I am just an idiot, I am useless to you, you take him away, he has great use for you.”

The Golden Horn devil turned his head and laughed.

Tang Shidao said with a slight smile : “Yes, let’s sign a master servant contract. This guy is too noisy, please trouble you first.”

The Golden Horn demon throws Punk and swallows it.

“People, do you want to be my servant?”

“No, you got it wrong. It’s you who want to be a servant. I am Master, you are a slave.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Hey… are you teasing me?”

“No. You haven’t let me tease the qualification, really.”

The golden demon roared and swung his claws.

The result is.

Needless to say, it took less than two minutes to get down.

“Signing a master servant contract.”

“Don’t think, human! Commander of Abyss, you can accept a mortal drive! Kill me, my honor is with Hell!”

“Go, the gods of the arachnid, first beat for three hours, don’t kill.”

“Wait a minute.”


“I signed.”


The Golden Horn demon has no power to fight back in front of the gods and crows. Think of being beaten for three hours, it decisively signed the master servant contract. For the devil, the bones are such a thing that the bones are broken and there is no more. Even if it is more than three hours, maybe another eight hours of beating.

Think about it, or sign a security.

“Master, what is your order?” The Golden Horn devil shed tears and the face is respectful.

“Ruya is my friend. His contract is managed by me. You are not allowed to do any articles with it. Remember, don’t expose my identity. In the future, according to the original contract, you can help the law, you have something to do.” Inform me to take the shot. You can rest assured that I have a magic horn that is enough to protect your life. Even if you die in Abyss, I can completely resurrect you.”

Hearing this kind of benefit, the Golden Horn demon is not calm.

I am looking for proof.

Tang Shidao simply let the God Wings kill it, and demonstrate a number of rebirths. As a result, the resurrected Golden Horn devil decided to hold his thighs. I want to go back to Abyss and definitely expand the site. Even if the dangerous things are done, the Master is not afraid of death.

For a while.

Lua woke up, and there was nothing on the scene. Tang Shidao and the devil had disappeared.

After that.

The disappearance of Punk’s angered his father.

One of the top ten masters of the Red Rock City, the launch of Weilai is really terrifying. It is a pity that the incident was very clean and Tang Shidao did not need to clean up the traces. In addition to the demon event, Tang Shidao does not need to blend the development of the plot. It is even said that some mercenaries in Chishicheng found clues and secretly were killed by the little demon summoned by Lua.

The development of the matter was perfect. Except for several hidden dangers, it was cleared by Tang Shidao. The result was almost the same as that of Lua.

A few days later.

Lua was also taken away for investigation and suffered from some flesh and blood.

However, the law firm who had the devil’s contract was not asked anything, and the military and police were in vain.

As for Tang Shidao.

Well, who will manage a poor scholar who only works with Fireball.

The next script.

It may still be on the original track, or it may have changed… The Bayesian family can’t find the murderer, and they are angry and shy, just find a venting object. Unfortunately, Lua’s parents were eyeing. Tang Shidao is very speechless, the true history of the law of the mother is dead. But without her, Bayes is still likely to start with the father of the law.

Can be very sure.

These things Tang Shidao did not mix much, and there is no direct relationship with the law.

The results are as agreed.

Through the plan of the little devil understood the Bayesian family, Rua also knows that they want to take their parents as murderers. Bayes not only wants to kill the parents of the law, but also takes away all the property. Bayes secretly did a lot of bad things, such as selling people, and selling arms, for example, they are planning to put the crime on the head of the parents.

Do both things and do both.

Upon hearing these plans, Lua had to make a contract with the Golden Horn Devil to get its direct help at a greater cost.

“Don, you are my only friend, I have to do this.” Lua did not hide.

“I understand.” Tang Shidao nodded gently.

I wonder if I disagree, my ‘servant’ dare to agree with your contract.

“Do you support me? Support me to trade with the devil?”

“Well, I will help you.”

“Really? Don, it is… it is a real demon.” Lua is a little unbelievable.

“No, Bayes is more like a demon than it is.”

“hehe hehe, yes, you are right. Tang, Bayes is more like a demon than it.” Lua did not hesitate, this is his original ending. On the night of the help, Lua raided Bay’s residence and caused a demon invasion in the city.

Things are going on.

Lawa will be like the protagonist of the novel, from blunt to elite, from desperate to counterattack, and then because the joint demons are spurned by the world.

At present, this road has already become the beginning of the novel.

However, Tang Shidao does not want to turn the task into hell.

So… still the crow.

one more time.

The crows who reported to grace saved the parents of the law, who would have died in the chaos. Similarly, the crows also published all the ‘sin’ evidence of the Bayesian family, spreading the city, including trafficking in human beings and treason selling arms. Of course, their secret murder of the law of the parents was also exposed.


Although the law and the devil did a bad thing, people had half the sympathy for him.

“This time my parents are fine. But, Tang, I have to leave.”

“I know, I will leave with you.” Tang Shidao nodded. I wonder if you can continue without the plot, I don’t believe that you can create the ‘single spell’ alone. At this level, plus the devil does not do Kirana.

“Maybe we will have a hard time.” Lua exclaimed.

“Nothing, I also learned a few new spells.” Tang Shidao nodded.

I am thinking: You are the protagonist of this good show, I really believe it, but… you are the protagonist of the mainstream.

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