Mage Network

Chapter 288

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 288: Magic trip 2, there is no ideal difference between people and salted fish, floating astronomy

In the past six months, Tang Shidao has been studying hard for half a year.

During this period, the students in the class met, and the teacher of the Academy also inquired clearly. The guards and workers of the school, even the famous people in the city, had all heard about it. In the end, there was no clue. The whole task is like a joke, even the task protagonist and task content can not be found.

have to say.

The person who left this task is either a madman or a peerless genius.

The difficulty of the mission has nothing to do with Strength. Even if you know the people in the whole city, you still don’t know who the protagonist is. Think about the wizards who failed in the previous missions. I am afraid that many people will fail to know who the protagonist is. I don鈥檛 know if I have found the right person and whether I have done the right thing.

There is no correct answer to this task.

No one can confirm that he is looking for the right person, except for the person who posted the task.

Tang Shidao also doubts.

In the past six months, the real ‘protagonist’ will die because of man-made disasters or fires. You should know that people who go out to hunt in this city die several times a month, and there are often people who suffer from fighting in the city. This is not a Continent, every guard will resurrection, most of the injured in addition to the Master’s treatment, sent to the hospital may be injured and died.

Just say it.

Some poor people will die here. If the protagonist is not stable in life, it is not strange to starve to death.

“Don, what are you studying?” Lua is as good as before, and it is not bad in the Academy. His innate talent is excellent, but he is extremely lazy. If someone else works hard five or six times to do something, he will do it once or twice. Because of this Aptitude, the whole person is also a bit sloppy.

“I’m researching a double-fired Fireball.” Tang Shidao sighed slightly.

鈥淐an this be successful?鈥?/p>

“Can’t make it out.” Tang Shidao did not say that he was unsuccessful. He only said that he could not make it. In fact, Tang Shidao has been successful in research a few months ago. It is a pity that it is isolated like the Strength and the curse. In the book of the law, you can find the small Fireball and the derived double-fired Fireball, but the double-fired Fireball is in an ‘unusable’ state.

Therefore, Tang Shidao came to the conclusion that it was not that he couldn’t do it, nor that the spell couldn’t, but that the database could not read something.

For example, curse.

For example, body lice.

For example, implements and alchemy potions.

This place can only read your own spells and mana simply, and the rest are unknown. Derived spells here, the actual effect is there, but this place will not reread the second time, it only retains the original archived data.

In other words.

I can’t get stronger here, it’s just a moment I just came in.

This limitation… 1% is related to the mission!

One of the requirements of the mission is below the Holy Land. The protagonist here once created the ‘single spell’ and estimated that he has the level of the Holy Land. The place to be killed is here. Do the task mage can wait, see who can become a holy sect, and then go to help. However, it is below the holy place and ran to help a sacred wizard. Obviously, you are holding thighs. It is hard to say that the protagonist ignores you.

I want to delay the help, you can’t get it.

I want to pay in advance, you can’t find who the protagonist is.

have to say.

This task is tormenting people, and there is no sincerity to give benefits.

As small days continue, Tang Shidao does not study derivative spells, and concentrates on the basic theory. During this time, Tang Shidao turned into a nerdy Magic apprentice, dealing only with books and ancient books every day. The Academy’s Teacher looked in the eyes, and the relief was a shame. Diligence is a good thing, but innate talent is too bad. For more than half a year, Tang did not learn anything except Fireball.

“Tang’s theory class is still very good, but this World needs a mage, not a scholar.” Teacher dark secretly sighed.

“Yes, Tang is working very hard. I have rarely seen such a diligent student. But he tried hard to practice, and the result is still not as good as the one that only one-fifth of him paid. Innate talent is not good, plus orphans. Family, destined to miss the Master. It is a pity that such a diligent student.” Academy Headmaster also sighed.

They feel sympathy in their hearts, but they can’t do anything.

The resources of the Magic School will not be tilted towards ‘poor students’ and will only take precedence over students with excellent grades. Officials in the city, rich people, mages, Chamber of Commerce, they only need to see the results. If the level of graduates falls during the year, funding will be reduced next year.

In the teacher’s opinion, Tang Shidao ‘diligence’ and Lua’s ‘innate talent’ add up to perfection.

Unfortunately, they are two people.

Campus life continues, but sometimes there are always things going on.

“Punk, return the painting to me!” Lua played with the poor brat, naturally rejected by the rich children.

“I see, who is painting…h膩 h膩 ……” Punk is the head of the students in the class. Not that his grades are good, and because his father is one of the most famous ten masters in the city. This is not a big town, but the name of the top ten masters in the city can also be deaf.

The law is chasing, and Punk is more proud.

Brute force ripped open the picture.

In the painting.

It is a very heroic woman.

“Ah, Empire Eagle, Holy Sword, Ms. Kirana…h膩 h膩 h膩, actually the most famous female general of Empire. You actually…h膩 h膩 h膩 Ha, you are not in the mage family, actually dare to sigh Empire Eagle… I look at how many pictures you have drawn? Twenty-six! All are Ms. Kirana. Law, you are not a follower? It鈥檚 disgusting, you even have a picture of a bathrobe…”

“That’s what I imagined! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!” Rhea was furious and thrilled.

“courting death, dare to throw a fist at me.” Punk waved his hand and slammed a current.

He can’t do lightning in seconds.

However, he has money and can do it with the instruments he bought.

“Aah…” Rhea was hit by lightning, and the whole person instantly became stinky. But for everyone to be surprised, he actually endured the pain and pounced on Punk. Punk is also a parallel, the lightning is not broken, the two are holding a scent of lightning.

By the time other people reacted, the two had fallen down.

Among the people present.

Including the teacher can not react at this moment, except Tang Shidao. However, Tang Shidao did not shoot because Tang Shidao did not want to do too much personal factors. Anyway, neither of them is fatal. It doesn’t matter if you suffer a bit. Here is the spell world, healing can easily cure them.

Things got a lot of trouble, and both parents came.


Compared to the ‘father’ of one of the top ten punks, the parents of the law are a few dozen streets. Although it is also a mage, there is only a bow from the meeting to the present. After all, they are not Master Mage Masters, and they have no self-esteem. Here, the Master who saw the high Rank 1 had to bow his head and did not dare to offend half a point.

Tang Shidao has been watching the excitement.

If the law has trouble, he will help, but the general situation is still natural.


Things have come to a subtle step.

The Eagle of the Empire, the general of Kirana, just came to the city and discussed with the ten masters of the city. Hearing about himself, Kirana also took a look. Punk and Lua have been cured, and both of them face a glamorous female general who has a blush.

Kirana looked at the painting.

Going to the head of Lua, I touched his head: “Draw well, but you are going in the wrong direction. You are Magic apprentice, you should study Magic instead of painting. I have heard of you, very much. Innate talent, but a very lazy little guy. No matter what you have, give up. Empire doesn’t need a lazy and incompetent person, and I don’t like your lazy little boy.”

Kirana is not malicious.

Tang Shidao saw her sword and knew that she was a very hardworking person, 1% who practiced every day.

For the little lazy person of Law.

There is no doubt that she really can’t see her eyes.


At this moment, the moment that everyone did not pay attention, Tang Shidao found that the complexion of the law has changed. It seems that something in his heart has broken. Suddenly, the law suddenly entered another state, from the little boy who was slightly shy, and instantly became calm like a lake.

You are the protagonist!

Tang Shidao smiled.

There is no real answer to this task, but Tang Shidao subconsciously judged that Lua is the protagonist of the play.

A bang.

Rhea’s father slaps him a slap. In a blink of an eye, Rhea’s half face was swollen. However, the expression of the law is very calm, calm to be beaten is not their own. He looked up and looked at the general of Kirana, there was no hate in her eyes, but there was a kind of expression that ‘you must be mine’.

For a moment, he lowered his head again.

No one except Tang Shidao pays attention to his attitude.


For a moment, Tang Shidao really wanted to take Kirana and forced her to marry Lua. However, the thoughts were immediately abandoned again… the script did not go this way. Doing this yourself is likely to mess up the task, or wait and see it becomes wonderful.

“Nothing, give me a face, don’t punish this child.” Kirana was comforted and was a crit on Lua.


In her eyes, law is just a child!

Because of the female general’s feelings, the law is of course nothing, that is, a few slaps by the father.

Finally, things are over.

At least on the surface everything is completely over.

the next day.

“Don, I want to study summoning spells with you, and I have the most experience in this regard.” Lua became eager to learn.

“Law, of course.” Tang Shidao knows, you were calling the big cow.

History cannot be changed by itself.

This is not a time-lapse, here is just a record of information. Even if you destroy everything here, the result is a mission failure. The next master who comes in to do the task will replace Ning Yi as a poor student.

and so.

After identifying the protagonist, Tang Shidao can interfere with the story. Both Mrs. Wuyun and Hu Xian said: The ancestor of the Queen of the Stars failed. This means that Lua did not reach the general of Kirana. To complete the task, you must ‘complete’ the wish.

The next ten days.

Everything is as usual.

The difference is that Law has become diligent, focusing on learning and training. Tang Shidao guides him like a teacher and asks other teachers to help.

Two strange things happened these days.

First, the mother of the law, almost killed by the devil wolves when the mission. However, a crow saved her and said to her: Don’t thank me, this little thing is not worth mentioning compared to the grace of your orphanage that year.

When people listen, there is nothing wrong with it.

The mother of the law has always given food to the orphans, and a good person, there should be good news.

The second thing.

The third son of the City Lord of the city, because of the fat man who manages the casino to become a rich man, directly used 3,500 lions to marry the general of Kirana. Because Kirana’s Griffin Legion suffered heavy losses in the last battle, for the companions of the Legion, Kirana answered the proposal. This incident even the king sent a gift, it can be said that there is no earth-shaking change, the casino wealthy 1% hundred became the first husband of Kirana.


He was killed by three thunder and lightning.

This is not a natural disaster. The scene still leaves a line: this life, the father who cut my hands off the casino!

As a result, the Empire military police went around and went crazy to find relevant clues.

In fact.

They can’t find the murderer… The two sides are not in the same series!

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